@ -105,11 +105,33 @@ specify exactly the dependency you want to update, eg.
## Protobuf
We use [Protocol Buffers](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers) along with [gogoproto](https://github.com/gogo/protobuf) to generate code for use across Tendermint Core.
We use [Protocol Buffers](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers) along
with [`gogoproto`](https://github.com/gogo/protobuf) to generate code for use
across Tendermint Core.
For linting, checking breaking changes and generating proto stubs, we use [buf](https://buf.build/). If you would like to run linting and check if the changes you have made are breaking then you will need to have docker running locally. Then the linting cmd will be `make proto-lint` and the breaking changes check will be `make proto-check-breaking`.
To generate proto stubs, lint, and check protos for breaking changes, you will
need to install [buf](https://buf.build/) and `gogoproto`. Then, from the root
of the repository, run:
We use [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) to generate the protobuf stubs. To generate the stubs yourself, make sure docker is running then run `make proto-gen`. This command uses the spec repo to get the necessary protobuf files for generating the go code. If you are modifying the proto files manually for changes in the core data structures, you will need to clone them into the go repo and comment out lines 22-37 of the file `./scripts/protocgen.sh`.
# Lint all of the .proto files in proto/tendermint
make proto-lint
# Check if any of your local changes (prior to committing to the Git repository)
# are breaking
make proto-check-breaking
# Generate Go code from the .proto files in proto/tendermint
make proto-gen
To automatically format `.proto` files, you will need
[`clang-format`](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) installed. Once
$(error "buf is required for Protobuf building, linting and breakage checking. See https://docs.buf.build/installation for installation instructions.")
$(error "gogofaster plugin for protoc is required. Run 'go install github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogofaster@latest' to install")
$(error "clang-format is required for Protobuf formatting. See instructions for your platform on how to install it.")
@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ This section will cover settings within the p2p section of the `config.toml`.
- `pex` = turns the peer exchange reactor on or off. Validator node will want the `pex` turned off so it would not begin gossiping to unknown peers on the network. PeX can also be turned off for statically configured networks with fixed network connectivity. For full nodes on open, dynamic networks, it should be turned on.
- `private-peer-ids` = is a comma-separated list of node ids that will _not_ be exposed to other peers (i.e., you will not tell other peers about the ids in this list). This can be filled with a validator's node id.
Recently the Tendermint Team conducted a refactor of the p2p layer. This lead to multiple config paramters being deprecated and/or replaced.
Recently the Tendermint Team conducted a refactor of the p2p layer. This lead to multiple config parameters being deprecated and/or replaced.
We will cover the new and deprecated parameters below.
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ An overhaul of the existing interface between the application and consensus, to
### Proposer-Based Timestamps
Proposer-based timestamps are a replacement of [BFT time](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/spec/consensus/bft-time.html), whereby the proposer chooses a timestamp and validators vote on the block only if the timestamp is considered *timely*. This increases reliance on an accurate local clock, but in exchange makes block time more reliable and resistant to faults. This has important use cases in light clients, IBC relayers, CosmosHub inflation and enabling signature aggregation. [More](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/docs/architecture/adr-071-proposer-based-timestamps.md)
Proposer-based timestamps are a replacement of [BFT time](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/spec/consensus/bft-time.md), whereby the proposer chooses a timestamp and validators vote on the block only if the timestamp is considered *timely*. This increases reliance on an accurate local clock, but in exchange makes block time more reliable and resistant to faults. This has important use cases in light clients, IBC relayers, CosmosHub inflation and enabling signature aggregation. [More](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/docs/architecture/adr-071-proposer-based-timestamps.md)
meaning they are configured by the ABCI application and are expected to be the
same across all nodes on the network.
### `Precision`
The `Precision` parameter configures the acceptable upper-bound of clock drift
among all of the nodes on a Tendermint network. Any two nodes on a Tendermint
network are expected to have clocks that differ by at most `Precision`
milliseconds any given instant.
### `MessageDelay`
The `MessageDelay` parameter configures the acceptable upper-bound for
transmitting a `Proposal` message from the proposer to _all_ of the validators
on the network.
Networks should choose as small a value for `MessageDelay` as is practical,
provided it is large enough that messages can reach all participants with high
probability given the number of participants and latency of their connections.
## Algorithm Concepts
### Block timestamps
Each block produced by the Tendermint consensus engine contains a timestamp.
The timestamp produced in each block is a meaningful representation of time that is
useful for the protocols and applications built on top of Tendermint.
The following protocols and application features require a reliable source of time:
* Tendermint Light Clients [rely on correspondence between their known time](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/spec/light-client/verification/README.md#definitions-1) and the block time for block verification.
* Tendermint Evidence validity is determined [either in terms of heights or in terms of time](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/spec/consensus/evidence.md#verification).
* Unbonding of staked assets in the Cosmos Hub [occurs after a period of 21