- package v2
- import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p"
- tdState "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/state"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- type peerError struct {
- priorityHigh
- peerID p2p.ID
- }
- type pcDuplicateBlock struct {
- priorityNormal
- }
- type pcShortBlock struct {
- priorityNormal
- }
- type bcBlockResponse struct {
- priorityNormal
- peerID p2p.ID
- block *types.Block
- height int64
- }
- type pcBlockVerificationFailure struct {
- priorityNormal
- peerID p2p.ID
- height int64
- }
- type pcBlockProcessed struct {
- priorityNormal
- height int64
- peerID p2p.ID
- }
- type pcProcessBlock struct {
- priorityNormal
- }
- type pcStop struct {
- priorityNormal
- }
- type pcFinished struct {
- priorityNormal
- height int64
- blocksSynced int64
- }
- func (p pcFinished) Error() string {
- return "finished"
- }
- type queueItem struct {
- block *types.Block
- peerID p2p.ID
- }
- type blockQueue map[int64]queueItem
- type pcState struct {
- height int64 // height of the last synced block
- queue blockQueue // blocks waiting to be processed
- chainID string
- blocksSynced int64
- draining bool
- tdState tdState.State
- context processorContext
- }
- func (state *pcState) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("height: %d queue length: %d draining: %v blocks synced: %d",
- state.height, len(state.queue), state.draining, state.blocksSynced)
- }
- // newPcState returns a pcState initialized with the last verified block enqueued
- func newPcState(initHeight int64, tdState tdState.State, chainID string, context processorContext) *pcState {
- return &pcState{
- height: initHeight,
- queue: blockQueue{},
- chainID: chainID,
- draining: false,
- blocksSynced: 0,
- context: context,
- tdState: tdState,
- }
- }
- // nextTwo returns the next two unverified blocks
- func (state *pcState) nextTwo() (queueItem, queueItem, error) {
- if first, ok := state.queue[state.height+1]; ok {
- if second, ok := state.queue[state.height+2]; ok {
- return first, second, nil
- }
- }
- return queueItem{}, queueItem{}, fmt.Errorf("not found")
- }
- // synced returns true when at most the last verified block remains in the queue
- func (state *pcState) synced() bool {
- return len(state.queue) <= 1
- }
- func (state *pcState) advance() {
- state.height++
- delete(state.queue, state.height)
- state.blocksSynced++
- }
- func (state *pcState) enqueue(peerID p2p.ID, block *types.Block, height int64) error {
- if _, ok := state.queue[height]; ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("duplicate queue item")
- }
- state.queue[height] = queueItem{block: block, peerID: peerID}
- return nil
- }
- // purgePeer moves all unprocessed blocks from the queue
- func (state *pcState) purgePeer(peerID p2p.ID) {
- // what if height is less than state.height?
- for height, item := range state.queue {
- if item.peerID == peerID {
- delete(state.queue, height)
- }
- }
- }
- // handle processes FSM events
- func (state *pcState) handle(event Event) (Event, error) {
- switch event := event.(type) {
- case *bcBlockResponse:
- if event.height <= state.height {
- return pcShortBlock{}, nil
- }
- err := state.enqueue(event.peerID, event.block, event.height)
- if err != nil {
- return pcDuplicateBlock{}, nil
- }
- case pcProcessBlock:
- firstItem, secondItem, err := state.nextTwo()
- if err != nil {
- if state.draining {
- return noOp, pcFinished{height: state.height}
- }
- return noOp, nil
- }
- first, second := firstItem.block, secondItem.block
- firstParts := first.MakePartSet(types.BlockPartSizeBytes)
- firstPartsHeader := firstParts.Header()
- firstID := types.BlockID{Hash: first.Hash(), PartsHeader: firstPartsHeader}
- err = state.context.verifyCommit(state.chainID, firstID, first.Height, second.LastCommit)
- if err != nil {
- return pcBlockVerificationFailure{peerID: firstItem.peerID, height: first.Height}, nil
- }
- state.context.saveBlock(first, firstParts, second.LastCommit)
- state.tdState, err = state.context.applyBlock(state.tdState, firstID, first)
- if err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to process committed block (%d:%X): %v", first.Height, first.Hash(), err))
- }
- state.advance()
- return pcBlockProcessed{height: first.Height, peerID: firstItem.peerID}, nil
- case *peerError:
- state.purgePeer(event.peerID)
- case pcStop:
- if state.synced() {
- return noOp, pcFinished{height: state.height, blocksSynced: state.blocksSynced}
- }
- state.draining = true
- }
- return noOp, nil
- }