- package common
- import (
- "encoding/hex"
- "fmt"
- "strings"
- )
- // Like fmt.Sprintf, but skips formatting if args are empty.
- var Fmt = func(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
- if len(a) == 0 {
- return format
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
- }
- // IsHex returns true for non-empty hex-string prefixed with "0x"
- func IsHex(s string) bool {
- if len(s) > 2 && strings.EqualFold(s[:2], "0x") {
- _, err := hex.DecodeString(s[2:])
- return err == nil
- }
- return false
- }
- // StripHex returns hex string without leading "0x"
- func StripHex(s string) string {
- if IsHex(s) {
- return s[2:]
- }
- return s
- }
- // StringInSlice returns true if a is found the list.
- func StringInSlice(a string, list []string) bool {
- for _, b := range list {
- if b == a {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
- }
- // SplitAndTrim slices s into all subslices separated by sep and returns a
- // slice of the string s with all leading and trailing Unicode code points
- // contained in cutset removed. If sep is empty, SplitAndTrim splits after each
- // UTF-8 sequence. First part is equivalent to strings.SplitN with a count of
- // -1.
- func SplitAndTrim(s, sep, cutset string) []string {
- if s == "" {
- return []string{}
- }
- spl := strings.Split(s, sep)
- for i := 0; i < len(spl); i++ {
- spl[i] = strings.Trim(spl[i], cutset)
- }
- return spl
- }
- // Returns true if s is a non-empty printable non-tab ascii character.
- func IsASCIIText(s string) bool {
- if len(s) == 0 {
- return false
- }
- for _, b := range []byte(s) {
- if 32 <= b && b <= 126 {
- // good
- } else {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- }