- package mempool
- import (
- "fmt"
- "sync"
- "testing"
- "time"
- acm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/account"
- _ "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/config/tendermint_test"
- sm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/state"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- var someAddr = []byte("ABCDEFGHIJABCDEFGHIJ")
- // number of txs
- var nTxs = 100
- // what the ResetInfo should look like after ResetForBlockAndState
- var TestResetInfoData = ResetInfo{
- Included: []Range{
- Range{0, 5},
- Range{10, 10},
- Range{30, 5},
- },
- Invalid: []Range{
- Range{5, 5},
- Range{20, 8}, // let 28 and 29 be valid
- Range{35, 64}, // let 99 be valid
- },
- }
- // inverse of the ResetInfo
- var notInvalidNotIncluded = map[int]struct{}{
- 28: struct{}{},
- 29: struct{}{},
- 99: struct{}{},
- }
- func newSendTx(t *testing.T, mempool *Mempool, from *acm.PrivAccount, to []byte, amt int64) types.Tx {
- tx := types.NewSendTx()
- tx.AddInput(mempool.GetCache(), from.PubKey, amt)
- tx.AddOutput(to, amt)
- tx.SignInput(config.GetString("chain_id"), 0, from)
- if err := mempool.AddTx(tx); err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- return tx
- }
- func addTxs(t *testing.T, mempool *Mempool, lastAcc *acm.PrivAccount, privAccs []*acm.PrivAccount) []types.Tx {
- txs := make([]types.Tx, nTxs)
- for i := 0; i < nTxs; i++ {
- if _, ok := notInvalidNotIncluded[i]; ok {
- txs[i] = newSendTx(t, mempool, lastAcc, someAddr, 10)
- } else {
- txs[i] = newSendTx(t, mempool, privAccs[i%len(privAccs)], privAccs[(i+1)%len(privAccs)].Address, 5)
- }
- }
- return txs
- }
- func makeBlock(mempool *Mempool) *types.Block {
- txs := mempool.GetProposalTxs()
- var includedTxs []types.Tx
- for _, rid := range TestResetInfoData.Included {
- includedTxs = append(includedTxs, txs[rid.Start:rid.Start+rid.Length]...)
- }
- mempool.mtx.Lock()
- state := mempool.state
- state.LastBlockHeight += 1
- mempool.mtx.Unlock()
- return &types.Block{
- Header: &types.Header{
- ChainID: state.ChainID,
- Height: state.LastBlockHeight,
- NumTxs: len(includedTxs),
- },
- Data: &types.Data{
- Txs: includedTxs,
- },
- }
- }
- // Add txs. Grab chunks to put in block. All the others become invalid because of nonce errors except those in notInvalidNotIncluded
- func TestResetInfo(t *testing.T) {
- amtPerAccount := int64(100000)
- state, privAccs, _ := sm.RandGenesisState(6, false, amtPerAccount, 1, true, 100)
- mempool := NewMempool(state)
- lastAcc := privAccs[5] // we save him (his tx wont become invalid)
- privAccs = privAccs[:5]
- txs := addTxs(t, mempool, lastAcc, privAccs)
- // its actually an invalid block since we're skipping nonces
- // but all we care about is how the mempool responds after
- block := makeBlock(mempool)
- mempool.ResetForBlockAndState(block, state)
- ri := mempool.resetInfo
- if len(ri.Included) != len(TestResetInfoData.Included) {
- t.Fatalf("invalid number of included ranges. Got %d, expected %d\n", len(ri.Included), len(TestResetInfoData.Included))
- }
- if len(ri.Invalid) != len(TestResetInfoData.Invalid) {
- t.Fatalf("invalid number of invalid ranges. Got %d, expected %d\n", len(ri.Invalid), len(TestResetInfoData.Invalid))
- }
- for i, rid := range ri.Included {
- inc := TestResetInfoData.Included[i]
- if rid.Start != inc.Start {
- t.Fatalf("Invalid start of range. Got %d, expected %d\n", inc.Start, rid.Start)
- }
- if rid.Length != inc.Length {
- t.Fatalf("Invalid length of range. Got %d, expected %d\n", inc.Length, rid.Length)
- }
- }
- txs = mempool.GetProposalTxs()
- if len(txs) != len(notInvalidNotIncluded) {
- t.Fatalf("Expected %d txs left in mempool. Got %d", len(notInvalidNotIncluded), len(txs))
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type TestPeer struct {
- sync.Mutex
- running bool
- height int
- t *testing.T
- received int
- txs map[string]int
- timeoutFail int
- done chan int
- }
- func newPeer(t *testing.T, state *sm.State) *TestPeer {
- return &TestPeer{
- running: true,
- height: state.LastBlockHeight,
- t: t,
- txs: make(map[string]int),
- done: make(chan int),
- }
- }
- func (tp *TestPeer) IsRunning() bool {
- tp.Lock()
- defer tp.Unlock()
- return tp.running
- }
- func (tp *TestPeer) SetRunning(running bool) {
- tp.Lock()
- defer tp.Unlock()
- tp.running = running
- }
- func (tp *TestPeer) Send(chID byte, msg interface{}) bool {
- if tp.timeoutFail > 0 {
- time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(tp.timeoutFail))
- return false
- }
- tx := msg.(*TxMessage).Tx
- id := types.TxID(config.GetString("chain_id"), tx)
- if _, ok := tp.txs[string(id)]; ok {
- tp.t.Fatal("received the same tx twice!")
- }
- tp.txs[string(id)] = tp.received
- tp.received += 1
- tp.done <- tp.received
- return true
- }
- func (tp *TestPeer) Get(key string) interface{} {
- return tp
- }
- func (tp *TestPeer) GetHeight() int {
- return tp.height
- }
- func TestBroadcast(t *testing.T) {
- state, privAccs, _ := sm.RandGenesisState(6, false, 10000, 1, true, 100)
- mempool := NewMempool(state)
- reactor := NewMempoolReactor(mempool)
- reactor.Start()
- lastAcc := privAccs[5] // we save him (his tx wont become invalid)
- privAccs = privAccs[:5]
- peer := newPeer(t, state)
- newBlockChan := make(chan ResetInfo)
- tickerChan := make(chan time.Time)
- go reactor.broadcastTxRoutine(tickerChan, newBlockChan, peer)
- // we don't broadcast any before updating
- fmt.Println("dont broadcast any")
- addTxs(t, mempool, lastAcc, privAccs)
- block := makeBlock(mempool)
- mempool.ResetForBlockAndState(block, state)
- newBlockChan <- mempool.resetInfo
- peer.height = mempool.resetInfo.Height
- tickerChan <- time.Now()
- pullTxs(t, peer, len(mempool.txs)) // should have sent whatever txs are left (3)
- toBroadcast := []int{1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 50, 90, 99, 100}
- for _, N := range toBroadcast {
- peer = resetPeer(t, reactor, mempool, state, tickerChan, newBlockChan, peer)
- // we broadcast N txs before updating
- fmt.Println("broadcast", N)
- addTxs(t, mempool, lastAcc, privAccs)
- txsToSendPerCheck = N
- tickerChan <- time.Now()
- pullTxs(t, peer, txsToSendPerCheck) // should have sent N txs
- block = makeBlock(mempool)
- mempool.ResetForBlockAndState(block, state)
- newBlockChan <- mempool.resetInfo
- peer.height = mempool.resetInfo.Height
- txsToSendPerCheck = 100
- tickerChan <- time.Now()
- left := len(mempool.txs)
- if N > 99 {
- left -= 3
- } else if N > 29 {
- left -= 2
- } else if N > 28 {
- left -= 1
- }
- pullTxs(t, peer, left) // should have sent whatever txs are left that havent been sent
- }
- }
- func pullTxs(t *testing.T, peer *TestPeer, N int) {
- timer := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 2)
- for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
- select {
- case <-peer.done:
- case <-timer.C:
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid number of received messages. Got %d, expected %d\n", i, N))
- }
- }
- if N == 0 {
- select {
- case <-peer.done:
- t.Fatalf("should not have sent any more txs")
- case <-timer.C:
- }
- }
- }
- func resetPeer(t *testing.T, reactor *MempoolReactor, mempool *Mempool, state *sm.State, tickerChan chan time.Time, newBlockChan chan ResetInfo, peer *TestPeer) *TestPeer {
- // reset peer
- mempool.txs = []types.Tx{}
- mempool.state = state
- mempool.cache = sm.NewBlockCache(state)
- peer.SetRunning(false)
- tickerChan <- time.Now()
- peer = newPeer(t, state)
- go reactor.broadcastTxRoutine(tickerChan, newBlockChan, peer)
- return peer
- }