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27 lines
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  1. [Unit]
  2. Description=Ethermint
  3. #propagates activation, deactivation and activation fails.
  5. #propagates activation, deactivation, activation fails and stops
  6. BindTo=ethermint-server.service
  7. #propagates stop and restart (one-way)
  8. PartOf=ethermint-server.service
  9. #order
  10. ethermint-server.service
  11. #propagates reload
  12. PropagatesReloadTo=ethermint-server.service
  13. ReloadPropagatedFrom=ethermint-server.service
  14. [Service]
  15. Restart=on-failure
  16. User=ethermint
  17. Group=ethermint
  18. PermissionsStartOnly=true
  19. ExecStart=/usr/bin/ethermint --datadir /etc/ethermint
  20. ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
  21. KillSignal=SIGTERM
  22. [Install]
  23. ethermint-server.service
  24. Also=ethermint-server.service