- package common
- import (
- "fmt"
- "runtime"
- )
- //----------------------------------------
- // Error & cmnError
- type Error interface {
- Error() string
- Trace(msg string) Error
- TraceCause(cause error, msg string) Error
- Cause() error
- }
- func NewError(msg string) Error {
- return newError(msg, nil)
- }
- func NewErrorWithCause(cause error, msg string) Error {
- return newError(msg, cause)
- }
- type traceItem struct {
- msg string
- filename string
- lineno int
- }
- func (ti traceItem) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v %v", ti.filename, ti.lineno, ti.msg)
- }
- type cmnError struct {
- msg string
- cause error
- traces []traceItem
- }
- func newError(msg string, cause error) *cmnError {
- return &cmnError{
- msg: msg,
- cause: cause,
- traces: nil,
- }
- }
- func (err *cmnError) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Error{%s,%v,%v}", err.msg, err.cause, len(err.traces))
- }
- // Add tracing information with msg.
- func (err *cmnError) Trace(msg string) Error {
- return err.doTrace(msg, 2)
- }
- // Add tracing information with cause and msg.
- // If a cause was already set before, it is overwritten.
- func (err *cmnError) TraceCause(cause error, msg string) Error {
- err.cause = cause
- return err.doTrace(msg, 2)
- }
- func (err *cmnError) doTrace(msg string, n int) Error {
- _, fn, line, ok := runtime.Caller(n)
- if !ok {
- if fn == "" {
- fn = "<unknown>"
- }
- if line <= 0 {
- line = -1
- }
- }
- // Include file & line number & msg.
- // Do not include the whole stack trace.
- err.traces = append(err.traces, traceItem{
- filename: fn,
- lineno: line,
- msg: msg,
- })
- return err
- }
- // Return last known cause.
- // NOTE: The meaning of "cause" is left for the caller to define.
- // There exists to canonical definition of "cause".
- // Instead of blaming, try to handle-or-organize it.
- func (err *cmnError) Cause() error {
- return err.cause
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // StackError
- // NOTE: Used by Tendermint p2p upon recovery.
- // Err could be "Reason", since it isn't an error type.
- type StackError struct {
- Err interface{}
- Stack []byte
- }
- func (se StackError) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Error: %v\nStack: %s", se.Err, se.Stack)
- }
- func (se StackError) Error() string {
- return se.String()
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // Panic wrappers
- // A panic resulting from a sanity check means there is a programmer error
- // and some guarantee is not satisfied.
- func PanicSanity(v interface{}) {
- panic(Fmt("Panicked on a Sanity Check: %v", v))
- }
- // A panic here means something has gone horribly wrong, in the form of data corruption or
- // failure of the operating system. In a correct/healthy system, these should never fire.
- // If they do, it's indicative of a much more serious problem.
- func PanicCrisis(v interface{}) {
- panic(Fmt("Panicked on a Crisis: %v", v))
- }
- // Indicates a failure of consensus. Someone was malicious or something has
- // gone horribly wrong. These should really boot us into an "emergency-recover" mode
- func PanicConsensus(v interface{}) {
- panic(Fmt("Panicked on a Consensus Failure: %v", v))
- }
- // For those times when we're not sure if we should panic
- func PanicQ(v interface{}) {
- panic(Fmt("Panicked questionably: %v", v))
- }