- package common
- import (
- "sync"
- "testing"
- "time"
- // make govet noshadow happy...
- asrt "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- )
- type rCounter struct {
- input chan time.Time
- mtx sync.Mutex
- count int
- }
- func (c *rCounter) Increment() {
- c.mtx.Lock()
- c.count++
- c.mtx.Unlock()
- }
- func (c *rCounter) Count() int {
- c.mtx.Lock()
- val := c.count
- c.mtx.Unlock()
- return val
- }
- // Read should run in a go-routine and
- // updates count by one every time a packet comes in
- func (c *rCounter) Read() {
- for range c.input {
- c.Increment()
- }
- }
- func TestRepeat(test *testing.T) {
- assert := asrt.New(test)
- dur := time.Duration(50) * time.Millisecond
- short := time.Duration(20) * time.Millisecond
- // delay waits for cnt durations, an a little extra
- delay := func(cnt int) time.Duration {
- return time.Duration(cnt)*dur + time.Duration(5)*time.Millisecond
- }
- t := NewRepeatTimer("bar", dur)
- // start at 0
- c := &rCounter{input: t.Ch}
- go c.Read()
- assert.Equal(0, c.Count())
- // wait for 4 periods
- time.Sleep(delay(4))
- assert.Equal(4, c.Count())
- // keep reseting leads to no firing
- for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
- time.Sleep(short)
- t.Reset()
- }
- assert.Equal(4, c.Count())
- // after this, it still works normal
- time.Sleep(delay(2))
- assert.Equal(6, c.Count())
- // after a stop, nothing more is sent
- stopped := t.Stop()
- assert.True(stopped)
- time.Sleep(delay(7))
- assert.Equal(6, c.Count())
- // close channel to stop counter
- close(t.Ch)
- }