- package consensus
- import (
- "bytes"
- "context"
- "fmt"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- "path/filepath"
- "sort"
- "sync"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/go-kit/kit/log/term"
- abcicli "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/client"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/example/counter"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/example/kvstore"
- abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
- bc "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blockchain"
- cfg "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/config"
- cstypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/consensus/types"
- cmn "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/common"
- dbm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/db"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
- tmpubsub "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/pubsub"
- mempl "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/mempool"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/privval"
- sm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/state"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- tmtime "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types/time"
- )
- const (
- testSubscriber = "test-client"
- )
- // genesis, chain_id, priv_val
- var config *cfg.Config // NOTE: must be reset for each _test.go file
- var ensureTimeout = time.Millisecond * 100
- func ensureDir(dir string, mode os.FileMode) {
- if err := cmn.EnsureDir(dir, mode); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- }
- func ResetConfig(name string) *cfg.Config {
- return cfg.ResetTestRoot(name)
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // validator stub (a kvstore consensus peer we control)
- type validatorStub struct {
- Index int // Validator index. NOTE: we don't assume validator set changes.
- Height int64
- Round int
- types.PrivValidator
- }
- var testMinPower int64 = 10
- func NewValidatorStub(privValidator types.PrivValidator, valIndex int) *validatorStub {
- return &validatorStub{
- Index: valIndex,
- PrivValidator: privValidator,
- }
- }
- func (vs *validatorStub) signVote(voteType types.SignedMsgType, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader) (*types.Vote, error) {
- addr := vs.PrivValidator.GetPubKey().Address()
- vote := &types.Vote{
- ValidatorIndex: vs.Index,
- ValidatorAddress: addr,
- Height: vs.Height,
- Round: vs.Round,
- Timestamp: tmtime.Now(),
- Type: voteType,
- BlockID: types.BlockID{hash, header},
- }
- err := vs.PrivValidator.SignVote(config.ChainID(), vote)
- return vote, err
- }
- // Sign vote for type/hash/header
- func signVote(vs *validatorStub, voteType types.SignedMsgType, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader) *types.Vote {
- v, err := vs.signVote(voteType, hash, header)
- if err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to sign vote: %v", err))
- }
- return v
- }
- func signVotes(voteType types.SignedMsgType, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader, vss ...*validatorStub) []*types.Vote {
- votes := make([]*types.Vote, len(vss))
- for i, vs := range vss {
- votes[i] = signVote(vs, voteType, hash, header)
- }
- return votes
- }
- func incrementHeight(vss ...*validatorStub) {
- for _, vs := range vss {
- vs.Height++
- }
- }
- func incrementRound(vss ...*validatorStub) {
- for _, vs := range vss {
- vs.Round++
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Functions for transitioning the consensus state
- func startTestRound(cs *ConsensusState, height int64, round int) {
- cs.enterNewRound(height, round)
- cs.startRoutines(0)
- }
- // Create proposal block from cs1 but sign it with vs
- func decideProposal(cs1 *ConsensusState, vs *validatorStub, height int64, round int) (proposal *types.Proposal, block *types.Block) {
- block, blockParts := cs1.createProposalBlock()
- if block == nil { // on error
- panic("error creating proposal block")
- }
- // Make proposal
- polRound, propBlockID := cs1.ValidRound, types.BlockID{block.Hash(), blockParts.Header()}
- proposal = types.NewProposal(height, round, polRound, propBlockID)
- if err := vs.SignProposal(cs1.state.ChainID, proposal); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return
- }
- func addVotes(to *ConsensusState, votes ...*types.Vote) {
- for _, vote := range votes {
- to.peerMsgQueue <- msgInfo{Msg: &VoteMessage{vote}}
- }
- }
- func signAddVotes(to *ConsensusState, voteType types.SignedMsgType, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader, vss ...*validatorStub) {
- votes := signVotes(voteType, hash, header, vss...)
- addVotes(to, votes...)
- }
- func validatePrevote(t *testing.T, cs *ConsensusState, round int, privVal *validatorStub, blockHash []byte) {
- prevotes := cs.Votes.Prevotes(round)
- address := privVal.GetPubKey().Address()
- var vote *types.Vote
- if vote = prevotes.GetByAddress(address); vote == nil {
- panic("Failed to find prevote from validator")
- }
- if blockHash == nil {
- if vote.BlockID.Hash != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected prevote to be for nil, got %X", vote.BlockID.Hash))
- }
- } else {
- if !bytes.Equal(vote.BlockID.Hash, blockHash) {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected prevote to be for %X, got %X", blockHash, vote.BlockID.Hash))
- }
- }
- }
- func validateLastPrecommit(t *testing.T, cs *ConsensusState, privVal *validatorStub, blockHash []byte) {
- votes := cs.LastCommit
- address := privVal.GetPubKey().Address()
- var vote *types.Vote
- if vote = votes.GetByAddress(address); vote == nil {
- panic("Failed to find precommit from validator")
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(vote.BlockID.Hash, blockHash) {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected precommit to be for %X, got %X", blockHash, vote.BlockID.Hash))
- }
- }
- func validatePrecommit(t *testing.T, cs *ConsensusState, thisRound, lockRound int, privVal *validatorStub, votedBlockHash, lockedBlockHash []byte) {
- precommits := cs.Votes.Precommits(thisRound)
- address := privVal.GetPubKey().Address()
- var vote *types.Vote
- if vote = precommits.GetByAddress(address); vote == nil {
- panic("Failed to find precommit from validator")
- }
- if votedBlockHash == nil {
- if vote.BlockID.Hash != nil {
- panic("Expected precommit to be for nil")
- }
- } else {
- if !bytes.Equal(vote.BlockID.Hash, votedBlockHash) {
- panic("Expected precommit to be for proposal block")
- }
- }
- if lockedBlockHash == nil {
- if cs.LockedRound != lockRound || cs.LockedBlock != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected to be locked on nil at round %d. Got locked at round %d with block %v", lockRound, cs.LockedRound, cs.LockedBlock))
- }
- } else {
- if cs.LockedRound != lockRound || !bytes.Equal(cs.LockedBlock.Hash(), lockedBlockHash) {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected block to be locked on round %d, got %d. Got locked block %X, expected %X", lockRound, cs.LockedRound, cs.LockedBlock.Hash(), lockedBlockHash))
- }
- }
- }
- func validatePrevoteAndPrecommit(t *testing.T, cs *ConsensusState, thisRound, lockRound int, privVal *validatorStub, votedBlockHash, lockedBlockHash []byte) {
- // verify the prevote
- validatePrevote(t, cs, thisRound, privVal, votedBlockHash)
- // verify precommit
- cs.mtx.Lock()
- validatePrecommit(t, cs, thisRound, lockRound, privVal, votedBlockHash, lockedBlockHash)
- cs.mtx.Unlock()
- }
- // genesis
- func subscribeToVoter(cs *ConsensusState, addr []byte) <-chan tmpubsub.Message {
- voteCh0Sub, err := cs.eventBus.Subscribe(context.Background(), testSubscriber, types.EventQueryVote)
- if err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to subscribe %s to %v", testSubscriber, types.EventQueryVote))
- }
- ch := make(chan tmpubsub.Message)
- go func() {
- for msg := range voteCh0Sub.Out() {
- vote := msg.Data().(types.EventDataVote)
- // we only fire for our own votes
- if bytes.Equal(addr, vote.Vote.ValidatorAddress) {
- ch <- msg
- }
- }
- }()
- return ch
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // consensus states
- func newConsensusState(state sm.State, pv types.PrivValidator, app abci.Application) *ConsensusState {
- return newConsensusStateWithConfig(config, state, pv, app)
- }
- func newConsensusStateWithConfig(thisConfig *cfg.Config, state sm.State, pv types.PrivValidator, app abci.Application) *ConsensusState {
- blockDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
- return newConsensusStateWithConfigAndBlockStore(thisConfig, state, pv, app, blockDB)
- }
- func newConsensusStateWithConfigAndBlockStore(thisConfig *cfg.Config, state sm.State, pv types.PrivValidator, app abci.Application, blockDB dbm.DB) *ConsensusState {
- // Get BlockStore
- blockStore := bc.NewBlockStore(blockDB)
- // one for mempool, one for consensus
- mtx := new(sync.Mutex)
- proxyAppConnMem := abcicli.NewLocalClient(mtx, app)
- proxyAppConnCon := abcicli.NewLocalClient(mtx, app)
- // Make Mempool
- mempool := mempl.NewMempool(thisConfig.Mempool, proxyAppConnMem, 0)
- mempool.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "mempool"))
- if thisConfig.Consensus.WaitForTxs() {
- mempool.EnableTxsAvailable()
- }
- // mock the evidence pool
- evpool := sm.MockEvidencePool{}
- // Make ConsensusState
- stateDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
- blockExec := sm.NewBlockExecutor(stateDB, log.TestingLogger(), proxyAppConnCon, mempool, evpool)
- cs := NewConsensusState(thisConfig.Consensus, state, blockExec, blockStore, mempool, evpool)
- cs.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "consensus"))
- cs.SetPrivValidator(pv)
- eventBus := types.NewEventBus()
- eventBus.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "events"))
- eventBus.Start()
- cs.SetEventBus(eventBus)
- return cs
- }
- func loadPrivValidator(config *cfg.Config) *privval.FilePV {
- privValidatorKeyFile := config.PrivValidatorKeyFile()
- ensureDir(filepath.Dir(privValidatorKeyFile), 0700)
- privValidatorStateFile := config.PrivValidatorStateFile()
- privValidator := privval.LoadOrGenFilePV(privValidatorKeyFile, privValidatorStateFile)
- privValidator.Reset()
- return privValidator
- }
- func randConsensusState(nValidators int) (*ConsensusState, []*validatorStub) {
- // Get State
- state, privVals := randGenesisState(nValidators, false, 10)
- vss := make([]*validatorStub, nValidators)
- cs := newConsensusState(state, privVals[0], counter.NewCounterApplication(true))
- for i := 0; i < nValidators; i++ {
- vss[i] = NewValidatorStub(privVals[i], i)
- }
- // since cs1 starts at 1
- incrementHeight(vss[1:]...)
- return cs, vss
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- func ensureNoNewEvent(ch <-chan tmpubsub.Message, timeout time.Duration,
- errorMessage string) {
- select {
- case <-time.After(timeout):
- break
- case <-ch:
- panic(errorMessage)
- }
- }
- func ensureNoNewEventOnChannel(ch <-chan tmpubsub.Message) {
- ensureNoNewEvent(
- ch,
- ensureTimeout,
- "We should be stuck waiting, not receiving new event on the channel")
- }
- func ensureNoNewRoundStep(stepCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message) {
- ensureNoNewEvent(
- stepCh,
- ensureTimeout,
- "We should be stuck waiting, not receiving NewRoundStep event")
- }
- func ensureNoNewUnlock(unlockCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message) {
- ensureNoNewEvent(
- unlockCh,
- ensureTimeout,
- "We should be stuck waiting, not receiving Unlock event")
- }
- func ensureNoNewTimeout(stepCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, timeout int64) {
- timeoutDuration := time.Duration(timeout*5) * time.Nanosecond
- ensureNoNewEvent(
- stepCh,
- timeoutDuration,
- "We should be stuck waiting, not receiving NewTimeout event")
- }
- func ensureNewEvent(ch <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int, timeout time.Duration, errorMessage string) {
- select {
- case <-time.After(timeout):
- panic(errorMessage)
- case msg := <-ch:
- roundStateEvent, ok := msg.Data().(types.EventDataRoundState)
- if !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected a EventDataRoundState, got %T. Wrong subscription channel?",
- msg.Data()))
- }
- if roundStateEvent.Height != height {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected height %v, got %v", height, roundStateEvent.Height))
- }
- if roundStateEvent.Round != round {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected round %v, got %v", round, roundStateEvent.Round))
- }
- // TODO: We could check also for a step at this point!
- }
- }
- func ensureNewRoundStep(stepCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int) {
- ensureNewEvent(stepCh, height, round, ensureTimeout, "Timeout expired while waiting for NewStep event")
- }
- func ensureNewTimeout(timeoutCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int, timeout int64) {
- timeoutDuration := time.Duration(timeout*3) * time.Nanosecond
- ensureNewEvent(timeoutCh, height, round, timeoutDuration,
- "Timeout expired while waiting for NewTimeout event")
- }
- func ensureNewProposal(proposalCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int) {
- select {
- case <-time.After(ensureTimeout):
- panic("Timeout expired while waiting for NewProposal event")
- case msg := <-proposalCh:
- proposalEvent, ok := msg.Data().(types.EventDataCompleteProposal)
- if !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected a EventDataCompleteProposal, got %T. Wrong subscription channel?",
- msg.Data()))
- }
- if proposalEvent.Height != height {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected height %v, got %v", height, proposalEvent.Height))
- }
- if proposalEvent.Round != round {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected round %v, got %v", round, proposalEvent.Round))
- }
- }
- }
- func ensureNewValidBlock(validBlockCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int) {
- ensureNewEvent(validBlockCh, height, round, ensureTimeout,
- "Timeout expired while waiting for NewValidBlock event")
- }
- func ensureNewBlock(blockCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64) {
- select {
- case <-time.After(ensureTimeout):
- panic("Timeout expired while waiting for NewBlock event")
- case msg := <-blockCh:
- blockEvent, ok := msg.Data().(types.EventDataNewBlock)
- if !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected a EventDataNewBlock, got %T. Wrong subscription channel?",
- msg.Data()))
- }
- if blockEvent.Block.Height != height {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected height %v, got %v", height, blockEvent.Block.Height))
- }
- }
- }
- func ensureNewBlockHeader(blockCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, blockHash cmn.HexBytes) {
- select {
- case <-time.After(ensureTimeout):
- panic("Timeout expired while waiting for NewBlockHeader event")
- case msg := <-blockCh:
- blockHeaderEvent, ok := msg.Data().(types.EventDataNewBlockHeader)
- if !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected a EventDataNewBlockHeader, got %T. Wrong subscription channel?",
- msg.Data()))
- }
- if blockHeaderEvent.Header.Height != height {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected height %v, got %v", height, blockHeaderEvent.Header.Height))
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(blockHeaderEvent.Header.Hash(), blockHash) {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected header %X, got %X", blockHash, blockHeaderEvent.Header.Hash()))
- }
- }
- }
- func ensureNewUnlock(unlockCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int) {
- ensureNewEvent(unlockCh, height, round, ensureTimeout,
- "Timeout expired while waiting for NewUnlock event")
- }
- func ensureProposal(proposalCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int, propID types.BlockID) {
- select {
- case <-time.After(ensureTimeout):
- panic("Timeout expired while waiting for NewProposal event")
- case msg := <-proposalCh:
- proposalEvent, ok := msg.Data().(types.EventDataCompleteProposal)
- if !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected a EventDataCompleteProposal, got %T. Wrong subscription channel?",
- msg.Data()))
- }
- if proposalEvent.Height != height {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected height %v, got %v", height, proposalEvent.Height))
- }
- if proposalEvent.Round != round {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected round %v, got %v", round, proposalEvent.Round))
- }
- if !proposalEvent.BlockID.Equals(propID) {
- panic("Proposed block does not match expected block")
- }
- }
- }
- func ensurePrecommit(voteCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int) {
- ensureVote(voteCh, height, round, types.PrecommitType)
- }
- func ensurePrevote(voteCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int) {
- ensureVote(voteCh, height, round, types.PrevoteType)
- }
- func ensureVote(voteCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message, height int64, round int,
- voteType types.SignedMsgType) {
- select {
- case <-time.After(ensureTimeout):
- panic("Timeout expired while waiting for NewVote event")
- case msg := <-voteCh:
- voteEvent, ok := msg.Data().(types.EventDataVote)
- if !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected a EventDataVote, got %T. Wrong subscription channel?",
- msg.Data()))
- }
- vote := voteEvent.Vote
- if vote.Height != height {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected height %v, got %v", height, vote.Height))
- }
- if vote.Round != round {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected round %v, got %v", round, vote.Round))
- }
- if vote.Type != voteType {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected type %v, got %v", voteType, vote.Type))
- }
- }
- }
- func ensureNewEventOnChannel(ch <-chan tmpubsub.Message) {
- select {
- case <-time.After(ensureTimeout):
- panic("Timeout expired while waiting for new activity on the channel")
- case <-ch:
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // consensus nets
- // consensusLogger is a TestingLogger which uses a different
- // color for each validator ("validator" key must exist).
- func consensusLogger() log.Logger {
- return log.TestingLoggerWithColorFn(func(keyvals ...interface{}) term.FgBgColor {
- for i := 0; i < len(keyvals)-1; i += 2 {
- if keyvals[i] == "validator" {
- return term.FgBgColor{Fg: term.Color(uint8(keyvals[i+1].(int) + 1))}
- }
- }
- return term.FgBgColor{}
- }).With("module", "consensus")
- }
- func randConsensusNet(nValidators int, testName string, tickerFunc func() TimeoutTicker, appFunc func() abci.Application, configOpts ...func(*cfg.Config)) []*ConsensusState {
- genDoc, privVals := randGenesisDoc(nValidators, false, 30)
- css := make([]*ConsensusState, nValidators)
- logger := consensusLogger()
- for i := 0; i < nValidators; i++ {
- stateDB := dbm.NewMemDB() // each state needs its own db
- state, _ := sm.LoadStateFromDBOrGenesisDoc(stateDB, genDoc)
- thisConfig := ResetConfig(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", testName, i))
- for _, opt := range configOpts {
- opt(thisConfig)
- }
- ensureDir(filepath.Dir(thisConfig.Consensus.WalFile()), 0700) // dir for wal
- app := appFunc()
- vals := types.TM2PB.ValidatorUpdates(state.Validators)
- app.InitChain(abci.RequestInitChain{Validators: vals})
- css[i] = newConsensusStateWithConfig(thisConfig, state, privVals[i], app)
- css[i].SetTimeoutTicker(tickerFunc())
- css[i].SetLogger(logger.With("validator", i, "module", "consensus"))
- }
- return css
- }
- // nPeers = nValidators + nNotValidator
- func randConsensusNetWithPeers(nValidators, nPeers int, testName string, tickerFunc func() TimeoutTicker, appFunc func() abci.Application) []*ConsensusState {
- genDoc, privVals := randGenesisDoc(nValidators, false, testMinPower)
- css := make([]*ConsensusState, nPeers)
- logger := consensusLogger()
- for i := 0; i < nPeers; i++ {
- stateDB := dbm.NewMemDB() // each state needs its own db
- state, _ := sm.LoadStateFromDBOrGenesisDoc(stateDB, genDoc)
- thisConfig := ResetConfig(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", testName, i))
- ensureDir(filepath.Dir(thisConfig.Consensus.WalFile()), 0700) // dir for wal
- var privVal types.PrivValidator
- if i < nValidators {
- privVal = privVals[i]
- } else {
- tempKeyFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "priv_validator_key_")
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- tempStateFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "priv_validator_state_")
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- privVal = privval.GenFilePV(tempKeyFile.Name(), tempStateFile.Name())
- }
- app := appFunc()
- vals := types.TM2PB.ValidatorUpdates(state.Validators)
- app.InitChain(abci.RequestInitChain{Validators: vals})
- css[i] = newConsensusStateWithConfig(thisConfig, state, privVal, app)
- css[i].SetTimeoutTicker(tickerFunc())
- css[i].SetLogger(logger.With("validator", i, "module", "consensus"))
- }
- return css
- }
- func getSwitchIndex(switches []*p2p.Switch, peer p2p.Peer) int {
- for i, s := range switches {
- if peer.NodeInfo().ID() == s.NodeInfo().ID() {
- return i
- }
- }
- panic("didnt find peer in switches")
- return -1
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // genesis
- func randGenesisDoc(numValidators int, randPower bool, minPower int64) (*types.GenesisDoc, []types.PrivValidator) {
- validators := make([]types.GenesisValidator, numValidators)
- privValidators := make([]types.PrivValidator, numValidators)
- for i := 0; i < numValidators; i++ {
- val, privVal := types.RandValidator(randPower, minPower)
- validators[i] = types.GenesisValidator{
- PubKey: val.PubKey,
- Power: val.VotingPower,
- }
- privValidators[i] = privVal
- }
- sort.Sort(types.PrivValidatorsByAddress(privValidators))
- return &types.GenesisDoc{
- GenesisTime: tmtime.Now(),
- ChainID: config.ChainID(),
- Validators: validators,
- }, privValidators
- }
- func randGenesisState(numValidators int, randPower bool, minPower int64) (sm.State, []types.PrivValidator) {
- genDoc, privValidators := randGenesisDoc(numValidators, randPower, minPower)
- s0, _ := sm.MakeGenesisState(genDoc)
- return s0, privValidators
- }
- //------------------------------------
- // mock ticker
- func newMockTickerFunc(onlyOnce bool) func() TimeoutTicker {
- return func() TimeoutTicker {
- return &mockTicker{
- c: make(chan timeoutInfo, 10),
- onlyOnce: onlyOnce,
- }
- }
- }
- // mock ticker only fires on RoundStepNewHeight
- // and only once if onlyOnce=true
- type mockTicker struct {
- c chan timeoutInfo
- mtx sync.Mutex
- onlyOnce bool
- fired bool
- }
- func (m *mockTicker) Start() error {
- return nil
- }
- func (m *mockTicker) Stop() error {
- return nil
- }
- func (m *mockTicker) ScheduleTimeout(ti timeoutInfo) {
- m.mtx.Lock()
- defer m.mtx.Unlock()
- if m.onlyOnce && m.fired {
- return
- }
- if ti.Step == cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight {
- m.c <- ti
- m.fired = true
- }
- }
- func (m *mockTicker) Chan() <-chan timeoutInfo {
- return m.c
- }
- func (mockTicker) SetLogger(log.Logger) {
- }
- //------------------------------------
- func newCounter() abci.Application {
- return counter.NewCounterApplication(true)
- }
- func newPersistentKVStore() abci.Application {
- dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "persistent-kvstore")
- return kvstore.NewPersistentKVStoreApplication(dir)
- }