meaning they are configured by the ABCI application and are expected to be the
same across all nodes on the network.
### `Precision`
The `Precision` parameter configures the acceptable upper-bound of clock drift
among all of the nodes on a Tendermint network. Any two nodes on a Tendermint
network are expected to have clocks that differ by at most `Precision`
milliseconds any given instant.
### `MessageDelay`
The `MessageDelay` parameter configures the acceptable upper-bound for
transmitting a `Proposal` message from the proposer to _all_ of the validators
on the network.
Networks should choose as small a value for `MessageDelay` as is practical,
provided it is large enough that messages can reach all participants with high
probability given the number of participants and latency of their connections.
## Algorithm Concepts
### Block timestamps
Each block produced by the Tendermint consensus engine contains a timestamp.
The timestamp produced in each block is a meaningful representation of time that is
useful for the protocols and applications built on top of Tendermint.
The following protocols and application features require a reliable source of time:
* Tendermint Light Clients [rely on correspondence between their known time]( and the block time for block verification.
* Tendermint Evidence validity is determined [either in terms of heights or in terms of time](
* Unbonding of staked assets in the Cosmos Hub [occurs after a period of 21