- package rpcclient
- import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net"
- "net/http"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
- amino "github.com/tendermint/go-amino"
- types "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/lib/types"
- )
- const (
- protoHTTP = "http"
- protoHTTPS = "https"
- protoWSS = "wss"
- protoWS = "ws"
- protoTCP = "tcp"
- )
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // HTTPClient is a common interface for JSON-RPC HTTP clients.
- type HTTPClient interface {
- // Call calls the given method with the params and returns a result.
- Call(method string, params map[string]interface{}, result interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- // Codec returns an amino codec used.
- Codec() *amino.Codec
- // SetCodec sets an amino codec.
- SetCodec(*amino.Codec)
- }
- // JSONRPCCaller implementers can facilitate calling the JSON-RPC endpoint.
- type JSONRPCCaller interface {
- Call(method string, params map[string]interface{}, result interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // JSONRPCClient is a JSON-RPC client, which sends POST HTTP requests to the
- // remote server.
- //
- // Request values are amino encoded. Response is expected to be amino encoded.
- // New amino codec is used if no other codec was set using SetCodec.
- //
- // JSONRPCClient is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
- type JSONRPCClient struct {
- address string
- client *http.Client
- cdc *amino.Codec
- mtx sync.Mutex
- nextReqID int
- }
- var _ HTTPClient = (*JSONRPCClient)(nil)
- // Both JSONRPCClient and JSONRPCRequestBatch can facilitate calls to the JSON
- // RPC endpoint.
- var _ JSONRPCCaller = (*JSONRPCClient)(nil)
- var _ JSONRPCCaller = (*JSONRPCRequestBatch)(nil)
- // NewJSONRPCClient returns a JSONRPCClient pointed at the given address.
- func NewJSONRPCClient(remote string) *JSONRPCClient {
- return NewJSONRPCClientWithHTTPClient(remote, DefaultHTTPClient(remote))
- }
- // NewJSONRPCClientWithHTTPClient returns a JSONRPCClient pointed at the given address using a custom http client
- // The function panics if the provided client is nil or remote is invalid.
- func NewJSONRPCClientWithHTTPClient(remote string, client *http.Client) *JSONRPCClient {
- if client == nil {
- panic("nil http.Client provided")
- }
- clientAddress, err := toClientAddress(remote)
- if err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid remote %s: %s", remote, err))
- }
- return &JSONRPCClient{
- address: clientAddress,
- client: client,
- cdc: amino.NewCodec(),
- }
- }
- // Call issues a POST HTTP request. Requests are JSON encoded. Content-Type:
- // text/json.
- func (c *JSONRPCClient) Call(method string, params map[string]interface{}, result interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- id := c.nextRequestID()
- request, err := types.MapToRequest(c.cdc, id, method, params)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to encode params")
- }
- requestBytes, err := json.Marshal(request)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal request")
- }
- requestBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(requestBytes)
- httpResponse, err := c.client.Post(c.address, "text/json", requestBuf)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Post failed")
- }
- defer httpResponse.Body.Close() // nolint: errcheck
- responseBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(httpResponse.Body)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read response body")
- }
- return unmarshalResponseBytes(c.cdc, responseBytes, id, result)
- }
- func (c *JSONRPCClient) Codec() *amino.Codec { return c.cdc }
- func (c *JSONRPCClient) SetCodec(cdc *amino.Codec) { c.cdc = cdc }
- // NewRequestBatch starts a batch of requests for this client.
- func (c *JSONRPCClient) NewRequestBatch() *JSONRPCRequestBatch {
- return &JSONRPCRequestBatch{
- requests: make([]*jsonRPCBufferedRequest, 0),
- client: c,
- }
- }
- func (c *JSONRPCClient) sendBatch(requests []*jsonRPCBufferedRequest) ([]interface{}, error) {
- reqs := make([]types.RPCRequest, 0, len(requests))
- results := make([]interface{}, 0, len(requests))
- for _, req := range requests {
- reqs = append(reqs, req.request)
- results = append(results, req.result)
- }
- // serialize the array of requests into a single JSON object
- requestBytes, err := json.Marshal(reqs)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal requests")
- }
- httpResponse, err := c.client.Post(c.address, "text/json", bytes.NewBuffer(requestBytes))
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Post failed")
- }
- defer httpResponse.Body.Close() // nolint: errcheck
- responseBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(httpResponse.Body)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read response body")
- }
- // collect ids to check responses IDs in unmarshalResponseBytesArray
- ids := make([]types.JSONRPCIntID, len(requests))
- for i, req := range requests {
- ids[i] = req.request.ID.(types.JSONRPCIntID)
- }
- return unmarshalResponseBytesArray(c.cdc, responseBytes, ids, results)
- }
- func (c *JSONRPCClient) nextRequestID() types.JSONRPCIntID {
- c.mtx.Lock()
- id := c.nextReqID
- c.nextReqID++
- c.mtx.Unlock()
- return types.JSONRPCIntID(id)
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // jsonRPCBufferedRequest encapsulates a single buffered request, as well as its
- // anticipated response structure.
- type jsonRPCBufferedRequest struct {
- request types.RPCRequest
- result interface{} // The result will be deserialized into this object.
- }
- // JSONRPCRequestBatch allows us to buffer multiple request/response structures
- // into a single batch request. Note that this batch acts like a FIFO queue, and
- // is thread-safe.
- type JSONRPCRequestBatch struct {
- client *JSONRPCClient
- mtx sync.Mutex
- requests []*jsonRPCBufferedRequest
- }
- // Count returns the number of enqueued requests waiting to be sent.
- func (b *JSONRPCRequestBatch) Count() int {
- b.mtx.Lock()
- defer b.mtx.Unlock()
- return len(b.requests)
- }
- func (b *JSONRPCRequestBatch) enqueue(req *jsonRPCBufferedRequest) {
- b.mtx.Lock()
- defer b.mtx.Unlock()
- b.requests = append(b.requests, req)
- }
- // Clear empties out the request batch.
- func (b *JSONRPCRequestBatch) Clear() int {
- b.mtx.Lock()
- defer b.mtx.Unlock()
- return b.clear()
- }
- func (b *JSONRPCRequestBatch) clear() int {
- count := len(b.requests)
- b.requests = make([]*jsonRPCBufferedRequest, 0)
- return count
- }
- // Send will attempt to send the current batch of enqueued requests, and then
- // will clear out the requests once done. On success, this returns the
- // deserialized list of results from each of the enqueued requests.
- func (b *JSONRPCRequestBatch) Send() ([]interface{}, error) {
- b.mtx.Lock()
- defer func() {
- b.clear()
- b.mtx.Unlock()
- }()
- return b.client.sendBatch(b.requests)
- }
- // Call enqueues a request to call the given RPC method with the specified
- // parameters, in the same way that the `JSONRPCClient.Call` function would.
- func (b *JSONRPCRequestBatch) Call(
- method string,
- params map[string]interface{},
- result interface{},
- ) (interface{}, error) {
- id := b.client.nextRequestID()
- request, err := types.MapToRequest(b.client.cdc, id, method, params)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- b.enqueue(&jsonRPCBufferedRequest{request: request, result: result})
- return result, nil
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // protocol - client's protocol (for example, "http", "https", "wss", "ws", "tcp")
- // trimmedS - rest of the address (for example, "", "[2001:db8::1]:80") with "/" replaced with "."
- func toClientAddrAndParse(remoteAddr string) (network string, trimmedS string, err error) {
- protocol, address, err := parseRemoteAddr(remoteAddr)
- if err != nil {
- return "", "", err
- }
- // protocol to use for http operations, to support both http and https
- var clientProtocol string
- // default to http for unknown protocols (ex. tcp)
- switch protocol {
- case protoHTTP, protoHTTPS, protoWS, protoWSS:
- clientProtocol = protocol
- default:
- clientProtocol = protoHTTP
- }
- // replace / with . for http requests (kvstore domain)
- trimmedAddress := strings.Replace(address, "/", ".", -1)
- return clientProtocol, trimmedAddress, nil
- }
- func toClientAddress(remoteAddr string) (string, error) {
- clientProtocol, trimmedAddress, err := toClientAddrAndParse(remoteAddr)
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- return clientProtocol + "://" + trimmedAddress, nil
- }
- // network - name of the network (for example, "tcp", "unix")
- // s - rest of the address (for example, "", "[2001:db8::1]:80")
- // TODO: Deprecate support for IP:PORT or /path/to/socket
- func parseRemoteAddr(remoteAddr string) (network string, s string, err error) {
- parts := strings.SplitN(remoteAddr, "://", 2)
- var protocol, address string
- switch len(parts) {
- case 1:
- // default to tcp if nothing specified
- protocol, address = protoTCP, remoteAddr
- case 2:
- protocol, address = parts[0], parts[1]
- default:
- return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid addr: %s", remoteAddr)
- }
- return protocol, address, nil
- }
- func makeErrorDialer(err error) func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) {
- return func(_ string, _ string) (net.Conn, error) {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- func makeHTTPDialer(remoteAddr string) func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) {
- protocol, address, err := parseRemoteAddr(remoteAddr)
- if err != nil {
- return makeErrorDialer(err)
- }
- // accept http(s) as an alias for tcp
- switch protocol {
- case protoHTTP, protoHTTPS:
- protocol = protoTCP
- }
- return func(proto, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
- return net.Dial(protocol, address)
- }
- }
- // DefaultHTTPClient is used to create an http client with some default parameters.
- // We overwrite the http.Client.Dial so we can do http over tcp or unix.
- // remoteAddr should be fully featured (eg. with tcp:// or unix://)
- func DefaultHTTPClient(remoteAddr string) *http.Client {
- return &http.Client{
- Transport: &http.Transport{
- // Set to true to prevent GZIP-bomb DoS attacks
- DisableCompression: true,
- Dial: makeHTTPDialer(remoteAddr),
- },
- }
- }