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lite: TestCacheGetsBestHeight with GetByHeight and GetByHeightBinarySearch

Addressing PR review requests from @melekes and @ebuchman to
add a test that checks that the heights returned from both are
the same thus providing a perceptible equivalence of the code
linear range search vs binary range search code.
Emmanuel Odeke 7 years ago
1 changed files with 96 additions and 5 deletions
  1. +96

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lite/provider_test.go View File

@ -100,13 +100,30 @@ func checkProvider(t *testing.T, p lite.Provider, chainID, app string) {
type binarySearchHeightGetter interface {
GetByHeightBinarySearch(h int64) (lite.FullCommit, error)
// this will make a get height, and if it is good, set the data as well
func checkGetHeight(t *testing.T, p lite.Provider, ask, expect int64) {
fc, err := p.GetByHeight(ask)
require.Nil(t, err, "%+v", err)
if assert.Equal(t, expect, fc.Height()) {
err = p.StoreCommit(fc)
require.Nil(t, err, "%+v", err)
// The goal here is to test checkGetHeight using both
// provider.GetByHeight
// *memStoreProvider.GetHeightBinarySearch
fnMap := map[string]func(int64) (lite.FullCommit, error){
"getByHeight": p.GetByHeight,
if bshg, ok := p.(binarySearchHeightGetter); ok {
fnMap["getByHeightBinary"] = bshg.GetByHeightBinarySearch
for algo, fn := range fnMap {
fc, err := fn(ask)
// t.Logf("%s got=%v want=%d", algo, expect, fc.Height())
require.Nil(t, err, "%s: %+v", algo, err)
if assert.Equal(t, expect, fc.Height()) {
err = p.StoreCommit(fc)
require.Nil(t, err, "%s: %+v", algo, err)
@ -147,3 +164,77 @@ func TestCacheGetsBestHeight(t *testing.T) {
checkGetHeight(t, p2, 99, 90)
checkGetHeight(t, cp, 99, 90)
var blankFullCommit lite.FullCommit
func ensureNonExistentCommitsAtHeight(t *testing.T, prefix string, fn func(int64) (lite.FullCommit, error), data []int64) {
for i, qh := range data {
fc, err := fn(qh)
assert.NotNil(t, err, "#%d: %s: height=%d should return non-nil error", i, prefix, qh)
assert.Equal(t, fc, blankFullCommit, "#%d: %s: height=%d\ngot =%+v\nwant=%+v", i, prefix, qh, fc, blankFullCommit)
func TestMemStoreProviderGetByHeightBinaryAndLinearSameResult(t *testing.T) {
p := lite.NewMemStoreProvider()
// Store a bunch of commits at specific heights
// and then ensure that:
// * GetByHeight
// * GetByHeightBinarySearch
// both return the exact same result
// 1. Non-existent height commits
nonExistent := []int64{-1000, -1, 0, 1, 10, 11, 17, 31, 67, 1000, 1e9}
ensureNonExistentCommitsAtHeight(t, "GetByHeight", p.GetByHeight, nonExistent)
ensureNonExistentCommitsAtHeight(t, "GetByHeightBinarySearch", p.(binarySearchHeightGetter).GetByHeightBinarySearch, nonExistent)
// 2. Save some known height commits
knownHeights := []int64{0, 1, 7, 9, 12, 13, 18, 44, 23, 16, 1024, 100, 199, 1e9}
createAndStoreCommits(t, p, knownHeights)
// 3. Now check if those heights are retrieved
ensureExistentCommitsAtHeight(t, "GetByHeight", p.GetByHeight, knownHeights)
ensureExistentCommitsAtHeight(t, "GetByHeightBinarySearch", p.(binarySearchHeightGetter).GetByHeightBinarySearch, knownHeights)
// 4. And now for the height probing to ensure that any height
// requested returns a fullCommit of height <= requestedHeight.
checkGetHeight(t, p, 0, 0)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 1, 1)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 2, 1)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 5, 1)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 7, 7)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 10, 9)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 12, 12)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 14, 13)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 19, 18)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 43, 23)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 45, 44)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 1025, 1024)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 101, 100)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 1e3, 199)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 1e4, 1024)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 1e9, 1e9)
checkGetHeight(t, p, 1e9+1, 1e9)
func ensureExistentCommitsAtHeight(t *testing.T, prefix string, fn func(int64) (lite.FullCommit, error), data []int64) {
for i, qh := range data {
fc, err := fn(qh)
assert.Nil(t, err, "#%d: %s: height=%d should not return an error: %v", i, prefix, qh, err)
assert.NotEqual(t, fc, blankFullCommit, "#%d: %s: height=%d got a blankCommit", i, prefix, qh)
func createAndStoreCommits(t *testing.T, p lite.Provider, heights []int64) {
chainID := "cache-best-height-binary-and-linear"
appHash := []byte("0xdeadbeef")
keys := lite.GenValKeys(len(heights) / 2)
for _, h := range heights {
vals := keys.ToValidators(10, int64(len(heights)/2))
fc := keys.GenFullCommit(chainID, h, nil, vals, appHash, []byte("params"), []byte("results"), 0, 5)
err := p.StoreCommit(fc)
require.NoError(t, err, "StoreCommit height=%d", h)
