- package merkle
- import (
- "bytes"
- cmn "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/common"
- )
- //----------------------------------------
- // ProofOp gets converted to an instance of ProofOperator:
- // ProofOperator is a layer for calculating intermediate Merkle roots
- // when a series of Merkle trees are chained together.
- // Run() takes leaf values from a tree and returns the Merkle
- // root for the corresponding tree. It takes and returns a list of bytes
- // to allow multiple leaves to be part of a single proof, for instance in a range proof.
- // ProofOp() encodes the ProofOperator in a generic way so it can later be
- // decoded with OpDecoder.
- type ProofOperator interface {
- Run([][]byte) ([][]byte, error)
- GetKey() []byte
- ProofOp() ProofOp
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // Operations on a list of ProofOperators
- // ProofOperators is a slice of ProofOperator(s).
- // Each operator will be applied to the input value sequentially
- // and the last Merkle root will be verified with already known data
- type ProofOperators []ProofOperator
- func (poz ProofOperators) VerifyValue(root []byte, keypath string, value []byte) (err error) {
- return poz.Verify(root, keypath, [][]byte{value})
- }
- func (poz ProofOperators) Verify(root []byte, keypath string, args [][]byte) (err error) {
- keys, err := KeyPathToKeys(keypath)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- for i, op := range poz {
- key := op.GetKey()
- if len(key) != 0 {
- if !bytes.Equal(keys[0], key) {
- return cmn.NewError("Key mismatch on operation #%d: expected %+v but %+v", i, []byte(keys[0]), []byte(key))
- }
- keys = keys[1:]
- }
- args, err = op.Run(args)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(root, args[0]) {
- return cmn.NewError("Calculated root hash is invalid: expected %+v but %+v", root, args[0])
- }
- if len(keys) != 0 {
- return cmn.NewError("Keypath not consumed all")
- }
- return nil
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // ProofRuntime - main entrypoint
- type OpDecoder func(ProofOp) (ProofOperator, error)
- type ProofRuntime struct {
- decoders map[string]OpDecoder
- }
- func NewProofRuntime() *ProofRuntime {
- return &ProofRuntime{
- decoders: make(map[string]OpDecoder),
- }
- }
- func (prt *ProofRuntime) RegisterOpDecoder(typ string, dec OpDecoder) {
- _, ok := prt.decoders[typ]
- if ok {
- panic("already registered for type " + typ)
- }
- prt.decoders[typ] = dec
- }
- func (prt *ProofRuntime) Decode(pop ProofOp) (ProofOperator, error) {
- decoder := prt.decoders[pop.Type]
- if decoder == nil {
- return nil, cmn.NewError("unrecognized proof type %v", pop.Type)
- }
- return decoder(pop)
- }
- func (prt *ProofRuntime) DecodeProof(proof *Proof) (ProofOperators, error) {
- var poz ProofOperators
- for _, pop := range proof.Ops {
- operator, err := prt.Decode(pop)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "decoding a proof operator")
- }
- poz = append(poz, operator)
- }
- return poz, nil
- }
- func (prt *ProofRuntime) VerifyValue(proof *Proof, root []byte, keypath string, value []byte) (err error) {
- return prt.Verify(proof, root, keypath, [][]byte{value})
- }
- // TODO In the long run we'll need a method of classifcation of ops,
- // whether existence or absence or perhaps a third?
- func (prt *ProofRuntime) VerifyAbsence(proof *Proof, root []byte, keypath string) (err error) {
- return prt.Verify(proof, root, keypath, nil)
- }
- func (prt *ProofRuntime) Verify(proof *Proof, root []byte, keypath string, args [][]byte) (err error) {
- poz, err := prt.DecodeProof(proof)
- if err != nil {
- return cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "decoding proof")
- }
- return poz.Verify(root, keypath, args)
- }
- // DefaultProofRuntime only knows about Simple value
- // proofs.
- // To use e.g. IAVL proofs, register op-decoders as
- // defined in the IAVL package.
- func DefaultProofRuntime() (prt *ProofRuntime) {
- prt = NewProofRuntime()
- prt.RegisterOpDecoder(ProofOpSimpleValue, SimpleValueOpDecoder)
- return
- }