- package types
- import (
- "bytes"
- "testing"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- cmn "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/common"
- ctest "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/test"
- )
- func makeTxs(cnt, size int) Txs {
- txs := make(Txs, cnt)
- for i := 0; i < cnt; i++ {
- txs[i] = cmn.RandBytes(size)
- }
- return txs
- }
- func randInt(low, high int) int {
- off := cmn.RandInt() % (high - low)
- return low + off
- }
- func TestTxIndex(t *testing.T) {
- for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
- txs := makeTxs(15, 60)
- for j := 0; j < len(txs); j++ {
- tx := txs[j]
- idx := txs.Index(tx)
- assert.Equal(t, j, idx)
- }
- assert.Equal(t, -1, txs.Index(nil))
- assert.Equal(t, -1, txs.Index(Tx("foodnwkf")))
- }
- }
- func TestTxIndexByHash(t *testing.T) {
- for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
- txs := makeTxs(15, 60)
- for j := 0; j < len(txs); j++ {
- tx := txs[j]
- idx := txs.IndexByHash(tx.Hash())
- assert.Equal(t, j, idx)
- }
- assert.Equal(t, -1, txs.IndexByHash(nil))
- assert.Equal(t, -1, txs.IndexByHash(Tx("foodnwkf").Hash()))
- }
- }
- func TestValidTxProof(t *testing.T) {
- cases := []struct {
- txs Txs
- }{
- {Txs{{1, 4, 34, 87, 163, 1}}},
- {Txs{{5, 56, 165, 2}, {4, 77}}},
- {Txs{Tx("foo"), Tx("bar"), Tx("baz")}},
- {makeTxs(20, 5)},
- {makeTxs(7, 81)},
- {makeTxs(61, 15)},
- }
- for h, tc := range cases {
- txs := tc.txs
- root := txs.Hash()
- // make sure valid proof for every tx
- for i := range txs {
- leaf := txs[i]
- leafHash := leaf.Hash()
- proof := txs.Proof(i)
- assert.Equal(t, i, proof.Proof.Index, "%d: %d", h, i)
- assert.Equal(t, len(txs), proof.Proof.Total, "%d: %d", h, i)
- assert.EqualValues(t, root, proof.RootHash, "%d: %d", h, i)
- assert.EqualValues(t, leaf, proof.Data, "%d: %d", h, i)
- assert.EqualValues(t, leafHash, proof.LeafHash(), "%d: %d", h, i)
- assert.Nil(t, proof.Validate(root), "%d: %d", h, i)
- assert.NotNil(t, proof.Validate([]byte("foobar")), "%d: %d", h, i)
- // read-write must also work
- var p2 TxProof
- bin, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(proof)
- assert.Nil(t, err)
- err = cdc.UnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(bin, &p2)
- if assert.Nil(t, err, "%d: %d: %+v", h, i, err) {
- assert.Nil(t, p2.Validate(root), "%d: %d", h, i)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- func TestTxProofUnchangable(t *testing.T) {
- // run the other test a bunch...
- for i := 0; i < 40; i++ {
- testTxProofUnchangable(t)
- }
- }
- func TestComputeTxsOverhead(t *testing.T) {
- cases := []struct {
- txs Txs
- wantOverhead int
- }{
- {Txs{[]byte{6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6}}, 2},
- // one 21 Mb transaction:
- {Txs{make([]byte, 22020096, 22020096)}, 5},
- // two 21Mb/2 sized transactions:
- {Txs{make([]byte, 11010048, 11010048), make([]byte, 11010048, 11010048)}, 10},
- {Txs{[]byte{1, 2, 3}, []byte{1, 2, 3}, []byte{4, 5, 6}}, 6},
- {Txs{[]byte{100, 5, 64}, []byte{42, 116, 118}, []byte{6, 6, 6}, []byte{6, 6, 6}}, 8},
- }
- for _, tc := range cases {
- totalBytes := int64(0)
- totalOverhead := int64(0)
- for _, tx := range tc.txs {
- aminoOverhead := ComputeAminoOverhead(tx, 1)
- totalOverhead += aminoOverhead
- totalBytes += aminoOverhead + int64(len(tx))
- }
- bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(tc.txs)
- assert.EqualValues(t, tc.wantOverhead, totalOverhead)
- assert.NoError(t, err)
- assert.EqualValues(t, len(bz), totalBytes)
- }
- }
- func TestComputeAminoOverhead(t *testing.T) {
- cases := []struct {
- tx Tx
- fieldNum int
- want int
- }{
- {[]byte{6, 6, 6}, 1, 2},
- {[]byte{6, 6, 6}, 16, 3},
- {[]byte{6, 6, 6}, 32, 3},
- {[]byte{6, 6, 6}, 64, 3},
- {[]byte{6, 6, 6}, 512, 3},
- {[]byte{6, 6, 6}, 1024, 3},
- {[]byte{6, 6, 6}, 2048, 4},
- {make([]byte, 64), 1, 2},
- {make([]byte, 65), 1, 2},
- {make([]byte, 127), 1, 2},
- {make([]byte, 128), 1, 3},
- {make([]byte, 256), 1, 3},
- {make([]byte, 512), 1, 3},
- {make([]byte, 1024), 1, 3},
- {make([]byte, 128), 16, 4},
- }
- for _, tc := range cases {
- got := ComputeAminoOverhead(tc.tx, tc.fieldNum)
- assert.EqualValues(t, tc.want, got)
- }
- }
- func testTxProofUnchangable(t *testing.T) {
- // make some proof
- txs := makeTxs(randInt(2, 100), randInt(16, 128))
- root := txs.Hash()
- i := randInt(0, len(txs)-1)
- proof := txs.Proof(i)
- // make sure it is valid to start with
- assert.Nil(t, proof.Validate(root))
- bin, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(proof)
- assert.Nil(t, err)
- // try mutating the data and make sure nothing breaks
- for j := 0; j < 500; j++ {
- bad := ctest.MutateByteSlice(bin)
- if !bytes.Equal(bad, bin) {
- assertBadProof(t, root, bad, proof)
- }
- }
- }
- // This makes sure that the proof doesn't deserialize into something valid.
- func assertBadProof(t *testing.T, root []byte, bad []byte, good TxProof) {
- var proof TxProof
- err := cdc.UnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(bad, &proof)
- if err == nil {
- err = proof.Validate(root)
- if err == nil {
- // XXX Fix simple merkle proofs so the following is *not* OK.
- // This can happen if we have a slightly different total (where the
- // path ends up the same). If it is something else, we have a real
- // problem.
- assert.NotEqual(t, proof.Proof.Total, good.Proof.Total, "bad: %#v\ngood: %#v", proof, good)
- }
- }
- }