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More ProposerPriority tests (#2966)

* more proposer priority tests

 - test that we don't reset to zero when updating / adding
 - test that same power validators alternate

* add another test to track / simulate similar behaviour as in #2960

* address some of Chris' review comments

* address some more of Chris' review comments
Ismail Khoffi 6 years ago
committed by Ethan Buchman
1 changed files with 341 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +341

+ 341
- 0
state/state_test.go View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package state
import (
@ -263,6 +264,346 @@ func TestOneValidatorChangesSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
func TestProposerPriorityDoesNotGetResetToZero(t *testing.T) {
// assert that we preserve accum when calling updateState:
tearDown, _, state := setupTestCase(t)
defer tearDown(t)
origVotingPower := int64(10)
val1PubKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey()
val1 := &types.Validator{Address: val1PubKey.Address(), PubKey: val1PubKey, VotingPower: origVotingPower}
state.Validators = types.NewValidatorSet([]*types.Validator{val1})
state.NextValidators = state.Validators
// NewValidatorSet calls IncrementProposerPriority but uses on a copy of val1
assert.EqualValues(t, 0, val1.ProposerPriority)
block := makeBlock(state, state.LastBlockHeight+1)
blockID := types.BlockID{block.Hash(), block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header()}
abciResponses := &ABCIResponses{
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: nil},
validatorUpdates, err := types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates(abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
updatedState, err := updateState(state, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, -origVotingPower, updatedState.NextValidators.Validators[0].ProposerPriority)
// add a validator
val2PubKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey()
val2VotingPower := int64(100)
updateAddVal := abci.ValidatorUpdate{PubKey: types.TM2PB.PubKey(val2PubKey), Power: val2VotingPower}
validatorUpdates, err = types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates([]abci.ValidatorUpdate{updateAddVal})
assert.NoError(t, err)
updatedState2, err := updateState(updatedState, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
assert.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(updatedState2.NextValidators.Validators), 2)
_, addedVal2 := updatedState2.NextValidators.GetByAddress(val2PubKey.Address())
// adding a validator should not lead to a ProposerPriority equal to zero (unless the combination of averaging and
// incrementing would cause so; which is not the case here)
totalPowerBefore2 := origVotingPower // 10
wantVal2ProposerPrio := -(totalPowerBefore2 + (totalPowerBefore2 >> 3)) + val2VotingPower // 89
avg := (0 + wantVal2ProposerPrio) / 2 // 44
wantVal2ProposerPrio -= avg // 45
totalPowerAfter := origVotingPower + val2VotingPower // 110
wantVal2ProposerPrio -= totalPowerAfter // -65
assert.Equal(t, wantVal2ProposerPrio, addedVal2.ProposerPriority) // not zero == -65
// Updating a validator does not reset the ProposerPriority to zero:
updatedVotingPowVal2 := int64(1)
updateVal := abci.ValidatorUpdate{PubKey: types.TM2PB.PubKey(val2PubKey), Power: updatedVotingPowVal2}
validatorUpdates, err = types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates([]abci.ValidatorUpdate{updateVal})
assert.NoError(t, err)
updatedState3, err := updateState(updatedState2, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
assert.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(updatedState3.NextValidators.Validators), 2)
_, prevVal1 := updatedState3.Validators.GetByAddress(val1PubKey.Address())
_, updatedVal2 := updatedState3.NextValidators.GetByAddress(val2PubKey.Address())
expectedVal1PrioBeforeAvg := prevVal1.ProposerPriority + prevVal1.VotingPower // -44 + 10 == -34
wantVal2ProposerPrio = wantVal2ProposerPrio + updatedVotingPowVal2 // -64
avg = (wantVal2ProposerPrio + expectedVal1PrioBeforeAvg) / 2 // (-64-34)/2 == -49
wantVal2ProposerPrio = wantVal2ProposerPrio - avg // -15
assert.Equal(t, wantVal2ProposerPrio, updatedVal2.ProposerPriority) // -15
func TestProposerPriorityProposerAlternates(t *testing.T) {
// Regression test that would fail if the inner workings of
// IncrementProposerPriority change.
// Additionally, make sure that same power validators alternate if both
// have the same voting power (and the 2nd was added later).
tearDown, _, state := setupTestCase(t)
defer tearDown(t)
origVotinPower := int64(10)
val1PubKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey()
val1 := &types.Validator{Address: val1PubKey.Address(), PubKey: val1PubKey, VotingPower: origVotinPower}
// reset state validators to above validator
state.Validators = types.NewValidatorSet([]*types.Validator{val1})
state.NextValidators = state.Validators
// we only have one validator:
assert.Equal(t, val1PubKey.Address(), state.Validators.Proposer.Address)
block := makeBlock(state, state.LastBlockHeight+1)
blockID := types.BlockID{block.Hash(), block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header()}
// no updates:
abciResponses := &ABCIResponses{
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: nil},
validatorUpdates, err := types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates(abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
updatedState, err := updateState(state, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// 0 + 10 (initial prio) - 10 (avg) - 10 (mostest - total) = -10
assert.Equal(t, -origVotinPower, updatedState.NextValidators.Validators[0].ProposerPriority)
assert.Equal(t, val1PubKey.Address(), updatedState.NextValidators.Proposer.Address)
// add a validator with the same voting power as the first
val2PubKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey()
updateAddVal := abci.ValidatorUpdate{PubKey: types.TM2PB.PubKey(val2PubKey), Power: origVotinPower}
validatorUpdates, err = types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates([]abci.ValidatorUpdate{updateAddVal})
assert.NoError(t, err)
updatedState2, err := updateState(updatedState, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
assert.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(updatedState2.NextValidators.Validators), 2)
assert.Equal(t, updatedState2.Validators, updatedState.NextValidators)
// val1 will still be proposer as val2 just got added:
assert.Equal(t, val1PubKey.Address(), updatedState.NextValidators.Proposer.Address)
assert.Equal(t, updatedState2.Validators.Proposer.Address, updatedState2.NextValidators.Proposer.Address)
assert.Equal(t, updatedState2.Validators.Proposer.Address, val1PubKey.Address())
assert.Equal(t, updatedState2.NextValidators.Proposer.Address, val1PubKey.Address())
_, updatedVal1 := updatedState2.NextValidators.GetByAddress(val1PubKey.Address())
_, oldVal1 := updatedState2.Validators.GetByAddress(val1PubKey.Address())
_, updatedVal2 := updatedState2.NextValidators.GetByAddress(val2PubKey.Address())
totalPower := origVotinPower
v2PrioWhenAddedVal2 := -(totalPower + (totalPower >> 3))
v2PrioWhenAddedVal2 = v2PrioWhenAddedVal2 + origVotinPower // -11 + 10 == -1
v1PrioWhenAddedVal2 := oldVal1.ProposerPriority + origVotinPower // -10 + 10 == 0
// have to express the AVG in big.Ints as -1/2 == -1 in big.Int while -1/2 == 0 in int64
avgSum := big.NewInt(0).Add(big.NewInt(v2PrioWhenAddedVal2), big.NewInt(v1PrioWhenAddedVal2))
avg := avgSum.Div(avgSum, big.NewInt(2))
expectedVal2Prio := v2PrioWhenAddedVal2 - avg.Int64()
totalPower = 2 * origVotinPower // 10 + 10
expectedVal1Prio := oldVal1.ProposerPriority + origVotinPower - avg.Int64() - totalPower
// val1's ProposerPriority story: -10 (see above) + 10 (voting pow) - (-1) (avg) - 20 (total) == -19
assert.EqualValues(t, expectedVal1Prio, updatedVal1.ProposerPriority)
// val2 prio when added: -(totalVotingPower + (totalVotingPower >> 3)) == -11
// -> -11 + 10 (voting power) - (-1) (avg) == 0
assert.EqualValues(t, expectedVal2Prio, updatedVal2.ProposerPriority, "unexpected proposer priority for validator: %v", updatedVal2)
validatorUpdates, err = types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates(abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
updatedState3, err := updateState(updatedState2, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// proposer changes from now on (every iteration) as long as there are no changes in the validator set:
assert.NotEqual(t, updatedState3.Validators.Proposer.Address, updatedState3.NextValidators.Proposer.Address)
assert.Equal(t, updatedState3.Validators, updatedState2.NextValidators)
_, updatedVal1 = updatedState3.NextValidators.GetByAddress(val1PubKey.Address())
_, oldVal1 = updatedState3.Validators.GetByAddress(val1PubKey.Address())
_, updatedVal2 = updatedState3.NextValidators.GetByAddress(val2PubKey.Address())
_, oldVal2 := updatedState3.Validators.GetByAddress(val2PubKey.Address())
// val2 will be proposer:
assert.Equal(t, val2PubKey.Address(), updatedState3.NextValidators.Proposer.Address)
// check if expected proposer prio is matched:
avgSum = big.NewInt(oldVal1.ProposerPriority + origVotinPower + oldVal2.ProposerPriority + origVotinPower)
avg = avgSum.Div(avgSum, big.NewInt(2))
expectedVal1Prio2 := oldVal1.ProposerPriority + origVotinPower - avg.Int64()
expectedVal2Prio2 := oldVal2.ProposerPriority + origVotinPower - avg.Int64() - totalPower
// -19 + 10 - 0 (avg) == -9
assert.EqualValues(t, expectedVal1Prio2, updatedVal1.ProposerPriority, "unexpected proposer priority for validator: %v", updatedVal2)
// 0 + 10 - 0 (avg) - 20 (total) == -10
assert.EqualValues(t, expectedVal2Prio2, updatedVal2.ProposerPriority, "unexpected proposer priority for validator: %v", updatedVal2)
// no changes in voting power and both validators have same voting power
// -> proposers should alternate:
oldState := updatedState3
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
// no validator updates:
abciResponses := &ABCIResponses{
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: nil},
validatorUpdates, err = types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates(abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
updatedState, err := updateState(oldState, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// alternate (and cyclic priorities):
assert.NotEqual(t, updatedState.Validators.Proposer.Address, updatedState.NextValidators.Proposer.Address, "iter: %v", i)
assert.Equal(t, oldState.Validators.Proposer.Address, updatedState.NextValidators.Proposer.Address, "iter: %v", i)
_, updatedVal1 = updatedState.NextValidators.GetByAddress(val1PubKey.Address())
_, updatedVal2 = updatedState.NextValidators.GetByAddress(val2PubKey.Address())
if i%2 == 0 {
assert.Equal(t, updatedState.Validators.Proposer.Address, val2PubKey.Address())
assert.Equal(t, expectedVal1Prio, updatedVal1.ProposerPriority) // -19
assert.Equal(t, expectedVal2Prio, updatedVal2.ProposerPriority) // 0
} else {
assert.Equal(t, updatedState.Validators.Proposer.Address, val1PubKey.Address())
assert.Equal(t, expectedVal1Prio2, updatedVal1.ProposerPriority) // -9
assert.Equal(t, expectedVal2Prio2, updatedVal2.ProposerPriority) // -10
// update for next iteration:
oldState = updatedState
func TestLargeGenesisValidator(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, _, state := setupTestCase(t)
defer tearDown(t)
// TODO: increase genesis voting power to sth. more close to MaxTotalVotingPower with changes that
// fix with tendermint/issues/2960; currently, the last iteration would take forever though
genesisVotingPower := int64(types.MaxTotalVotingPower / 100000000000000)
genesisPubKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey()
// fmt.Println("genesis addr: ", genesisPubKey.Address())
genesisVal := &types.Validator{Address: genesisPubKey.Address(), PubKey: genesisPubKey, VotingPower: genesisVotingPower}
// reset state validators to above validator
state.Validators = types.NewValidatorSet([]*types.Validator{genesisVal})
state.NextValidators = state.Validators
require.True(t, len(state.Validators.Validators) == 1)
// update state a few times with no validator updates
// asserts that the single validator's ProposerPrio stays the same
oldState := state
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// no updates:
abciResponses := &ABCIResponses{
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: nil},
validatorUpdates, err := types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates(abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
block := makeBlock(oldState, oldState.LastBlockHeight+1)
blockID := types.BlockID{block.Hash(), block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header()}
updatedState, err := updateState(oldState, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
// no changes in voting power (ProposerPrio += VotingPower == 0 in 1st round; than shiftByAvg == no-op,
// than -Total == -Voting)
// -> no change in ProposerPrio (stays -Total == -VotingPower):
assert.EqualValues(t, oldState.NextValidators, updatedState.NextValidators)
assert.EqualValues(t, -genesisVotingPower, updatedState.NextValidators.Proposer.ProposerPriority)
oldState = updatedState
// add another validator, do a few iterations (create blocks),
// add more validators with same voting power as the 2nd
// let the genesis validator "unbond",
// see how long it takes until the effect wears off and both begin to alternate
// see:
firstAddedValPubKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey()
// fmt.Println("first added addr: ", firstAddedValPubKey.Address())
firstAddedValVotingPower := int64(10)
firstAddedVal := abci.ValidatorUpdate{PubKey: types.TM2PB.PubKey(firstAddedValPubKey), Power: firstAddedValVotingPower}
validatorUpdates, err := types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates([]abci.ValidatorUpdate{firstAddedVal})
assert.NoError(t, err)
abciResponses := &ABCIResponses{
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: []abci.ValidatorUpdate{firstAddedVal}},
block := makeBlock(oldState, oldState.LastBlockHeight+1)
blockID := types.BlockID{block.Hash(), block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header()}
updatedState, err := updateState(oldState, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
lastState := updatedState
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
// no updates:
abciResponses := &ABCIResponses{
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: nil},
validatorUpdates, err := types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates(abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
block := makeBlock(lastState, lastState.LastBlockHeight+1)
blockID := types.BlockID{block.Hash(), block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header()}
updatedStateInner, err := updateState(lastState, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
lastState = updatedStateInner
// set state to last state of above iteration
state = lastState
// set oldState to state before above iteration
oldState = updatedState
_, oldGenesisVal := oldState.NextValidators.GetByAddress(genesisVal.Address)
_, newGenesisVal := state.NextValidators.GetByAddress(genesisVal.Address)
_, addedOldVal := oldState.NextValidators.GetByAddress(firstAddedValPubKey.Address())
_, addedNewVal := state.NextValidators.GetByAddress(firstAddedValPubKey.Address())
// expect large negative proposer priority for both (genesis validator decreased, 2nd validator increased):
assert.True(t, oldGenesisVal.ProposerPriority > newGenesisVal.ProposerPriority)
assert.True(t, addedOldVal.ProposerPriority < addedNewVal.ProposerPriority)
// add 10 validators with the same voting power as the one added directly after genesis:
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
addedPubKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey()
addedVal := abci.ValidatorUpdate{PubKey: types.TM2PB.PubKey(addedPubKey), Power: firstAddedValVotingPower}
validatorUpdates, err := types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates([]abci.ValidatorUpdate{addedVal})
assert.NoError(t, err)
abciResponses := &ABCIResponses{
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: []abci.ValidatorUpdate{addedVal}},
block := makeBlock(oldState, oldState.LastBlockHeight+1)
blockID := types.BlockID{block.Hash(), block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header()}
state, err = updateState(state, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
require.Equal(t, 10+2, len(state.NextValidators.Validators))
// remove genesis validator:
removeGenesisVal := abci.ValidatorUpdate{PubKey: types.TM2PB.PubKey(genesisPubKey), Power: 0}
abciResponses = &ABCIResponses{
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: []abci.ValidatorUpdate{removeGenesisVal}},
block = makeBlock(oldState, oldState.LastBlockHeight+1)
blockID = types.BlockID{block.Hash(), block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header()}
validatorUpdates, err = types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates(abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
updatedState, err = updateState(state, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
// only the first added val (not the genesis val) should be left
assert.Equal(t, 11, len(updatedState.NextValidators.Validators))
// call update state until the effect for the 3rd added validator
// being proposer for a long time after the genesis validator left wears off:
curState := updatedState
count := 0
isProposerUnchanged := true
for isProposerUnchanged {
abciResponses := &ABCIResponses{
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: nil},
validatorUpdates, err = types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates(abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
block = makeBlock(curState, curState.LastBlockHeight+1)
blockID = types.BlockID{block.Hash(), block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header()}
curState, err = updateState(curState, blockID, &block.Header, abciResponses, validatorUpdates)
if !bytes.Equal(curState.Validators.Proposer.Address, curState.NextValidators.Proposer.Address) {
isProposerUnchanged = false
// first proposer change happens after this many iters; we probably want to lower this number:
// TODO: change with
firstProposerChangeExpectedAfter := 438
assert.Equal(t, firstProposerChangeExpectedAfter, count)
func TestStoreLoadValidatorsIncrementsProposerPriority(t *testing.T) {
const valSetSize = 2
tearDown, stateDB, state := setupTestCase(t)
