- ---
- order: 6
- ---
- # Indexing Transactions
- Tendermint allows you to index transactions and blocks and later query or
- subscribe to their results. Transactions are indexed by `TxResult.Events` and
- blocks are indexed by `Response(Begin|End)Block.Events`. However, transactions
- are also indexed by a primary key which includes the transaction hash and maps
- to and stores the corresponding `TxResult`. Blocks are indexed by a primary key
- which includes the block height and maps to and stores the block height, i.e.
- the block itself is never stored.
- Each event contains a type and a list of attributes, which are key-value pairs
- denoting something about what happened during the method's execution. For more
- details on `Events`, see the
- [ABCI](https://github.com/tendermint/spec/blob/master/spec/abci/abci.md#events)
- documentation.
- An `Event` has a composite key associated with it. A `compositeKey` is
- constructed by its type and key separated by a dot.
- For example:
- ```json
- "jack": [
- "account.number": 100
- ]
- ```
- would be equal to the composite key of `jack.account.number`.
- By default, Tendermint will index all transactions by their respective hashes
- and height and blocks by their height.
- ## Configuration
- Operators can configure indexing via the `[tx_index]` section. The `indexer`
- field takes a series of supported indexers. If `null` is included, indexing will
- be turned off regardless of other values provided.
- ```toml
- [tx-index]
- # The backend database list to back the indexer.
- # If list contains null, meaning no indexer service will be used.
- #
- # The application will set which txs to index. In some cases a node operator will be able
- # to decide which txs to index based on configuration set in the application.
- #
- # Options:
- # 1) "null"
- # 2) "kv" (default) - the simplest possible indexer, backed by key-value storage (defaults to levelDB; see DBBackend).
- # - When "kv" is chosen "tx.height" and "tx.hash" will always be indexed.
- # 3) "psql" - the indexer services backed by PostgreSQL.
- # indexer = []
- ```
- ### Supported Indexers
- #### KV
- The `kv` indexer type is an embedded key-value store supported by the main
- underlying Tendermint database. Using the `kv` indexer type allows you to query
- for block and transaction events directly against Tendermint's RPC. However, the
- query syntax is limited and so this indexer type might be deprecated or removed
- entirely in the future.
- #### PostgreSQL
- The `psql` indexer type allows an operator to enable block and transaction event
- indexing by proxying it to an external PostgreSQL instance allowing for the events
- to be stored in relational models. Since the events are stored in a RDBMS, operators
- can leverage SQL to perform a series of rich and complex queries that are not
- supported by the `kv` indexer type. Since operators can leverage SQL directly,
- searching is not enabled for the `psql` indexer type via Tendermint's RPC -- any
- such query will fail.
- Note, the SQL schema is stored in `state/indexer/sink/psql/schema.sql` and operators
- must explicitly create the relations prior to starting Tendermint and enabling
- the `psql` indexer type.
- Example:
- ```shell
- $ psql ... -f state/indexer/sink/psql/schema.sql
- ```
- ## Default Indexes
- The Tendermint tx and block event indexer indexes a few select reserved events
- by default.
- ### Transactions
- The following indexes are indexed by default:
- - `tx.height`
- - `tx.hash`
- ### Blocks
- The following indexes are indexed by default:
- - `block.height`
- ## Adding Events
- Applications are free to define which events to index. Tendermint does not
- expose functionality to define which events to index and which to ignore. In
- your application's `DeliverTx` method, add the `Events` field with pairs of
- UTF-8 encoded strings (e.g. "transfer.sender": "Bob", "transfer.recipient":
- "Alice", "transfer.balance": "100").
- Example:
- ```go
- func (app *KVStoreApplication) DeliverTx(req types.RequestDeliverTx) types.Result {
- //...
- events := []abci.Event{
- {
- Type: "transfer",
- Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
- {Key: []byte("sender"), Value: []byte("Bob"), Index: true},
- {Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("Alice"), Index: true},
- {Key: []byte("balance"), Value: []byte("100"), Index: true},
- {Key: []byte("note"), Value: []byte("nothing"), Index: true},
- },
- },
- }
- return types.ResponseDeliverTx{Code: code.CodeTypeOK, Events: events}
- }
- ```
- If the indexer is not `null`, the transaction will be indexed. Each event is
- indexed using a composite key in the form of `{eventType}.{eventAttribute}={eventValue}`,
- e.g. `transfer.sender=bob`.
- ## Querying Transactions Events
- You can query for a paginated set of transaction by their events by calling the
- `/tx_search` RPC endpoint:
- ```bash
- curl "localhost:26657/tx_search?query=\"message.sender='cosmos1...'\"&prove=true"
- ```
- Check out [API docs](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/rpc/#/Info/tx_search)
- for more information on query syntax and other options.
- ## Subscribing to Transactions
- Clients can subscribe to transactions with the given tags via WebSocket by providing
- a query to `/subscribe` RPC endpoint.
- ```json
- {
- "jsonrpc": "2.0",
- "method": "subscribe",
- "id": "0",
- "params": {
- "query": "message.sender='cosmos1...'"
- }
- }
- ```
- Check out [API docs](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/rpc/#subscribe) for more information
- on query syntax and other options.
- ## Querying Blocks Events
- You can query for a paginated set of blocks by their events by calling the
- `/block_search` RPC endpoint:
- ```bash
- curl "localhost:26657/block_search?query=\"block.height > 10 AND val_set.num_changed > 0\""
- ```
- Check out [API docs](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/rpc/#/Info/block_search)
- for more information on query syntax and other options.