$(warning WARNING: build will not be deterministic. The compiler does not support the '-fdebug-prefix-map' flag.)
#GOROOT string is copied into the binary. For deterministic builds, we agree to keep it at /usr/local/go. (Default for golang:1.9.2 docker image, linux and osx.)
$(warning WARNING: build will not be deterministic. GOROOT should be set to /usr/local/go)
#GOPATH string is copied into the binary. Although the -trimpath flag tries to eliminate it, it doesn't do it everywhere in Go 1.9.2. For deterministic builds we agree to keep it at /go. (Default for golang:1.9.2 docker image.)
$(warning WARNING: build will not be deterministic. GOPATH should be set to /go)
#External dependencies defined in GOTOOLS are built with get_tools. If they are already available on the system (for exmaple using a package manager), then get_tools might not be necessary.
$(warning WARNING: PATH does not contain GOPATH/bin. Some external dependencies might be unavailable.)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/25668869
@echo "Found tools: $(foreach tool,$(notdir $(GOTOOLS)),$(if$(shell which $(tool)),$(tool),$(error "No $(tool) in PATH. Add GOPATH/bin to PATH and run 'make get_tools'")))"