You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
3.6 KiB

  1. module.exports = {
  2. title: "Tendermint Documentation",
  3. description: "Documentation for Tendermint Core.",
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  22. nav: [{ text: "Back to Tendermint", link: "" }],
  23. sidebar: [
  24. {
  25. title: "Introduction",
  26. collapsable: false,
  27. children: [
  28. "/introduction/",
  29. "/introduction/quick-start",
  30. "/introduction/install",
  31. "/introduction/what-is-tendermint"
  32. ]
  33. },
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  35. title: "Tendermint Core",
  36. collapsable: false,
  37. children: [
  38. "/tendermint-core/",
  39. "/tendermint-core/using-tendermint",
  40. "/tendermint-core/configuration",
  41. "/tendermint-core/rpc",
  42. "/tendermint-core/running-in-production",
  43. "/tendermint-core/fast-sync",
  44. "/tendermint-core/how-to-read-logs",
  45. "/tendermint-core/block-structure",
  46. "/tendermint-core/light-client-protocol",
  47. "/tendermint-core/metrics",
  48. "/tendermint-core/secure-p2p",
  49. "/tendermint-core/validators"
  50. ]
  51. },
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  53. title: "Tools",
  54. collapsable: false,
  55. children: [
  56. "/tools/",
  57. "/tools/benchmarking",
  58. "/tools/monitoring"
  59. ]
  60. },
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  62. title: "Networks",
  63. collapsable: false,
  64. children: [
  65. "/networks/",
  66. "/networks/docker-compose",
  67. "/networks/terraform-and-ansible",
  68. ]
  69. },
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  71. title: "Apps",
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  73. children: [
  74. "/app-dev/getting-started",
  75. "/app-dev/abci-cli",
  76. "/app-dev/app-architecture",
  77. "/app-dev/app-development",
  78. "/app-dev/subscribing-to-events-via-websocket",
  79. "/app-dev/indexing-transactions",
  80. "/app-dev/abci-spec",
  81. "/app-dev/ecosystem"
  82. ]
  83. },
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  85. title: "Tendermint Spec",
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  87. children: [
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  90. "/spec/blockchain/encoding",
  91. "/spec/blockchain/state",
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  93. "/spec/consensus/bft-time",
  94. "/spec/consensus/consensus",
  95. "/spec/consensus/light-client",
  96. "/spec/software/wal",
  97. "/spec/p2p/config",
  98. "/spec/p2p/connection",
  99. "/spec/p2p/node",
  100. "/spec/p2p/peer",
  101. "/spec/reactors/block_sync/reactor",
  102. "/spec/reactors/block_sync/impl",
  103. "/spec/reactors/consensus/consensus",
  104. "/spec/reactors/consensus/consensus-reactor",
  105. "/spec/reactors/consensus/proposer-selection",
  106. "/spec/reactors/evidence/reactor",
  107. "/spec/reactors/mempool/concurrency",
  108. "/spec/reactors/mempool/config",
  109. "/spec/reactors/mempool/functionality",
  110. "/spec/reactors/mempool/messages",
  111. "/spec/reactors/mempool/reactor",
  112. "/spec/reactors/pex/pex",
  113. "/spec/reactors/pex/reactor",
  114. ]
  115. },
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  120. "/spec/abci/",
  121. "/spec/abci/abci",
  122. "/spec/abci/apps",
  123. "/spec/abci/client-server"
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  126. ]
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