- package v2
- import (
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p"
- )
- func TestScheduleInit(t *testing.T) {
- var (
- initHeight int64 = 5
- sc = newSchedule(initHeight)
- )
- assert.Equal(t, blockStateNew, sc.getStateAtHeight(initHeight))
- assert.Equal(t, blockStateProcessed, sc.getStateAtHeight(initHeight-1))
- assert.Equal(t, blockStateUnknown, sc.getStateAtHeight(initHeight+1))
- }
- func TestAddPeer(t *testing.T) {
- var (
- initHeight int64 = 5
- peerID p2p.ID = "1"
- peerIDTwo p2p.ID = "2"
- sc = newSchedule(initHeight)
- )
- assert.Nil(t, sc.addPeer(peerID))
- assert.Nil(t, sc.addPeer(peerIDTwo))
- assert.Error(t, sc.addPeer(peerID))
- }
- func TestTouchPeer(t *testing.T) {
- var (
- initHeight int64 = 5
- peerID p2p.ID = "1"
- sc = newSchedule(initHeight)
- now = time.Now()
- )
- assert.Error(t, sc.touchPeer(peerID, now),
- "Touching an unknown peer should return errPeerNotFound")
- assert.Nil(t, sc.addPeer(peerID),
- "Adding a peer should return no error")
- assert.Nil(t, sc.touchPeer(peerID, now),
- "Touching a peer should return no error")
- threshold := 10 * time.Second
- assert.Empty(t, sc.peersInactiveSince(threshold, now.Add(9*time.Second)),
- "Expected no peers to have been touched over 9 seconds")
- assert.Containsf(t, sc.peersInactiveSince(threshold, now.Add(11*time.Second)), peerID,
- "Expected one %s to have been touched over 10 seconds ago", peerID)
- }
- func TestPeerHeight(t *testing.T) {
- var (
- initHeight int64 = 5
- peerID p2p.ID = "1"
- peerHeight int64 = 20
- sc = newSchedule(initHeight)
- )
- assert.NoError(t, sc.addPeer(peerID),
- "Adding a peer should return no error")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.setPeerHeight(peerID, peerHeight))
- for i := initHeight; i <= peerHeight; i++ {
- assert.Equal(t, sc.getStateAtHeight(i), blockStateNew,
- "Expected all blocks to be in blockStateNew")
- peerIDs := []p2p.ID{}
- for _, peer := range sc.getPeersAtHeight(i) {
- peerIDs = append(peerIDs, peer.peerID)
- }
- assert.Containsf(t, peerIDs, peerID,
- "Expected %s to have block %d", peerID, i)
- }
- }
- func TestTransitionPending(t *testing.T) {
- var (
- initHeight int64 = 5
- peerID p2p.ID = "1"
- peerIDTwo p2p.ID = "2"
- peerHeight int64 = 20
- sc = newSchedule(initHeight)
- now = time.Now()
- )
- assert.NoError(t, sc.addPeer(peerID),
- "Adding a peer should return no error")
- assert.Nil(t, sc.addPeer(peerIDTwo),
- "Adding a peer should return no error")
- assert.Error(t, sc.markPending(peerID, peerHeight, now),
- "Expected scheduling a block from a peer in peerStateNew to fail")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.setPeerHeight(peerID, peerHeight),
- "Expected setPeerHeight to return no error")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.setPeerHeight(peerIDTwo, peerHeight),
- "Expected setPeerHeight to return no error")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.markPending(peerID, peerHeight, now),
- "Expected markingPending new block to succeed")
- assert.Error(t, sc.markPending(peerIDTwo, peerHeight, now),
- "Expected markingPending by a second peer to fail")
- assert.Equal(t, blockStatePending, sc.getStateAtHeight(peerHeight),
- "Expected the block to to be in blockStatePending")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.removePeer(peerID),
- "Expected removePeer to return no error")
- assert.Equal(t, blockStateNew, sc.getStateAtHeight(peerHeight),
- "Expected the block to to be in blockStateNew")
- assert.Error(t, sc.markPending(peerID, peerHeight, now),
- "Expected markingPending removed peer to fail")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.markPending(peerIDTwo, peerHeight, now),
- "Expected markingPending on a ready peer to succeed")
- assert.Equal(t, blockStatePending, sc.getStateAtHeight(peerHeight),
- "Expected the block to to be in blockStatePending")
- }
- func TestTransitionReceived(t *testing.T) {
- var (
- initHeight int64 = 5
- peerID p2p.ID = "1"
- peerIDTwo p2p.ID = "2"
- peerHeight int64 = 20
- blockSize int64 = 1024
- sc = newSchedule(initHeight)
- now = time.Now()
- receivedAt = now.Add(1 * time.Second)
- )
- assert.NoError(t, sc.addPeer(peerID),
- "Expected adding peer %s to succeed", peerID)
- assert.NoError(t, sc.addPeer(peerIDTwo),
- "Expected adding peer %s to succeed", peerIDTwo)
- assert.NoError(t, sc.setPeerHeight(peerID, peerHeight),
- "Expected setPeerHeight to return no error")
- assert.NoErrorf(t, sc.setPeerHeight(peerIDTwo, peerHeight),
- "Expected setPeerHeight on %s to %d to succeed", peerIDTwo, peerHeight)
- assert.NoError(t, sc.markPending(peerID, initHeight, now),
- "Expected markingPending new block to succeed")
- assert.Error(t, sc.markReceived(peerIDTwo, initHeight, blockSize, receivedAt),
- "Expected marking markReceived from a non requesting peer to fail")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.markReceived(peerID, initHeight, blockSize, receivedAt),
- "Expected marking markReceived on a pending block to succeed")
- assert.Error(t, sc.markReceived(peerID, initHeight, blockSize, receivedAt),
- "Expected marking markReceived on received block to fail")
- assert.Equalf(t, blockStateReceived, sc.getStateAtHeight(initHeight),
- "Expected block %d to be blockHeightReceived", initHeight)
- assert.NoErrorf(t, sc.removePeer(peerID),
- "Expected removePeer removing %s to succeed", peerID)
- assert.Equalf(t, blockStateNew, sc.getStateAtHeight(initHeight),
- "Expected block %d to be blockStateNew", initHeight)
- assert.NoErrorf(t, sc.markPending(peerIDTwo, initHeight, now),
- "Expected markingPending %d from %s to succeed", initHeight, peerIDTwo)
- assert.NoErrorf(t, sc.markReceived(peerIDTwo, initHeight, blockSize, receivedAt),
- "Expected marking markReceived %d from %s to succeed", initHeight, peerIDTwo)
- assert.Equalf(t, blockStateReceived, sc.getStateAtHeight(initHeight),
- "Expected block %d to be blockStateReceived", initHeight)
- }
- func TestTransitionProcessed(t *testing.T) {
- var (
- initHeight int64 = 5
- peerID p2p.ID = "1"
- peerHeight int64 = 20
- blockSize int64 = 1024
- sc = newSchedule(initHeight)
- now = time.Now()
- receivedAt = now.Add(1 * time.Second)
- )
- assert.NoError(t, sc.addPeer(peerID),
- "Expected adding peer %s to succeed", peerID)
- assert.NoErrorf(t, sc.setPeerHeight(peerID, peerHeight),
- "Expected setPeerHeight on %s to %d to succeed", peerID, peerHeight)
- assert.NoError(t, sc.markPending(peerID, initHeight, now),
- "Expected markingPending new block to succeed")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.markReceived(peerID, initHeight, blockSize, receivedAt),
- "Expected marking markReceived on a pending block to succeed")
- assert.Error(t, sc.markProcessed(initHeight+1),
- "Expected marking %d as processed to fail", initHeight+1)
- assert.NoError(t, sc.markProcessed(initHeight),
- "Expected marking %d as processed to succeed", initHeight)
- assert.Equalf(t, blockStateProcessed, sc.getStateAtHeight(initHeight),
- "Expected block %d to be blockStateProcessed", initHeight)
- assert.NoError(t, sc.removePeer(peerID),
- "Expected removing peer %s to succeed", peerID)
- assert.Equalf(t, blockStateProcessed, sc.getStateAtHeight(initHeight),
- "Expected block %d to be blockStateProcessed", initHeight)
- }
- func TestMinMaxHeight(t *testing.T) {
- var (
- initHeight int64 = 5
- peerID p2p.ID = "1"
- peerHeight int64 = 20
- sc = newSchedule(initHeight)
- now = time.Now()
- )
- assert.Equal(t, initHeight, sc.minHeight(),
- "Expected min height to be the initialized height")
- assert.Equal(t, initHeight, sc.maxHeight(),
- "Expected max height to be the initialized height")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.addPeer(peerID),
- "Adding a peer should return no error")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.setPeerHeight(peerID, peerHeight),
- "Expected setPeerHeight to return no error")
- assert.Equal(t, peerHeight, sc.maxHeight(),
- "Expected max height to increase to peerHeight")
- assert.Nil(t, sc.markPending(peerID, initHeight, now.Add(1*time.Second)),
- "Expected marking initHeight as pending to return no error")
- assert.Equal(t, initHeight+1, sc.minHeight(),
- "Expected marking initHeight as pending to move minHeight forward")
- }
- func TestPeersSlowerThan(t *testing.T) {
- var (
- initHeight int64 = 5
- peerID p2p.ID = "1"
- peerHeight int64 = 20
- blockSize int64 = 1024
- sc = newSchedule(initHeight)
- now = time.Now()
- receivedAt = now.Add(1 * time.Second)
- )
- assert.NoError(t, sc.addPeer(peerID),
- "Adding a peer should return no error")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.setPeerHeight(peerID, peerHeight),
- "Expected setPeerHeight to return no error")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.markPending(peerID, peerHeight, now),
- "Expected markingPending on to return no error")
- assert.NoError(t, sc.markReceived(peerID, peerHeight, blockSize, receivedAt),
- "Expected markingPending on to return no error")
- assert.Empty(t, sc.peersSlowerThan(blockSize-1),
- "expected no peers to be slower than blockSize-1 bytes/sec")
- assert.Containsf(t, sc.peersSlowerThan(blockSize+1), peerID,
- "expected %s to be slower than blockSize+1 bytes/sec", peerID)
- }