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docs: use README.rst to be pulled from tendermint

Zach Ramsay 7 years ago
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+ 288
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ansible/README.rst View File

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
Using Ansible
.. figure:: assets/a_plus_t.png
:alt: Ansible plus Tendermint
Ansible plus Tendermint
The playbooks in `our ansible directory <>`__
run ansible `roles <>`__ which:
- install and configure basecoin or ethermint
- start/stop basecoin or ethermint and reset their configuration
- Ansible 2.0 or higher
- SSH key to the servers
Optional for DigitalOcean droplets: \* DigitalOcean API Token \* python
dopy package
For a description on how to get a DigitalOcean API Token, see the explanation
in the `using terraform tutorial <terraform-digitalocean.rst>`__.
Optional for Amazon AWS instances: \* Amazon AWS API access key ID and
secret access key.
The cloud inventory scripts come from the ansible team at their
`GitHub <>`__ page. You can get the
latest version from the ``contrib/inventory`` folder.
Ansible requires a "command machine" or "local machine" or "orchestrator
machine" to run on. This can be your laptop or any machine that can run
ansible. (It does not have to be part of the cloud network that hosts
your servers.)
Use the official `Ansible installation
guide <>`__ to
install Ansible. Here are a few examples on basic installation commands:
sudo apt-get install ansible
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install ansible
Mac OSX: If you have `Homebrew <>`__ installed, then it's:
brew install ansible
If not, you can install it using ``pip``:
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install ansible
To make life easier, you can start an SSH Agent and load your SSH
key(s). This way ansible will have an uninterrupted way of connecting to
your servers.
ssh-agent > ~/.ssh/ssh.env
source ~/.ssh/ssh.env
ssh-add private.key
Subsequently, as long as the agent is running, you can use
``source ~/.ssh/ssh.env`` to load the keys to the current session. Note:
On Mac OSX, you can add the ``-K`` option to ssh-add to store the
passphrase in your keychain. The security of this feature is debated but
it is convenient.
Optional cloud dependencies
If you are using a cloud provider to host your servers, you need the
below dependencies installed on your local machine.
DigitalOcean inventory dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install dopy
sudo yum install python-pip
sudo pip install dopy
Mac OSX:
sudo pip install dopy
Amazon AWS inventory dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python-boto
sudo yum install python-boto
Mac OSX:
sudo pip install boto
Refreshing the DigitalOcean inventory
If you just finished creating droplets, the local DigitalOcean inventory
cache is not up-to-date. To refresh it, run:
DO_API_TOKEN="<The API token received from DigitalOcean>"
python -u inventory/ --refresh-cache 1> /dev/null
Refreshing the Amazon AWS inventory
If you just finished creating Amazon AWS EC2 instances, the local AWS
inventory cache is not up-to-date. To refresh it, run:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<The API access key ID received from Amazon>'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<The API secret access key received from Amazon>'
python -u inventory/ --refresh-cache 1> /dev/null
Note: you don't need the access key and secret key set, if you are
running ansible on an Amazon AMI instance with the proper IAM
permissions set.
Running the playbooks
The playbooks are locked down to only run if the environment variable
``TF_VAR_TESTNET_NAME`` is populated. This is a precaution so you don't
accidentally run the playbook on all your servers.
The variable ``TF_VAR_TESTNET_NAME`` contains the testnet name which
ansible translates into an ansible group. If you used Terraform to
create the servers, it was the testnet name used there.
If the playbook cannot connect to the servers because of public key
denial, your SSH Agent is not set up properly. Alternatively you can add
the SSH key to ansible using the ``--private-key`` option.
If you need to connect to the nodes as root but your local username is
different, use the ansible option ``-u root`` to tell ansible to connect
to the servers and authenticate as the root user.
If you secured your server and you need to ``sudo`` for root access, use
the the ``-b`` or ``--become`` option to tell ansible to sudo to root
after connecting to the server. In the Terraform-DigitalOcean example,
if you created the ec2-user by adding the ``noroot=true`` option (or if
you are simply on Amazon AWS), you need to add the options
``-u ec2-user -b`` to ansible to tell it to connect as the ec2-user and
then sudo to root to run the playbook.
DO_API_TOKEN="<The API token received from DigitalOcean>"
ansible-playbook -i inventory/ install.yml -e service=basecoin
Amazon AWS
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<The API access key ID received from Amazon>'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<The API secret access key received from Amazon>'
ansible-playbook -i inventory/ install.yml -e service=basecoin
Installing custom versions
By default ansible installs the tendermint, basecoin or ethermint binary
versions from the latest release in the repository. If you build your
own version of the binaries, you can tell ansible to install that
GOPATH="<your go path>"
go get -u
DO_API_TOKEN="<The API token received from DigitalOcean>"
ansible-playbook -i inventory/ install.yml -e service=basecoin -e release_install=false
Alternatively you can change the variable settings in
Other commands and roles
There are few extra playbooks to make life easier managing your servers.
- install.yml - Install basecoin or ethermint applications. (Tendermint
gets installed automatically.) Use the ``service`` parameter to
define which application to install. Defaults to ``basecoin``.
- reset.yml - Stop the application, reset the configuration and data,
then start the application again. You need to pass
``-e service=<servicename>``, like ``-e service=basecoin``. It will
restart the underlying tendermint application too.
- restart.yml - Restart a service on all nodes. You need to pass
``-e service=<servicename>``, like ``-e service=basecoin``. It will
restart the underlying tendermint application too.
- stop.yml - Stop the application. You need to pass
``-e service=<servicename>``.
- status.yml - Check the service status and print it. You need to pass
``-e service=<servicename>``.
- start.yml - Start the application. You need to pass
``-e service=<servicename>``.
- ubuntu16-patch.yml - Ubuntu 16.04 does not have the minimum required
python package installed to be able to run ansible. If you are using
ubuntu, run this playbook first on the target machines. This will
install the python pacakge that is required for ansible to work
correctly on the remote nodes.
- upgrade.yml - Upgrade the ``service`` on your testnet. It will stop
the service and restart it at the end. It will only work if the
upgraded version is backward compatible with the installed version.
- upgrade-reset.yml - Upgrade the ``service`` on your testnet and reset
the database. It will stop the service and restart it at the end. It
will work for upgrades where the new version is not
backward-compatible with the installed version - however it will
reset the testnet to its default.
The roles are self-sufficient under the ``roles/`` folder.
- install - install the application defined in the ``service``
parameter. It can install release packages and update them with
custom-compiled binaries.
- unsafe\_reset - delete the database for a service, including the
tendermint database.
- config - configure the application defined in ``service``. It also
configures the underlying tendermint service. Check
``group_vars/all`` for options.
- stop - stop an application. Requires the ``service`` parameter set.
- status - check the status of an application. Requires the ``service``
parameter set.
- start - start an application. Requires the ``service`` parameter set.
Default variables
Default variables are documented under ``group_vars/all``. You can the
parameters there to deploy a previously created genesis.json file
(instead of dynamically creating it) or if you want to deploy custom
built binaries instead of deploying a released version.

+ 120
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docker/README.rst View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
Using Docker
`This folder <>`__ contains Docker container descriptions. Using this folder
you can build your own Docker images with the tendermint application.
It is assumed that you have already setup docker.
If you don't want to build the images yourself, you should be able to
download them from Docker Hub.
Build the container: Copy the ``tendermint`` binary to the
``tendermint`` folder.
docker build -t tendermint tendermint
The application configuration will be stored at ``/tendermint`` in the
container. The ports 46656 and 46657 will be open for ABCI applications
to connect.
Initialize tendermint configuration and keep it after the container is
finished in a docker volume called ``data``:
docker run --rm -v data:/tendermint tendermint init
If you want the docker volume to be a physical directory on your
filesystem, you have to give an absolute path to docker and make sure
the permissions allow the application to write it.
Get the public key of tendermint:
docker run --rm -v data:/tendermint tendermint show_validator
Run the docker tendermint application with:
docker run --rm -d -v data:/tendermint tendermint node
Build the container: Copy the ``basecoin`` binary to the ``basecoin``
docker build -t basecoin basecoin
The application configuration will be stored at ``/basecoin``.
Initialize basecoin configuration and keep it after the container is
docker run --rm -v basecoindata:/basecoin basecoin init deadbeef
Use your own basecoin account instead of ``deadbeef`` in the ``init``
Get the public key of basecoin: We use a trick here: since the basecoin
and the tendermint configuration folders are similar, the ``tendermint``
command can extract the public key for us if we feed the basecoin
configuration folder to tendermint.
docker run --rm -v basecoindata:/tendermint tendermint show_validator
Run the docker tendermint application with: This is a two-step process:
\* Run the basecoin container. \* Run the tendermint container and
expose the ports that allow clients to connect. The --proxy\_app should
contain the basecoin application's IP address and port.
docker run --rm -d -v basecoindata:/basecoin basecoin start --without-tendermint
docker run --rm -d -v data:/tendermint -p 46656-46657:46656-46657 tendermint node --proxy_app tcp://
Build the container: Copy the ``ethermint`` binary and the setup folder
to the ``ethermint`` folder.
docker build -t ethermint ethermint
The application configuration will be stored at ``/ethermint``. The
files required for initializing ethermint (the files in the source
``setup`` folder) are under ``/setup``.
Initialize ethermint configuration:
docker run --rm -v ethermintdata:/ethermint ethermint init /setup/genesis.json
Start ethermint as a validator node: This is a two-step process: \* Run
the ethermint container. You will have to define where tendermint runs
as the ethermint binary connects to it explicitly. \* Run the tendermint
container and expose the ports that allow clients to connect. The
--proxy\_app should contain the ethermint application's IP address and
docker run --rm -d -v ethermintdata:/ethermint ethermint --tendermint_addr tcp://
docker run --rm -d -v data:/tendermint -p 46656-46657:46656-46657 tendermint node --proxy_app tcp://

+ 289
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mintnet-kubernetes/README.rst View File

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
Using Kubernetes
.. figure:: assets/t_plus_k.png
:alt: Tendermint plus Kubernetes
Tendermint plus Kubernetes
This should primarily be used for testing purposes or for
tightly-defined chains operated by a single stakeholder (see `the
security precautions <#security>`__). If your desire is to launch an
application with many stakeholders, consider using our set of Ansible
Quick Start
For either platform, see the `requirements <>`__
curl -LO$(curl -s && chmod +x kubectl && sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
minikube start
git clone && cd tools/mintnet-kubernetes/examples/basecoin && make create
curl -LO$(curl -s && chmod +x kubectl && sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
minikube start
git clone && cd tools/mintnet-kubernetes/examples/basecoin && make create
Verify it worked
**Using a shell:**
First wait until all the pods are ``Running``:
``kubectl get pods -w -o wide -L tm``
then query the Tendermint app logs from the first pod:
``kubectl logs -c tm -f tm-0``
finally, use `Rest API <rpc.html>`__ to fetch the status of the second pod's Tendermint app.
Note we are using ``kubectl exec`` because pods are not exposed (and should not be) to the
outer network:
``kubectl exec -c tm tm-0 -- curl -s http://tm-1.basecoin:46657/status | json_pp``
**Using the dashboard:**
minikube dashboard
Clean up
make destroy
Setup a Kubernetes cluster
- locally using `Minikube <>`__
- on GCE with a single click in the web UI
- on AWS using `Kubernetes
Operations <>`__
- on Linux machines (Digital Ocean) using
`kubeadm <>`__
- on AWS, Azure, GCE or bare metal using `Kargo
(Ansible) <>`__
Please refer to `the official
documentation <>`__
for overview and comparison of different options.
Kubernetes on Digital Ocean
Available options:
- `kubeadm (alpha) <>`__
- `kargo <>`__
- `rancher <>`__
- `terraform <>`__
As you can see, there is no single tool for creating a cluster on DO.
Therefore, choose the one you know and comfortable working with. If you know
and used `terraform <>`__ before, then choose it. If you
know Ansible, then pick kargo. If none of these seem familiar to you, go with
``kubeadm``. Rancher is a beautiful UI for deploying and managing containers in
Kubernetes on Google Cloud Engine
Review the `Official Documentation <>`__ for Kubernetes on Google Compute
**Create a cluster**
The recommended way is to use `Google Container
Engine <>`__. You should be able
to create a fully fledged cluster with just a few clicks.
**Connect to it**
Install ``gcloud`` as a part of `Google Cloud SDK <>`__.
Make sure you have credentials for GCloud by running ``gcloud auth login``.
In order to make API calls against GCE, you must also run ``gcloud auth
application-default login``.
Press ``Connect``:
.. figure:: assets/gce1.png
and execute the first command in your shell. Then start a proxy by
executing ``kubectl` proxy``.
.. figure:: assets/gce2.png
Now you should be able to run ``kubectl`` command to create resources, get
resource info, logs, etc.
**Make sure you have Kubernetes >= 1.5, because you will be using
StatefulSets, which is a beta feature in 1.5.**
Create a configuration file
Download a template:
curl -Lo app.yaml
Open ``app.yaml`` in your favorite editor and configure your app
container (navigate to ``- name: app``). Kubernetes DSL (Domain Specific
Language) is very simple, so it should be easy. You will need to set
Docker image, command and/or run arguments. Replace variables prefixed
with ``YOUR_APP`` with corresponding values. Set genesis time to now and
preferable chain ID in ConfigMap.
Please note if you are changing ``replicas`` number, do not forget to
update ``validators`` set in ConfigMap. You will be able to scale the
cluster up or down later, but new pods (nodes) won't become validators
Deploy your application
kubectl create -f ./app.yaml
Observe your cluster
`web UI <>`__
The easiest way to access Dashboard is to use ``kubectl``. Run the following
command in your desktop environment:
kubectl proxy
``kubectl`` will handle authentication with apiserver and make Dashboard
available at http://localhost:8001/ui
List all the pods:
kubectl get pods -o wide -L tm
StatefulSet details:
kubectl describe statefulsets tm
First pod details:
kubectl describe pod tm-0
Tendermint app logs from the first pod:
kubectl logs tm-0 -c tm -f
App logs from the first pod:
kubectl logs tm-0 -c app -f
Status of the second pod's Tendermint app:
kubectl exec -c tm tm-0 -- curl -s http://tm-1.<YOUR_APP_NAME>:46657/status | json_pp
Due to the nature of Kubernetes, where you typically have a single
master, the master could be a SPOF (Single Point Of Failure). Therefore,
you need to make sure only authorized people can access it. And these
people themselves had taken basic measures in order not to get hacked.
These are the best practices:
- all access to the master is over TLS
- access to the API Server is X.509 certificate or token based
- etcd is not exposed directly to the cluster
- ensure that images are free of vulnerabilities
(`1 <>`__)
- ensure that only authorized images are used in your environment
- disable direct access to Kubernetes nodes (no SSH)
- define resource quota
Fault tolerance
Having a single master (API server) is a bad thing also because if
something happens to it, you risk being left without an access to the
To avoid that you can `run Kubernetes in multiple
zones <>`__, each zone
running an `API
server <>`__ and load
balance requests between them. Do not forget to make sure only one
instance of scheduler and controller-manager are running at once.
Running in multiple zones is a lightweight version of a broader `Cluster
Federation feature <>`__.
Federated deployments could span across multiple regions (not zones). We
haven't tried this feature yet, so any feedback is highly appreciated!
Especially, related to additional latency and cost of exchanging data
between the regions.
Starting process
.. figure:: assets/statefulset.png
:alt: StatefulSet
Init containers (``tm-gen-validator``) are run before all other
containers, creating public-private key pair for each pod. Every ``tm``
container then asks other pods for their public keys, which are served
with nginx (``pub-key`` container). When ``tm`` container have all the
keys, it forms a genesis file and starts the Tendermint process.

+ 111
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terraform-digitalocean/README.rst View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
Using Terraform
This is a generic `Terraform <>`__
configuration that sets up DigitalOcean droplets. See the
`terraform-digitalocean <>`__
for the required files.
- Install `HashiCorp Terraform <>`__ on a linux
- Create a `DigitalOcean API
token <>`__ with
read and write capability.
- Create a private/public key pair for SSH. This is needed to log onto
your droplets as well as by Ansible to connect for configuration
- Set up the public SSH key at the `DigitalOcean security
page <>`__.
`Here <>`__'s
a tutorial.
- Find out your SSH key ID at DigitalOcean by querying the below
command on your linux box:
DO_API_TOKEN="<The API token received from DigitalOcean>"
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $DO_API_TOKEN" ""
If this is your first time using terraform, you have to initialize it by
running the below command. (Note: initialization can be run multiple
terraform init
After initialization it's good measure to create a new Terraform
environment for the droplets so they are always managed together.
terraform env new "$TESTNET_NAME"
Note this ``terraform env`` command is only available in terraform
``v0.9`` and up.
The below command will create 4 nodes in DigitalOcean. They will be
named ``testnet-servers-node0`` to ``testnet-servers-node3`` and they
will be tagged as ``testnet-servers``.
DO_API_TOKEN="<The API token received from DigitalOcean>"
SSH_IDS="[ \"<The SSH ID received from the curl call above.>\" ]"
terraform apply -var TESTNET_NAME="testnet-servers" -var servers=4 -var DO_API_TOKEN="$DO_API_TOKEN" -var ssh_keys="$SSH_IDS"
Note: ``ssh_keys`` is a list of strings. You can add multiple keys. For
example: ``["1234567","9876543"]``.
Alternatively you can use the default settings. The number of default
servers is 4 and the testnet name is ``tf-testnet1``. Variables can also
be defined as environment variables instead of the command-line.
Environment variables that start with ``TF_VAR_`` will be translated
into the Terraform configuration. For example the number of servers can
be overriden by setting the ``TF_VAR_servers`` variable.
TF_VAR_DO_API_TOKEN="<The API token received from DigitalOcean>"
DigitalOcean uses the root user by default on its droplets. This is fine
as long as SSH keys are used. However some people still would like to
disable root and use an alternative user to connect to the droplets -
then ``sudo`` from there. Terraform can do this but it requires SSH
agent running on the machine where terraform is run, with one of the SSH
keys of the droplets added to the agent. (This will be neede for ansible
too, so it's worth setting it up here. Check out the
`ansible <>`__
page for more information.) After setting up the SSH key, run
``terraform apply`` with ``-var noroot=true`` to create your droplets.
Terraform will create a user called ``ec2-user`` and move the SSH keys
over, this way disabling SSH login for root. It also adds the
``ec2-user`` to the sudoers file, so after logging in as ec2-user you
can ``sudo`` to ``root``.
DigitalOcean announced firewalls but the current version of Terraform
(0.9.8 as of this writing) does not support it yet. Fortunately it is
quite easy to set it up through the web interface (and not that bad
through the `RESTful
API <>`__
either). When adding droplets to a firewall rule, you can add tags. All
droplets in a testnet are tagged with the testnet name so it's enough to
define the testnet name in the firewall rule. It is not necessary to add
the nodes one-by-one. Also, the firewall rule "remembers" the testnet
name tag so if you change the servers but keep the name, the firewall
rules will still apply.

+ 144
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tm-bench/README.rst View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
Benchmarking and Monitoring
Tendermint blockchain benchmarking tool:
For example, the following:
tm-bench -T 10 -r 1000 localhost:46657
will output:
Stats Avg Stdev Max
Block latency 6.18ms 3.19ms 14ms
Blocks/sec 0.828 0.378 1
Txs/sec 963 493 1811
Quick Start
docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" tendermint/tendermint init
docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" -p "46657:46657" --name=tm tendermint/tendermint
docker run -it --rm --link=tm tendermint/bench tm:46657
If **Linux**, start with:
curl -L && sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin && sudo chmod +x tendermint
if **Mac OS**, start with:
curl -L && sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin && sudo chmod +x tendermint
then run:
tendermint init
tendermint node --app_proxy=dummy
tm-bench localhost:46657
with the last command being in a seperate window.
tm-bench [-c 1] [-T 10] [-r 1000] [endpoints]
tm-bench localhost:46657
-T int
Exit after the specified amount of time in seconds (default 10)
-c int
Connections to keep open per endpoint (default 1)
-r int
Txs per second to send in a connection (default 1000)
-v Verbose output
Tendermint blockchain monitoring tool; watches over one or more nodes, collecting and providing various statistics to the user:
Quick Start
docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" tendermint/tendermint init
docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" -p "46657:46657" --name=tm tendermint/tendermint
docker run -it --rm --link=tm tendermint/monitor tm:46657
This will be the same as you did for ``tm-bench`` above, except for the last line which should be:
tm-monitor localhost:46657
tm-monitor [-v] [-no-ton] [-listen-addr="tcp://"] [endpoints]
# monitor single instance
tm-monitor localhost:46657
# monitor a few instances by providing comma-separated list of RPC endpoints
tm-monitor host1:46657,host2:46657
-listen-addr string
HTTP and Websocket server listen address (default "tcp://")
Do not show ton (table of nodes)
-v verbose logging
Run ``tm-monitor`` and visit http://localhost:46670
You should see the list of the available RPC endpoints:
The API is available as GET requests with URI encoded parameters, or as JSONRPC
POST requests. The JSONRPC methods are also exposed over websocket.
