- ---
- order: 1
- parent:
- title: RPC
- order: 6
- ---
- # RPC spec
- This file defines the JSON-RPC spec of Tendermint. This is meant to be implemented by all clients.
- ## Support
- | | [Tendermint-Go](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/) | [endermint-Rs](https://github.com/informalsystems/tendermint-rs) |
- |--------------|:----------------------------------------------------------:|:----------------------------------------------------------------:|
- | JSON-RPC 2.0 | ✅ | ✅ |
- | HTTP | ✅ | ✅ |
- | HTTPS | ✅ | ❌ |
- | WS | ✅ | ✅ |
- | Routes | [Tendermint-Go](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/) | [Tendermint-Rs](https://github.com/informalsystems/tendermint-rs) |
- |-----------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------:|:-----------------------------------------------------------------:|
- | [Health](#health) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [Status](#status) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [NetInfo](#netinfo) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [Blockchain](#blockchain) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [Block](#block) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [BlockByHash](#blockbyhash) | ✅ | ❌ |
- | [BlockResults](#blockresults) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [Commit](#commit) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [Validators](#validators) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [Genesis](#genesis) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [GenesisChunked](#genesischunked) | ✅ | ❌ |
- | [ConsensusParams](#consensusparams) | ✅ | ❌ |
- | [UnconfirmedTxs](#unconfirmedtxs) | ✅ | ❌ |
- | [NumUnconfirmedTxs](#numunconfirmedtxs) | ✅ | ❌ |
- | [Tx](#tx) | ✅ | ❌ |
- | [BroadCastTxSync](#broadcasttxsync) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [BroadCastTxAsync](#broadcasttxasync) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [ABCIInfo](#abciinfo) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [ABCIQuery](#abciquery) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [BroadcastTxAsync](#broadcasttxasync) | ✅ | ✅ |
- | [BroadcastEvidence](#broadcastevidence) | ✅ | ✅ |
- ## Timestamps
- Timestamps in the RPC layer of Tendermint follows RFC3339Nano. The RFC3339Nano format removes trailing zeros from the seconds field.
- This means if a block has a timestamp like: `1985-04-12T23:20:50.5200000Z`, the value returned in the RPC will be `1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z`.
- ## Info Routes
- ### Health
- Node heartbeat
- #### Parameters
- None
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"health\"}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": -1,
- "result": {}
- }
- ```
- ### Status
- Get Tendermint status including node info, pubkey, latest block hash, app hash, block height and time.
- #### Parameters
- None
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"status\"}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": -1,
- "result": {
- "node_info": {
- "protocol_version": {
- "p2p": "8",
- "block": "11",
- "app": "0"
- },
- "id": "b93270b358a72a2db30089f3856475bb1f918d6d",
- "listen_addr": "tcp://",
- "network": "cosmoshub-4",
- "version": "v0.34.8",
- "channels": "40202122233038606100",
- "moniker": "aib-hub-node",
- "other": {
- "tx_index": "on",
- "rpc_address": "tcp://"
- }
- },
- "sync_info": {
- "latest_block_hash": "50F03C0EAACA8BCA7F9C14189ACE9C05A9A1BBB5268DB63DC6A3C848D1ECFD27",
- "latest_app_hash": "2316CFF7644219F4F15BEE456435F280E2B38955EEA6D4617CCB6D7ABF781C22",
- "latest_block_height": "5622165",
- "latest_block_time": "2021-03-25T14:00:43.356134226Z",
- "earliest_block_hash": "1455A0C15AC49BB506992EC85A3CD4D32367E53A087689815E01A524231C3ADF",
- "earliest_app_hash": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
- "earliest_block_height": "5200791",
- "earliest_block_time": "2019-12-11T16:11:34Z",
- "catching_up": false
- },
- "validator_info": {
- "address": "38FB765D0092470989360ECA1C89CD06C2C1583C",
- "pub_key": {
- "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
- "value": "Z+8kntVegi1sQiWLYwFSVLNWqdAUGEy7lskL78gxLZI="
- },
- "voting_power": "0"
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- ### NetInfo
- Network information
- #### Parameters
- None
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"net_info\"}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "id": 0,
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "result": {
- "listening": true,
- "listeners": [
- "Listener(@)"
- ],
- "n_peers": "1",
- "peers": [
- {
- "node_id": "5576458aef205977e18fd50b274e9b5d9014525a",
- "url": "tcp://5576458aef205977e18fd50b274e9b5d9014525a@"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ```
- ### Blockchain
- Get block headers. Returned in descending order. May be limited in quantity.
- #### Parameters
- - `minHeight (integer)`: The lowest block to be returned in the response
- - `maxHeight (integer)`: The highest block to be returned in the response
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"blockchain\",\"params\":{\"minHeight\":\"1\", \"maxHeight\":\"2\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "id": 0,
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "result": {
- "last_height": "1276718",
- "block_metas": [
- {
- "block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "block_size": 1000000,
- "header": {
- "version": {
- "block": "10",
- "app": "0"
- },
- "chain_id": "cosmoshub-2",
- "height": "12",
- "time": "2019-04-22T17:01:51.701356223Z",
- "last_block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "last_commit_hash": "21B9BC845AD2CB2C4193CDD17BFC506F1EBE5A7402E84AD96E64171287A34812",
- "data_hash": "970886F99E77ED0D60DA8FCE0447C2676E59F2F77302B0C4AA10E1D02F18EF73",
- "validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
- "next_validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
- "consensus_hash": "0F2908883A105C793B74495EB7D6DF2EEA479ED7FC9349206A65CB0F9987A0B8",
- "app_hash": "223BF64D4A01074DC523A80E76B9BBC786C791FB0A1893AC5B14866356FCFD6C",
- "last_results_hash": "",
- "evidence_hash": "",
- "proposer_address": "D540AB022088612AC74B287D076DBFBC4A377A2E"
- },
- "num_txs": "54"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ```
- ### Block
- Get block at a specified height.
- #### Parameters
- - `height (integer)`: height of the requested block. If no height is specified the latest block will be used.
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"block\",\"params\":{\"height\":\"1\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "id": 0,
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "result": {
- "block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "block": {
- "header": {
- "version": {
- "block": "10",
- "app": "0"
- },
- "chain_id": "cosmoshub-2",
- "height": "12",
- "time": "2019-04-22T17:01:51.701356223Z",
- "last_block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "last_commit_hash": "21B9BC845AD2CB2C4193CDD17BFC506F1EBE5A7402E84AD96E64171287A34812",
- "data_hash": "970886F99E77ED0D60DA8FCE0447C2676E59F2F77302B0C4AA10E1D02F18EF73",
- "validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
- "next_validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
- "consensus_hash": "0F2908883A105C793B74495EB7D6DF2EEA479ED7FC9349206A65CB0F9987A0B8",
- "app_hash": "223BF64D4A01074DC523A80E76B9BBC786C791FB0A1893AC5B14866356FCFD6C",
- "last_results_hash": "",
- "evidence_hash": "",
- "proposer_address": "D540AB022088612AC74B287D076DBFBC4A377A2E"
- },
- "data": [
- "yQHwYl3uCkKoo2GaChRnd+THLQ2RM87nEZrE19910Z28ABIUWW/t8AtIMwcyU0sT32RcMDI9GF0aEAoFdWF0b20SBzEwMDAwMDASEwoNCgV1YXRvbRIEMzEwMRCd8gEaagom61rphyEDoJPxlcjRoNDtZ9xMdvs+lRzFaHe2dl2P5R2yVCWrsHISQKkqX5H1zXAIJuC57yw0Yb03Fwy75VRip0ZBtLiYsUqkOsPUoQZAhDNP+6LY+RUwz/nVzedkF0S29NZ32QXdGv0="
- ],
- "evidence": [
- {
- "type": "string",
- "height": 0,
- "time": 0,
- "total_voting_power": 0,
- "validator": {
- "pub_key": {
- "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
- "value": "A6DoBUypNtUAyEHWtQ9bFjfNg8Bo9CrnkUGl6k6OHN4="
- },
- "voting_power": 0,
- "address": "string"
- }
- }
- ],
- "last_commit": {
- "height": 0,
- "round": 0,
- "block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "signatures": [
- {
- "type": 2,
- "height": "1262085",
- "round": 0,
- "block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "timestamp": "2019-08-01T11:39:38.867269833Z",
- "validator_address": "000001E443FD237E4B616E2FA69DF4EE3D49A94F",
- "validator_index": 0,
- "signature": "DBchvucTzAUEJnGYpNvMdqLhBAHG4Px8BsOBB3J3mAFCLGeuG7uJqy+nVngKzZdPhPi8RhmE/xcw/M9DOJjEDg=="
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- ### BlockByHash
- #### Parameters
- - `hash (string)`: Hash of the block to query for.
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"block_by_hash\",\"params\":{\"hash\":\"0xD70952032620CC4E2737EB8AC379806359D8E0B17B0488F627997A0B043ABDED\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "id": 0,
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "result": {
- "block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "block": {
- "header": {
- "version": {
- "block": "10",
- "app": "0"
- },
- "chain_id": "cosmoshub-2",
- "height": "12",
- "time": "2019-04-22T17:01:51.701356223Z",
- "last_block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "last_commit_hash": "21B9BC845AD2CB2C4193CDD17BFC506F1EBE5A7402E84AD96E64171287A34812",
- "data_hash": "970886F99E77ED0D60DA8FCE0447C2676E59F2F77302B0C4AA10E1D02F18EF73",
- "validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
- "next_validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
- "consensus_hash": "0F2908883A105C793B74495EB7D6DF2EEA479ED7FC9349206A65CB0F9987A0B8",
- "app_hash": "223BF64D4A01074DC523A80E76B9BBC786C791FB0A1893AC5B14866356FCFD6C",
- "last_results_hash": "",
- "evidence_hash": "",
- "proposer_address": "D540AB022088612AC74B287D076DBFBC4A377A2E"
- },
- "data": [
- "yQHwYl3uCkKoo2GaChRnd+THLQ2RM87nEZrE19910Z28ABIUWW/t8AtIMwcyU0sT32RcMDI9GF0aEAoFdWF0b20SBzEwMDAwMDASEwoNCgV1YXRvbRIEMzEwMRCd8gEaagom61rphyEDoJPxlcjRoNDtZ9xMdvs+lRzFaHe2dl2P5R2yVCWrsHISQKkqX5H1zXAIJuC57yw0Yb03Fwy75VRip0ZBtLiYsUqkOsPUoQZAhDNP+6LY+RUwz/nVzedkF0S29NZ32QXdGv0="
- ],
- "evidence": [
- {
- "type": "string",
- "height": 0,
- "time": 0,
- "total_voting_power": 0,
- "validator": {
- "pub_key": {
- "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
- "value": "A6DoBUypNtUAyEHWtQ9bFjfNg8Bo9CrnkUGl6k6OHN4="
- },
- "voting_power": 0,
- "address": "string"
- }
- }
- ],
- "last_commit": {
- "height": 0,
- "round": 0,
- "block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "signatures": [
- {
- "type": 2,
- "height": "1262085",
- "round": 0,
- "block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "timestamp": "2019-08-01T11:39:38.867269833Z",
- "validator_address": "000001E443FD237E4B616E2FA69DF4EE3D49A94F",
- "validator_index": 0,
- "signature": "DBchvucTzAUEJnGYpNvMdqLhBAHG4Px8BsOBB3J3mAFCLGeuG7uJqy+nVngKzZdPhPi8RhmE/xcw/M9DOJjEDg=="
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- ### BlockResults
- ### Parameters
- - `height (integer)`: Height of the block which contains the results. If no height is specified, the latest block height will be used
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"block_results\",\"params\":{\"height\":\"1\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "height": "12",
- "total_gas_used": "100",
- "txs_results": [
- {
- "code": "0",
- "data": "",
- "log": "not enough gas",
- "info": "",
- "gas_wanted": "100",
- "gas_used": "100",
- "events": [
- {
- "type": "app",
- "attributes": [
- {
- "key": "YWN0aW9u",
- "value": "c2VuZA==",
- "index": false
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "codespace": "ibc"
- }
- ],
- "begin_block_events": [
- {
- "type": "app",
- "attributes": [
- {
- "key": "YWN0aW9u",
- "value": "c2VuZA==",
- "index": false
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "end_block": [
- {
- "type": "app",
- "attributes": [
- {
- "key": "YWN0aW9u",
- "value": "c2VuZA==",
- "index": false
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "validator_updates": [
- {
- "pub_key": {
- "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
- "value": "9tK9IT+FPdf2qm+5c2qaxi10sWP+3erWTKgftn2PaQM="
- },
- "power": "300"
- }
- ],
- "consensus_params_updates": {
- "block": {
- "max_bytes": "22020096",
- "max_gas": "1000",
- "time_iota_ms": "1000"
- },
- "evidence": {
- "max_age": "100000"
- },
- "validator": {
- "pub_key_types": [
- "ed25519"
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- ### Commit
- #### Parameters
- - `height (integer)`: Height of the block the requested commit pertains to. If no height is set the latest commit will be returned.
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"commit\",\"params\":{\"height\":\"1\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "signed_header": {
- "header": {
- "version": {
- "block": "10",
- "app": "0"
- },
- "chain_id": "cosmoshub-2",
- "height": "12",
- "time": "2019-04-22T17:01:51.701356223Z",
- "last_block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "last_commit_hash": "21B9BC845AD2CB2C4193CDD17BFC506F1EBE5A7402E84AD96E64171287A34812",
- "data_hash": "970886F99E77ED0D60DA8FCE0447C2676E59F2F77302B0C4AA10E1D02F18EF73",
- "validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
- "next_validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
- "consensus_hash": "0F2908883A105C793B74495EB7D6DF2EEA479ED7FC9349206A65CB0F9987A0B8",
- "app_hash": "223BF64D4A01074DC523A80E76B9BBC786C791FB0A1893AC5B14866356FCFD6C",
- "last_results_hash": "",
- "evidence_hash": "",
- "proposer_address": "D540AB022088612AC74B287D076DBFBC4A377A2E"
- },
- "commit": {
- "height": "1311801",
- "round": 0,
- "block_id": {
- "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
- "parts": {
- "total": 1,
- "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
- }
- },
- "signatures": [
- {
- "block_id_flag": 2,
- "validator_address": "000001E443FD237E4B616E2FA69DF4EE3D49A94F",
- "timestamp": "2019-04-22T17:01:58.376629719Z",
- "signature": "14jaTQXYRt8kbLKEhdHq7AXycrFImiLuZx50uOjs2+Zv+2i7RTG/jnObD07Jo2ubZ8xd7bNBJMqkgtkd0oQHAw=="
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "canonical": true
- }
- }
- ```
- ### Validators
- #### Parameters
- - `height (integer)`: Block height at which the validators were present on. If no height is set the latest commit will be returned.
- - `page (integer)`:
- - `per_page (integer)`:
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"validators\",\"params\":{\"height\":\"1\", \"page\":\"1\", \"per_page\":\"20\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "block_height": "55",
- "validators": [
- {
- "address": "000001E443FD237E4B616E2FA69DF4EE3D49A94F",
- "pub_key": {
- "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
- "value": "9tK9IT+FPdf2qm+5c2qaxi10sWP+3erWTKgftn2PaQM="
- },
- "voting_power": "239727",
- "proposer_priority": "-11896414"
- }
- ],
- "count": "1",
- "total": "25"
- }
- }
- ```
- ### Genesis
- Get Genesis of the chain. If the response is large, this operation
- will return an error: use `genesis_chunked` instead.
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"genesis\"}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "genesis": {
- "genesis_time": "2019-04-22T17:00:00Z",
- "chain_id": "cosmoshub-2",
- "initial_height": "2",
- "consensus_params": {
- "block": {
- "max_bytes": "22020096",
- "max_gas": "1000",
- "time_iota_ms": "1000"
- },
- "evidence": {
- "max_age": "100000"
- },
- "validator": {
- "pub_key_types": [
- "ed25519"
- ]
- }
- },
- "validators": [
- {
- "address": "B00A6323737F321EB0B8D59C6FD497A14B60938A",
- "pub_key": {
- "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
- "value": "cOQZvh/h9ZioSeUMZB/1Vy1Xo5x2sjrVjlE/qHnYifM="
- },
- "power": "9328525",
- "name": "Certus One"
- }
- ],
- "app_hash": "",
- "app_state": {}
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- ### GenesisChunked
- Get the genesis document in a chunks to support easily transfering larger documents.
- #### Parameters
- - `chunk` (integer): the index number of the chunk that you wish to
- fetch. These IDs are 0 indexed.
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"genesis_chunked\",\"params\":{\"chunk\":0}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "chunk": 0,
- "total": 10,
- "data": "dGVuZGVybWludAo="
- }
- }
- ```
- ### ConsensusParams
- Get the consensus parameters.
- #### Parameters
- - `height (integer)`: Block height at which the consensus params would like to be fetched for.
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"consensus_params\"}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "block_height": "1",
- "consensus_params": {
- "block": {
- "max_bytes": "22020096",
- "max_gas": "1000",
- "time_iota_ms": "1000"
- },
- "evidence": {
- "max_age": "100000"
- },
- "validator": {
- "pub_key_types": [
- "ed25519"
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- ### UnconfirmedTxs
- Get a list of unconfirmed transactions.
- #### Parameters
- - `limit (integer)` The amount of txs to respond with.
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"unconfirmed_txs\, \"params\":{\"limit\":\"20\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "n_txs": "82",
- "total": "82",
- "total_bytes": "19974",
- "txs": [
- "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"
- ]
- }
- }
- ```
- ### NumUnconfirmedTxs
- Get data about unconfirmed transactions.
- #### Parameters
- None
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"num_unconfirmed_txs\"}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "n_txs": "31",
- "total": "82",
- "total_bytes": "19974"
- }
- }
- ```
- ### Tx
- #### Parameters
- - `hash (string)`: The hash of the transaction
- - `prove (bool)`: If the response should include proof the transaction was included in a block.
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"num_unconfirmed_txs\"}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "hash": "D70952032620CC4E2737EB8AC379806359D8E0B17B0488F627997A0B043ABDED",
- "height": "1000",
- "index": 0,
- "tx_result": {
- "log": "[{\"msg_index\":\"0\",\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\"}]",
- "gas_wanted": "200000",
- "gas_used": "28596",
- "tags": [
- {
- "key": "YWN0aW9u",
- "value": "c2VuZA==",
- "index": false
- }
- ]
- },
- "tx": "5wHwYl3uCkaoo2GaChQmSIu8hxpJxLcCuIi8fiHN4TMwrRIU/Af1cEG7Rcs/6LjTl7YjRSymJfYaFAoFdWF0b20SCzE0OTk5OTk1MDAwEhMKDQoFdWF0b20SBDUwMDAQwJoMGmoKJuta6YchAwswBShaB1wkZBctLIhYqBC3JrAI28XGzxP+rVEticGEEkAc+khTkKL9CDE47aDvjEHvUNt+izJfT4KVF2v2JkC+bmlH9K08q3PqHeMI9Z5up+XMusnTqlP985KF+SI5J3ZOIhhNYWRlIGJ5IENpcmNsZSB3aXRoIGxvdmU="
- }
- }
- ```
- ## Transaction Routes
- ### BroadCastTxSync
- Returns with the response from CheckTx. Does not wait for DeliverTx result.
- #### Parameters
- - `tx (string)`: The transaction encoded
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"broadcast_tx_sync\",\"params\":{\"tx\":\"a/encoded_tx/c\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "code": "0",
- "data": "",
- "log": "",
- "codespace": "ibc",
- "hash": "0D33F2F03A5234F38706E43004489E061AC40A2E"
- },
- "error": ""
- }
- ```
- ### BroadCastTxAsync
- Returns right away, with no response. Does not wait for CheckTx nor DeliverTx results.
- #### Parameters
- - `tx (string)`: The transaction encoded
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"broadcast_tx_async\",\"params\":{\"tx\":\"a/encoded_tx/c\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "code": "0",
- "data": "",
- "log": "",
- "codespace": "ibc",
- "hash": "0D33F2F03A5234F38706E43004489E061AC40A2E"
- },
- "error": ""
- }
- ```
- ### CheckTx
- Checks the transaction without executing it.
- #### Parameters
- - `tx (string)`: String of the encoded transaction
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"check_tx\",\"params\":{\"tx\":\"a/encoded_tx/c\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "id": 0,
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "error": "",
- "result": {
- "code": "0",
- "data": "",
- "log": "",
- "info": "",
- "gas_wanted": "1",
- "gas_used": "0",
- "events": [
- {
- "type": "app",
- "attributes": [
- {
- "key": "YWN0aW9u",
- "value": "c2VuZA==",
- "index": false
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "codespace": "bank"
- }
- }
- ```
- ## ABCI Routes
- ### ABCIInfo
- Get some info about the application.
- #### Parameters
- None
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"abci_info\"}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "id": 0,
- "result": {
- "response": {
- "data": "{\"size\":0}",
- "version": "0.16.1",
- "app_version": "1314126"
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- ### ABCIQuery
- Query the application for some information.
- #### Parameters
- - `path (string)`: Path to the data. This is defined by the application.
- - `data (string)`: The data requested
- - `height (integer)`: Height at which the data is being requested for.
- - `prove (bool)`: Include proofs of the transactions inclusion in the block
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl"a/b/c"=IHAVENOIDEA&height=1&prove=true
- ```
- ##### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"abci_query\",\"params\":{\"path\":\"a/b/c\", \"height\":\"1\", \"bool\":\"true\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "error": "",
- "result": {
- "response": {
- "log": "exists",
- "height": "0",
- "proof": "010114FED0DAD959F36091AD761C922ABA3CBF1D8349990101020103011406AA2262E2F448242DF2C2607C3CDC705313EE3B0001149D16177BC71E445476174622EA559715C293740C",
- "value": "61626364",
- "key": "61626364",
- "index": "-1",
- "code": "0"
- }
- },
- "id": 0,
- "jsonrpc": "2.0"
- }
- ```
- ## Evidence Routes
- ### BroadcastEvidence
- Broadcast evidence of the misbehavior.
- #### Parameters
- - `evidence (string)`:
- #### Request
- ##### HTTP
- ```sh
- curl http://localhost:26657/broadcast_evidence?evidence=JSON_EVIDENCE_encoded
- ```
- #### JSONRPC
- ```sh
- curl -X POST https://localhost:26657 -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"broadcast_evidence\",\"params\":{\"evidence\":\"JSON_EVIDENCE_encoded\"}}"
- ```
- #### Response
- ```json
- {
- "error": "",
- "result": "",
- "id": 0,
- "jsonrpc": "2.0"
- }
- ```