- # Draft of Functions for Fork detection and Proof of Fork Submisstion
- This document collects drafts of function for generating and
- submitting proof of fork in the IBC context
- - [IBC](#on---chain-ibc-component)
- - [Relayer](#relayer)
- ## On-chain IBC Component
- > The following is a suggestions to change the function defined in ICS 007
- ```go
- func checkMisbehaviourAndUpdateState(cs: ClientState, PoF: LightNodeProofOfFork)
- ```
- **TODO:** finish conditions
- - Implementation remark
- - Expected precondition
- - PoF.TrustedBlock.Header is equal to lightBlock on store with
- same height
- - both traces end with header of same height
- - headers are different
- - both traces are supported by PoF.TrustedBlock (`supports`
- defined in [TMBC-FUNC]), that is, for `t = currentTimestamp()` (see
- ICS 024)
- - supports(PoF.TrustedBlock, PoF.PrimaryTrace[1], t)
- - supports(PoF.PrimaryTrace[i], PoF.PrimaryTrace[i+1], t) for
- *0 < i < length(PoF.PrimaryTrace)*
- - supports(PoF.TrustedBlock, PoF.SecondaryTrace[1], t)
- - supports(PoF.SecondaryTrace[i], PoF.SecondaryTrace[i+1], t) for
- *0 < i < length(PoF.SecondaryTrace)*
- - Expected postcondition
- - set cs.FrozenHeight to min(cs.FrozenHeight, PoF.TrustedBlock.Header.Height)
- - Error condition
- - none
- ----
- > The following is a suggestions to add functionality to ICS 002 and 007.
- > I suppose the above is the most efficient way to get the required
- > information. Another option is to subscribe to "header install"
- > events via CosmosSDK
- #### [TAG-IBC-HEIGHTS.1]
- ```go
- func QueryHeightsRange(id, from, to) ([]Height)
- ```
- - Expected postcondition
- - returns all heights *h*, with *from <= h <= to* for which the
- IBC component has a consensus state.
- ----
- > This function can be used if the relayer has no information about
- > the IBC component. This allows late-joining relayers to also
- > participate in fork dection and the generation in proof of
- > fork. Alternatively, we may also postulate that relayers are not
- > responsible to detect forks for heights before they started (and
- > subscribed to the transactions reporting fresh headers being
- > installed at the IBC component).
- ## Relayer
- ### Auxiliary Functions to be implemented in the Light Client
- ```go
- func (ls LightStore) GetPreviousVerified(height Height) (LightBlock, bool)
- ```
- - Expected postcondition
- - returns a verified LightBlock, whose height is maximal among all
- verified lightblocks with height smaller than `height`
- ----
- ### Relayer Submitting Proof of Fork to the IBC Component
- There are two ways the relayer can detect a fork
- - by the fork detector of one of its lightclients
- - be checking the consensus state of the IBC component
- The following function ignores how the proof of fork was generated.
- It takes a proof of fork as input and computes a proof of fork that
- will be accepted by the IBC component.
- The problem addressed here is that both, the relayer's light client
- and the IBC component have incomplete light stores, that might
- not have all light blocks in common.
- Hence the relayer has to figure out what the IBC component knows
- (intuitively, a meeting point between the two lightstores
- computed in `commonRoot`) and compute a proof of fork
- (`extendPoF`) that the IBC component will accept based on its
- knowledge.
- The auxiliary functions `commonRoot` and `extendPoF` are
- defined below.
- ```go
- func SubmitIBCProofOfFork(
- lightStore LightStore,
- PoF: LightNodeProofOfFork,
- ibc IBCComponent) (Error) {
- if ibc.queryChainConsensusState(PoF.TrustedBlock.Height) = PoF.TrustedBlock {
- // IBC component has root of PoF on store, we can just submit
- ibc.submitMisbehaviourToClient(ibc.id,PoF)
- return Success
- // note sure about the id parameter
- }
- else {
- // the ibc component does not have the TrustedBlock and might
- // even be on yet a different branch. We have to compute a PoF
- // that the ibc component can verifiy based on its current
- // knowledge
- ibcLightBlock, lblock, _, result := commonRoot(lightStore, ibc, PoF.TrustedBlock)
- if result = Success {
- newPoF = extendPoF(ibcLightBlock, lblock, lightStore, PoF)
- ibc.submitMisbehaviourToClient(ibc.id, newPoF)
- return Success
- }
- else{
- return CouldNotGeneratePoF
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- **TODO:** finish conditions
- - Implementation remark
- - Expected precondition
- - Expected postcondition
- - Error condition
- - none
- ----
- ### Auxiliary Functions at the Relayer
- > If the relayer detects a fork, it has to compute a proof of fork that
- > will convince the IBC component. That is it has to compare the
- > relayer's local lightstore against the lightstore of the IBC
- > component, and find common ancestor lightblocks.
- #### [TAG-COMMON-ROOT.1]
- ```go
- func commonRoot(lightStore LightStore, ibc IBCComponent, lblock
- LightBlock) (LightBlock, LightBlock, LightStore, Result) {
- auxLS.Init
- // first we ask for the heights the ibc component is aware of
- ibcHeights = ibc.QueryHeightsRange(
- ibc.id,
- lightStore.LowestVerified().Height,
- lblock.Height - 1);
- // this function does not exist yet. Alternatively, we may
- // request all transactions that installed headers via CosmosSDK
- for {
- h, result = max(ibcHeights)
- if result = Empty {
- return (_, _, _, NoRoot)
- }
- ibcLightBlock = ibc.queryChainConsensusState(h)
- auxLS.Update(ibcLightBlock, StateVerified);
- connector, result := Connector(lightStore, ibcLightBlock, lblock.Header.Height)
- if result = success {
- return (ibcLightBlock, connector, auxLS, Success)
- }
- else{
- ibcHeights.remove(h)
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- - Expected postcondition
- - returns
- - a lightBlock b1 from the IBC component, and
- - a lightBlock b2
- from the local lightStore with height less than
- lblock.Header.Hight, s.t. b1 supports b2, and
- - a lightstore with the blocks downloaded from
- the ibc component
- ----
- ```go
- func Connector (lightStore LightStore, lb LightBlock, h Height) (LightBlock, bool)
- ```
- - Expected postcondition
- - returns a verified LightBlock from lightStore with height less
- than *h* that can be
- verified by lb in one step.
- **TODO:** for the above to work we need an invariant that all verified
- lightblocks form a chain of trust. Otherwise, we need a lightblock
- that has a chain of trust to height.
- > Once the common root is found, a proof of fork that will be accepted
- > by the IBC component needs to be generated. This is done in the
- > following function.
- #### [TAG-EXTEND-POF.1]
- ```go
- func extendPoF (root LightBlock,
- connector LightBlock,
- lightStore LightStore,
- Pof LightNodeProofofFork) (LightNodeProofofFork}
- ```
- - Implementation remark
- - PoF is not sufficient to convince an IBC component, so we extend
- the proof of fork farther in the past
- - Expected postcondition
- - returns a newPOF:
- - newPoF.TrustedBlock = root
- - let prefix =
- connector +
- lightStore.Subtrace(connector.Header.Height, PoF.TrustedBlock.Header.Height-1) +
- PoF.TrustedBlock
- - newPoF.PrimaryTrace = prefix + PoF.PrimaryTrace
- - newPoF.SecondaryTrace = prefix + PoF.SecondaryTrace
- ### Detection a fork at the IBC component
- The following functions is assumed to be called regularly to check
- that latest consensus state of the IBC component. Alternatively, this
- logic can be executed whenever the relayer is informed (via an event)
- that a new header has been installed.
- ```go
- func DetectIBCFork(ibc IBCComponent, lightStore LightStore) (LightNodeProofOfFork, Error) {
- cs = ibc.queryClientState(ibc);
- lb, found := lightStore.Get(cs.Header.Height)
- if !found {
- **TODO:** need verify to target
- lb, result = LightClient.Main(primary, lightStore, cs.Header.Height)
- **TODO** decide what to do following the outcome of Issue #499
- // I guess here we have to get into the light client
- }
- if cs != lb {
- // IBC component disagrees with my primary.
- // I fetch the
- ibcLightBlock, lblock, ibcStore, result := commonRoot(lightStore, ibc, lb)
- pof = new LightNodeProofOfFork;
- pof.TrustedBlock := ibcLightBlock
- pof.PrimaryTrace := ibcStore + cs
- pof.SecondaryTrace := lightStore.Subtrace(lblock.Header.Height,
- lb.Header.Height);
- return(pof, Fork)
- }
- return(nil , NoFork)
- }
- ```
- **TODO:** finish conditions
- - Implementation remark
- - we ask the handler for the lastest check. Cross-check with the
- chain. In case they deviate we generate PoF.
- - we assume IBC component is correct. It has verified the
- consensus state
- - Expected precondition
- - Expected postcondition