- # Light client
- A light client is a process that connects to the Tendermint Full Node(s) and then tries to verify the Merkle proofs
- about the blockchain application. In this document we describe mechanisms that ensures that the Tendermint light client
- has the same level of security as Full Node processes (without being itself a Full Node).
- To be able to validate a Merkle proof, a light client needs to validate the blockchain header that contains the root app hash.
- Validating a blockchain header in Tendermint consists in verifying that the header is committed (signed) by >2/3 of the
- voting power of the corresponding validator set. As the validator set is a dynamic set (it is changing), one of the
- core functionality of the light client is updating the current validator set, that is then used to verify the
- blockchain header, and further the corresponding Merkle proofs.
- For the purpose of this light client specification, we assume that the Tendermint Full Node exposes the following functions over
- Tendermint RPC:
- ```golang
- Header(height int64) (SignedHeader, error) // returns signed header for the given height
- Validators(height int64) (ResultValidators, error) // returns validator set for the given height
- LastHeader(valSetNumber int64) (SignedHeader, error) // returns last header signed by the validator set with the given validator set number
- type SignedHeader struct {
- Header Header
- Commit Commit
- ValSetNumber int64
- }
- type ResultValidators struct {
- BlockHeight int64
- Validators []Validator
- // time the current validator set is initialised, i.e, time of the last validator change before header BlockHeight
- ValSetTime int64
- }
- ```
- We assume that Tendermint keeps track of the validator set changes and that each time a validator set is changed it is
- being assigned the next sequence number. We can call this number the validator set sequence number. Tendermint also remembers
- the Time from the header when the next validator set is initialised (starts to be in power), and we refer to this time
- as validator set init time.
- Furthermore, we assume that each validator set change is signed (committed) by the current validator set. More precisely,
- given a block `H` that contains transactions that are modifying the current validator set, the Merkle root hash of the next
- validator set (modified based on transactions from block H) will be in block `H+1` (and signed by the current validator
- set), and then starting from the block `H+2`, it will be signed by the next validator set.
- Note that the real Tendermint RPC API is slightly different (for example, response messages contain more data and function
- names are slightly different); we shortened (and modified) it for the purpose of this document to make the spec more
- clear and simple. Furthermore, note that in case of the third function, the returned header has `ValSetNumber` equals to
- `valSetNumber+1`.
- Locally, light client manages the following state:
- ```golang
- valSet []Validator // current validator set (last known and verified validator set)
- valSetNumber int64 // sequence number of the current validator set
- valSetHash []byte // hash of the current validator set
- valSetTime int64 // time when the current validator set is initialised
- ```
- The light client is initialised with the trusted validator set, for example based on the known validator set hash,
- validator set sequence number and the validator set init time.
- The core of the light client logic is captured by the VerifyAndUpdate function that is used to 1) verify if the given header is valid,
- and 2) update the validator set (when the given header is valid and it is more recent than the seen headers).
- ```golang
- VerifyAndUpdate(signedHeader SignedHeader):
- assertThat signedHeader.valSetNumber >= valSetNumber
- if isValid(signedHeader) and signedHeader.Header.Time <= valSetTime + UNBONDING_PERIOD then
- setValidatorSet(signedHeader)
- return true
- else
- updateValidatorSet(signedHeader.ValSetNumber)
- return VerifyAndUpdate(signedHeader)
- isValid(signedHeader SignedHeader):
- valSetOfTheHeader = Validators(signedHeader.Header.Height)
- assertThat Hash(valSetOfTheHeader) == signedHeader.Header.ValSetHash
- assertThat signedHeader is passing basic validation
- if votingPower(signedHeader.Commit) > 2/3 * votingPower(valSetOfTheHeader) then return true
- else
- return false
- setValidatorSet(signedHeader SignedHeader):
- nextValSet = Validators(signedHeader.Header.Height)
- assertThat Hash(nextValSet) == signedHeader.Header.ValidatorsHash
- valSet = nextValSet.Validators
- valSetHash = signedHeader.Header.ValidatorsHash
- valSetNumber = signedHeader.ValSetNumber
- valSetTime = nextValSet.ValSetTime
- votingPower(commit Commit):
- votingPower = 0
- for each precommit in commit.Precommits do:
- if precommit.ValidatorAddress is in valSet and signature of the precommit verifies then
- votingPower += valSet[precommit.ValidatorAddress].VotingPower
- return votingPower
- votingPower(validatorSet []Validator):
- for each validator in validatorSet do:
- votingPower += validator.VotingPower
- return votingPower
- updateValidatorSet(valSetNumberOfTheHeader):
- while valSetNumber != valSetNumberOfTheHeader do
- signedHeader = LastHeader(valSetNumber)
- if isValid(signedHeader) then
- setValidatorSet(signedHeader)
- else return error
- return
- ```
- Note that in the logic above we assume that the light client will always go upward with respect to header verifications,
- i.e., that it will always be used to verify more recent headers. In case a light client needs to be used to verify older
- headers (go backward) the same mechanisms and similar logic can be used. In case a call to the FullNode or subsequent
- checks fail, a light client need to implement some recovery strategy, for example connecting to other FullNode.