- # Tendermint State
- ## State
- The state contains information whose cryptographic digest is included in block headers, and thus is
- necessary for validating new blocks. For instance, the Merkle root of the results from executing the
- previous block, or the Merkle root of the current validators. While neither the results of
- transactions now the validators are ever included in the blockchain itself, the Merkle roots are,
- and hence we need a separate data structure to track them.
- ```go
- type State struct {
- LastResults []Result
- AppHash []byte
- Validators []Validator
- LastValidators []Validator
- ConsensusParams ConsensusParams
- }
- ```
- ### Result
- ```go
- type Result struct {
- Code uint32
- Data []byte
- Tags []KVPair
- }
- type KVPair struct {
- Key []byte
- Value []byte
- }
- ```
- `Result` is the result of executing a transaction against the application.
- It returns a result code, an arbitrary byte array (ie. a return value),
- and a list of key-value pairs ordered by key. The key-value pairs, or tags,
- can be used to index transactions according to their "effects", which are
- represented in the tags.
- ### Validator
- A validator is an active participant in the consensus with a public key and a voting power.
- Validator's also contain an address which is derived from the PubKey:
- ```go
- type Validator struct {
- Address []byte
- PubKey PubKey
- VotingPower int64
- }
- ```
- The `state.Validators` and `state.LastValidators` must always by sorted by validator address,
- so that there is a canonical order for computing the SimpleMerkleRoot.
- We also define a `TotalVotingPower` function, to return the total voting power:
- ```go
- func TotalVotingPower(vals []Validators) int64{
- sum := 0
- for v := range vals{
- sum += v.VotingPower
- }
- return sum
- }
- ```
- ### PubKey
- ### ConsensusParams
- ## Execution
- We define an `Execute` function that takes a state and a block,
- executes the block against the application, and returns an updated state.
- ```go
- Execute(s State, app ABCIApp, block Block) State {
- abciResponses := app.ApplyBlock(block)
- return State{
- LastResults: abciResponses.DeliverTxResults,
- AppHash: abciResponses.AppHash,
- Validators: UpdateValidators(state.Validators, abciResponses.ValidatorChanges),
- LastValidators: state.Validators,
- ConsensusParams: UpdateConsensusParams(state.ConsensusParams, abci.Responses.ConsensusParamChanges),
- }
- }
- type ABCIResponses struct {
- DeliverTxResults []Result
- ValidatorChanges []Validator
- ConsensusParamChanges ConsensusParams
- AppHash []byte
- }
- ```