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Computing attack types (#232)

Add light attack evidence handling
Josef Widder 4 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
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rust-spec/lightclient/ View File

@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ with a trusted header and validator set. The light client
protocol allows a client to then securely update its trusted state by requesting and
verifying a minimal set of data from a network of full nodes (at least one of which is correct).
The light client is decomposed into three components:
The light client is decomposed into two main components:
- Commit Verification - verify signed headers and associated validator
- [Commit Verification](#Commit-Verification) - verify signed headers and associated validator
set changes from a single full node, called primary
- Fork Detection - verify commits across multiple full nodes (called secondaries) and detect conflicts (ie. the existence of forks)
- Fork Accountability - given a fork, which validators are responsible for it.
- [Attack Detection](#Attack-Detection) - verify commits across multiple full nodes (called secondaries) and detect conflicts (ie. the existence of a lightclient attack)
In case a lightclient attack is detected, the lightclient submits evidence to a full node which is responsible for "accountability", that is, punishing attackers:
- [Accountability](#Accountability) - given evidence for an attack, compute a set of validators that are responsible for it.
## Commit Verification
@ -175,10 +178,23 @@ All lines in `results.csv` should report `Error`.
The detailed experimental results are to be added soon.
## Fork Accountability
## Accountability
The [English specification](attacks/
defines the protocol that is executed on a full node upon receiving attack [evidence](detection/ from a lightclient. In particular, the protocol handles three types of attacks
- lunatic
- equivocation
- amnesia
As is discussed in the [last part](attacks/ of the English specification, computer-aided analysis of [Tendermint Consensus in TLA+][tendermint-accountability] shows that these three types capture all possible attacks.
The [TLA+ specification](attacks/Isolation_001_draft.tla)
is a formal description of the
protocol, including the safety property, which can be model checked with Apalache.
There is no English specification yet. TODO: Jovan's work?
Similar to the other specifications, [MC_5_3.tla](attacks/MC_5_3.tla) contains concrete parameters to run the model checker. The specification can be checked within seconds.
TODO: there is a WIP [TLA+
specification]( in the
verification repo that should be moved over here.

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rust-spec/lightclient/attacks/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
# Lightclient Attackers Isolation
Adversarial nodes may have the incentive to lie to a lightclient about the state of a Tendermint blockchain. An attempt to do so is called attack. Light client [verification][verification] checks incoming data by checking a so-called "commit", which is a forwarded set of signed messages that is (supposedly) produced during executing Tendermint consensus. Thus, an attack boils down to creating and signing Tendermint consensus messages in deviation from the Tendermint consensus algorithm rules.
As Tendermint consensus and light client verification is safe under the assumption of more than 2/3 of correct voting power per block [[TMBC-FM-2THIRDS]][TMBC-FM-2THIRDS-link], this implies that if there was an attack then [[TMBC-FM-2THIRDS]][TMBC-FM-2THIRDS-link] was violated, that is, there is a block such that
- validators deviated from the protocol, and
- these validators represent more than 1/3 of the voting power in that block.
In the case of an [attack][node-based-attack-characterization], the lightclient [attack detection mechanism][detection] computes data, so called evidence [[LC-DATA-EVIDENCE.1]][LC-DATA-EVIDENCE-link], that can be used
- to proof that there has been attack [[TMBC-LC-EVIDENCE-DATA.1]][TMBC-LC-EVIDENCE-DATA-link] and
- as basis to find the actual nodes that deviated from the Tendermint protocol.
This specification considers how a full node in a Tendermint blockchain can isolate a set of attackers that launched the attack. The set should satisfy
- the set does not contain a correct validator
- the set contains validators that represent more than 1/3 of the voting power of a block that is still within the unbonding period
# Outline
After providing the [problem statement](#Part-I---Basics-and-Definition-of-the-Problem), we specify the [isolator function](#Part-II---Protocol) and close with the discussion about its [correctness](#Part-III---Completeness) which is based on computer-aided analysis of Tendermint Consensus.
# Part I - Basics and Definition of the Problem
For definitions of data structures used here, in particular LightBlocks [[LCV-DATA-LIGHTBLOCK.1]](, we refer to the specification of [Light Client Verification][verification].
The specification of the [detection mechanism][detection] describes
- what is a light client attack,
- conditions under which the detector will detect a light client attack,
- and the format of the output data, called evidence, in the case an attack is detected. The format is defined in
[[LC-DATA-EVIDENCE.1]][LC-DATA-EVIDENCE-link] and looks as follows
type LightClientAttackEvidence struct {
ConflictingBlock LightBlock
CommonHeight int64
The isolator is a function that gets as input evidence `ev`
and a prefix of the blockchain `bc` at least up to height `ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height + 1`. The output is a set of *peerIDs* of validators.
We assume that the full node is synchronized with the blockchain and has reached the height `ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height + 1`.
#### **[LCAI-INV-Output.1]**
When an output is generated it satisfies the following properties:
- If
- `bc[CommonHeight].bfttime` is within the unbonding period w.r.t. the time at the full node,
- `ev.ConflictingBlock.Header != bc[ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height]`
- Validators in `ev.ConflictingBlock.Commit` represent more than 1/3 of the voting power in `bc[ev.CommonHeight].NextValidators`
- Then: The output is a set of validators in `bc[CommonHeight].NextValidators` that
- represent more than 1/3 of the voting power in `bc[ev.commonHeight].NextValidators`
- signed Tendermint consensus messages for height `ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height` by violating the Tendermint consensus protocol.
- Else: the empty set.
# Part II - Protocol
Here we discuss how to solve the problem of isolating misbehaving processes. We describe the function `isolateMisbehavingProcesses` as well as all the helping functions below. In [Part III](#part-III---Completeness), we discuss why the solution is complete based on result from analysis with automated tools.
## Isolation
### Outline
We first check whether the conflicting block can indeed be verified from the common height. We then first check whether it was a lunatic attack (violating validity). If this is not the case, we check for equivocation. If this also is not the case, we start the on-chain [accountability protocol](
#### **[LCAI-FUNC-MAIN.1]**
func isolateMisbehavingProcesses(ev LightClientAttackEvidence, bc Blockchain) []ValidatorAddress {
reference := bc[ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height].Header
ev_header := ev.conflictingBlock.Header
ref_commit := bc[ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height + 1].Header.LastCommit // + 1 !!
ev_commit := ev.conflictingBlock.Commit
if violatesTMValidity(reference, ev_header) {
// lunatic light client attack
signatories := Signers(ev.ConflictingBlock.Commit)
bonded_vals := Addresses(bc[ev.CommonHeight].NextValidators)
return intersection(signatories,bonded_vals)
// If this point is reached the validator sets in reference and ev_header are identical
else if RoundOf(ref_commit) == RoundOf(ev_commit) {
// equivocation light client attack
return intersection(Signers(ref_commit), Signers(ev_commit))
else {
// amnesia light client attack
return IsolateAmnesiaAttacker(ev, bc)
- Implementation comment
- If the full node has only reached height `ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height` then `bc[ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height + 1].Header.LastCommit` refers to the locally stored commit for this height. (This commit must be present by the precondition on `length(bc)`.)
- We check in the precondition that the unbonding period is not expired. However, since time moves on, before handing the validators over Cosmos SDK, the time needs to be checked again to satisfy the contract which requires that only bonded validators are reported. This passing of validators to the SDK is out of scope of this specification.
- Expected precondition
- `length(bc) >= ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height`
- `ValidAndVerifiedUnbonding(bc[ev.CommonHeight], ev.ConflictingBlock) == SUCCESS`
- `ev.ConflictingBlock.Header != bc[ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height]`
- `ev.conflictingBlock` satisfies basic validation (in particular all signed messages in the Commit are from the same round)
- Expected postcondition
- [[FN-INV-Output.1]](#FN-INV-Output1) holds
- Error condition
- returns an error if precondition is violated.
### Details of the Functions
#### **[LCAI-FUNC-VVU.1]**
func ValidAndVerifiedUnbonding(trusted LightBlock, untrusted LightBlock) Result
- Conditions are identical to [[LCV-FUNC-VALID.2]][] except the precondition "*trusted.Header.Time > now - trustingPeriod*" is substituted with
- `trusted.Header.Time > now - UnbondingPeriod`
func violatesTMValidity(ref Header, ev Header) boolean
- Implementation remarks
- checks whether the evidence header `ev` violates the validity property of Tendermint Consensus, by checking against a reference header
- Expected precondition
- `ref.Height == ev.Height`
- Expected postcondition
- returns evaluation of the following disjunction
`ref.ValidatorsHash != ev.ValidatorsHash` or
`ref.NextValidatorsHash != ev.NextValidatorsHash` or
`ref.ConsensusHash != ev.ConsensusHash` or
`ref.AppHash != ev.AppHash` or
`ref.LastResultsHash != ev.LastResultsHash`
func IsolateAmnesiaAttacker(ev LightClientAttackEvidence, bc Blockchain) []ValidatorAddress
- Implementation remarks
- This triggers the [query/response protocol](
- Expected postcondition
- returns attackers according to [LCAI-INV-Output.1].
func RoundOf(commit Commit) []ValidatorAddress
- Expected precondition
- `commit` is well-formed. In particular all votes are from the same round `r`.
- Expected postcondition
- returns round `r` that is encoded in all the votes of the commit
- Error condition
- reports error if precondition is violated
func Signers(commit Commit) []ValidatorAddress
- Expected postcondition
- returns all validator addresses in `commit`
func Addresses(vals Validator[]) ValidatorAddress[]
- Expected postcondition
- returns all validator addresses in `vals`
# Part III - Completeness
As discussed in the beginning of this document, an attack boils down to creating and signing Tendermint consensus messages in deviation from the Tendermint consensus algorithm rules.
The main function `isolateMisbehavingProcesses` distinguishes three kinds of wrongly signed messages, namely,
- lunatic: signing invalid blocks
- equivocation: double-signing valid blocks in the same consensus round
- amnesia: signing conflicting blocks in different consensus rounds, without having seen a quorum of messages that would have allowed to do so.
The question is whether this captures all attacks.
First observe that the first check in `isolateMisbehavingProcesses` is `violatesTMValidity`. It takes care of lunatic attacks. If this check passes, that is, if `violatesTMValidity` returns `FALSE` this means that [[LCAI-NONVALID-OUTPUT.1]](#LCAI-FUNC-NONVALID1]) evaluates to false, which implies that `ref.ValidatorsHash = ev.ValidatorsHash`. Hence, after `violatesTMValidity`, all the involved validators are the ones from the blockchain. It is thus sufficient to analyze one instance of Tendermint consensus with a fixed group membership (set of validators). Also, as we have two different blocks for the same height, it is sufficient to consider two different valid consensus values, that is, binary consensus.
For this fixed group membership, we have analyzed the attacks using the TLA+ specification of [Tendermint Consensus in TLA+][tendermint-accountability]. We checked that indeed the only possible scenarios that can lead to violation of agreement are **equivocation** and **amnesia**. An independent study by Galois of the protocol based on [Ivy proofs]( led to the same conclusion.
# References
[[supervisor]] The specification of the light client supervisor.
[[verification]] The specification of the light client verification protocol.
[[detection]] The specification of the light client attack detection mechanism.
[[tendermint-accountability]]: TLA+ specification to check the types of attacks

rust-spec/lightclient/attacks/ → rust-spec/lightclient/attacks/ View File

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rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/001indinv-apalache.csv View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
1,MC_n4_f1.tla,apalache,10h,TypedInv,TypedInv,,--length=1 --cinit=ConstInit
2,MC_n4_f2.tla,apalache,10h,TypedInv,TypedInv,,--length=1 --cinit=ConstInit
3,MC_n5_f1.tla,apalache,10h,TypedInv,TypedInv,,--length=1 --cinit=ConstInit
4,MC_n5_f2.tla,apalache,10h,TypedInv,TypedInv,,--length=1 --cinit=ConstInit
5,MC_n4_f1.tla,apalache,20h,Init,TypedInv,,--length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
6,MC_n4_f2.tla,apalache,20h,Init,TypedInv,,--length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
7,MC_n5_f1.tla,apalache,20h,Init,TypedInv,,--length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
8,MC_n5_f2.tla,apalache,20h,Init,TypedInv,,--length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
9,MC_n4_f1.tla,apalache,20h,TypedInv,Agreement,,--length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
10,MC_n4_f2.tla,apalache,20h,TypedInv,Accountability,,--length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
11,MC_n5_f1.tla,apalache,20h,TypedInv,Agreement,,--length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
12,MC_n5_f2.tla,apalache,20h,TypedInv,Accountability,,--length=0 --cinit=ConstInit

+ 22
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rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/MC_n4_f1.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
----------------------------- MODULE MC_n4_f1 -------------------------------
CONSTANT Proposer \* the proposer function from 0..NRounds to 1..N
\* the variables declared in TendermintAcc3
round, step, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue, validRound,
msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit, evidence, action
INSTANCE TendermintAccDebug_004_draft WITH
Corr <- {"c1", "c2", "c3"},
Faulty <- {"f1"},
N <- 4,
T <- 1,
ValidValues <- { "v0", "v1" },
InvalidValues <- {"v2"},
MaxRound <- 2
\* run Apalache with --cinit=ConstInit
ConstInit == \* the proposer is arbitrary -- works for safety
Proposer \in [Rounds -> AllProcs]

+ 22
- 0
rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/MC_n4_f2.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
----------------------------- MODULE MC_n4_f2 -------------------------------
CONSTANT Proposer \* the proposer function from 0..NRounds to 1..N
\* the variables declared in TendermintAcc3
round, step, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue, validRound,
msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit, evidence, action
INSTANCE TendermintAccDebug_004_draft WITH
Corr <- {"c1", "c2"},
Faulty <- {"f3", "f4"},
N <- 4,
T <- 1,
ValidValues <- { "v0", "v1" },
InvalidValues <- {"v2"},
MaxRound <- 2
\* run Apalache with --cinit=ConstInit
ConstInit == \* the proposer is arbitrary -- works for safety
Proposer \in [Rounds -> AllProcs]

+ 40
- 0
rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/MC_n4_f2_amnesia.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
---------------------- MODULE MC_n4_f2_amnesia -------------------------------
EXTENDS Sequences
CONSTANT Proposer \* the proposer function from 0..NRounds to 1..N
\* the variables declared in TendermintAcc3
round, step, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue, validRound,
msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit, evidence, action
\* the variable declared in TendermintAccTrace3
\* old apalache annotations, fix with the new release
a <: b == a
INSTANCE TendermintAccTrace_004_draft WITH
Corr <- {"c1", "c2"},
Faulty <- {"f3", "f4"},
N <- 4,
T <- 1,
ValidValues <- { "v0", "v1" },
InvalidValues <- {"v2"},
MaxRound <- 2,
Trace <- <<
>> <: Seq(STRING)
\* run Apalache with --cinit=ConstInit
ConstInit == \* the proposer is arbitrary -- works for safety
Proposer \in [Rounds -> AllProcs]

+ 22
- 0
rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/MC_n4_f3.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
----------------------------- MODULE MC_n4_f3 -------------------------------
CONSTANT Proposer \* the proposer function from 0..NRounds to 1..N
\* the variables declared in TendermintAcc3
round, step, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue, validRound,
msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit, evidence, action
INSTANCE TendermintAccDebug_004_draft WITH
Corr <- {"c1"},
Faulty <- {"f2", "f3", "f4"},
N <- 4,
T <- 1,
ValidValues <- { "v0", "v1" },
InvalidValues <- {"v2"},
MaxRound <- 2
\* run Apalache with --cinit=ConstInit
ConstInit == \* the proposer is arbitrary -- works for safety
Proposer \in [Rounds -> AllProcs]

+ 22
- 0
rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/MC_n5_f1.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
----------------------------- MODULE MC_n5_f1 -------------------------------
CONSTANT Proposer \* the proposer function from 0..NRounds to 1..N
\* the variables declared in TendermintAcc3
round, step, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue, validRound,
msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit, evidence, action
INSTANCE TendermintAccDebug_004_draft WITH
Corr <- {"c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"},
Faulty <- {"f5"},
N <- 5,
T <- 1,
ValidValues <- { "v0", "v1" },
InvalidValues <- {"v2"},
MaxRound <- 2
\* run Apalache with --cinit=ConstInit
ConstInit == \* the proposer is arbitrary -- works for safety
Proposer \in [Rounds -> AllProcs]

+ 22
- 0
rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/MC_n5_f2.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
----------------------------- MODULE MC_n5_f2 -------------------------------
CONSTANT Proposer \* the proposer function from 0..NRounds to 1..N
\* the variables declared in TendermintAcc3
round, step, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue, validRound,
msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit, evidence, action
INSTANCE TendermintAccDebug_004_draft WITH
Corr <- {"c1", "c2", "c3"},
Faulty <- {"f4", "f5"},
N <- 5,
T <- 1,
ValidValues <- { "v0", "v1" },
InvalidValues <- {"v2"},
MaxRound <- 2
\* run Apalache with --cinit=ConstInit
ConstInit == \* the proposer is arbitrary -- works for safety
Proposer \in [Rounds -> AllProcs]

+ 22
- 0
rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/MC_n6_f1.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
----------------------------- MODULE MC_n6_f1 -------------------------------
CONSTANT Proposer \* the proposer function from 0..NRounds to 1..N
\* the variables declared in TendermintAcc3
round, step, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue, validRound,
msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit, evidence, action
INSTANCE TendermintAccDebug_004_draft WITH
Corr <- {"c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5"},
Faulty <- {"f6"},
N <- 4,
T <- 1,
ValidValues <- { "v0", "v1" },
InvalidValues <- {"v2"},
MaxRound <- 2
\* run Apalache with --cinit=ConstInit
ConstInit == \* the proposer is arbitrary -- works for safety
Proposer \in [Rounds -> AllProcs]

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rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# Synopsis
A TLA+ specification of a simplified Tendermint consensus, tuned for
fork accountability. The simplifications are as follows:
- the procotol runs for one height, that is, one-shot consensus
- this specification focuses on safety, so timeouts are modelled with
with non-determinism
- the proposer function is non-determinstic, no fairness is assumed
- the messages by the faulty processes are injected right in the initial states
- every process has the voting power of 1
- hashes are modelled as identity
Having the above assumptions in mind, the specification follows the pseudo-code
of the Tendermint paper:
Byzantine processes can demonstrate arbitrary behavior, including
no communication. However, we have to show that under the collective evidence
collected by the correct processes, at least `f+1` Byzantine processes demonstrate
one of the following behaviors:
- Equivocation: a Byzantine process sends two different values
in the same round.
- Amnesia: a Byzantine process locks a value, although it has locked
another value in the past.
# TLA+ modules
- [TendermintAcc_004_draft](TendermintAcc_004_draft.tla) is the protocol
- [TendermintAccInv_004_draft](TendermintAccInv_004_draft.tla) contains an
inductive invariant for establishing the protocol safety as well as the
forking cases,
- `MC_n<n>_f<f>`, e.g., [MC_n4_f1](MC_n4_f1.tla), contains fixed constants for
model checking with the [Apalache model
- [TendermintAccTrace_004_draft](TendermintAccTrace_004_draft.tla) shows how
to restrict the execution space to a fixed sequence of actions (e.g., to
instantiate a counterexample),
- [TendermintAccDebug_004_draft](TendermintAccDebug_004_draft.tla) contains
the useful definitions for debugging the protocol specification with TLC and
# Reasoning about fork scenarios
The theorem statements can be found in
First, we would like to show that `TypedInv` is an inductive invariant.
Formally, the statement looks as follows:
THEOREM TypedInvIsInductive ==
\/ FaultyQuorum
\//\ Init => TypedInv
/\ TypedInv /\ [Next]_vars => TypedInv'
When over two-thirds of processes are faulty, `TypedInv` is not inductive.
However, there is no hope to repair the protocol in this case. We run
[Apalache]( to prove this theorem
only for fixed instances of 4 to 5 validators. Apalache does not parse theorem
statements at the moment, so we ran Apalache using a shell script. To find a
parameterized argument, one has to use a theorem prover, e.g., TLAPS.
Second, we would like to show that the invariant implies `Agreement`, that is,
no fork, provided that less than one third of processes is faulty. By combining
this theorem with the previous theorem, we conclude that the protocol indeed
satisfies Agreement under the condition `LessThanThirdFaulty`.
THEOREM AgreementWhenLessThanThirdFaulty ==
LessThanThirdFaulty /\ TypedInv => Agreement
Third, in the general case, we either have no fork, or two fork scenarios:
THEOREM AgreementOrFork ==
~FaultyQuorum /\ TypedInv => Accountability
# Model checking results
Check the report on [model checking with Apalache](./results/
To run the model checking experiments, use the script:
This script assumes that the apalache build is available in

+ 100
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rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/TendermintAccDebug_004_draft.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
------------------ MODULE TendermintAccDebug_004_draft -------------------------
A few definitions that we use for debugging TendermintAcc3, which do not belong
to the specification itself.
* Version 3. Modular and parameterized definitions.
Igor Konnov, 2020.
EXTENDS TendermintAccInv_004_draft
\* make them parameters?
NFaultyProposals == 0 \* the number of injected faulty PROPOSE messages
NFaultyPrevotes == 6 \* the number of injected faulty PREVOTE messages
NFaultyPrecommits == 6 \* the number of injected faulty PRECOMMIT messages
\* Given a set of allowed messages Msgs, this operator produces a function from
\* rounds to sets of messages.
\* Importantly, there will be exactly k messages in the image of msgFun.
\* We use this action to produce k faults in an initial state.
ProduceFaults(msgFun, From, k) ==
\E f \in [1..k -> From]:
msgFun = [r \in Rounds |-> {m \in {f[i]: i \in 1..k}: m.round = r}]
\* As TLC explodes with faults, we may have initial states without faults
InitNoFaults ==
/\ round = [p \in Corr |-> 0]
/\ step = [p \in Corr |-> "PROPOSE"]
/\ decision = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ lockedValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ lockedRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
/\ validValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ validRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
/\ msgsPropose = [r \in Rounds |-> EmptyMsgSet]
/\ msgsPrevote = [r \in Rounds |-> EmptyMsgSet]
/\ msgsPrecommit = [r \in Rounds |-> EmptyMsgSet]
/\ evidence = EmptyMsgSet
A specialized version of Init that injects NFaultyProposals proposals,
NFaultyPrevotes prevotes, NFaultyPrecommits precommits by the faulty processes
InitFewFaults ==
/\ round = [p \in Corr |-> 0]
/\ step = [p \in Corr |-> "PROPOSE"]
/\ decision = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ lockedValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ lockedRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
/\ validValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ validRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
/\ ProduceFaults(msgsPrevote',
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PREVOTE"}, src: Faulty, round: Rounds, id: Values]),
/\ ProduceFaults(msgsPrecommit',
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PRECOMMIT"}, src: Faulty, round: Rounds, id: Values]),
/\ ProduceFaults(msgsPropose',
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PROPOSAL"}, src: Faulty, round: Rounds,
proposal: Values, validRound: Rounds \cup {NilRound}]),
/\ evidence = EmptyMsgSet
\* Add faults incrementally
NextWithFaults ==
\* either the protocol makes a step
\/ Next
\* or a faulty process sends a message
\//\ UNCHANGED <<round, step, decision, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound, evidence>>
/\ \E p \in Faulty:
\E r \in Rounds:
\//\ UNCHANGED <<msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit>>
/\ \E proposal \in ValidValues \union {NilValue}:
\E vr \in RoundsOrNil:
BroadcastProposal(p, r, proposal, vr)
\//\ UNCHANGED <<msgsPropose, msgsPrecommit>>
/\ \E id \in ValidValues \union {NilValue}:
BroadcastPrevote(p, r, id)
\//\ UNCHANGED <<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote>>
/\ \E id \in ValidValues \union {NilValue}:
BroadcastPrecommit(p, r, id)
(******************************** PROPERTIES ***************************************)
\* simple reachability properties to see that the spec is progressing
NoPrevote == \A p \in Corr: step[p] /= "PREVOTE"
NoPrecommit == \A p \in Corr: step[p] /= "PRECOMMIT"
NoValidPrecommit ==
\A r \in Rounds:
\A m \in msgsPrecommit[r]: = NilValue \/ m.src \in Faulty
NoHigherRounds == \A p \in Corr: round[p] < 1
NoDecision == \A p \in Corr: decision[p] = NilValue

+ 370
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rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/TendermintAccInv_004_draft.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
------------------- MODULE TendermintAccInv_004_draft --------------------------
An inductive invariant for TendermintAcc3, which capture the forked
and non-forked cases.
* Version 3. Modular and parameterized definitions.
* Version 2. Bugfixes in the spec and an inductive invariant.
Igor Konnov, 2020.
EXTENDS TendermintAcc_004_draft
(************************** TYPE INVARIANT ***********************************)
(* first, we define the sets of all potential messages *)
AllProposals ==
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PROPOSAL"},
src: AllProcs,
round: Rounds,
proposal: ValuesOrNil,
validRound: RoundsOrNil])
AllPrevotes ==
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PREVOTE"},
src: AllProcs,
round: Rounds,
id: ValuesOrNil])
AllPrecommits ==
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PRECOMMIT"},
src: AllProcs,
round: Rounds,
id: ValuesOrNil])
(* the standard type invariant -- importantly, it is inductive *)
TypeOK ==
/\ round \in [Corr -> Rounds]
/\ step \in [Corr -> { "PROPOSE", "PREVOTE", "PRECOMMIT", "DECIDED" }]
/\ decision \in [Corr -> ValidValues \union {NilValue}]
/\ lockedValue \in [Corr -> ValidValues \union {NilValue}]
/\ lockedRound \in [Corr -> RoundsOrNil]
/\ validValue \in [Corr -> ValidValues \union {NilValue}]
/\ validRound \in [Corr -> RoundsOrNil]
/\ msgsPropose \in [Rounds -> SUBSET AllProposals]
/\ BenignRoundsInMessages(msgsPropose)
/\ msgsPrevote \in [Rounds -> SUBSET AllPrevotes]
/\ BenignRoundsInMessages(msgsPrevote)
/\ msgsPrecommit \in [Rounds -> SUBSET AllPrecommits]
/\ BenignRoundsInMessages(msgsPrecommit)
/\ evidence \in SUBSET (AllProposals \union AllPrevotes \union AllPrecommits)
/\ action \in {
(************************** INDUCTIVE INVARIANT *******************************)
EvidenceContainsMessages ==
\* evidence contains only the messages from:
\* msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, and msgsPrecommit
\A m \in evidence:
LET r == m.round
t == m.type
CASE t = "PROPOSAL" -> m \in msgsPropose[r]
[] t = "PREVOTE" -> m \in msgsPrevote[r]
[] OTHER -> m \in msgsPrecommit[r]
NoFutureMessagesForLargerRounds(p) ==
\* a correct process does not send messages for the future rounds
\A r \in { rr \in Rounds: rr > round[p] }:
/\ \A m \in msgsPropose[r]: m.src /= p
/\ \A m \in msgsPrevote[r]: m.src /= p
/\ \A m \in msgsPrecommit[r]: m.src /= p
NoFutureMessagesForCurrentRound(p) ==
\* a correct process does not send messages in the future
LET r == round[p] IN
/\ Proposer[r] = p \/ \A m \in msgsPropose[r]: m.src /= p
/\ \/ step[p] \in {"PREVOTE", "PRECOMMIT", "DECIDED"}
\/ \A m \in msgsPrevote[r]: m.src /= p
/\ \/ step[p] \in {"PRECOMMIT", "DECIDED"}
\/ \A m \in msgsPrecommit[r]: m.src /= p
\* the correct processes never send future messages
AllNoFutureMessagesSent ==
\A p \in Corr:
/\ NoFutureMessagesForCurrentRound(p)
/\ NoFutureMessagesForLargerRounds(p)
\* a correct process in the PREVOTE state has sent a PREVOTE message
IfInPrevoteThenSentPrevote(p) ==
step[p] = "PREVOTE" =>
\E m \in msgsPrevote[round[p]]:
/\ \in ValidValues \cup { NilValue }
/\ m.src = p
AllIfInPrevoteThenSentPrevote ==
\A p \in Corr: IfInPrevoteThenSentPrevote(p)
\* a correct process in the PRECOMMIT state has sent a PRECOMMIT message
IfInPrecommitThenSentPrecommit(p) ==
step[p] = "PRECOMMIT" =>
\E m \in msgsPrecommit[round[p]]:
/\ \in ValidValues \cup { NilValue }
/\ m.src = p
AllIfInPrecommitThenSentPrecommit ==
\A p \in Corr: IfInPrecommitThenSentPrecommit(p)
\* a process in the PRECOMMIT state has sent a PRECOMMIT message
IfInDecidedThenValidDecision(p) ==
step[p] = "DECIDED" <=> decision[p] \in ValidValues
AllIfInDecidedThenValidDecision ==
\A p \in Corr: IfInDecidedThenValidDecision(p)
\* a decided process should have received a proposal on its decision
IfInDecidedThenReceivedProposal(p) ==
step[p] = "DECIDED" =>
\E r \in Rounds: \* r is not necessarily round[p]
/\ \E m \in msgsPropose[r] \intersect evidence:
/\ m.src = Proposer[r]
/\ m.proposal = decision[p]
\* not inductive: /\ m.src \in Corr => (m.validRound <= r)
AllIfInDecidedThenReceivedProposal ==
\A p \in Corr:
\* a decided process has received two-thirds of precommit messages
IfInDecidedThenReceivedTwoThirds(p) ==
step[p] = "DECIDED" =>
\E r \in Rounds:
{ m \in msgsPrecommit[r] \intersect evidence: = decision[p] }
Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2
AllIfInDecidedThenReceivedTwoThirds ==
\A p \in Corr:
\* for a round r, there is proposal by the round proposer for a valid round vr
ProposalInRound(r, proposedVal, vr) ==
\E m \in msgsPropose[r]:
/\ m.src = Proposer[r]
/\ m.proposal = proposedVal
/\ m.validRound = vr
TwoThirdsPrevotes(vr, v) ==
LET PV == { mm \in msgsPrevote[vr] \intersect evidence: = v } IN
Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2
\* if a process sends a PREVOTE, then there are three possibilities:
\* 1) the process is faulty, 2) the PREVOTE cotains Nil,
\* 3) there is a proposal in an earlier (valid) round and two thirds of PREVOTES
IfSentPrevoteThenReceivedProposalOrTwoThirds(r) ==
\A mpv \in msgsPrevote[r]:
\/ mpv.src \in Faulty
\* lockedRound and lockedValue is beyond my comprehension
\/ = NilValue
\//\ mpv.src \in Corr
/\ /= NilValue
/\ \/ ProposalInRound(r,, NilRound)
\/ \E vr \in { rr \in Rounds: rr < r }:
/\ ProposalInRound(r,, vr)
/\ TwoThirdsPrevotes(vr,
AllIfSentPrevoteThenReceivedProposalOrTwoThirds ==
\A r \in Rounds:
\* if a correct process has sent a PRECOMMIT, then there are two thirds,
\* either on a valid value, or a nil value
IfSentPrecommitThenReceivedTwoThirds ==
\A r \in Rounds:
\A mpc \in msgsPrecommit[r]:
mpc.src \in Corr =>
\/ /\ \in ValidValues
/\ LET PV ==
{ m \in msgsPrevote[r] \intersect evidence: = }
Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2
\/ /\ = NilValue
/\ Cardinality(msgsPrevote[r]) >= THRESHOLD2
\* if a correct process has sent a precommit message in a round, it should
\* have sent a prevote
IfSentPrecommitThenSentPrevote ==
\A r \in Rounds:
\A mpc \in msgsPrecommit[r]:
mpc.src \in Corr =>
\E m \in msgsPrevote[r]:
m.src = mpc.src
\* there is a locked round if a only if there is a locked value
LockedRoundIffLockedValue(p) ==
(lockedRound[p] = NilRound) <=> (lockedValue[p] = NilValue)
AllLockedRoundIffLockedValue ==
\A p \in Corr:
\* when a process locked a round, it must have sent a precommit on the locked value.
IfLockedRoundThenSentCommit(p) ==
lockedRound[p] /= NilRound
=> \E r \in { rr \in Rounds: rr <= round[p] }:
\E m \in msgsPrecommit[r]:
m.src = p /\ = lockedValue[p]
AllIfLockedRoundThenSentCommit ==
\A p \in Corr:
\* a process always locks the latest round, for which it has sent a PRECOMMIT
LatestPrecommitHasLockedRound(p) ==
LET pPrecommits ==
{mm \in UNION { msgsPrecommit[r]: r \in Rounds }: mm.src = p /\ /= NilValue }
pPrecommits /= {} <: {MT}
=> LET latest ==
CHOOSE m \in pPrecommits:
\A m2 \in pPrecommits:
m2.round <= m.round
/\ lockedRound[p] = latest.round
/\ lockedValue[p] =
AllLatestPrecommitHasLockedRound ==
\A p \in Corr:
\* Every correct process sends only one value or NilValue.
\* This test has quantifier alternation -- a threat to all decision procedures.
\* Luckily, the sets Corr and ValidValues are small.
NoEquivocationByCorrect(r, msgs) ==
\A p \in Corr:
\E v \in ValidValues \union {NilValue}:
\A m \in msgs[r]:
\/ m.src /= p
\/ = v
\* a proposer nevers sends two values
ProposalsByProposer(r, msgs) ==
\* if the proposer is not faulty, it sends only one value
\E v \in ValidValues:
\A m \in msgs[r]:
\/ m.src \in Faulty
\/ m.src = Proposer[r] /\ m.proposal = v
AllNoEquivocationByCorrect ==
\A r \in Rounds:
/\ ProposalsByProposer(r, msgsPropose)
/\ NoEquivocationByCorrect(r, msgsPrevote)
/\ NoEquivocationByCorrect(r, msgsPrecommit)
\* construct the set of the message senders
Senders(M) == { m.src: m \in M }
\* The final piece by Josef Widder:
\* if T + 1 processes precommit on the same value in a round,
\* then in the future rounds there are less than 2T + 1 prevotes for another value
PrecommitsLockValue ==
\A r \in Rounds:
\A v \in ValidValues \union {NilValue}:
\/ LET Precommits == {m \in msgsPrecommit[r]: = v}
Cardinality(Senders(Precommits)) < THRESHOLD1
\/ \A fr \in { rr \in Rounds: rr > r }: \* future rounds
\A w \in (ValuesOrNil) \ {v}:
LET Prevotes == {m \in msgsPrevote[fr]: = w}
Cardinality(Senders(Prevotes)) < THRESHOLD2
\* a combination of all lemmas
Inv ==
/\ EvidenceContainsMessages
/\ AllNoFutureMessagesSent
/\ AllIfInPrevoteThenSentPrevote
/\ AllIfInPrecommitThenSentPrecommit
/\ AllIfInDecidedThenReceivedProposal
/\ AllIfInDecidedThenReceivedTwoThirds
/\ AllIfInDecidedThenValidDecision
/\ AllLockedRoundIffLockedValue
/\ AllIfLockedRoundThenSentCommit
/\ AllLatestPrecommitHasLockedRound
/\ AllIfSentPrevoteThenReceivedProposalOrTwoThirds
/\ IfSentPrecommitThenSentPrevote
/\ IfSentPrecommitThenReceivedTwoThirds
/\ AllNoEquivocationByCorrect
/\ PrecommitsLockValue
\* this is the inductive invariant we like to check
TypedInv == TypeOK /\ Inv
ValidRoundNotSmallerThanLockedRound(p) ==
validRound[p] >= lockedRound[p]
ValidRoundIffValidValue(p) ==
(validRound[p] = NilRound) <=> (validValue[p] = NilValue)
AllValidRoundIffValidValue ==
\A p \in Corr: ValidRoundIffValidValue(p)
\* if validRound is defined, then there are two-thirds of PREVOTEs
IfValidRoundThenTwoThirds(p) ==
\/ validRound[p] = NilRound
\/ LET PV == { m \in msgsPrevote[validRound[p]]: = validValue[p] } IN
Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2
AllIfValidRoundThenTwoThirds ==
\A p \in Corr: IfValidRoundThenTwoThirds(p)
\* a valid round can be only set to a valid value that was proposed earlier
IfValidRoundThenProposal(p) ==
\/ validRound[p] = NilRound
\/ \E m \in msgsPropose[validRound[p]]:
m.proposal = validValue[p]
AllIfValidRoundThenProposal ==
\A p \in Corr: IfValidRoundThenProposal(p)
(******************************** THEOREMS ***************************************)
(* Under this condition, the faulty processes can decide alone *)
FaultyQuorum == Cardinality(Faulty) >= THRESHOLD2
(* The standard condition of the Tendermint security model *)
LessThanThirdFaulty == N > 3 * T /\ Cardinality(Faulty) <= T
TypedInv is an inductive invariant, provided that there is no faulty quorum.
We run Apalache to prove this theorem only for fixed instances of 4 to 10 processes.
(We run Apalache manually, as it does not parse theorem statements at the moment.)
To get a parameterized argument, one has to use a theorem prover, e.g., TLAPS.
THEOREM TypedInvIsInductive ==
\/ FaultyQuorum \* if there are 2 * T + 1 faulty processes, we give up
\//\ Init => TypedInv
/\ TypedInv /\ [Next]_vars => TypedInv'
There should be no fork, when there are less than 1/3 faulty processes.
THEOREM AgreementWhenLessThanThirdFaulty ==
LessThanThirdFaulty /\ TypedInv => Agreement
In a more general case, when there are less than 2/3 faulty processes,
there is either Agreement (no fork), or two scenarios exist:
equivocation by Faulty, or amnesia by Faulty.
THEOREM AgreementOrFork ==
~FaultyQuorum /\ TypedInv => Accountability

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rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/TendermintAccTrace_004_draft.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
------------------ MODULE TendermintAccTrace_004_draft -------------------------
When Apalache is running too slow and we have an idea of a counterexample,
we use this module to restrict the behaviors only to certain actions.
Once the whole trace is replayed, the system deadlocks.
Version 1.
Igor Konnov, 2020.
EXTENDS Sequences, Apalache, TendermintAcc_004_draft
\* a sequence of action names that should appear in the given order,
\* excluding "Init"
TraceInit ==
/\ toReplay = Trace
/\ action' := "Init"
/\ Init
TraceNext ==
/\ Len(toReplay) > 0
/\ toReplay' = Tail(toReplay)
\* Here is the trick. We restrict the action to the expected one,
\* so the other actions will be pruned
/\ action' := Head(toReplay)
/\ Next

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rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/TendermintAcc_004_draft.tla View File

@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
-------------------- MODULE TendermintAcc_004_draft ---------------------------
A TLA+ specification of a simplified Tendermint consensus, tuned for
fork accountability. The simplifications are as follows:
- the protocol runs for one height, that is, it is one-shot consensus
- this specification focuses on safety, so timeouts are modelled
with non-determinism
- the proposer function is non-determinstic, no fairness is assumed
- the messages by the faulty processes are injected right in the initial states
- every process has the voting power of 1
- hashes are modelled as identity
Having the above assumptions in mind, the specification follows the pseudo-code
of the Tendermint paper:
Byzantine processes can demonstrate arbitrary behavior, including
no communication. We show that if agreement is violated, then the Byzantine
processes demonstrate one of the two behaviours:
- Equivocation: a Byzantine process may send two different values
in the same round.
- Amnesia: a Byzantine process may lock a value without unlocking
the previous value that it has locked in the past.
* Version 4. Remove defective processes, fix bugs, collect global evidence.
* Version 3. Modular and parameterized definitions.
* Version 2. Bugfixes in the spec and an inductive invariant.
* Version 1. A preliminary specification.
Zarko Milosevic, Igor Konnov, Informal Systems, 2019-2020.
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets
(********************* PROTOCOL PARAMETERS **********************************)
Corr, \* the set of correct processes
Faulty, \* the set of Byzantine processes, may be empty
N, \* the total number of processes: correct, defective, and Byzantine
T, \* an upper bound on the number of Byzantine processes
ValidValues, \* the set of valid values, proposed both by correct and faulty
InvalidValues, \* the set of invalid values, never proposed by the correct ones
MaxRound, \* the maximal round number
Proposer \* the proposer function from 0..NRounds to 1..N
ASSUME(N = Cardinality(Corr \union Faulty))
(*************************** DEFINITIONS ************************************)
AllProcs == Corr \union Faulty \* the set of all processes
Rounds == 0..MaxRound \* the set of potential rounds
NilRound == -1 \* a special value to denote a nil round, outside of Rounds
RoundsOrNil == Rounds \union {NilRound}
Values == ValidValues \union InvalidValues \* the set of all values
NilValue == "None" \* a special value for a nil round, outside of Values
ValuesOrNil == Values \union {NilValue}
\* a value hash is modeled as identity
Id(v) == v
\* The validity predicate
IsValid(v) == v \in ValidValues
\* the two thresholds that are used in the algorithm
THRESHOLD1 == T + 1 \* at least one process is not faulty
THRESHOLD2 == 2 * T + 1 \* a quorum when having N > 3 * T
(********************* TYPE ANNOTATIONS FOR APALACHE **************************)
\* the operator for type annotations
a <: b == a
\* the type of message records
MT == [type |-> STRING, src |-> STRING, round |-> Int,
proposal |-> STRING, validRound |-> Int, id |-> STRING]
\* a type annotation for a message
AsMsg(m) == m <: MT
\* a type annotation for a set of messages
SetOfMsgs(S) == S <: {MT}
\* a type annotation for an empty set of messages
EmptyMsgSet == SetOfMsgs({})
(********************* PROTOCOL STATE VARIABLES ******************************)
round, \* a process round number: Corr -> Rounds
step, \* a process step: Corr -> { "PROPOSE", "PREVOTE", "PRECOMMIT", "DECIDED" }
decision, \* process decision: Corr -> ValuesOrNil
lockedValue, \* a locked value: Corr -> ValuesOrNil
lockedRound, \* a locked round: Corr -> RoundsOrNil
validValue, \* a valid value: Corr -> ValuesOrNil
validRound \* a valid round: Corr -> RoundsOrNil
\* book-keeping variables
msgsPropose, \* PROPOSE messages broadcast in the system, Rounds -> Messages
msgsPrevote, \* PREVOTE messages broadcast in the system, Rounds -> Messages
msgsPrecommit, \* PRECOMMIT messages broadcast in the system, Rounds -> Messages
evidence, \* the messages that were used by the correct processes to make transitions
action \* we use this variable to see which action was taken
(* to see a type invariant, check TendermintAccInv3 *)
\* a handy definition used in UNCHANGED
vars == <<round, step, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound,
validValue, validRound, evidence, msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit>>
(********************* PROTOCOL INITIALIZATION ******************************)
FaultyProposals(r) ==
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PROPOSAL"}, src: Faulty,
round: {r}, proposal: Values, validRound: RoundsOrNil])
AllFaultyProposals ==
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PROPOSAL"}, src: Faulty,
round: Rounds, proposal: Values, validRound: RoundsOrNil])
FaultyPrevotes(r) ==
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PREVOTE"}, src: Faulty, round: {r}, id: Values])
AllFaultyPrevotes ==
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PREVOTE"}, src: Faulty, round: Rounds, id: Values])
FaultyPrecommits(r) ==
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PRECOMMIT"}, src: Faulty, round: {r}, id: Values])
AllFaultyPrecommits ==
SetOfMsgs([type: {"PRECOMMIT"}, src: Faulty, round: Rounds, id: Values])
BenignRoundsInMessages(msgfun) ==
\* the message function never contains a message for a wrong round
\A r \in Rounds:
\A m \in msgfun[r]:
r = m.round
\* The initial states of the protocol. Some faults can be in the system already.
Init ==
/\ round = [p \in Corr |-> 0]
/\ step = [p \in Corr |-> "PROPOSE"]
/\ decision = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ lockedValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ lockedRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
/\ validValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ validRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
/\ msgsPropose \in [Rounds -> SUBSET AllFaultyProposals]
/\ msgsPrevote \in [Rounds -> SUBSET AllFaultyPrevotes]
/\ msgsPrecommit \in [Rounds -> SUBSET AllFaultyPrecommits]
/\ BenignRoundsInMessages(msgsPropose)
/\ BenignRoundsInMessages(msgsPrevote)
/\ BenignRoundsInMessages(msgsPrecommit)
/\ evidence = EmptyMsgSet
/\ action' = "Init"
(************************ MESSAGE PASSING ********************************)
BroadcastProposal(pSrc, pRound, pProposal, pValidRound) ==
LET newMsg ==
AsMsg([type |-> "PROPOSAL", src |-> pSrc, round |-> pRound,
proposal |-> pProposal, validRound |-> pValidRound])
msgsPropose' = [msgsPropose EXCEPT ![pRound] = msgsPropose[pRound] \union {newMsg}]
BroadcastPrevote(pSrc, pRound, pId) ==
LET newMsg == AsMsg([type |-> "PREVOTE",
src |-> pSrc, round |-> pRound, id |-> pId])
msgsPrevote' = [msgsPrevote EXCEPT ![pRound] = msgsPrevote[pRound] \union {newMsg}]
BroadcastPrecommit(pSrc, pRound, pId) ==
LET newMsg == AsMsg([type |-> "PRECOMMIT",
src |-> pSrc, round |-> pRound, id |-> pId])
msgsPrecommit' = [msgsPrecommit EXCEPT ![pRound] = msgsPrecommit[pRound] \union {newMsg}]
(********************* PROTOCOL TRANSITIONS ******************************)
\* lines 12-13
StartRound(p, r) ==
/\ step[p] /= "DECIDED" \* a decided process does not participate in consensus
/\ round' = [round EXCEPT ![p] = r]
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PROPOSE"]
\* lines 14-19, a proposal may be sent later
InsertProposal(p) ==
LET r == round[p] IN
/\ p = Proposer[r]
/\ step[p] = "PROPOSE"
\* if the proposer is sending a proposal, then there are no other proposals
\* by the correct processes for the same round
/\ \A m \in msgsPropose[r]: m.src /= p
/\ \E v \in ValidValues:
LET proposal == IF validValue[p] /= NilValue THEN validValue[p] ELSE v IN
BroadcastProposal(p, round[p], proposal, validRound[p])
/\ UNCHANGED <<evidence, round, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound,
validValue, step, validRound, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit>>
/\ action' = "InsertProposal"
\* lines 22-27
UponProposalInPropose(p) ==
\E v \in Values:
/\ step[p] = "PROPOSE" (* line 22 *)
/\ LET msg ==
AsMsg([type |-> "PROPOSAL", src |-> Proposer[round[p]],
round |-> round[p], proposal |-> v, validRound |-> NilRound]) IN
/\ msg \in msgsPropose[round[p]] \* line 22
/\ evidence' = {msg} \union evidence
/\ LET mid == (* line 23 *)
IF IsValid(v) /\ (lockedRound[p] = NilRound \/ lockedValue[p] = v)
THEN Id(v)
ELSE NilValue
BroadcastPrevote(p, round[p], mid) \* lines 24-26
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PREVOTE"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<round, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound,
validValue, validRound, msgsPropose, msgsPrecommit>>
/\ action' = "UponProposalInPropose"
\* lines 28-33
UponProposalInProposeAndPrevote(p) ==
\E v \in Values, vr \in Rounds:
/\ step[p] = "PROPOSE" /\ 0 <= vr /\ vr < round[p] \* line 28, the while part
/\ LET msg ==
AsMsg([type |-> "PROPOSAL", src |-> Proposer[round[p]],
round |-> round[p], proposal |-> v, validRound |-> vr])
/\ msg \in msgsPropose[round[p]] \* line 28
/\ LET PV == { m \in msgsPrevote[vr]: = Id(v) } IN
/\ Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 28
/\ evidence' = PV \union {msg} \union evidence
/\ LET mid == (* line 29 *)
IF IsValid(v) /\ (lockedRound[p] <= vr \/ lockedValue[p] = v)
THEN Id(v)
ELSE NilValue
BroadcastPrevote(p, round[p], mid) \* lines 24-26
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PREVOTE"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<round, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound,
validValue, validRound, msgsPropose, msgsPrecommit>>
/\ action' = "UponProposalInProposeAndPrevote"
\* lines 34-35 + lines 61-64 (onTimeoutPrevote)
UponQuorumOfPrevotesAny(p) ==
/\ step[p] = "PREVOTE" \* line 34 and 61
/\ \E MyEvidence \in SUBSET msgsPrevote[round[p]]:
\* find the unique voters in the evidence
LET Voters == { m.src: m \in MyEvidence } IN
\* compare the number of the unique voters against the threshold
/\ Cardinality(Voters) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 34
/\ evidence' = MyEvidence \union evidence
/\ BroadcastPrecommit(p, round[p], NilValue)
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PRECOMMIT"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<round, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound,
validValue, validRound, msgsPropose, msgsPrevote>>
/\ action' = "UponQuorumOfPrevotesAny"
\* lines 36-46
UponProposalInPrevoteOrCommitAndPrevote(p) ==
\E v \in ValidValues, vr \in RoundsOrNil:
/\ step[p] \in {"PREVOTE", "PRECOMMIT"} \* line 36
/\ LET msg ==
AsMsg([type |-> "PROPOSAL", src |-> Proposer[round[p]],
round |-> round[p], proposal |-> v, validRound |-> vr]) IN
/\ msg \in msgsPropose[round[p]] \* line 36
/\ LET PV == { m \in msgsPrevote[round[p]]: = Id(v) } IN
/\ Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 36
/\ evidence' = PV \union {msg} \union evidence
/\ IF step[p] = "PREVOTE"
THEN \* lines 38-41:
/\ lockedValue' = [lockedValue EXCEPT ![p] = v]
/\ lockedRound' = [lockedRound EXCEPT ![p] = round[p]]
/\ BroadcastPrecommit(p, round[p], Id(v))
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PRECOMMIT"]
UNCHANGED <<lockedValue, lockedRound, msgsPrecommit, step>>
\* lines 42-43
/\ validValue' = [validValue EXCEPT ![p] = v]
/\ validRound' = [validRound EXCEPT ![p] = round[p]]
/\ UNCHANGED <<round, decision, msgsPropose, msgsPrevote>>
/\ action' = "UponProposalInPrevoteOrCommitAndPrevote"
\* lines 47-48 + 65-67 (onTimeoutPrecommit)
UponQuorumOfPrecommitsAny(p) ==
/\ \E MyEvidence \in SUBSET msgsPrecommit[round[p]]:
\* find the unique committers in the evidence
LET Committers == { m.src: m \in MyEvidence } IN
\* compare the number of the unique committers against the threshold
/\ Cardinality(Committers) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 47
/\ evidence' = MyEvidence \union evidence
/\ round[p] + 1 \in Rounds
/\ StartRound(p, round[p] + 1)
/\ UNCHANGED <<decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue,
validRound, msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit>>
/\ action' = "UponQuorumOfPrecommitsAny"
\* lines 49-54
UponProposalInPrecommitNoDecision(p) ==
/\ decision[p] = NilValue \* line 49
/\ \E v \in ValidValues (* line 50*) , r \in Rounds, vr \in RoundsOrNil:
/\ LET msg == AsMsg([type |-> "PROPOSAL", src |-> Proposer[r],
round |-> r, proposal |-> v, validRound |-> vr]) IN
/\ msg \in msgsPropose[r] \* line 49
/\ LET PV == { m \in msgsPrecommit[r]: = Id(v) } IN
/\ Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 49
/\ evidence' = PV \union {msg} \union evidence
/\ decision' = [decision EXCEPT ![p] = v] \* update the decision, line 51
\* The original algorithm does not have 'DECIDED', but it increments the height.
\* We introduced 'DECIDED' here to prevent the process from changing its decision.
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "DECIDED"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<round, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue,
validRound, msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit>>
/\ action' = "UponProposalInPrecommitNoDecision"
\* the actions below are not essential for safety, but added for completeness
\* lines 20-21 + 57-60
OnTimeoutPropose(p) ==
/\ step[p] = "PROPOSE"
/\ p /= Proposer[round[p]]
/\ BroadcastPrevote(p, round[p], NilValue)
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PREVOTE"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<round, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue,
validRound, decision, evidence, msgsPropose, msgsPrecommit>>
/\ action' = "OnTimeoutPropose"
\* lines 44-46
OnQuorumOfNilPrevotes(p) ==
/\ step[p] = "PREVOTE"
/\ LET PV == { m \in msgsPrevote[round[p]]: = Id(NilValue) } IN
/\ Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 36
/\ evidence' = PV \union evidence
/\ BroadcastPrecommit(p, round[p], Id(NilValue))
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PREVOTE"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<round, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue,
validRound, decision, msgsPropose, msgsPrevote>>
/\ action' = "OnQuorumOfNilPrevotes"
\* lines 55-56
OnRoundCatchup(p) ==
\E r \in {rr \in Rounds: rr > round[p]}:
LET RoundMsgs == msgsPropose[r] \union msgsPrevote[r] \union msgsPrecommit[r] IN
\E MyEvidence \in SUBSET RoundMsgs:
LET Faster == { m.src: m \in MyEvidence } IN
/\ Cardinality(Faster) >= THRESHOLD1
/\ evidence' = MyEvidence \union evidence
/\ StartRound(p, r)
/\ UNCHANGED <<decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue,
validRound, msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit>>
/\ action' = "OnRoundCatchup"
* A system transition. In this specificatiom, the system may eventually deadlock,
* e.g., when all processes decide. This is expected behavior, as we focus on safety.
Next ==
\E p \in Corr:
\/ InsertProposal(p)
\/ UponProposalInPropose(p)
\/ UponProposalInProposeAndPrevote(p)
\/ UponQuorumOfPrevotesAny(p)
\/ UponProposalInPrevoteOrCommitAndPrevote(p)
\/ UponQuorumOfPrecommitsAny(p)
\/ UponProposalInPrecommitNoDecision(p)
\* the actions below are not essential for safety, but added for completeness
\/ OnTimeoutPropose(p)
\/ OnQuorumOfNilPrevotes(p)
\/ OnRoundCatchup(p)
(**************************** FORK SCENARIOS ***************************)
\* equivocation by a process p
EquivocationBy(p) ==
\E m1, m2 \in evidence:
/\ m1 /= m2
/\ m1.src = p
/\ m2.src = p
/\ m1.round = m2.round
/\ m1.type = m2.type
\* amnesic behavior by a process p
AmnesiaBy(p) ==
\E r1, r2 \in Rounds:
/\ r1 < r2
/\ \E v1, v2 \in ValidValues:
/\ v1 /= v2
/\ AsMsg([type |-> "PRECOMMIT", src |-> p,
round |-> r1, id |-> Id(v1)]) \in evidence
/\ AsMsg([type |-> "PREVOTE", src |-> p,
round |-> r2, id |-> Id(v2)]) \in evidence
/\ \A r \in { rnd \in Rounds: r1 <= rnd /\ rnd < r2 }:
LET prevotes ==
{ m \in evidence:
m.type = "PREVOTE" /\ m.round = r /\ = Id(v2) }
Cardinality(prevotes) < THRESHOLD2
(******************************** PROPERTIES ***************************************)
\* the safety property -- agreement
Agreement ==
\A p, q \in Corr:
\/ decision[p] = NilValue
\/ decision[q] = NilValue
\/ decision[p] = decision[q]
\* the protocol validity
Validity ==
\A p \in Corr: decision[p] \in ValidValues \union {NilValue}
The protocol safety. Two cases are possible:
1. There is no fork, that is, Agreement holds true.
2. A subset of faulty processes demonstrates equivocation or amnesia.
Accountability ==
\/ Agreement
\/ \E Detectable \in SUBSET Faulty:
/\ Cardinality(Detectable) >= THRESHOLD1
/\ \A p \in Detectable:
EquivocationBy(p) \/ AmnesiaBy(p)
(****************** FALSE INVARIANTS TO PRODUCE EXAMPLES ***********************)
\* This property is violated. You can check it to see how amnesic behavior
\* appears in the evidence variable.
NoAmnesia ==
\A p \in Faulty: ~AmnesiaBy(p)
\* This property is violated. You can check it to see an example of equivocation.
NoEquivocation ==
\A p \in Faulty: ~EquivocationBy(p)
\* This property is violated. You can check it to see an example of agreement.
\* It is not exactly ~Agreement, as we do not want to see the states where
\* decision[p] = NilValue
NoAgreement ==
\A p, q \in Corr:
(p /= q /\ decision[p] /= NilValue /\ decision[q] /= NilValue)
=> decision[p] /= decision[q]
\* Either agreement holds, or the faulty processes indeed demonstrate amnesia.
\* This property is violated. A counterexample should demonstrate equivocation.
AgreementOrAmnesia ==
Agreement \/ (\A p \in Faulty: AmnesiaBy(p))
\* We expect this property to be violated. It shows us a protocol run,
\* where one faulty process demonstrates amnesia without equivocation.
\* However, the absence of amnesia
\* is a tough constraint for Apalache. It has not reported a counterexample
\* for n=4,f=2, length <= 5.
ShowMeAmnesiaWithoutEquivocation ==
(~Agreement /\ \E p \in Faulty: ~EquivocationBy(p))
=> \A p \in Faulty: ~AmnesiaBy(p)
\* This property is violated on n=4,f=2, length=4 in less than 10 min.
\* Two faulty processes may demonstrate amnesia without equivocation.
AmnesiaImpliesEquivocation ==
(\E p \in Faulty: AmnesiaBy(p)) => (\E q \in Faulty: EquivocationBy(q))
This property is violated. You can check it to see that all correct processes
may reach MaxRound without making a decision.
NeverUndecidedInMaxRound ==
LET AllInMax == \A p \in Corr: round[p] = MaxRound
AllDecided == \A p \in Corr: decision[p] /= NilValue
AllInMax => AllDecided

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# Results of 001indinv-apalache
## 1. Awesome plots
### 1.1. Time (logarithmic scale)
![time-log](001indinv-apalache-time-log.svg "Time Log")
### 1.2. Time (linear)
![time-log](001indinv-apalache-time.svg "Time Log")
### 1.3. Memory (logarithmic scale)
![mem-log](001indinv-apalache-mem-log.svg "Memory Log")
### 1.4. Memory (linear)
![mem](001indinv-apalache-mem.svg "Memory Log")
### 1.5. Number of arena cells (linear)
![ncells](001indinv-apalache-ncells.svg "Number of arena cells")
### 1.6. Number of SMT clauses (linear)
![nclauses](001indinv-apalache-nclauses.svg "Number of SMT clauses")
## 2. Input parameters
no | filename | tool | timeout | init | inv | next | args
1 | MC_n4_f1.tla | apalache | 10h | TypedInv | TypedInv | | --length=1 --cinit=ConstInit
2 | MC_n4_f2.tla | apalache | 10h | TypedInv | TypedInv | | --length=1 --cinit=ConstInit
3 | MC_n5_f1.tla | apalache | 10h | TypedInv | TypedInv | | --length=1 --cinit=ConstInit
4 | MC_n5_f2.tla | apalache | 10h | TypedInv | TypedInv | | --length=1 --cinit=ConstInit
5 | MC_n4_f1.tla | apalache | 20h | Init | TypedInv | | --length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
6 | MC_n4_f2.tla | apalache | 20h | Init | TypedInv | | --length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
7 | MC_n5_f1.tla | apalache | 20h | Init | TypedInv | | --length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
8 | MC_n5_f2.tla | apalache | 20h | Init | TypedInv | | --length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
9 | MC_n4_f1.tla | apalache | 20h | TypedInv | Agreement | | --length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
10 | MC_n4_f2.tla | apalache | 20h | TypedInv | Accountability | | --length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
11 | MC_n5_f1.tla | apalache | 20h | TypedInv | Agreement | | --length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
12 | MC_n5_f2.tla | apalache | 20h | TypedInv | Accountability | | --length=0 --cinit=ConstInit
## 3. Detailed results: 001indinv-apalache-unstable.csv
01:no | 02:tool | 03:status | 04:time_sec | 05:depth | 05:mem_kb | 10:ninit_trans | 11:ninit_trans | 12:ncells | 13:nclauses | 14:navg_clause_len
1 | apalache | NoError | 11m | 1 | 3.0GB | 0 | 0 | 217K | 1.0M | 89
2 | apalache | NoError | 11m | 1 | 3.0GB | 0 | 0 | 207K | 1.0M | 88
3 | apalache | NoError | 16m | 1 | 4.0GB | 0 | 0 | 311K | 2.0M | 101
4 | apalache | NoError | 14m | 1 | 3.0GB | 0 | 0 | 290K | 1.0M | 103
5 | apalache | NoError | 9s | 0 | 563MB | 0 | 0 | 2.0K | 14K | 42
6 | apalache | NoError | 10s | 0 | 657MB | 0 | 0 | 2.0K | 28K | 43
7 | apalache | NoError | 8s | 0 | 635MB | 0 | 0 | 2.0K | 17K | 44
8 | apalache | NoError | 10s | 0 | 667MB | 0 | 0 | 3.0K | 32K | 45
9 | apalache | NoError | 5m05s | 0 | 2.0GB | 0 | 0 | 196K | 889K | 108
10 | apalache | NoError | 8m08s | 0 | 6.0GB | 0 | 0 | 2.0M | 3.0M | 34
11 | apalache | NoError | 9m09s | 0 | 3.0GB | 0 | 0 | 284K | 1.0M | 128
12 | apalache | NoError | 14m | 0 | 7.0GB | 0 | 0 | 4.0M | 5.0M | 38

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L 31.203125 31.390625
L 31.203125 23.390625
L 4.890625 23.390625
" id="DejaVuSans-45"/>
<path d="M 18.109375 8.203125
L 18.109375 -20.796875
L 9.078125 -20.796875
L 9.078125 54.6875
L 18.109375 54.6875
L 18.109375 46.390625
Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625
Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56
Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375
Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875
Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375
Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875
Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125
Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125
M 48.6875 27.296875
Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375
Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375
Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375
Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875
Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75
Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375
Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75
Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875
" id="DejaVuSans-112"/>
<path d="M 9.421875 75.984375
L 18.40625 75.984375
L 18.40625 0
L 9.421875 0
" id="DejaVuSans-108"/>
<path d="M 8.5 21.578125
L 8.5 54.6875
L 17.484375 54.6875
L 17.484375 21.921875
Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625
Q 23.53125 6.390625 29.59375 6.390625
Q 36.859375 6.390625 41.078125 11.03125
Q 45.3125 15.671875 45.3125 23.6875
L 45.3125 54.6875
L 54.296875 54.6875
L 54.296875 0
L 45.3125 0
L 45.3125 8.40625
Q 42.046875 3.421875 37.71875 1
Q 33.40625 -1.421875 27.6875 -1.421875
Q 18.265625 -1.421875 13.375 4.4375
Q 8.5 10.296875 8.5 21.578125
M 31.109375 56
" id="DejaVuSans-117"/>
<use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-48"/>
<use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-48"/>
<use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-49"/>
<use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-105"/>
<use x="218.652344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-110"/>
<use x="282.03125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-100"/>
<use x="345.507812" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-105"/>
<use x="373.291016" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-110"/>
<use x="436.669922" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-118"/>
<use x="493.224609" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/>
<use x="529.308594" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-97"/>
<use x="590.587891" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-112"/>
<use x="654.064453" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-97"/>
<use x="715.34375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-108"/>
<use x="743.126953" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-97"/>
<use x="804.40625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-99"/>
<use x="859.386719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-104"/>
<use x="922.765625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-101"/>
<use x="984.289062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/>
<use x="1020.373047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-117"/>
<use x="1083.751953" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-110"/>
<use x="1147.130859" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-115"/>
<use x="1199.230469" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-116"/>
<use x="1238.439453" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-97"/>
<use x="1299.71875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-98"/>
<use x="1363.195312" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-108"/>
<use x="1390.978516" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-101"/>
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<rect height="266.112" width="357.12" x="57.6" y="41.472"/>

+ 13
- 0
rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/results/001indinv-apalache-unstable.csv View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

+ 9
- 0
rust-spec/tendermint-accountability/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# The script to run all experiments at once
export SCRIPTS_DIR=~/devl/apalache-tests/scripts
export BUILDS="unstable"
export BENCHMARK=001indinv-apalache
export RUN_SCRIPT=./ # alternatively, use ./
make -e -f ~/devl/apalache-tests/Makefile.common
