- package lite
- import (
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- log "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
- )
- // Provider provides information for the lite client to sync validators.
- // Examples: MemProvider, files.Provider, client.Provider, CacheProvider.
- type Provider interface {
- // LatestFullCommit returns the latest commit with minHeight <= height <=
- // maxHeight.
- // If maxHeight is zero, returns the latest where minHeight <= height.
- LatestFullCommit(chainID string, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (FullCommit, error)
- // Get the valset that corresponds to chainID and height and return.
- // Height must be >= 1.
- ValidatorSet(chainID string, height int64) (*types.ValidatorSet, error)
- // Set a logger.
- SetLogger(logger log.Logger)
- }
- // A provider that can also persist new information.
- // Examples: MemProvider, files.Provider, CacheProvider.
- type PersistentProvider interface {
- Provider
- // SaveFullCommit saves a FullCommit (without verification).
- SaveFullCommit(fc FullCommit) error
- }