- package main
- import (
- "context"
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "math"
- "path/filepath"
- "time"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
- e2e "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/test/e2e/pkg"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- // Benchmark is a simple function for fetching, calculating and printing
- // the following metrics:
- // 1. Average block production time
- // 2. Block interval standard deviation
- // 3. Max block interval (slowest block)
- // 4. Min block interval (fastest block)
- //
- // Metrics are based of the `benchmarkLength`, the amount of consecutive blocks
- // sampled from in the testnet
- func Benchmark(ctx context.Context, logger log.Logger, testnet *e2e.Testnet, benchmarkLength int64) error {
- block, err := getLatestBlock(ctx, testnet)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- logger.Info("Beginning benchmark period...", "height", block.Height)
- startAt := time.Now()
- // wait for the length of the benchmark period in blocks to pass. We allow 5 seconds for each block
- // which should be sufficient.
- waitingTime := time.Duration(benchmarkLength*5) * time.Second
- ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, waitingTime)
- defer cancel()
- block, _, err = waitForHeight(ctx, testnet, block.Height+benchmarkLength)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- dur := time.Since(startAt)
- logger.Info("Ending benchmark period", "height", block.Height)
- // fetch a sample of blocks
- blocks, err := fetchBlockChainSample(ctx, testnet, benchmarkLength)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // slice into time intervals and collate data
- timeIntervals := splitIntoBlockIntervals(blocks)
- testnetStats := extractTestnetStats(timeIntervals)
- // populate data
- testnetStats.populateTxns(blocks)
- testnetStats.totalTime = dur
- testnetStats.benchmarkLength = benchmarkLength
- testnetStats.startHeight = blocks[0].Header.Height
- testnetStats.endHeight = blocks[len(blocks)-1].Header.Height
- // print and return
- logger.Info(testnetStats.String())
- logger.Info(testnetStats.getReportJSON(testnet))
- return nil
- }
- func (t *testnetStats) populateTxns(blocks []*types.BlockMeta) {
- t.numtxns = 0
- for _, b := range blocks {
- t.numtxns += int64(b.NumTxs)
- }
- }
- type testnetStats struct {
- startHeight int64
- endHeight int64
- benchmarkLength int64
- numtxns int64
- totalTime time.Duration
- // average time to produce a block
- mean time.Duration
- // standard deviation of block production
- std float64
- // longest time to produce a block
- max time.Duration
- // shortest time to produce a block
- min time.Duration
- }
- func (t *testnetStats) getReportJSON(net *e2e.Testnet) string {
- jsn, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
- "case": filepath.Base(net.File),
- "blocks": t.endHeight - t.startHeight,
- "stddev": t.std,
- "mean": t.mean.Seconds(),
- "max": t.max.Seconds(),
- "min": t.min.Seconds(),
- "size": len(net.Nodes),
- "txns": t.numtxns,
- "dur": t.totalTime.Seconds(),
- "length": t.benchmarkLength,
- })
- if err != nil {
- return ""
- }
- return string(jsn)
- }
- func (t *testnetStats) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`Benchmarked from height %v to %v
- Mean Block Interval: %v
- Standard Deviation: %f
- Max Block Interval: %v
- Min Block Interval: %v
- `,
- t.startHeight,
- t.endHeight,
- t.mean,
- t.std,
- t.max,
- t.min,
- )
- }
- // fetchBlockChainSample waits for `benchmarkLength` amount of blocks to pass, fetching
- // all of the headers for these blocks from an archive node and returning it.
- func fetchBlockChainSample(ctx context.Context, testnet *e2e.Testnet, benchmarkLength int64) ([]*types.BlockMeta, error) {
- var blocks []*types.BlockMeta
- // Find the first archive node
- archiveNode := testnet.ArchiveNodes()[0]
- c, err := archiveNode.Client()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // find the latest height
- s, err := c.Status(ctx)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- to := s.SyncInfo.LatestBlockHeight
- from := to - benchmarkLength + 1
- if from <= testnet.InitialHeight {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("tesnet was unable to reach required height for benchmarking (latest height %d)", to)
- }
- // Fetch blocks
- for from < to {
- // fetch the blockchain metas. Currently we can only fetch 20 at a time
- resp, err := c.BlockchainInfo(ctx, from, min(from+19, to))
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- blockMetas := resp.BlockMetas
- // we receive blocks in descending order so we have to add them in reverse
- for i := len(blockMetas) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
- if blockMetas[i].Header.Height != from {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("node gave us another header. Wanted %d, got %d",
- from,
- blockMetas[i].Header.Height,
- )
- }
- from++
- blocks = append(blocks, blockMetas[i])
- }
- }
- return blocks, nil
- }
- func splitIntoBlockIntervals(blocks []*types.BlockMeta) []time.Duration {
- intervals := make([]time.Duration, len(blocks)-1)
- lastTime := blocks[0].Header.Time
- for i, block := range blocks {
- // skip the first block
- if i == 0 {
- continue
- }
- intervals[i-1] = block.Header.Time.Sub(lastTime)
- lastTime = block.Header.Time
- }
- return intervals
- }
- func extractTestnetStats(intervals []time.Duration) testnetStats {
- var (
- sum, mean time.Duration
- std float64
- max = intervals[0]
- min = intervals[0]
- )
- for _, interval := range intervals {
- sum += interval
- if interval > max {
- max = interval
- }
- if interval < min {
- min = interval
- }
- }
- mean = sum / time.Duration(len(intervals))
- for _, interval := range intervals {
- diff := (interval - mean).Seconds()
- std += math.Pow(diff, 2)
- }
- std = math.Sqrt(std / float64(len(intervals)))
- return testnetStats{
- mean: mean,
- std: std,
- max: max,
- min: min,
- }
- }
- func min(a, b int64) int64 {
- if a > b {
- return b
- }
- return a
- }