- #! /bin/bash
- set -eu
- ID=$3
- N=$4
- ###############################################################
- # this runs on each peer:
- # kill peer
- # bring it back online via fast sync
- # wait for it to sync and check the app hash
- ###############################################################
- echo "Testing fastsync on node $ID"
- # kill peer
- set +e # circle sigh :(
- docker rm -vf local_testnet_$ID
- set -e
- # restart peer - should have an empty blockchain
- SEEDS="$(test/p2p/ip.sh 1):46656"
- for j in `seq 2 $N`; do
- SEEDS="$SEEDS,$(test/p2p/ip.sh $j):46656"
- done
- bash test/p2p/peer.sh $DOCKER_IMAGE $NETWORK_NAME $ID $PROXY_APP "--seeds $SEEDS --pex"
- # wait for peer to sync and check the app hash
- bash test/p2p/client.sh $DOCKER_IMAGE $NETWORK_NAME fs_$ID "test/p2p/fast_sync/check_peer.sh $ID"
- echo ""
- echo "PASS"
- echo ""