- package lite
- import (
- "fmt"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- tmmath "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/math"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- func TestVerifyAdjacentHeaders(t *testing.T) {
- const (
- chainID = "TestVerifyAdjacentHeaders"
- lastHeight = 1
- nextHeight = 2
- )
- var (
- keys = genPrivKeys(4)
- // 20, 30, 40, 50 - the first 3 don't have 2/3, the last 3 do!
- vals = keys.ToValidators(20, 10)
- bTime, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")
- header = keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, lastHeight, bTime, nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys))
- )
- testCases := []struct {
- newHeader *types.SignedHeader
- newVals *types.ValidatorSet
- trustingPeriod time.Duration
- now time.Time
- expErr error
- expErrText string
- }{
- // same header -> no error
- 0: {
- header,
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "headers must be adjacent in height",
- },
- // different chainID -> error
- 1: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader("different-chainID", nextHeight, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "untrustedHeader.ValidateBasic failed: signedHeader belongs to another chain 'different-chainID' not" +
- " 'TestVerifyAdjacentHeaders'",
- },
- // new header's time is before old header's time -> error
- 2: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, nextHeight, bTime.Add(-1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "to be after old header time",
- },
- // new header's time is from the future -> error
- 3: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, nextHeight, bTime.Add(3*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "new header has a time from the future",
- },
- // new header's time is from the future, but it's acceptable (< maxClockDrift) -> no error
- 4: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, nextHeight,
- bTime.Add(2*time.Hour).Add(maxClockDrift).Add(-1*time.Millisecond), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "",
- },
- // 3/3 signed -> no error
- 5: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, nextHeight, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "",
- },
- // 2/3 signed -> no error
- 6: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, nextHeight, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 1, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "",
- },
- // 1/3 signed -> error
- 7: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, nextHeight, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), len(keys)-1, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- types.ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned{Got: 50, Needed: 93},
- "",
- },
- // vals does not match with what we have -> error
- 8: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, nextHeight, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, keys.ToValidators(10, 1), vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys)),
- keys.ToValidators(10, 1),
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "to match those from new header",
- },
- // vals are inconsistent with newHeader -> error
- 9: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, nextHeight, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys)),
- keys.ToValidators(10, 1),
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "to match those that were supplied",
- },
- // old header has expired -> error
- 10: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, nextHeight, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys)),
- keys.ToValidators(10, 1),
- 1 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(1 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "old header has expired",
- },
- }
- for i, tc := range testCases {
- tc := tc
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
- err := VerifyAdjacent(chainID, header, tc.newHeader, tc.newVals, tc.trustingPeriod, tc.now)
- switch {
- case tc.expErr != nil && assert.Error(t, err):
- assert.Equal(t, tc.expErr, err)
- case tc.expErrText != "":
- assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expErrText)
- default:
- assert.NoError(t, err)
- }
- })
- }
- }
- func TestVerifyNonAdjacentHeaders(t *testing.T) {
- const (
- chainID = "TestVerifyNonAdjacentHeaders"
- lastHeight = 1
- )
- var (
- keys = genPrivKeys(4)
- // 20, 30, 40, 50 - the first 3 don't have 2/3, the last 3 do!
- vals = keys.ToValidators(20, 10)
- bTime, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")
- header = keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, lastHeight, bTime, nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys))
- // 30, 40, 50
- twoThirds = keys[1:]
- twoThirdsVals = twoThirds.ToValidators(30, 10)
- // 50
- oneThird = keys[len(keys)-1:]
- oneThirdVals = oneThird.ToValidators(50, 10)
- // 20
- lessThanOneThird = keys[0:1]
- lessThanOneThirdVals = lessThanOneThird.ToValidators(20, 10)
- )
- testCases := []struct {
- newHeader *types.SignedHeader
- newVals *types.ValidatorSet
- trustingPeriod time.Duration
- now time.Time
- expErr error
- expErrText string
- }{
- // 3/3 new vals signed, 3/3 old vals present -> no error
- 0: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, 3, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "",
- },
- // 2/3 new vals signed, 3/3 old vals present -> no error
- 1: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, 4, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 1, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "",
- },
- // 1/3 new vals signed, 3/3 old vals present -> error
- 2: {
- keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, 5, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), len(keys)-1, len(keys)),
- vals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- types.ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned{Got: 50, Needed: 93},
- "",
- },
- // 3/3 new vals signed, 2/3 old vals present -> no error
- 3: {
- twoThirds.GenSignedHeader(chainID, 5, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, twoThirdsVals, twoThirdsVals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(twoThirds)),
- twoThirdsVals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "",
- },
- // 3/3 new vals signed, 1/3 old vals present -> no error
- 4: {
- oneThird.GenSignedHeader(chainID, 5, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, oneThirdVals, oneThirdVals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(oneThird)),
- oneThirdVals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- nil,
- "",
- },
- // 3/3 new vals signed, less than 1/3 old vals present -> error
- 5: {
- lessThanOneThird.GenSignedHeader(chainID, 5, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour), nil, lessThanOneThirdVals, lessThanOneThirdVals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(lessThanOneThird)),
- lessThanOneThirdVals,
- 3 * time.Hour,
- bTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
- ErrNewValSetCantBeTrusted{types.ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned{Got: 20, Needed: 46}},
- "",
- },
- }
- for i, tc := range testCases {
- tc := tc
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
- err := VerifyNonAdjacent(chainID, header, vals, tc.newHeader, tc.newVals, tc.trustingPeriod, tc.now,
- DefaultTrustLevel)
- switch {
- case tc.expErr != nil && assert.Error(t, err):
- assert.Equal(t, tc.expErr, err)
- case tc.expErrText != "":
- assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expErrText)
- default:
- assert.NoError(t, err)
- }
- })
- }
- }
- func TestVerifyReturnsErrorIfTrustLevelIsInvalid(t *testing.T) {
- const (
- chainID = "TestVerifyReturnsErrorIfTrustLevelIsInvalid"
- lastHeight = 1
- )
- var (
- keys = genPrivKeys(4)
- // 20, 30, 40, 50 - the first 3 don't have 2/3, the last 3 do!
- vals = keys.ToValidators(20, 10)
- bTime, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")
- header = keys.GenSignedHeader(chainID, lastHeight, bTime, nil, vals, vals,
- []byte("app_hash"), []byte("cons_hash"), []byte("results_hash"), 0, len(keys))
- )
- err := Verify(chainID, header, vals, header, vals, 2*time.Hour, time.Now(),
- tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 2, Denominator: 1})
- assert.Error(t, err)
- }
- func TestValidateTrustLevel(t *testing.T) {
- testCases := []struct {
- lvl tmmath.Fraction
- valid bool
- }{
- // valid
- 0: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 1}, true},
- 1: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 3}, true},
- 2: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 2, Denominator: 3}, true},
- 3: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 3, Denominator: 3}, true},
- 4: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 4, Denominator: 5}, true},
- // invalid
- 5: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 6, Denominator: 5}, false},
- 6: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: -1, Denominator: 3}, false},
- 7: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 0, Denominator: 1}, false},
- 8: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: -1, Denominator: -3}, false},
- 9: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 0, Denominator: 0}, false},
- 10: {tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 0}, false},
- }
- for _, tc := range testCases {
- err := ValidateTrustLevel(tc.lvl)
- if !tc.valid {
- assert.Error(t, err)
- } else {
- assert.NoError(t, err)
- }
- }
- }