- package clist_test
- import (
- "testing"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- "pgregory.net/rapid"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/libs/clist"
- )
- func TestCListProperties(t *testing.T) {
- rapid.Check(t, rapid.Run(&clistModel{}))
- }
- // clistModel is used by the rapid state machine testing framework.
- // clistModel contains both the clist that is being tested and a slice of *clist.CElements
- // that will be used to model the expected clist behavior.
- type clistModel struct {
- clist *clist.CList
- model []*clist.CElement
- }
- // Init is a method used by the rapid state machine testing library.
- // Init is called when the test starts to initialize the data that will be used
- // in the state machine test.
- func (m *clistModel) Init(t *rapid.T) {
- m.clist = clist.New()
- m.model = []*clist.CElement{}
- }
- // PushBack defines an action that will be randomly selected across by the rapid state
- // machines testing library. Every call to PushBack calls PushBack on the clist and
- // performs a similar action on the model data.
- func (m *clistModel) PushBack(t *rapid.T) {
- value := rapid.String().Draw(t, "value").(string)
- el := m.clist.PushBack(value)
- m.model = append(m.model, el)
- }
- // Remove defines an action that will be randomly selected across by the rapid state
- // machine testing library. Every call to Remove selects an element from the model
- // and calls Remove on the CList with that element. The same element is removed from
- // the model to keep the objects in sync.
- func (m *clistModel) Remove(t *rapid.T) {
- if len(m.model) == 0 {
- return
- }
- ix := rapid.IntRange(0, len(m.model)-1).Draw(t, "index").(int)
- value := m.model[ix]
- m.model = append(m.model[:ix], m.model[ix+1:]...)
- m.clist.Remove(value)
- }
- // Check is a method required by the rapid state machine testing library.
- // Check is run after each action and is used to verify that the state of the object,
- // in this case a clist.CList matches the state of the objec.
- func (m *clistModel) Check(t *rapid.T) {
- require.Equal(t, len(m.model), m.clist.Len())
- if len(m.model) == 0 {
- return
- }
- require.Equal(t, m.model[0], m.clist.Front())
- require.Equal(t, m.model[len(m.model)-1], m.clist.Back())
- iter := m.clist.Front()
- for _, val := range m.model {
- require.Equal(t, val, iter)
- iter = iter.Next()
- }
- }