- package common
- import (
- "encoding/json"
- "io"
- "net/http"
- "gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
- )
- type ErrorResponse struct {
- Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"`
- // Err is the error message if Success is false
- Err string `json:"error,omitempty"`
- // Code is set if Success is false
- Code int `json:"code,omitempty"`
- }
- // ErrorWithCode makes an ErrorResponse with the
- // provided err's Error() content, and status code.
- // It panics if err is nil.
- func ErrorWithCode(err error, code int) *ErrorResponse {
- return &ErrorResponse{
- Err: err.Error(),
- Code: code,
- }
- }
- // Ensure that ErrorResponse implements error
- var _ error = (*ErrorResponse)(nil)
- func (er *ErrorResponse) Error() string {
- return er.Err
- }
- // Ensure that ErrorResponse implements httpCoder
- var _ httpCoder = (*ErrorResponse)(nil)
- func (er *ErrorResponse) HTTPCode() int {
- return er.Code
- }
- var errNilBody = errors.Errorf("expecting a non-nil body")
- // FparseJSON unmarshals into save, the body of the provided reader.
- // Since it uses json.Unmarshal, save must be of a pointer type
- // or compatible with json.Unmarshal.
- func FparseJSON(r io.Reader, save interface{}) error {
- if r == nil {
- return errors.Wrap(errNilBody, "Reader")
- }
- dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
- if err := dec.Decode(save); err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, "Decode/Unmarshal")
- }
- return nil
- }
- // ParseRequestJSON unmarshals into save, the body of the
- // request. It closes the body of the request after parsing.
- // Since it uses json.Unmarshal, save must be of a pointer type
- // or compatible with json.Unmarshal.
- func ParseRequestJSON(r *http.Request, save interface{}) error {
- if r == nil || r.Body == nil {
- return errNilBody
- }
- defer r.Body.Close()
- return FparseJSON(r.Body, save)
- }
- // ParseRequestAndValidateJSON unmarshals into save, the body of the
- // request and invokes a validator on the saved content. To ensure
- // validation, make sure to set tags "validate" on your struct as
- // per https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9.
- // It closes the body of the request after parsing.
- // Since it uses json.Unmarshal, save must be of a pointer type
- // or compatible with json.Unmarshal.
- func ParseRequestAndValidateJSON(r *http.Request, save interface{}) error {
- if r == nil || r.Body == nil {
- return errNilBody
- }
- defer r.Body.Close()
- return FparseAndValidateJSON(r.Body, save)
- }
- // FparseAndValidateJSON like FparseJSON unmarshals into save,
- // the body of the provided reader. However, it invokes the validator
- // to check the set validators on your struct fields as per
- // per https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9.
- // Since it uses json.Unmarshal, save must be of a pointer type
- // or compatible with json.Unmarshal.
- func FparseAndValidateJSON(r io.Reader, save interface{}) error {
- if err := FparseJSON(r, save); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return validate(save)
- }
- var theValidator = validator.New()
- func validate(obj interface{}) error {
- return errors.Wrap(theValidator.Struct(obj), "Validate")
- }
- // WriteSuccess JSON marshals the content provided, to an HTTP
- // response, setting the provided status code and setting header
- // "Content-Type" to "application/json".
- func WriteSuccess(w http.ResponseWriter, data interface{}) {
- WriteCode(w, data, 200)
- }
- // WriteCode JSON marshals content, to an HTTP response,
- // setting the provided status code, and setting header
- // "Content-Type" to "application/json". If JSON marshalling fails
- // with an error, WriteCode instead writes out the error invoking
- // WriteError.
- func WriteCode(w http.ResponseWriter, out interface{}, code int) {
- blob, err := json.MarshalIndent(out, "", " ")
- if err != nil {
- WriteError(w, err)
- } else {
- w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
- w.WriteHeader(code)
- w.Write(blob)
- }
- }
- type httpCoder interface {
- HTTPCode() int
- }
- // WriteError is a convenience function to write out an
- // error to an http.ResponseWriter, to send out an error
- // that's structured as JSON i.e the form
- // {"error": sss, "code": ddd}
- // If err implements the interface HTTPCode() int,
- // it will use that status code otherwise, it will
- // set code to be http.StatusBadRequest
- func WriteError(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) {
- code := http.StatusBadRequest
- if httpC, ok := err.(httpCoder); ok {
- code = httpC.HTTPCode()
- }
- WriteCode(w, ErrorWithCode(err, code), code)
- }