- ###
- # Find OS and Go environment
- # GO contains the Go binary
- # FS contains the OS file separator
- ###
- ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
- GO := $(shell where go.exe 2> NUL)
- FS := "\\"
- else
- GO := $(shell command -v go 2> /dev/null)
- FS := "/"
- endif
- ifeq ($(GO),)
- $(error could not find go. Is it in PATH? $(GO))
- endif
- GOPATH ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOPATH)
- GITHUBDIR := $(GOPATH)$(FS)src$(FS)github.com
- ###
- # Functions
- ###
- go_get = $(if $(findstring Windows_NT,$(OS)),\
- IF NOT EXIST $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1)$(FS) ( mkdir $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1) ) else (cd .) &\
- IF NOT EXIST $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1)$(FS)$(2)$(FS) ( cd $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1) && git clone https://github.com/$(1)/$(2) ) else (cd .) &\
- ,\
- mkdir -p $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1) &&\
- (test ! -d $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1)$(FS)$(2) && cd $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1) && git clone https://github.com/$(1)/$(2)) || true &&\
- )\
- cd $(GITHUBDIR)$(FS)$(1)$(FS)$(2) && git fetch origin && git checkout -q $(3)
- mkfile_path := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
- mkfile_dir := $(shell cd $(shell dirname $(mkfile_path)); pwd)
- ###
- # tools
- ###
- all: tools
- tools: certstrap protobuf gox goodman
- check: check_tools
- check_tools:
- @# https://stackoverflow.com/a/25668869
- @echo "Found tools: $(foreach tool,$(notdir $(GOTOOLS)),\
- $(if $(shell which $(tool)),$(tool),$(error "No $(tool) in PATH")))"
- certstrap: $(CERTSTRAP)
- @echo "Get Certstrap"
- @go get github.com/square/certstrap@338204a88c4349b1c135eac1e8c14c693ad007da
- protobuf: $(PROTOBUF)
- @echo "Get Protobuf"
- ## protobuf v1.3.0
- @go get github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogo@0ca988a254f991240804bf9821f3450d87ccbb1b
- gox: $(GOX)
- $(GOX):
- @echo "Get Gox"
- # used to build tm-monitor & tm-bench binaries
- ## gox v1.0.1
- @go get github.com/mitchellh/gox@d8caaff5a9dc98f4cfa1fcce6e7265a04689f641
- goodman: $(GOODMAN)
- @echo "Get Goodman"
- @go get github.com/snikch/goodman/cmd/goodman@10e37e294daa3c9a90abded60ff9924bafab3888
- tools-clean:
- rm -f tools-stamp
- .PHONY: all tools tools-clean