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  1. package binary
  2. import (
  3. "encoding/hex"
  4. "encoding/json"
  5. "errors"
  6. "io"
  7. "reflect"
  8. "sync"
  9. "time"
  10. . ""
  11. )
  12. const (
  13. ReflectSliceChunk = 1024
  14. )
  15. type TypeInfo struct {
  16. Type reflect.Type // The type
  17. // If Type is kind reflect.Interface, is registered
  18. IsRegisteredInterface bool
  19. ByteToType map[byte]reflect.Type
  20. TypeToByte map[reflect.Type]byte
  21. // If Type is concrete
  22. Byte byte
  23. // If Type is kind reflect.Struct
  24. Fields []StructFieldInfo
  25. }
  26. type Options struct {
  27. JSONName string // (JSON) Corresponding JSON field name. (override with `json=""`)
  28. Varint bool // (Binary) Use length-prefixed encoding for (u)int*
  29. }
  30. func getOptionsFromField(field reflect.StructField) (skip bool, opts Options) {
  31. jsonName := field.Tag.Get("json")
  32. if jsonName == "-" {
  33. skip = true
  34. return
  35. } else if jsonName == "" {
  36. jsonName = field.Name
  37. }
  38. varint := false
  39. binTag := field.Tag.Get("binary")
  40. if binTag == "varint" { // TODO: extend
  41. varint = true
  42. }
  43. opts = Options{
  44. JSONName: jsonName,
  45. Varint: varint,
  46. }
  47. return
  48. }
  49. type StructFieldInfo struct {
  50. Index int // Struct field index
  51. Type reflect.Type // Struct field type
  52. Options // Encoding options
  53. }
  54. func (info StructFieldInfo) unpack() (int, reflect.Type, Options) {
  55. return info.Index, info.Type, info.Options
  56. }
  57. // e.g. If o is struct{Foo}{}, return is the Foo reflection type.
  58. func GetTypeFromStructDeclaration(o interface{}) reflect.Type {
  59. rt := reflect.TypeOf(o)
  60. if rt.NumField() != 1 {
  62. panic("Unexpected number of fields in struct-wrapped declaration of type")
  63. }
  64. return rt.Field(0).Type
  65. }
  66. func SetByteForType(typeByte byte, rt reflect.Type) {
  67. typeInfo := GetTypeInfo(rt)
  68. if typeInfo.Byte != 0x00 && typeInfo.Byte != typeByte {
  70. panic(Fmt("Type %v already registered with type byte %X", rt, typeByte))
  71. }
  72. typeInfo.Byte = typeByte
  73. // If pointer, we need to set it for the concrete type as well.
  74. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
  75. SetByteForType(typeByte, rt.Elem())
  76. }
  77. }
  78. // Predeclaration of common types
  79. var (
  80. timeType = GetTypeFromStructDeclaration(struct{ time.Time }{})
  81. )
  82. const (
  83. rfc2822 = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006"
  84. )
  85. // NOTE: do not access typeInfos directly, but call GetTypeInfo()
  86. var typeInfosMtx sync.Mutex
  87. var typeInfos = map[reflect.Type]*TypeInfo{}
  88. func GetTypeInfo(rt reflect.Type) *TypeInfo {
  89. typeInfosMtx.Lock()
  90. defer typeInfosMtx.Unlock()
  91. info := typeInfos[rt]
  92. if info == nil {
  93. info = MakeTypeInfo(rt)
  94. typeInfos[rt] = info
  95. }
  96. return info
  97. }
  98. // For use with the RegisterInterface declaration
  99. type ConcreteType struct {
  100. O interface{}
  101. Byte byte
  102. }
  103. // Must use this to register an interface to properly decode the
  104. // underlying concrete type.
  105. func RegisterInterface(o interface{}, ctypes ...ConcreteType) *TypeInfo {
  106. it := GetTypeFromStructDeclaration(o)
  107. if it.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
  108. // SANITY CHECK
  109. panic("RegisterInterface expects an interface")
  110. }
  111. toType := make(map[byte]reflect.Type, 0)
  112. toByte := make(map[reflect.Type]byte, 0)
  113. for _, ctype := range ctypes {
  114. crt := reflect.TypeOf(ctype.O)
  115. typeByte := ctype.Byte
  116. SetByteForType(typeByte, crt)
  117. if typeByte == 0x00 {
  118. // SANITY CHECK
  119. panic(Fmt("Byte of 0x00 is reserved for nil (%v)", ctype))
  120. }
  121. if toType[typeByte] != nil {
  122. // SANITY CHECK
  123. panic(Fmt("Duplicate Byte for type %v and %v", ctype, toType[typeByte]))
  124. }
  125. toType[typeByte] = crt
  126. toByte[crt] = typeByte
  127. }
  128. typeInfo := &TypeInfo{
  129. Type: it,
  130. IsRegisteredInterface: true,
  131. ByteToType: toType,
  132. TypeToByte: toByte,
  133. }
  134. typeInfos[it] = typeInfo
  135. return typeInfo
  136. }
  137. func MakeTypeInfo(rt reflect.Type) *TypeInfo {
  138. info := &TypeInfo{Type: rt}
  139. // If struct, register field name options
  140. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
  141. numFields := rt.NumField()
  142. structFields := []StructFieldInfo{}
  143. for i := 0; i < numFields; i++ {
  144. field := rt.Field(i)
  145. if field.PkgPath != "" {
  146. continue
  147. }
  148. skip, opts := getOptionsFromField(field)
  149. if skip {
  150. continue
  151. }
  152. structFields = append(structFields, StructFieldInfo{
  153. Index: i,
  154. Type: field.Type,
  155. Options: opts,
  156. })
  157. }
  158. info.Fields = structFields
  159. }
  160. return info
  161. }
  162. // Contract: Caller must ensure that rt is supported
  163. // (e.g. is recursively composed of supported native types, and structs and slices.)
  164. func readReflectBinary(rv reflect.Value, rt reflect.Type, opts Options, r io.Reader, n *int64, err *error) {
  165. // Get typeInfo
  166. typeInfo := GetTypeInfo(rt)
  167. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
  168. if !typeInfo.IsRegisteredInterface {
  169. // There's no way we can read such a thing.
  170. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Cannot read unregistered interface type %v", rt))
  171. return
  172. }
  173. typeByte := ReadByte(r, n, err)
  174. if *err != nil {
  175. return
  176. }
  177. if typeByte == 0x00 {
  178. return // nil
  179. }
  180. crt, ok := typeInfo.ByteToType[typeByte]
  181. if !ok {
  182. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Unexpected type byte %X for type %v", typeByte, rt))
  183. return
  184. }
  185. crv := reflect.New(crt).Elem()
  186. r = NewPrefixedReader([]byte{typeByte}, r)
  187. readReflectBinary(crv, crt, opts, r, n, err)
  188. rv.Set(crv) // NOTE: orig rv is ignored.
  189. return
  190. }
  191. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
  192. typeByte := ReadByte(r, n, err)
  193. if *err != nil {
  194. return
  195. }
  196. if typeByte == 0x00 {
  197. return // nil
  198. }
  199. // Create new if rv is nil.
  200. if rv.IsNil() {
  201. newRv := reflect.New(rt.Elem())
  202. rv.Set(newRv)
  203. rv = newRv
  204. }
  205. // Dereference pointer
  206. rv, rt = rv.Elem(), rt.Elem()
  207. typeInfo = GetTypeInfo(rt)
  208. if typeInfo.Byte != 0x00 {
  209. r = NewPrefixedReader([]byte{typeByte}, r)
  210. } else if typeByte != 0x01 {
  211. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Unexpected type byte %X for ptr of untyped thing", typeByte))
  212. return
  213. }
  214. // continue...
  215. }
  216. // Read Byte prefix
  217. if typeInfo.Byte != 0x00 {
  218. typeByte := ReadByte(r, n, err)
  219. if typeByte != typeInfo.Byte {
  220. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected Byte of %X but got %X", typeInfo.Byte, typeByte))
  221. return
  222. }
  223. }
  224. switch rt.Kind() {
  225. case reflect.Slice:
  226. elemRt := rt.Elem()
  227. if elemRt.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
  228. // Special case: Byteslices
  229. byteslice := ReadByteSlice(r, n, err)
  230. log.Debug("Read byteslice", "bytes", byteslice)
  231. rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(byteslice))
  232. } else {
  233. var sliceRv reflect.Value
  234. // Read length
  235. length := ReadVarint(r, n, err)
  236. log.Debug(Fmt("Read length: %v", length))
  237. sliceRv = reflect.MakeSlice(rt, 0, 0)
  238. // read one ReflectSliceChunk at a time and append
  239. for i := 0; i*ReflectSliceChunk < length; i++ {
  240. l := MinInt(ReflectSliceChunk, length-i*ReflectSliceChunk)
  241. tmpSliceRv := reflect.MakeSlice(rt, l, l)
  242. for j := 0; j < l; j++ {
  243. elemRv := tmpSliceRv.Index(j)
  244. readReflectBinary(elemRv, elemRt, opts, r, n, err)
  245. if *err != nil {
  246. return
  247. }
  248. }
  249. sliceRv = reflect.AppendSlice(sliceRv, tmpSliceRv)
  250. }
  251. rv.Set(sliceRv)
  252. }
  253. case reflect.Struct:
  254. if rt == timeType {
  255. // Special case: time.Time
  256. t := ReadTime(r, n, err)
  257. log.Debug(Fmt("Read time: %v", t))
  258. rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(t))
  259. } else {
  260. for _, fieldInfo := range typeInfo.Fields {
  261. i, fieldType, opts := fieldInfo.unpack()
  262. fieldRv := rv.Field(i)
  263. readReflectBinary(fieldRv, fieldType, opts, r, n, err)
  264. }
  265. }
  266. case reflect.String:
  267. str := ReadString(r, n, err)
  268. log.Debug(Fmt("Read string: %v", str))
  269. rv.SetString(str)
  270. case reflect.Int64:
  271. if opts.Varint {
  272. num := ReadVarint(r, n, err)
  273. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  274. rv.SetInt(int64(num))
  275. } else {
  276. num := ReadInt64(r, n, err)
  277. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  278. rv.SetInt(int64(num))
  279. }
  280. case reflect.Int32:
  281. num := ReadUint32(r, n, err)
  282. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  283. rv.SetInt(int64(num))
  284. case reflect.Int16:
  285. num := ReadUint16(r, n, err)
  286. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  287. rv.SetInt(int64(num))
  288. case reflect.Int8:
  289. num := ReadUint8(r, n, err)
  290. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  291. rv.SetInt(int64(num))
  292. case reflect.Int:
  293. num := ReadVarint(r, n, err)
  294. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  295. rv.SetInt(int64(num))
  296. case reflect.Uint64:
  297. if opts.Varint {
  298. num := ReadVarint(r, n, err)
  299. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  300. rv.SetUint(uint64(num))
  301. } else {
  302. num := ReadUint64(r, n, err)
  303. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  304. rv.SetUint(uint64(num))
  305. }
  306. case reflect.Uint32:
  307. num := ReadUint32(r, n, err)
  308. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  309. rv.SetUint(uint64(num))
  310. case reflect.Uint16:
  311. num := ReadUint16(r, n, err)
  312. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  313. rv.SetUint(uint64(num))
  314. case reflect.Uint8:
  315. num := ReadUint8(r, n, err)
  316. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  317. rv.SetUint(uint64(num))
  318. case reflect.Uint:
  319. num := ReadVarint(r, n, err)
  320. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  321. rv.SetUint(uint64(num))
  322. case reflect.Bool:
  323. num := ReadUint8(r, n, err)
  324. log.Debug(Fmt("Read bool: %v", num))
  325. rv.SetBool(num > 0)
  326. default:
  327. // SANITY CHECK
  328. panic(Fmt("Unknown field type %v", rt.Kind()))
  329. }
  330. }
  331. // rv: the reflection value of the thing to write
  332. // rt: the type of rv as declared in the container, not necessarily rv.Type().
  333. func writeReflectBinary(rv reflect.Value, rt reflect.Type, opts Options, w io.Writer, n *int64, err *error) {
  334. // Get typeInfo
  335. typeInfo := GetTypeInfo(rt)
  336. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
  337. if rv.IsNil() {
  338. // XXX ensure that typeByte 0 is reserved.
  339. WriteByte(0x00, w, n, err)
  340. return
  341. }
  342. crv := rv.Elem() // concrete reflection value
  343. crt := crv.Type() // concrete reflection type
  344. if typeInfo.IsRegisteredInterface {
  345. // See if the crt is registered.
  346. // If so, we're more restrictive.
  347. _, ok := typeInfo.TypeToByte[crt]
  348. if !ok {
  349. switch crt.Kind() {
  350. case reflect.Ptr:
  351. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Unexpected pointer type %v. Was it registered as a value receiver rather than as a pointer receiver?", crt))
  352. case reflect.Struct:
  353. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Unexpected struct type %v. Was it registered as a pointer receiver rather than as a value receiver?", crt))
  354. default:
  355. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Unexpected type %v.", crt))
  356. }
  357. return
  358. }
  359. } else {
  360. // We support writing unsafely for convenience.
  361. }
  362. // We don't have to write the typeByte here,
  363. // the writeReflectBinary() call below will write it.
  364. writeReflectBinary(crv, crt, opts, w, n, err)
  365. return
  366. }
  367. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
  368. // Dereference pointer
  369. rv, rt = rv.Elem(), rt.Elem()
  370. typeInfo = GetTypeInfo(rt)
  371. if !rv.IsValid() {
  372. WriteByte(0x00, w, n, err)
  373. return
  374. }
  375. if typeInfo.Byte == 0x00 {
  376. WriteByte(0x01, w, n, err)
  377. // continue...
  378. } else {
  379. // continue...
  380. }
  381. }
  382. // Write type byte
  383. if typeInfo.Byte != 0x00 {
  384. WriteByte(typeInfo.Byte, w, n, err)
  385. }
  386. // All other types
  387. switch rt.Kind() {
  388. case reflect.Slice:
  389. elemRt := rt.Elem()
  390. if elemRt.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
  391. // Special case: Byteslices
  392. byteslice := rv.Bytes()
  393. WriteByteSlice(byteslice, w, n, err)
  394. } else {
  395. // Write length
  396. length := rv.Len()
  397. WriteVarint(length, w, n, err)
  398. // Write elems
  399. for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
  400. elemRv := rv.Index(i)
  401. writeReflectBinary(elemRv, elemRt, opts, w, n, err)
  402. }
  403. }
  404. case reflect.Struct:
  405. if rt == timeType {
  406. // Special case: time.Time
  407. WriteTime(rv.Interface().(time.Time), w, n, err)
  408. } else {
  409. for _, fieldInfo := range typeInfo.Fields {
  410. i, fieldType, opts := fieldInfo.unpack()
  411. fieldRv := rv.Field(i)
  412. writeReflectBinary(fieldRv, fieldType, opts, w, n, err)
  413. }
  414. }
  415. case reflect.String:
  416. WriteString(rv.String(), w, n, err)
  417. case reflect.Int64:
  418. if opts.Varint {
  419. WriteVarint(int(rv.Int()), w, n, err)
  420. } else {
  421. WriteInt64(rv.Int(), w, n, err)
  422. }
  423. case reflect.Int32:
  424. WriteInt32(int32(rv.Int()), w, n, err)
  425. case reflect.Int16:
  426. WriteInt16(int16(rv.Int()), w, n, err)
  427. case reflect.Int8:
  428. WriteInt8(int8(rv.Int()), w, n, err)
  429. case reflect.Int:
  430. WriteVarint(int(rv.Int()), w, n, err)
  431. case reflect.Uint64:
  432. if opts.Varint {
  433. WriteUvarint(uint(rv.Uint()), w, n, err)
  434. } else {
  435. WriteUint64(rv.Uint(), w, n, err)
  436. }
  437. case reflect.Uint32:
  438. WriteUint32(uint32(rv.Uint()), w, n, err)
  439. case reflect.Uint16:
  440. WriteUint16(uint16(rv.Uint()), w, n, err)
  441. case reflect.Uint8:
  442. WriteUint8(uint8(rv.Uint()), w, n, err)
  443. case reflect.Uint:
  444. WriteUvarint(uint(rv.Uint()), w, n, err)
  445. case reflect.Bool:
  446. if rv.Bool() {
  447. WriteUint8(uint8(1), w, n, err)
  448. } else {
  449. WriteUint8(uint8(0), w, n, err)
  450. }
  451. default:
  452. // SANITY CHECK
  453. panic(Fmt("Unknown field type %v", rt.Kind()))
  454. }
  455. }
  456. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  457. func readByteJSON(o interface{}) (typeByte byte, rest interface{}, err error) {
  458. oSlice, ok := o.([]interface{})
  459. if !ok {
  460. err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected type [Byte,?] but got type %v", reflect.TypeOf(o)))
  461. return
  462. }
  463. if len(oSlice) != 2 {
  464. err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected [Byte,?] len 2 but got len %v", len(oSlice)))
  465. return
  466. }
  467. typeByte_, ok := oSlice[0].(float64)
  468. typeByte = byte(typeByte_)
  469. rest = oSlice[1]
  470. return
  471. }
  472. // Contract: Caller must ensure that rt is supported
  473. // (e.g. is recursively composed of supported native types, and structs and slices.)
  474. func readReflectJSON(rv reflect.Value, rt reflect.Type, o interface{}, err *error) {
  475. // Get typeInfo
  476. typeInfo := GetTypeInfo(rt)
  477. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
  478. if !typeInfo.IsRegisteredInterface {
  479. // There's no way we can read such a thing.
  480. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Cannot read unregistered interface type %v", rt))
  481. return
  482. }
  483. if o == nil {
  484. return // nil
  485. }
  486. typeByte, _, err_ := readByteJSON(o)
  487. if err_ != nil {
  488. *err = err_
  489. return
  490. }
  491. crt, ok := typeInfo.ByteToType[typeByte]
  492. if !ok {
  493. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Byte %X not registered for interface %v", typeByte, rt))
  494. return
  495. }
  496. crv := reflect.New(crt).Elem()
  497. readReflectJSON(crv, crt, o, err)
  498. rv.Set(crv) // NOTE: orig rv is ignored.
  499. return
  500. }
  501. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
  502. if o == nil {
  503. return // nil
  504. }
  505. // Create new struct if rv is nil.
  506. if rv.IsNil() {
  507. newRv := reflect.New(rt.Elem())
  508. rv.Set(newRv)
  509. rv = newRv
  510. }
  511. // Dereference pointer
  512. rv, rt = rv.Elem(), rt.Elem()
  513. typeInfo = GetTypeInfo(rt)
  514. // continue...
  515. }
  516. // Read Byte prefix
  517. if typeInfo.Byte != 0x00 {
  518. typeByte, rest, err_ := readByteJSON(o)
  519. if err_ != nil {
  520. *err = err_
  521. return
  522. }
  523. if typeByte != typeInfo.Byte {
  524. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected Byte of %X but got %X", typeInfo.Byte, byte(typeByte)))
  525. return
  526. }
  527. o = rest
  528. }
  529. switch rt.Kind() {
  530. case reflect.Slice:
  531. elemRt := rt.Elem()
  532. if elemRt.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
  533. // Special case: Byteslices
  534. oString, ok := o.(string)
  535. if !ok {
  536. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected string but got type %v", reflect.TypeOf(o)))
  537. return
  538. }
  539. byteslice, err_ := hex.DecodeString(oString)
  540. if err_ != nil {
  541. *err = err_
  542. return
  543. }
  544. log.Debug("Read byteslice", "bytes", byteslice)
  545. rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(byteslice))
  546. } else {
  547. // Read length
  548. oSlice, ok := o.([]interface{})
  549. if !ok {
  550. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected array of %v but got type %v", rt, reflect.TypeOf(o)))
  551. return
  552. }
  553. length := len(oSlice)
  554. log.Debug(Fmt("Read length: %v", length))
  555. sliceRv := reflect.MakeSlice(rt, length, length)
  556. // Read elems
  557. for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
  558. elemRv := sliceRv.Index(i)
  559. readReflectJSON(elemRv, elemRt, oSlice[i], err)
  560. }
  561. rv.Set(sliceRv)
  562. }
  563. case reflect.Struct:
  564. if rt == timeType {
  565. // Special case: time.Time
  566. str, ok := o.(string)
  567. if !ok {
  568. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected string but got type %v", reflect.TypeOf(o)))
  569. return
  570. }
  571. log.Debug(Fmt("Read time: %v", str))
  572. t, err_ := time.Parse(rfc2822, str)
  573. if err_ != nil {
  574. *err = err_
  575. return
  576. }
  577. rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(t))
  578. } else {
  579. oMap, ok := o.(map[string]interface{})
  580. if !ok {
  581. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected map but got type %v", reflect.TypeOf(o)))
  582. return
  583. }
  584. // TODO: ensure that all fields are set?
  585. // TODO: disallow unknown oMap fields?
  586. for _, fieldInfo := range typeInfo.Fields {
  587. i, fieldType, opts := fieldInfo.unpack()
  588. value, ok := oMap[opts.JSONName]
  589. if !ok {
  590. continue // Skip missing fields.
  591. }
  592. fieldRv := rv.Field(i)
  593. readReflectJSON(fieldRv, fieldType, value, err)
  594. }
  595. }
  596. case reflect.String:
  597. str, ok := o.(string)
  598. if !ok {
  599. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected string but got type %v", reflect.TypeOf(o)))
  600. return
  601. }
  602. log.Debug(Fmt("Read string: %v", str))
  603. rv.SetString(str)
  604. case reflect.Int64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int:
  605. num, ok := o.(float64)
  606. if !ok {
  607. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected numeric but got type %v", reflect.TypeOf(o)))
  608. return
  609. }
  610. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  611. rv.SetInt(int64(num))
  612. case reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint:
  613. num, ok := o.(float64)
  614. if !ok {
  615. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected numeric but got type %v", reflect.TypeOf(o)))
  616. return
  617. }
  618. if num < 0 {
  619. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected unsigned numeric but got %v", num))
  620. return
  621. }
  622. log.Debug(Fmt("Read num: %v", num))
  623. rv.SetUint(uint64(num))
  624. case reflect.Bool:
  625. bl, ok := o.(bool)
  626. if !ok {
  627. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Expected boolean but got type %v", reflect.TypeOf(o)))
  628. return
  629. }
  630. log.Debug(Fmt("Read boolean: %v", bl))
  631. rv.SetBool(bl)
  632. default:
  633. // SANITY CHECK
  634. panic(Fmt("Unknown field type %v", rt.Kind()))
  635. }
  636. }
  637. func writeReflectJSON(rv reflect.Value, rt reflect.Type, w io.Writer, n *int64, err *error) {
  638. log.Debug(Fmt("writeReflectJSON(%v, %v, %v, %v, %v)", rv, rt, w, n, err))
  639. // Get typeInfo
  640. typeInfo := GetTypeInfo(rt)
  641. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
  642. if rv.IsNil() {
  643. // XXX ensure that typeByte 0 is reserved.
  644. WriteTo([]byte("null"), w, n, err)
  645. return
  646. }
  647. crv := rv.Elem() // concrete reflection value
  648. crt := crv.Type() // concrete reflection type
  649. if typeInfo.IsRegisteredInterface {
  650. // See if the crt is registered.
  651. // If so, we're more restrictive.
  652. _, ok := typeInfo.TypeToByte[crt]
  653. if !ok {
  654. switch crt.Kind() {
  655. case reflect.Ptr:
  656. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Unexpected pointer type %v. Was it registered as a value receiver rather than as a pointer receiver?", crt))
  657. case reflect.Struct:
  658. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Unexpected struct type %v. Was it registered as a pointer receiver rather than as a value receiver?", crt))
  659. default:
  660. *err = errors.New(Fmt("Unexpected type %v.", crt))
  661. }
  662. return
  663. }
  664. } else {
  665. // We support writing unsafely for convenience.
  666. }
  667. // We don't have to write the typeByte here,
  668. // the writeReflectJSON() call below will write it.
  669. writeReflectJSON(crv, crt, w, n, err)
  670. return
  671. }
  672. if rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
  673. // Dereference pointer
  674. rv, rt = rv.Elem(), rt.Elem()
  675. typeInfo = GetTypeInfo(rt)
  676. if !rv.IsValid() {
  677. WriteTo([]byte("null"), w, n, err)
  678. return
  679. }
  680. // continue...
  681. }
  682. // Write Byte
  683. if typeInfo.Byte != 0x00 {
  684. WriteTo([]byte(Fmt("[%v,", typeInfo.Byte)), w, n, err)
  685. defer WriteTo([]byte("]"), w, n, err)
  686. }
  687. // All other types
  688. switch rt.Kind() {
  689. case reflect.Slice:
  690. elemRt := rt.Elem()
  691. if elemRt.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
  692. // Special case: Byteslices
  693. byteslice := rv.Bytes()
  694. WriteTo([]byte(Fmt("\"%X\"", byteslice)), w, n, err)
  695. //WriteByteSlice(byteslice, w, n, err)
  696. } else {
  697. WriteTo([]byte("["), w, n, err)
  698. // Write elems
  699. length := rv.Len()
  700. for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
  701. elemRv := rv.Index(i)
  702. writeReflectJSON(elemRv, elemRt, w, n, err)
  703. if i < length-1 {
  704. WriteTo([]byte(","), w, n, err)
  705. }
  706. }
  707. WriteTo([]byte("]"), w, n, err)
  708. }
  709. case reflect.Struct:
  710. if rt == timeType {
  711. // Special case: time.Time
  712. t := rv.Interface().(time.Time)
  713. str := t.Format(rfc2822)
  714. jsonBytes, err_ := json.Marshal(str)
  715. if err_ != nil {
  716. *err = err_
  717. return
  718. }
  719. WriteTo(jsonBytes, w, n, err)
  720. } else {
  721. WriteTo([]byte("{"), w, n, err)
  722. wroteField := false
  723. for _, fieldInfo := range typeInfo.Fields {
  724. i, fieldType, opts := fieldInfo.unpack()
  725. fieldRv := rv.Field(i)
  726. if wroteField {
  727. WriteTo([]byte(","), w, n, err)
  728. } else {
  729. wroteField = true
  730. }
  731. WriteTo([]byte(Fmt("\"%v\":", opts.JSONName)), w, n, err)
  732. writeReflectJSON(fieldRv, fieldType, w, n, err)
  733. }
  734. WriteTo([]byte("}"), w, n, err)
  735. }
  736. case reflect.String:
  737. fallthrough
  738. case reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint:
  739. fallthrough
  740. case reflect.Int64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int:
  741. fallthrough
  742. case reflect.Bool:
  743. jsonBytes, err_ := json.Marshal(rv.Interface())
  744. if err_ != nil {
  745. *err = err_
  746. return
  747. }
  748. WriteTo(jsonBytes, w, n, err)
  749. default:
  750. // SANITY CHECK
  751. panic(Fmt("Unknown field type %v", rt.Kind()))
  752. }
  753. }