- package types
- import (
- "bytes"
- "crypto/sha256"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "sort"
- abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/merkle"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/tmhash"
- tmbytes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/bytes"
- tmproto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proto/tendermint/types"
- )
- // Tx is an arbitrary byte array.
- // NOTE: Tx has no types at this level, so when wire encoded it's just length-prefixed.
- // Might we want types here ?
- type Tx []byte
- // Key produces a fixed-length key for use in indexing.
- func (tx Tx) Key() TxKey { return sha256.Sum256(tx) }
- // Hash computes the TMHASH hash of the wire encoded transaction.
- func (tx Tx) Hash() []byte { return tmhash.Sum(tx) }
- // String returns the hex-encoded transaction as a string.
- func (tx Tx) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Tx{%X}", []byte(tx)) }
- // Txs is a slice of Tx.
- type Txs []Tx
- // Hash returns the Merkle root hash of the transaction hashes.
- // i.e. the leaves of the tree are the hashes of the txs.
- func (txs Txs) Hash() []byte {
- hl := txs.hashList()
- return merkle.HashFromByteSlices(hl)
- }
- // Index returns the index of this transaction in the list, or -1 if not found
- func (txs Txs) Index(tx Tx) int {
- for i := range txs {
- if bytes.Equal(txs[i], tx) {
- return i
- }
- }
- return -1
- }
- // IndexByHash returns the index of this transaction hash in the list, or -1 if not found
- func (txs Txs) IndexByHash(hash []byte) int {
- for i := range txs {
- if bytes.Equal(txs[i].Hash(), hash) {
- return i
- }
- }
- return -1
- }
- func (txs Txs) Proof(i int) TxProof {
- hl := txs.hashList()
- root, proofs := merkle.ProofsFromByteSlices(hl)
- return TxProof{
- RootHash: root,
- Data: txs[i],
- Proof: *proofs[i],
- }
- }
- func (txs Txs) hashList() [][]byte {
- hl := make([][]byte, len(txs))
- for i := 0; i < len(txs); i++ {
- hl[i] = txs[i].Hash()
- }
- return hl
- }
- // Txs is a slice of transactions. Sorting a Txs value orders the transactions
- // lexicographically.
- func (txs Txs) Len() int { return len(txs) }
- func (txs Txs) Swap(i, j int) { txs[i], txs[j] = txs[j], txs[i] }
- func (txs Txs) Less(i, j int) bool {
- return bytes.Compare(txs[i], txs[j]) == -1
- }
- // ToSliceOfBytes converts a Txs to slice of byte slices.
- func (txs Txs) ToSliceOfBytes() [][]byte {
- txBzs := make([][]byte, len(txs))
- for i := 0; i < len(txs); i++ {
- txBzs[i] = txs[i]
- }
- return txBzs
- }
- // TxRecordSet contains indexes into an underlying set of transactions.
- // These indexes are useful for validating and working with a list of TxRecords
- // from the PrepareProposal response.
- //
- // Only one copy of the original data is referenced by all of the indexes but a
- // transaction may appear in multiple indexes.
- type TxRecordSet struct {
- // all holds the complete list of all transactions from the original list of
- // TxRecords.
- all Txs
- // included is an index of the transactions that will be included in the block
- // and is constructed from the list of both added and unmodified transactions.
- // included maintains the original order that the transactions were present
- // in the list of TxRecords.
- included Txs
- // added, unmodified, removed, and unknown are indexes for each of the actions
- // that may be supplied with a transaction.
- //
- // Because each transaction only has one action, it can be referenced by
- // at most 3 indexes in this data structure: the action-specific index, the
- // included index, and the all index.
- added Txs
- unmodified Txs
- removed Txs
- unknown Txs
- }
- // NewTxRecordSet constructs a new set from the given transaction records.
- // The contents of the input transactions are shared by the set, and must not
- // be modified during the lifetime of the set.
- func NewTxRecordSet(trs []*abci.TxRecord) TxRecordSet {
- txrSet := TxRecordSet{
- all: make([]Tx, len(trs)),
- }
- for i, tr := range trs {
- txrSet.all[i] = Tx(tr.Tx)
- // The following set of assignments do not allocate new []byte, they create
- // pointers to the already allocated slice.
- switch tr.GetAction() {
- case abci.TxRecord_UNKNOWN:
- txrSet.unknown = append(txrSet.unknown, txrSet.all[i])
- case abci.TxRecord_UNMODIFIED:
- txrSet.unmodified = append(txrSet.unmodified, txrSet.all[i])
- txrSet.included = append(txrSet.included, txrSet.all[i])
- case abci.TxRecord_ADDED:
- txrSet.added = append(txrSet.added, txrSet.all[i])
- txrSet.included = append(txrSet.included, txrSet.all[i])
- case abci.TxRecord_REMOVED:
- txrSet.removed = append(txrSet.removed, txrSet.all[i])
- }
- }
- return txrSet
- }
- // IncludedTxs returns the transactions marked for inclusion in a block. This
- // list maintains the order that the transactions were included in the list of
- // TxRecords that were used to construct the TxRecordSet.
- func (t TxRecordSet) IncludedTxs() []Tx {
- return t.included
- }
- // RemovedTxs returns the transactions marked for removal by the application.
- func (t TxRecordSet) RemovedTxs() []Tx {
- return t.removed
- }
- // Validate checks that the record set was correctly constructed from the original
- // list of transactions.
- func (t TxRecordSet) Validate(maxSizeBytes int64, otxs Txs) error {
- if len(t.unknown) > 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("%d transactions marked unknown (first unknown hash: %x)", len(t.unknown), t.unknown[0].Hash())
- }
- // The following validation logic performs a set of sorts on the data in the TxRecordSet indexes.
- // It sorts the original transaction list, otxs, once.
- // It sorts the new transaction list twice: once when sorting 'all', the total list,
- // and once by sorting the set of the added, removed, and unmodified transactions indexes,
- // which, when combined, comprise the complete list of modified transactions.
- //
- // Each of the added, removed, and unmodified indices is then iterated and once
- // and each value index is checked against the sorted original list for containment.
- // Asymptotically, this yields a total runtime of O(N*log(N) + 2*M*log(M) + M*log(N)).
- // in the input size of the original list, N, and the input size of the new list, M, respectively.
- // Performance gains are likely possible, but this was preferred for readability and maintainability.
- // Sort a copy of the complete transaction slice so we can check for
- // duplication. The copy is so we do not change the original ordering.
- // Only the slices are copied, the transaction contents are shared.
- allCopy := sortedCopy(t.all)
- var size int64
- for i, cur := range allCopy {
- size += int64(len(cur))
- if size > maxSizeBytes {
- return fmt.Errorf("transaction data size %d exceeds maximum %d", size, maxSizeBytes)
- }
- // allCopy is sorted, so any duplicated data will be adjacent.
- if i+1 < len(allCopy) && bytes.Equal(cur, allCopy[i+1]) {
- return fmt.Errorf("found duplicate transaction with hash: %x", cur.Hash())
- }
- }
- // create copies of each of the action-specific indexes so that order of the original
- // indexes can be preserved.
- addedCopy := sortedCopy(t.added)
- removedCopy := sortedCopy(t.removed)
- unmodifiedCopy := sortedCopy(t.unmodified)
- // make a defensive copy of otxs so that the order of
- // the caller's data is not altered.
- otxsCopy := sortedCopy(otxs)
- if ix, ok := containsAll(otxsCopy, unmodifiedCopy); !ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("new transaction incorrectly marked as removed, transaction hash: %x", unmodifiedCopy[ix].Hash())
- }
- if ix, ok := containsAll(otxsCopy, removedCopy); !ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("new transaction incorrectly marked as removed, transaction hash: %x", removedCopy[ix].Hash())
- }
- if ix, ok := containsAny(otxsCopy, addedCopy); ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("existing transaction incorrectly marked as added, transaction hash: %x", addedCopy[ix].Hash())
- }
- return nil
- }
- func sortedCopy(txs Txs) Txs {
- cp := make(Txs, len(txs))
- copy(cp, txs)
- sort.Sort(cp)
- return cp
- }
- // containsAny checks that list a contains one of the transactions in list
- // b. If a match is found, the index in b of the matching transaction is returned.
- // Both lists must be sorted.
- func containsAny(a, b []Tx) (int, bool) {
- for i, cur := range b {
- if _, ok := contains(a, cur); ok {
- return i, true
- }
- }
- return -1, false
- }
- // containsAll checks that super contains all of the transactions in the sub
- // list. If not all values in sub are present in super, the index in sub of the
- // first Tx absent from super is returned.
- func containsAll(super, sub Txs) (int, bool) {
- for i, cur := range sub {
- if _, ok := contains(super, cur); !ok {
- return i, false
- }
- }
- return -1, true
- }
- // contains checks that the sorted list, set contains elem. If set does contain elem, then the
- // index in set of elem is returned.
- func contains(set []Tx, elem Tx) (int, bool) {
- n := sort.Search(len(set), func(i int) bool {
- return bytes.Compare(elem, set[i]) <= 0
- })
- if n == len(set) || !bytes.Equal(elem, set[n]) {
- return -1, false
- }
- return n, true
- }
- // TxProof represents a Merkle proof of the presence of a transaction in the Merkle tree.
- type TxProof struct {
- RootHash tmbytes.HexBytes `json:"root_hash"`
- Data Tx `json:"data"`
- Proof merkle.Proof `json:"proof"`
- }
- // Leaf returns the hash(tx), which is the leaf in the merkle tree which this proof refers to.
- func (tp TxProof) Leaf() []byte {
- return tp.Data.Hash()
- }
- // Validate verifies the proof. It returns nil if the RootHash matches the dataHash argument,
- // and if the proof is internally consistent. Otherwise, it returns a sensible error.
- func (tp TxProof) Validate(dataHash []byte) error {
- if !bytes.Equal(dataHash, tp.RootHash) {
- return errors.New("proof matches different data hash")
- }
- if tp.Proof.Index < 0 {
- return errors.New("proof index cannot be negative")
- }
- if tp.Proof.Total <= 0 {
- return errors.New("proof total must be positive")
- }
- valid := tp.Proof.Verify(tp.RootHash, tp.Leaf())
- if valid != nil {
- return errors.New("proof is not internally consistent")
- }
- return nil
- }
- func (tp TxProof) ToProto() tmproto.TxProof {
- pbProof := tp.Proof.ToProto()
- pbtp := tmproto.TxProof{
- RootHash: tp.RootHash,
- Data: tp.Data,
- Proof: pbProof,
- }
- return pbtp
- }
- func TxProofFromProto(pb tmproto.TxProof) (TxProof, error) {
- pbProof, err := merkle.ProofFromProto(pb.Proof)
- if err != nil {
- return TxProof{}, err
- }
- pbtp := TxProof{
- RootHash: pb.RootHash,
- Data: pb.Data,
- Proof: *pbProof,
- }
- return pbtp, nil
- }
- // ComputeProtoSizeForTxs wraps the transactions in tmproto.Data{} and calculates the size.
- // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding
- func ComputeProtoSizeForTxs(txs []Tx) int64 {
- data := Data{Txs: txs}
- pdData := data.ToProto()
- return int64(pdData.Size())
- }