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  1. ---
  2. order: 6
  3. ---
  4. # Configure a Light Client
  5. Tendermint comes with a built-in `tendermint light` command, which can be used
  6. to run a light client proxy server, verifying Tendermint RPC. All calls that
  7. can be tracked back to a block header by a proof will be verified before
  8. passing them back to the caller. Other than that, it will present the same
  9. interface as a full Tendermint node.
  10. You can start the light client proxy server by running `tendermint light <chainID>`,
  11. with a variety of flags to specify the primary node, the witness nodes (which cross-check
  12. the information provided by the primary), the hash and height of the trusted header,
  13. and more.
  14. For example:
  15. ```bash
  16. $ tendermint light supernova -p tcp:// \
  17. -w tcp://,tcp:// \
  18. --height=10 --hash=37E9A6DD3FA25E83B22C18835401E8E56088D0D7ABC6FD99FCDC920DD76C1C57
  19. ```
  20. For additional options, run `tendermint light --help`.
  21. ## Where to obtain trusted height & hash
  22. One way to obtain a semi-trusted hash & height is to query multiple full nodes
  23. and compare their hashes:
  24. ```bash
  25. $ curl -s | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"
  26. {
  27. "height": "273",
  28. "hash": "188F4F36CBCD2C91B57509BBF231C777E79B52EE3E0D90D06B1A25EB16E6E23D"
  29. }
  30. ```