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  1. package types
  2. import (
  3. "bytes"
  4. "fmt"
  5. "strings"
  6. "sync"
  7. acm ""
  8. . ""
  9. ""
  10. )
  11. // VoteSet helps collect signatures from validators at each height+round
  12. // for a predefined vote type.
  13. // Note that there three kinds of votes: prevotes, precommits, and commits.
  14. // A commit of prior rounds can be added added in lieu of votes/precommits.
  15. // NOTE: Assumes that the sum total of voting power does not exceed MaxUInt64.
  16. type VoteSet struct {
  17. height int
  18. round int
  19. type_ byte
  20. mtx sync.Mutex
  21. valSet *ValidatorSet
  22. votes []*Vote // validator index -> vote
  23. votesBitArray *BitArray // validator index -> has vote?
  24. votesByBlock map[string]int64 // string(blockHash)+string(blockParts) -> vote sum.
  25. totalVotes int64
  26. maj23Hash []byte
  27. maj23PartsHeader PartSetHeader
  28. maj23Exists bool
  29. }
  30. // Constructs a new VoteSet struct used to accumulate votes for given height/round.
  31. func NewVoteSet(height int, round int, type_ byte, valSet *ValidatorSet) *VoteSet {
  32. if height == 0 {
  33. PanicSanity("Cannot make VoteSet for height == 0, doesn't make sense.")
  34. }
  35. return &VoteSet{
  36. height: height,
  37. round: round,
  38. type_: type_,
  39. valSet: valSet,
  40. votes: make([]*Vote, valSet.Size()),
  41. votesBitArray: NewBitArray(valSet.Size()),
  42. votesByBlock: make(map[string]int64),
  43. totalVotes: 0,
  44. }
  45. }
  46. func (voteSet *VoteSet) Height() int {
  47. if voteSet == nil {
  48. return 0
  49. } else {
  50. return voteSet.height
  51. }
  52. }
  53. func (voteSet *VoteSet) Round() int {
  54. if voteSet == nil {
  55. return -1
  56. } else {
  57. return voteSet.round
  58. }
  59. }
  60. func (voteSet *VoteSet) Type() byte {
  61. if voteSet == nil {
  62. return 0x00
  63. } else {
  64. return voteSet.type_
  65. }
  66. }
  67. func (voteSet *VoteSet) Size() int {
  68. if voteSet == nil {
  69. return 0
  70. } else {
  71. return voteSet.valSet.Size()
  72. }
  73. }
  74. // Returns added=true, index if vote was added
  75. // Otherwise returns err=ErrVote[UnexpectedStep|InvalidAccount|InvalidSignature|InvalidBlockHash|ConflictingSignature]
  76. // Duplicate votes return added=false, err=nil.
  77. // NOTE: vote should not be mutated after adding.
  78. func (voteSet *VoteSet) AddByIndex(valIndex int, vote *Vote) (added bool, address []byte, err error) {
  79. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  80. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  81. return voteSet.addByIndex(valIndex, vote)
  82. }
  83. // Returns added=true, index if vote was added
  84. // Otherwise returns err=ErrVote[UnexpectedStep|InvalidAccount|InvalidSignature|InvalidBlockHash|ConflictingSignature]
  85. // Duplicate votes return added=false, err=nil.
  86. // NOTE: vote should not be mutated after adding.
  87. func (voteSet *VoteSet) AddByAddress(address []byte, vote *Vote) (added bool, index int, err error) {
  88. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  89. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  90. // Ensure that signer is a validator.
  91. valIndex, val := voteSet.valSet.GetByAddress(address)
  92. if val == nil {
  93. return false, 0, ErrVoteInvalidAccount
  94. }
  95. return voteSet.addVote(val, valIndex, vote)
  96. }
  97. func (voteSet *VoteSet) addByIndex(valIndex int, vote *Vote) (added bool, address []byte, err error) {
  98. // Ensure that signer is a validator.
  99. address, val := voteSet.valSet.GetByIndex(valIndex)
  100. if val == nil {
  101. return false, nil, ErrVoteInvalidAccount
  102. }
  103. added, _, err = voteSet.addVote(val, valIndex, vote)
  104. return
  105. }
  106. func (voteSet *VoteSet) addVote(val *Validator, valIndex int, vote *Vote) (bool, int, error) {
  107. // Make sure the step matches. (or that vote is commit && round < voteSet.round)
  108. if (vote.Height != voteSet.height) ||
  109. (vote.Round != voteSet.round) ||
  110. (vote.Type != voteSet.type_) {
  111. return false, 0, ErrVoteUnexpectedStep
  112. }
  113. // Check signature.
  114. if !val.PubKey.VerifyBytes(acm.SignBytes(config.GetString("chain_id"), vote), vote.Signature) {
  115. // Bad signature.
  116. return false, 0, ErrVoteInvalidSignature
  117. }
  118. // If vote already exists, return false.
  119. if existingVote := voteSet.votes[valIndex]; existingVote != nil {
  120. if bytes.Equal(existingVote.BlockHash, vote.BlockHash) {
  121. return false, valIndex, nil
  122. } else {
  123. return false, valIndex, &ErrVoteConflictingSignature{
  124. VoteA: existingVote,
  125. VoteB: vote,
  126. }
  127. }
  128. }
  129. // Add vote.
  130. voteSet.votes[valIndex] = vote
  131. voteSet.votesBitArray.SetIndex(valIndex, true)
  132. blockKey := string(vote.BlockHash) + string(wire.BinaryBytes(vote.BlockPartsHeader))
  133. totalBlockHashVotes := voteSet.votesByBlock[blockKey] + val.VotingPower
  134. voteSet.votesByBlock[blockKey] = totalBlockHashVotes
  135. voteSet.totalVotes += val.VotingPower
  136. // If we just nudged it up to two thirds majority, add it.
  137. if totalBlockHashVotes > voteSet.valSet.TotalVotingPower()*2/3 &&
  138. (totalBlockHashVotes-val.VotingPower) <= voteSet.valSet.TotalVotingPower()*2/3 {
  139. voteSet.maj23Hash = vote.BlockHash
  140. voteSet.maj23PartsHeader = vote.BlockPartsHeader
  141. voteSet.maj23Exists = true
  142. }
  143. return true, valIndex, nil
  144. }
  145. func (voteSet *VoteSet) BitArray() *BitArray {
  146. if voteSet == nil {
  147. return nil
  148. }
  149. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  150. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  151. return voteSet.votesBitArray.Copy()
  152. }
  153. func (voteSet *VoteSet) GetByIndex(valIndex int) *Vote {
  154. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  155. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  156. return voteSet.votes[valIndex]
  157. }
  158. func (voteSet *VoteSet) GetByAddress(address []byte) *Vote {
  159. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  160. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  161. valIndex, val := voteSet.valSet.GetByAddress(address)
  162. if val == nil {
  163. PanicSanity("GetByAddress(address) returned nil")
  164. }
  165. return voteSet.votes[valIndex]
  166. }
  167. func (voteSet *VoteSet) HasTwoThirdsMajority() bool {
  168. if voteSet == nil {
  169. return false
  170. }
  171. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  172. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  173. return voteSet.maj23Exists
  174. }
  175. func (voteSet *VoteSet) IsCommit() bool {
  176. if voteSet == nil {
  177. return false
  178. }
  179. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  180. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  181. return len(voteSet.maj23Hash) > 0
  182. }
  183. func (voteSet *VoteSet) HasTwoThirdsAny() bool {
  184. if voteSet == nil {
  185. return false
  186. }
  187. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  188. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  189. return voteSet.totalVotes > voteSet.valSet.TotalVotingPower()*2/3
  190. }
  191. // Returns either a blockhash (or nil) that received +2/3 majority.
  192. // If there exists no such majority, returns (nil, false).
  193. func (voteSet *VoteSet) TwoThirdsMajority() (hash []byte, parts PartSetHeader, ok bool) {
  194. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  195. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  196. if voteSet.maj23Exists {
  197. return voteSet.maj23Hash, voteSet.maj23PartsHeader, true
  198. } else {
  199. return nil, PartSetHeader{}, false
  200. }
  201. }
  202. func (voteSet *VoteSet) String() string {
  203. if voteSet == nil {
  204. return "nil-VoteSet"
  205. }
  206. return voteSet.StringIndented("")
  207. }
  208. func (voteSet *VoteSet) StringIndented(indent string) string {
  209. voteStrings := make([]string, len(voteSet.votes))
  210. for i, vote := range voteSet.votes {
  211. if vote == nil {
  212. voteStrings[i] = "nil-Vote"
  213. } else {
  214. voteStrings[i] = vote.String()
  215. }
  216. }
  217. return fmt.Sprintf(`VoteSet{
  218. %s H:%v R:%v T:%v
  219. %s %v
  220. %s %v
  221. %s}`,
  222. indent, voteSet.height, voteSet.round, voteSet.type_,
  223. indent, strings.Join(voteStrings, "\n"+indent+" "),
  224. indent, voteSet.votesBitArray,
  225. indent)
  226. }
  227. func (voteSet *VoteSet) StringShort() string {
  228. if voteSet == nil {
  229. return "nil-VoteSet"
  230. }
  231. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  232. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  233. return fmt.Sprintf(`VoteSet{H:%v R:%v T:%v +2/3:%v %v}`,
  234. voteSet.height, voteSet.round, voteSet.type_, voteSet.maj23Exists, voteSet.votesBitArray)
  235. }
  236. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  237. // Validation
  238. func (voteSet *VoteSet) MakeValidation() *Validation {
  239. if voteSet.type_ != VoteTypePrecommit {
  240. PanicSanity("Cannot MakeValidation() unless VoteSet.Type is VoteTypePrecommit")
  241. }
  242. voteSet.mtx.Lock()
  243. defer voteSet.mtx.Unlock()
  244. if len(voteSet.maj23Hash) == 0 {
  245. PanicSanity("Cannot MakeValidation() unless a blockhash has +2/3")
  246. }
  247. precommits := make([]*Vote, voteSet.valSet.Size())
  248. voteSet.valSet.Iterate(func(valIndex int, val *Validator) bool {
  249. vote := voteSet.votes[valIndex]
  250. if vote == nil {
  251. return false
  252. }
  253. if !bytes.Equal(vote.BlockHash, voteSet.maj23Hash) {
  254. return false
  255. }
  256. if !vote.BlockPartsHeader.Equals(voteSet.maj23PartsHeader) {
  257. return false
  258. }
  259. precommits[valIndex] = vote
  260. return false
  261. })
  262. return &Validation{
  263. Precommits: precommits,
  264. }
  265. }
  266. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. // For testing...
  268. func RandValidator(randBonded bool, minBonded int64) (*ValidatorInfo, *Validator, *PrivValidator) {
  269. privVal := GenPrivValidator()
  270. _, tempFilePath := Tempfile("priv_validator_")
  271. privVal.SetFile(tempFilePath)
  272. bonded := minBonded
  273. if randBonded {
  274. bonded += int64(RandUint32())
  275. }
  276. valInfo := &ValidatorInfo{
  277. Address: privVal.Address,
  278. PubKey: privVal.PubKey,
  279. UnbondTo: []*TxOutput{&TxOutput{
  280. Amount: bonded,
  281. Address: privVal.Address,
  282. }},
  283. FirstBondHeight: 0,
  284. FirstBondAmount: bonded,
  285. }
  286. val := &Validator{
  287. Address: valInfo.Address,
  288. PubKey: valInfo.PubKey,
  289. BondHeight: 0,
  290. UnbondHeight: 0,
  291. LastCommitHeight: 0,
  292. VotingPower: valInfo.FirstBondAmount,
  293. Accum: 0,
  294. }
  295. return valInfo, val, privVal
  296. }