- version: 2
- defaults: &defaults
- working_directory: /go/src/github.com/tendermint/tendermint
- docker:
- - image: circleci/golang:1.10.3
- environment:
- GOBIN: /tmp/workspace/bin
- jobs:
- setup_dependencies:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - run: mkdir -p /tmp/workspace/bin
- - run: mkdir -p /tmp/workspace/profiles
- - checkout
- - restore_cache:
- keys:
- - v3-pkg-cache
- - run:
- name: tools
- command: |
- export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"
- make get_tools
- - run:
- name: dependencies
- command: |
- export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"
- make get_vendor_deps
- - run:
- name: binaries
- command: |
- export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"
- make install install_abci
- - persist_to_workspace:
- root: /tmp/workspace
- paths:
- - bin
- - profiles
- - save_cache:
- key: v3-pkg-cache
- paths:
- - /go/pkg
- - save_cache:
- key: v3-tree-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
- paths:
- - /go/src/github.com/tendermint/tendermint
- build_slate:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: /tmp/workspace
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-pkg-cache
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-tree-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
- - run:
- name: slate docs
- command: |
- set -ex
- export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"
- make build-slate
- lint:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: /tmp/workspace
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-pkg-cache
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-tree-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
- - run:
- name: metalinter
- command: |
- set -ex
- export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"
- make metalinter
- test_abci_apps:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: /tmp/workspace
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-pkg-cache
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-tree-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
- - run:
- name: Run abci apps tests
- command: |
- export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"
- bash abci/tests/test_app/test.sh
- # if this test fails, fix it and update the docs at:
- # https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/develop/docs/abci-cli.md
- test_abci_cli:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: /tmp/workspace
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-pkg-cache
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-tree-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
- - run:
- name: Run abci-cli tests
- command: |
- export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"
- bash abci/tests/test_cli/test.sh
- test_apps:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: /tmp/workspace
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-pkg-cache
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-tree-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
- - run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends bsdmainutils
- - run:
- name: Run tests
- command: bash test/app/test.sh
- test_cover:
- <<: *defaults
- parallelism: 4
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: /tmp/workspace
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-pkg-cache
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-tree-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
- - run: mkdir -p /tmp/logs
- - run:
- name: Run tests
- command: |
- for pkg in $(go list github.com/tendermint/tendermint/... | circleci tests split --split-by=timings); do
- id=$(basename "$pkg")
- GOCACHE=off go test -v -timeout 5m -race -coverprofile=/tmp/workspace/profiles/$id.out -covermode=atomic "$pkg" | tee "/tmp/logs/$id-$RANDOM.log"
- done
- - persist_to_workspace:
- root: /tmp/workspace
- paths:
- - "profiles/*"
- - store_artifacts:
- path: /tmp/logs
- test_persistence:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: /tmp/workspace
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-pkg-cache
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-tree-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
- - run:
- name: Run tests
- command: bash test/persist/test_failure_indices.sh
- test_p2p:
- environment:
- GOBIN: /home/circleci/.go_workspace/bin
- GOPATH: /home/circleci/.go_workspace
- machine:
- image: circleci/classic:latest
- steps:
- - checkout
- - run: mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/tendermint
- - run: ln -sf /home/circleci/project $GOPATH/src/github.com/tendermint/tendermint
- - run: bash test/p2p/circleci.sh
- upload_coverage:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: /tmp/workspace
- - restore_cache:
- key: v3-tree-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
- - run:
- name: gather
- command: |
- set -ex
- echo "mode: atomic" > coverage.txt
- for prof in $(ls /tmp/workspace/profiles/); do
- tail -n +2 /tmp/workspace/profiles/"$prof" >> coverage.txt
- done
- - run:
- name: upload
- command: bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -f coverage.txt
- workflows:
- version: 2
- test-suite:
- jobs:
- - setup_dependencies
- - lint:
- requires:
- - setup_dependencies
- - test_abci_apps:
- requires:
- - setup_dependencies
- - test_abci_cli:
- requires:
- - setup_dependencies
- - test_apps:
- requires:
- - setup_dependencies
- - test_cover:
- requires:
- - setup_dependencies
- - test_persistence:
- requires:
- - setup_dependencies
- - test_p2p
- - upload_coverage:
- requires:
- - test_cover