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  1. ###
  2. # Find OS and Go environment
  3. # GO contains the Go binary
  4. # FS contains the OS file separator
  5. ###
  6. ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
  7. GO := $(shell where go.exe 2> NUL)
  8. FS := "\\"
  9. else
  10. GO := $(shell command -v go 2> /dev/null)
  11. FS := "/"
  12. endif
  13. ifeq ($(GO),)
  14. $(error could not find go. Is it in PATH? $(GO))
  15. endif
  16. GOPATH ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOPATH)
  17. GITHUBDIR := $(GOPATH)$(FS)src$(FS)
  18. ###
  19. # Functions
  20. ###
  21. go_get = $(if $(findstring Windows_NT,$(OS)),\
  22. IF NOT EXIST $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1)$(FS) ( mkdir $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1) ) else (cd .) &\
  23. IF NOT EXIST $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1)$(FS)$(2)$(FS) ( cd $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1) && git clone$(1)/$(2) ) else (cd .) &\
  24. ,\
  25. mkdir -p $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1) &&\
  26. (test ! -d $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1)$(FS)$(2) && cd $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1) && git clone$(1)/$(2)) || true &&\
  27. )\
  28. cd $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1)$(FS)$(2) && git fetch origin && git checkout -q $(3)
  29. mkfile_path := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
  30. mkfile_dir := $(shell cd $(shell dirname $(mkfile_path)); pwd)
  31. ###
  32. # Go tools
  33. ###
  34. TOOLS_DESTDIR ?= $(GOPATH)/bin
  35. CERTSTRAP = $(TOOLS_DESTDIR)/certstrap
  36. PROTOBUF = $(TOOLS_DESTDIR)/protoc
  37. GOODMAN = $(TOOLS_DESTDIR)/goodman
  38. all: tools
  39. .PHONY: all
  40. tools: certstrap protobuf goodman
  41. .PHONY: tools
  42. check: check_tools
  43. .PHONY: check
  44. check_tools:
  45. @#
  46. @echo "Found tools: $(foreach tool,$(notdir $(GOTOOLS)),\
  47. $(if $(shell which $(tool)),$(tool),$(error "No $(tool) in PATH")))"
  48. .PHONY: check_tools
  49. certstrap: $(CERTSTRAP)
  50. $(CERTSTRAP):
  51. @echo "Get Certstrap"
  52. @go get
  53. .PHONY: certstrap
  54. protobuf: $(PROTOBUF)
  55. $(PROTOBUF):
  56. @echo "Get GoGo Protobuf"
  57. @go get
  58. .PHONY: protobuf
  59. goodman: $(GOODMAN)
  60. $(GOODMAN):
  61. @echo "Get Goodman"
  62. @go get
  63. .PHONY: goodman
  64. tools-clean:
  65. rm -f $(CERTSTRAP) $(PROTOBUF) $(GOX) $(GOODMAN)
  66. rm -f tools-stamp
  67. rm -rf /usr/local/include/google/protobuf
  68. rm -f /usr/local/bin/protoc
  69. .PHONY: tooks-clean
  70. ###
  71. # Non Go tools
  72. ###
  73. # Choose protobuf binary based on OS (only works for 64bit Linux and Mac).
  74. # NOTE: On Mac, installation via brew (brew install protoc) might be favorable.
  75. PROTOC_ZIP=""
  76. ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
  77. UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
  78. ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
  79. PROTOC_ZIP=""
  80. endif
  81. ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
  82. PROTOC_ZIP=""
  83. endif
  84. endif
  85. protoc:
  86. @echo "Get Protobuf"
  87. @echo "In case of any errors, please install directly from"
  88. @curl -OL$(PROTOC_ZIP)
  89. @unzip -o $(PROTOC_ZIP) -d /usr/local bin/protoc
  90. @unzip -o $(PROTOC_ZIP) -d /usr/local 'include/*'
  91. @rm -f $(PROTOC_ZIP)
  92. .PHONY: protoc