- package light_test
- import (
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/ed25519"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/tmhash"
- tmtime "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/time"
- provider_mocks "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/light/provider/mocks"
- tmproto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proto/tendermint/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/version"
- )
- // privKeys is a helper type for testing.
- //
- // It lets us simulate signing with many keys. The main use case is to create
- // a set, and call GenSignedHeader to get properly signed header for testing.
- //
- // You can set different weights of validators each time you call ToValidators,
- // and can optionally extend the validator set later with Extend.
- type privKeys []crypto.PrivKey
- // genPrivKeys produces an array of private keys to generate commits.
- func genPrivKeys(n int) privKeys {
- res := make(privKeys, n)
- for i := range res {
- res[i] = ed25519.GenPrivKey()
- }
- return res
- }
- // Extend adds n more keys (to remove, just take a slice).
- func (pkz privKeys) Extend(n int) privKeys {
- extra := genPrivKeys(n)
- return append(pkz, extra...)
- }
- // ToValidators produces a valset from the set of keys.
- // The first key has weight `init` and it increases by `inc` every step
- // so we can have all the same weight, or a simple linear distribution
- // (should be enough for testing).
- func (pkz privKeys) ToValidators(init, inc int64) *types.ValidatorSet {
- res := make([]*types.Validator, len(pkz))
- for i, k := range pkz {
- res[i] = types.NewValidator(k.PubKey(), init+int64(i)*inc)
- }
- return types.NewValidatorSet(res)
- }
- // signHeader properly signs the header with all keys from first to last exclusive.
- func (pkz privKeys) signHeader(t testing.TB, header *types.Header, valSet *types.ValidatorSet, first, last int) *types.Commit {
- t.Helper()
- commitSigs := make([]types.CommitSig, len(pkz))
- for i := 0; i < len(pkz); i++ {
- commitSigs[i] = types.NewCommitSigAbsent()
- }
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: header.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{Total: 1, Hash: crypto.CRandBytes(32)},
- }
- // Fill in the votes we want.
- for i := first; i < last && i < len(pkz); i++ {
- vote := makeVote(t, header, valSet, pkz[i], blockID)
- commitSigs[vote.ValidatorIndex] = vote.CommitSig()
- }
- return types.NewCommit(header.Height, 1, blockID, commitSigs)
- }
- func makeVote(t testing.TB, header *types.Header, valset *types.ValidatorSet, key crypto.PrivKey, blockID types.BlockID) *types.Vote {
- t.Helper()
- addr := key.PubKey().Address()
- idx, _ := valset.GetByAddress(addr)
- vote := &types.Vote{
- ValidatorAddress: addr,
- ValidatorIndex: idx,
- Height: header.Height,
- Round: 1,
- Timestamp: tmtime.Now(),
- Type: tmproto.PrecommitType,
- BlockID: blockID,
- }
- v := vote.ToProto()
- // Sign it
- signBytes := types.VoteSignBytes(header.ChainID, v)
- sig, err := key.Sign(signBytes)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- vote.Signature = sig
- return vote
- }
- func genHeader(chainID string, height int64, bTime time.Time, txs types.Txs,
- valset, nextValset *types.ValidatorSet, appHash, consHash, resHash []byte) *types.Header {
- return &types.Header{
- Version: version.Consensus{Block: version.BlockProtocol, App: 0},
- ChainID: chainID,
- Height: height,
- Time: bTime,
- // LastBlockID
- // LastCommitHash
- ValidatorsHash: valset.Hash(),
- NextValidatorsHash: nextValset.Hash(),
- DataHash: txs.Hash(),
- AppHash: appHash,
- ConsensusHash: consHash,
- LastResultsHash: resHash,
- ProposerAddress: valset.Validators[0].Address,
- }
- }
- // GenSignedHeader calls genHeader and signHeader and combines them into a SignedHeader.
- func (pkz privKeys) GenSignedHeader(t testing.TB, chainID string, height int64, bTime time.Time, txs types.Txs,
- valset, nextValset *types.ValidatorSet, appHash, consHash, resHash []byte, first, last int) *types.SignedHeader {
- t.Helper()
- header := genHeader(chainID, height, bTime, txs, valset, nextValset, appHash, consHash, resHash)
- return &types.SignedHeader{
- Header: header,
- Commit: pkz.signHeader(t, header, valset, first, last),
- }
- }
- // GenSignedHeaderLastBlockID calls genHeader and signHeader and combines them into a SignedHeader.
- func (pkz privKeys) GenSignedHeaderLastBlockID(t testing.TB, chainID string, height int64, bTime time.Time, txs types.Txs,
- valset, nextValset *types.ValidatorSet, appHash, consHash, resHash []byte, first, last int,
- lastBlockID types.BlockID) *types.SignedHeader {
- t.Helper()
- header := genHeader(chainID, height, bTime, txs, valset, nextValset, appHash, consHash, resHash)
- header.LastBlockID = lastBlockID
- return &types.SignedHeader{
- Header: header,
- Commit: pkz.signHeader(t, header, valset, first, last),
- }
- }
- func (pkz privKeys) ChangeKeys(delta int) privKeys {
- newKeys := pkz[delta:]
- return newKeys.Extend(delta)
- }
- // genLightBlocksWithKeys generates the header and validator set to create
- // blocks to height. BlockIntervals are in per minute.
- // NOTE: Expected to have a large validator set size ~ 100 validators.
- func genLightBlocksWithKeys(
- t testing.TB,
- chainID string,
- numBlocks int64,
- valSize int,
- valVariation float32,
- bTime time.Time,
- ) (map[int64]*types.SignedHeader, map[int64]*types.ValidatorSet, map[int64]privKeys) {
- t.Helper()
- var (
- headers = make(map[int64]*types.SignedHeader, numBlocks)
- valset = make(map[int64]*types.ValidatorSet, numBlocks+1)
- keymap = make(map[int64]privKeys, numBlocks+1)
- keys = genPrivKeys(valSize)
- totalVariation = valVariation
- valVariationInt int
- newKeys privKeys
- )
- valVariationInt = int(totalVariation)
- totalVariation = -float32(valVariationInt)
- newKeys = keys.ChangeKeys(valVariationInt)
- keymap[1] = keys
- keymap[2] = newKeys
- // genesis header and vals
- lastHeader := keys.GenSignedHeader(t, chainID, 1, bTime.Add(1*time.Minute), nil,
- keys.ToValidators(2, 0), newKeys.ToValidators(2, 0), hash("app_hash"), hash("cons_hash"),
- hash("results_hash"), 0, len(keys))
- currentHeader := lastHeader
- headers[1] = currentHeader
- valset[1] = keys.ToValidators(2, 0)
- keys = newKeys
- for height := int64(2); height <= numBlocks; height++ {
- totalVariation += valVariation
- valVariationInt = int(totalVariation)
- totalVariation = -float32(valVariationInt)
- newKeys = keys.ChangeKeys(valVariationInt)
- currentHeader = keys.GenSignedHeaderLastBlockID(t, chainID, height, bTime.Add(time.Duration(height)*time.Minute),
- nil,
- keys.ToValidators(2, 0), newKeys.ToValidators(2, 0), hash("app_hash"), hash("cons_hash"),
- hash("results_hash"), 0, len(keys), types.BlockID{Hash: lastHeader.Hash()})
- headers[height] = currentHeader
- valset[height] = keys.ToValidators(2, 0)
- lastHeader = currentHeader
- keys = newKeys
- keymap[height+1] = keys
- }
- return headers, valset, keymap
- }
- func mockNodeFromHeadersAndVals(headers map[int64]*types.SignedHeader,
- vals map[int64]*types.ValidatorSet) *provider_mocks.Provider {
- mockNode := &provider_mocks.Provider{}
- for i, header := range headers {
- lb := &types.LightBlock{SignedHeader: header, ValidatorSet: vals[i]}
- mockNode.On("LightBlock", mock.Anything, i).Return(lb, nil)
- }
- return mockNode
- }
- func hash(s string) []byte {
- return tmhash.Sum([]byte(s))
- }