should force CircleCI to update the code cache
Found a cache from build 100135 at go-src-v1-b215e07ecdc6ad5c363c3b420580aa6b52913feb
Size: 65 MiB
Cached paths:
* /go/src/
because we have v0.33.1-dev3 tag, script is thinking the
next tag should be v0.33.1, not v0.33.2:
if re.match('[0-9]+$',patch) is None:
patchfound = re.match('([0-9]+)',patch)
patch = int(
patch = int(patch) + 1
The last tag it finds is v0.33.1-dev3. So it hits the first branch. But
the first branch only fetches the number, and doesn't increment it, so
the result is v0.33.1.
if there exists a patch tag like 1-dev3, then the next version should be
0.33.1. But in this case, 0.33.1 has already been released.