- package rpctest
- import (
- "bytes"
- crand "crypto/rand"
- "fmt"
- "math/rand"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- abci "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
- . "github.com/tendermint/go-common"
- rpc "github.com/tendermint/go-rpc/client"
- ctypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/core/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Test the HTTP client
- // These tests assume the dummy app
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // status
- func TestURIStatus(t *testing.T) {
- testStatus(t, GetURIClient())
- }
- func TestJSONStatus(t *testing.T) {
- testStatus(t, GetJSONClient())
- }
- func testStatus(t *testing.T, client rpc.HTTPClient) {
- chainID := GetConfig().GetString("chain_id")
- tmResult := new(ctypes.TMResult)
- _, err := client.Call("status", map[string]interface{}{}, tmResult)
- require.Nil(t, err)
- status := (*tmResult).(*ctypes.ResultStatus)
- assert.Equal(t, chainID, status.NodeInfo.Network)
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // broadcast tx sync
- // random bytes (excluding byte('='))
- func randBytes(t *testing.T) []byte {
- n := rand.Intn(10) + 2
- buf := make([]byte, n)
- _, err := crand.Read(buf)
- require.Nil(t, err)
- return bytes.Replace(buf, []byte("="), []byte{100}, -1)
- }
- func TestURIBroadcastTxSync(t *testing.T) {
- testBroadcastTxSync(t, GetURIClient())
- }
- func TestJSONBroadcastTxSync(t *testing.T) {
- testBroadcastTxSync(t, GetJSONClient())
- }
- func testBroadcastTxSync(t *testing.T, client rpc.HTTPClient) {
- config.Set("block_size", 0)
- defer config.Set("block_size", -1)
- tmResult := new(ctypes.TMResult)
- tx := randBytes(t)
- _, err := client.Call("broadcast_tx_sync", map[string]interface{}{"tx": tx}, tmResult)
- require.Nil(t, err)
- res := (*tmResult).(*ctypes.ResultBroadcastTx)
- require.Equal(t, abci.CodeType_OK, res.Code)
- mem := node.MempoolReactor().Mempool
- require.Equal(t, 1, mem.Size())
- txs := mem.Reap(1)
- require.EqualValues(t, tx, txs[0])
- mem.Flush()
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // query
- func testTxKV(t *testing.T) ([]byte, []byte, []byte) {
- k := randBytes(t)
- v := randBytes(t)
- return k, v, []byte(Fmt("%s=%s", k, v))
- }
- func sendTx(t *testing.T, client rpc.HTTPClient) ([]byte, []byte) {
- tmResult := new(ctypes.TMResult)
- k, v, tx := testTxKV(t)
- _, err := client.Call("broadcast_tx_commit", map[string]interface{}{"tx": tx}, tmResult)
- require.Nil(t, err)
- return k, v
- }
- func TestURIABCIQuery(t *testing.T) {
- testABCIQuery(t, GetURIClient())
- }
- func TestJSONABCIQuery(t *testing.T) {
- testABCIQuery(t, GetURIClient())
- }
- func testABCIQuery(t *testing.T, client rpc.HTTPClient) {
- k, _ := sendTx(t, client)
- time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
- tmResult := new(ctypes.TMResult)
- _, err := client.Call("abci_query",
- map[string]interface{}{"path": "", "data": k, "prove": false}, tmResult)
- require.Nil(t, err)
- resQuery := (*tmResult).(*ctypes.ResultABCIQuery)
- require.EqualValues(t, 0, resQuery.Response.Code)
- // XXX: specific to value returned by the dummy
- require.NotEqual(t, 0, len(resQuery.Response.Value))
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // broadcast tx commit
- func TestURIBroadcastTxCommit(t *testing.T) {
- testBroadcastTxCommit(t, GetURIClient())
- }
- func TestJSONBroadcastTxCommit(t *testing.T) {
- testBroadcastTxCommit(t, GetJSONClient())
- }
- func testBroadcastTxCommit(t *testing.T, client rpc.HTTPClient) {
- require := require.New(t)
- tmResult := new(ctypes.TMResult)
- tx := randBytes(t)
- _, err := client.Call("broadcast_tx_commit", map[string]interface{}{"tx": tx}, tmResult)
- require.Nil(err)
- res := (*tmResult).(*ctypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit)
- checkTx := res.CheckTx
- require.Equal(abci.CodeType_OK, checkTx.Code)
- deliverTx := res.DeliverTx
- require.Equal(abci.CodeType_OK, deliverTx.Code)
- mem := node.MempoolReactor().Mempool
- require.Equal(0, mem.Size())
- // TODO: find tx in block
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Test the websocket service
- var wsTyp = "JSONRPC"
- // make a simple connection to the server
- func TestWSConnect(t *testing.T) {
- wsc := GetWSClient()
- wsc.Stop()
- }
- // receive a new block message
- func TestWSNewBlock(t *testing.T) {
- wsc := GetWSClient()
- eid := types.EventStringNewBlock()
- require.Nil(t, wsc.Subscribe(eid))
- defer func() {
- require.Nil(t, wsc.Unsubscribe(eid))
- wsc.Stop()
- }()
- waitForEvent(t, wsc, eid, true, func() {}, func(eid string, b interface{}) error {
- // fmt.Println("Check:", b)
- return nil
- })
- }
- // receive a few new block messages in a row, with increasing height
- func TestWSBlockchainGrowth(t *testing.T) {
- if testing.Short() {
- t.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
- }
- wsc := GetWSClient()
- eid := types.EventStringNewBlock()
- require.Nil(t, wsc.Subscribe(eid))
- defer func() {
- require.Nil(t, wsc.Unsubscribe(eid))
- wsc.Stop()
- }()
- // listen for NewBlock, ensure height increases by 1
- var initBlockN int
- for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
- waitForEvent(t, wsc, eid, true, func() {}, func(eid string, eventData interface{}) error {
- block := eventData.(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block
- if i == 0 {
- initBlockN = block.Header.Height
- } else {
- if block.Header.Height != initBlockN+i {
- return fmt.Errorf("Expected block %d, got block %d", initBlockN+i, block.Header.Height)
- }
- }
- return nil
- })
- }
- }
- func TestWSTxEvent(t *testing.T) {
- require := require.New(t)
- wsc := GetWSClient()
- tx := randBytes(t)
- // listen for the tx I am about to submit
- eid := types.EventStringTx(types.Tx(tx))
- require.Nil(wsc.Subscribe(eid))
- defer func() {
- require.Nil(wsc.Unsubscribe(eid))
- wsc.Stop()
- }()
- // send an tx
- tmResult := new(ctypes.TMResult)
- _, err := GetJSONClient().Call("broadcast_tx_sync", map[string]interface{}{"tx": tx}, tmResult)
- require.Nil(err)
- waitForEvent(t, wsc, eid, true, func() {}, func(eid string, b interface{}) error {
- evt, ok := b.(types.EventDataTx)
- require.True(ok, "Got wrong event type: %#v", b)
- require.Equal(tx, []byte(evt.Tx), "Returned different tx")
- require.Equal(abci.CodeType_OK, evt.Code)
- return nil
- })
- }
- /* TODO: this with dummy app..
- func TestWSDoubleFire(t *testing.T) {
- if testing.Short() {
- t.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
- }
- con := newWSCon(t)
- eid := types.EventStringAccInput(user[0].Address)
- subscribe(t, con, eid)
- defer func() {
- unsubscribe(t, con, eid)
- con.Close()
- }()
- amt := int64(100)
- toAddr := user[1].Address
- // broadcast the transaction, wait to hear about it
- waitForEvent(t, con, eid, true, func() {
- tx := makeDefaultSendTxSigned(t, wsTyp, toAddr, amt)
- broadcastTx(t, wsTyp, tx)
- }, func(eid string, b []byte) error {
- return nil
- })
- // but make sure we don't hear about it twice
- waitForEvent(t, con, eid, false, func() {
- }, func(eid string, b []byte) error {
- return nil
- })
- }*/
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // unsafe_set_config
- var stringVal = "my string"
- var intVal = 987654321
- var boolVal = true
- // don't change these
- var testCasesUnsafeSetConfig = [][]string{
- []string{"string", "key1", stringVal},
- []string{"int", "key2", fmt.Sprintf("%v", intVal)},
- []string{"bool", "key3", fmt.Sprintf("%v", boolVal)},
- }
- func TestURIUnsafeSetConfig(t *testing.T) {
- for _, testCase := range testCasesUnsafeSetConfig {
- tmResult := new(ctypes.TMResult)
- _, err := GetURIClient().Call("unsafe_set_config", map[string]interface{}{
- "type": testCase[0],
- "key": testCase[1],
- "value": testCase[2],
- }, tmResult)
- require.Nil(t, err)
- }
- testUnsafeSetConfig(t)
- }
- func TestJSONUnsafeSetConfig(t *testing.T) {
- for _, testCase := range testCasesUnsafeSetConfig {
- tmResult := new(ctypes.TMResult)
- _, err := GetJSONClient().Call("unsafe_set_config",
- map[string]interface{}{"type": testCase[0], "key": testCase[1], "value": testCase[2]},
- tmResult)
- require.Nil(t, err)
- }
- testUnsafeSetConfig(t)
- }
- func testUnsafeSetConfig(t *testing.T) {
- require := require.New(t)
- s := config.GetString("key1")
- require.Equal(stringVal, s)
- i := config.GetInt("key2")
- require.Equal(intVal, i)
- b := config.GetBool("key3")
- require.Equal(boolVal, b)
- }