- # ADR 076: Combine Spec and Tendermint Repositories
- ## Changelog
- - 2022-02-04: Initial Draft. (@tychoish)
- ## Status
- Accepted.
- ## Context
- While the specification for Tendermint was originally in the same
- repository as the Go implementation, at some point the specification
- was split from the core repository and maintained separately from the
- implementation. While this makes sense in promoting a conceptual
- separation of specification and implementation, in practice this
- separation was a premature optimization, apparently aimed at supporting
- alternate implementations of Tendermint.
- The operational and documentary burden of maintaining a separate
- spec repo has not returned value to justify its cost. There are no active
- projects to develop alternate implementations of Tendermint based on the
- common specification, and having separate repositories creates an ongoing
- burden to coordinate versions, documentation, and releases.
- ## Decision
- The specification repository will be merged back into the Tendermint
- core repository.
- Stakeholders including representatives from the maintainers of the
- spec, the Go implementation, and the Tendermint Rust library, agreed
- to merge the repositories in the Tendermint core dev meeting on 27
- January 2022, including @williambanfield @cmwaters @creachadair and
- @thanethomson.
- ## Alternative Approaches
- The main alternative we considered was to keep separate repositories,
- and to introduce a coordinated versioning scheme between the two, so
- that users could figure out which spec versions go with which versions
- of the core implementation.
- We decided against this on the grounds that it would further complicate
- the release process for _both_ repositories, without mitigating any of
- the other existing issues.
- ## Detailed Design
- Clone and merge the master branch of the `tendermint/spec` repository
- as a branch of the `tendermint/tendermint`, to ensure the commit history
- of both repositories remains intact.
- ### Implementation Instructions
- 1. Within the `tendermint` repository, execute the following commands
- to add a new branch with the history of the master branch of `spec`:
- ```bash
- git remote add spec git@github.com:tendermint/spec.git
- git fetch spec
- git checkout -b spec-master spec/master
- mkdir spec
- git ls-tree -z --name-only HEAD | xargs -0 -I {} git mv {} subdir/
- git commit -m "spec: organize specification prior to merge"
- git checkout -b spec-merge-mainline origin/master
- git merge --allow-unrelated-histories spec-master
- ```
- This merges the spec into the `tendermint/tendermint` repository as
- a normal branch. This commit can also be backported to the 0.35
- branch, if needed.
- 2. Migrate outstanding issues from `tendermint/spec` to the
- `tendermint/tendermint` repository.
- 3. In the specification repository, add redirect to the README and mark
- the repository as archived.
- ## Consequences
- ### Positive
- Easier maintenance for the specification will obviate a number of
- complicated and annoying versioning problems, and will help prevent the
- possibility of the specification and the implementation drifting apart.
- Additionally, co-locating the specification will help encourage
- cross-pollination and collaboration, between engineers focusing on the
- specification and the protocol and engineers focusing on the implementation.
- ### Negative
- Co-locating the spec and Go implementation has the potential effect of
- prioritizing the Go implementation with regards to the spec, and
- making it difficult to think about alternate implementations of the
- Tendermint algorithm. Although we may want to foster additional
- Tendermint implementations in the future, this isn't an active goal
- in our current roadmap, and *not* merging these repos doesn't
- change the fact that the Go implementation of Tendermint is already the
- primary implementation.
- ### Neutral
- N/A
- ## References
- - https://github.com/tendermint/spec
- - https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint