- ----------------------------- MODULE fastsync -----------------------------
- (*
- In this document we give the high level specification of the fast sync
- protocol as implemented here:
- https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/tree/master/blockchain/v2.
- We assume a system in which one node is trying to sync with the blockchain
- (replicated state machine) by downloading blocks from the set of full nodes
- (we call them peers) that are block providers, and executing transactions
- (part of the block) against the application.
- Peers can be faulty, and we don't make any assumption about the rate of correct/faulty
- nodes in the node peerset (i.e., they can all be faulty). Correct peers are part
- of the replicated state machine, i.e., they manage blockchain and execute
- transactions against the same deterministic application. We don't make any
- assumptions about the behavior of faulty processes. Processes (client and peers)
- communicate by message passing.
- In this specification, we model this system with two parties:
- - the node (state machine) that is doing fastsync and
- - the environment with which node interacts.
- The environment consists of the set of (correct and faulty) peers with
- which node interacts as part of fast sync protocol, but also contains some
- aspects (adding/removing peers, timeout mechanism) that are part of the node
- local environment (could be seen as part of the runtime in which node
- executes).
- As part of the fast sync protocol a node and the peers exchange the following messages:
- - StatusRequest
- - StatusResponse
- - BlockRequest
- - BlockResponse
- - NoBlockResponse.
- A node is periodically issuing StatusRequests to query peers for their current height (to decide what
- blocks to ask from what peers). Based on StatusResponses (that are sent by peers), the node queries
- blocks for some height(s) by sending peers BlockRequest messages. A peer provides a requested block by
- BlockResponse message. If a peer does not want to provide a requested block, then it sends NoBlockResponse message.
- In addition to those messages, a node in this spec receives additional input messages (events):
- - AddPeer
- - RemovePeer
- - SyncTimeout.
- These are the control messages that are provided to the node by its execution enviornment. AddPeer
- is for the case when a connection is established with a peer; similarly RemovePeer is for the case
- a connection with the peer is terminated. Finally SyncTimeout is used to model a timeout trigger.
- We assume that fast sync protocol starts when connections with some number of peers
- are established. Therefore, peer set is initialised with non-empty set of peer ids. Note however
- that node does not know initially the peer heights.
- *)
- EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, Sequences
- CONSTANTS MAX_HEIGHT, \* the maximal height of blockchain
- VALIDATOR_SETS, \* abstract set of validators
- NIL_VS, \* a nil validator set
- CORRECT, \* set of correct peers
- FAULTY, \* set of faulty peers
- TARGET_PENDING, \* maximum number of pending requests + downloaded blocks that are not yet processed
- PEER_MAX_REQUESTS \* maximum number of pending requests per peer
- ASSUME CORRECT \intersect FAULTY = {}
- \* the blockchain, see Tinychain
- VARIABLE chain
- \* introduce tiny chain as the source of blocks for the correct nodes
- INSTANCE Tinychain
- \* a special value for an undefined height
- NilHeight == 0
- \* the height of the genesis block
- TrustedHeight == 1
- \* the set of all peer ids the node can receive a message from
- AllPeerIds == CORRECT \union FAULTY
- \* Correct last commit have enough voting power, i.e., +2/3 of the voting power of
- \* the corresponding validator set (enoughVotingPower = TRUE) that signs blockId.
- \* BlockId defines correct previous block (in the implementation it is the hash of the block).
- \* Instead of blockId, we encode blockIdEqRef, which is true, if the block id is equal
- \* to the hash of the previous block, see Tinychain.
- CorrectLastCommit(h) == chain[h].lastCommit
- NilCommit == [blockIdEqRef |-> FALSE, committers |-> NIL_VS]
- \* correct node always supplies the blocks from the blockchain
- CorrectBlock(h) == chain[h]
- NilBlock ==
- [height |-> 0, hashEqRef |-> FALSE, wellFormed |-> FALSE,
- lastCommit |-> NilCommit, VS |-> NIL_VS, NextVS |-> NIL_VS]
- \* a special value for an undefined peer
- NilPeer == "Nil" \* STRING for apalache efficiency
- \* control the state of the syncing node
- States == { "running", "finished"}
- NoMsg == [type |-> "None"]
- \* the variables of the node running fastsync
- state, \* running or finished
- (*
- blockPool [
- height, \* current height we are trying to sync. Last block executed is height - 1
- peerIds, \* set of peers node is connected to
- peerHeights, \* map of peer ids to its (stated) height
- blockStore, \* map of heights to (received) blocks
- receivedBlocks, \* map of heights to peer that has sent us the block (stored in blockStore)
- pendingBlocks, \* map of heights to peer to which block request has been sent
- syncHeight, \* height at the point syncTimeout was triggered last time
- syncedBlocks \* number of blocks synced since last syncTimeout. If it is 0 when the next timeout occurs, then protocol terminates.
- ]
- *)
- blockPool
- \* the variables of the peers providing blocks
- (*
- peersState [
- peerHeights, \* track peer heights
- statusRequested, \* boolean set to true when StatusRequest is received. Models periodic sending of StatusRequests.
- blocksRequested \* set of BlockRequests received that are not answered yet
- ]
- *)
- peersState
- \* the variables for the network and scheduler
- turn, \* who is taking the turn: "Peers" or "Node"
- inMsg, \* a node receives message by this variable
- outMsg \* a node sends a message by this variable
- (* the variables of the node *)
- nvars == <<state, blockPool>>
- (*************** Type definitions for Apalache (model checker) **********************)
- AsIntSet(S) == S <: {Int}
- \* type of process ids
- AsPidSet(S) == S <: {PIDT}
- \* ControlMessage type
- CMT == [type |-> STRING, peerId |-> PIDT] \* type of control messages
- \* InMsg type
- IMT == [type |-> STRING, peerId |-> PIDT, height |-> Int, block |-> BT]
- AsInMsg(m) == m <: IMT
- AsInMsgSet(S) == S <: {IMT}
- \* OutMsg type
- OMT == [type |-> STRING, peerId |-> PIDT, height |-> Int]
- AsOutMsg(m) == m <: OMT
- AsOutMsgSet(S) == S <: {OMT}
- \* block pool type
- BPT == [height |-> Int, peerIds |-> {PIDT}, peerHeights |-> [PIDT -> Int],
- blockStore |-> [Int -> BT], receivedBlocks |-> [Int -> PIDT],
- pendingBlocks |-> [Int -> PIDT], syncedBlocks |-> Int, syncHeight |-> Int]
- AsBlockPool(bp) == bp <: BPT
- (******************** Sets of messages ********************************)
- \* Control messages
- ControlMsgs ==
- AsInMsgSet([type: {"addPeer"}, peerId: AllPeerIds])
- \union
- AsInMsgSet([type: {"removePeer"}, peerId: AllPeerIds])
- \union
- AsInMsgSet([type: {"syncTimeout"}])
- \* All messages (and events) received by a node
- InMsgs ==
- AsInMsgSet({NoMsg})
- \union
- AsInMsgSet([type: {"blockResponse"}, peerId: AllPeerIds, block: Blocks])
- \union
- AsInMsgSet([type: {"noBlockResponse"}, peerId: AllPeerIds, height: Heights])
- \union
- AsInMsgSet([type: {"statusResponse"}, peerId: AllPeerIds, height: Heights])
- \union
- ControlMsgs
- \* Messages sent by a node and received by peers (environment in our case)
- OutMsgs ==
- AsOutMsgSet({NoMsg})
- \union
- AsOutMsgSet([type: {"statusRequest"}]) \* StatusRequest is broadcast to the set of connected peers.
- \union
- AsOutMsgSet([type: {"blockRequest"}, peerId: AllPeerIds, height: Heights])
- (********************************** NODE ***********************************)
- InitNode ==
- \E pIds \in SUBSET AllPeerIds: \* set of peers node established initial connections with
- /\ pIds \subseteq CORRECT \* this line is not necessary
- /\ pIds /= AsPidSet({}) \* apalache better checks non-emptiness than subtracts from SUBSET
- /\ blockPool = AsBlockPool([
- height |-> TrustedHeight + 1, \* the genesis block is at height 1
- syncHeight |-> TrustedHeight + 1, \* and we are synchronized to it
- peerIds |-> pIds,
- peerHeights |-> [p \in AllPeerIds |-> NilHeight], \* no peer height is known
- blockStore |->
- [h \in Heights |->
- IF h > TrustedHeight THEN NilBlock ELSE chain[1]],
- receivedBlocks |-> [h \in Heights |-> NilPeer],
- pendingBlocks |-> [h \in Heights |-> NilPeer],
- syncedBlocks |-> -1
- ])
- /\ state = "running"
- \* Remove faulty peers.
- \* Returns new block pool.
- \* See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L222
- RemovePeers(rmPeers, bPool) ==
- LET keepPeers == bPool.peerIds \ rmPeers IN
- LET pHeights ==
- [p \in AllPeerIds |-> IF p \in rmPeers THEN NilHeight ELSE bPool.peerHeights[p]] IN
- LET failedRequests ==
- {h \in Heights: /\ h >= bPool.height
- /\ \/ bPool.pendingBlocks[h] \in rmPeers
- \/ bPool.receivedBlocks[h] \in rmPeers} IN
- LET pBlocks ==
- [h \in Heights |-> IF h \in failedRequests THEN NilPeer ELSE bPool.pendingBlocks[h]] IN
- LET rBlocks ==
- [h \in Heights |-> IF h \in failedRequests THEN NilPeer ELSE bPool.receivedBlocks[h]] IN
- LET bStore ==
- [h \in Heights |-> IF h \in failedRequests THEN NilBlock ELSE bPool.blockStore[h]] IN
- IF keepPeers /= bPool.peerIds
- !.peerIds = keepPeers,
- !.peerHeights = pHeights,
- !.pendingBlocks = pBlocks,
- !.receivedBlocks = rBlocks,
- !.blockStore = bStore
- ]
- ELSE bPool
- \* Add a peer.
- \* see https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L198
- AddPeer(peer, bPool) ==
- [bPool EXCEPT !.peerIds = bPool.peerIds \union {peer}]
- (*
- Handle StatusResponse message.
- If valid status response, update peerHeights.
- If invalid (height is smaller than the current), then remove peer.
- Returns new block pool.
- See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L667
- *)
- HandleStatusResponse(msg, bPool) ==
- LET peerHeight == bPool.peerHeights[msg.peerId] IN
- IF /\ msg.peerId \in bPool.peerIds
- /\ msg.height >= peerHeight
- THEN \* a correct response
- LET pHeights == [bPool.peerHeights EXCEPT ![msg.peerId] = msg.height] IN
- [bPool EXCEPT !.peerHeights = pHeights]
- ELSE RemovePeers({msg.peerId}, bPool) \* the peer has sent us message with smaller height or peer is not in our peer list
- (*
- Handle BlockResponse message.
- If valid block response, update blockStore, pendingBlocks and receivedBlocks.
- If invalid (unsolicited response or malformed block), then remove peer.
- Returns new block pool.
- See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L522
- *)
- HandleBlockResponse(msg, bPool) ==
- LET h == msg.block.height IN
- IF /\ msg.peerId \in bPool.peerIds
- /\ bPool.blockStore[h] = NilBlock
- /\ bPool.pendingBlocks[h] = msg.peerId
- /\ msg.block.wellFormed
- [bPool EXCEPT
- !.blockStore = [bPool.blockStore EXCEPT ![h] = msg.block],
- !.receivedBlocks = [bPool.receivedBlocks EXCEPT![h] = msg.peerId],
- !.pendingBlocks = [bPool.pendingBlocks EXCEPT![h] = NilPeer]
- ]
- ELSE RemovePeers({msg.peerId}, bPool)
- HandleNoBlockResponse(msg, bPool) ==
- RemovePeers({msg.peerId}, bPool)
- \* Compute max peer height.
- \* See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L440
- MaxPeerHeight(bPool) ==
- IF bPool.peerIds = AsPidSet({})
- THEN 0 \* no peers, just return 0
- ELSE LET Hts == {bPool.peerHeights[p] : p \in bPool.peerIds} IN
- CHOOSE max \in Hts: \A h \in Hts: h <= max
- (* Returns next height for which request should be sent.
- Returns NilHeight in case there is no height for which request can be sent.
- See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L454 *)
- FindNextRequestHeight(bPool) ==
- LET S == {i \in Heights:
- /\ i >= bPool.height
- /\ i <= MaxPeerHeight(bPool)
- /\ bPool.blockStore[i] = NilBlock
- /\ bPool.pendingBlocks[i] = NilPeer} IN
- IF S = AsIntSet({})
- THEN NilHeight
- CHOOSE min \in S: \A h \in S: h >= min
- \* Returns number of pending requests for a given peer.
- NumOfPendingRequests(bPool, peer) ==
- LET peerPendingRequests ==
- {h \in Heights:
- /\ h >= bPool.height
- /\ bPool.pendingBlocks[h] = peer
- }
- IN
- Cardinality(peerPendingRequests)
- (* Returns peer that can serve block for a given height.
- Returns NilPeer in case there are no such peer.
- See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L477 *)
- FindPeerToServe(bPool, h) ==
- LET peersThatCanServe == { p \in bPool.peerIds:
- /\ bPool.peerHeights[p] >= h
- /\ NumOfPendingRequests(bPool, p) < PEER_MAX_REQUESTS } IN
- LET pendingBlocks ==
- {i \in Heights:
- /\ i >= bPool.height
- /\ \/ bPool.pendingBlocks[i] /= NilPeer
- \/ bPool.blockStore[i] /= NilBlock
- } IN
- IF \/ peersThatCanServe = AsPidSet({})
- \/ Cardinality(pendingBlocks) >= TARGET_PENDING
- THEN NilPeer
- \* pick a peer that can serve request for height h that has minimum number of pending requests
- ELSE CHOOSE p \in peersThatCanServe: \A q \in peersThatCanServe:
- /\ NumOfPendingRequests(bPool, p) <= NumOfPendingRequests(bPool, q)
- \* Make a request for a block (if possible) and return a request message and block poool.
- CreateRequest(bPool) ==
- LET nextHeight == FindNextRequestHeight(bPool) IN
- IF nextHeight = NilHeight THEN [msg |-> AsOutMsg(NoMsg), pool |-> bPool]
- LET peer == FindPeerToServe(bPool, nextHeight) IN
- IF peer = NilPeer THEN [msg |-> AsOutMsg(NoMsg), pool |-> bPool]
- LET m == [type |-> "blockRequest", peerId |-> peer, height |-> nextHeight] IN
- LET newPool == [bPool EXCEPT
- !.pendingBlocks = [bPool.pendingBlocks EXCEPT ![nextHeight] = peer]
- ] IN
- [msg |-> m, pool |-> newPool]
- \* Returns node state, i.e., defines termination condition.
- \* See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L432
- ComputeNextState(bPool) ==
- IF bPool.syncedBlocks = 0 \* corresponds to the syncTimeout in case no progress has been made for a period of time.
- THEN "finished"
- ELSE IF /\ bPool.height > 1
- /\ bPool.height >= MaxPeerHeight(bPool) \* see https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/61057a8b0af2beadee106e47c4616b279e83c920/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L566
- THEN "finished"
- ELSE "running"
- (* Verify if commit is for the given block id and if commit has enough voting power.
- See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/61057a8b0af2beadee106e47c4616b279e83c920/blockchain/v2/processor_context.go#L12 *)
- VerifyCommit(block, lastCommit) ==
- PossibleCommit(block, lastCommit)
- (* Tries to execute next block in the pool, i.e., defines block validation logic.
- Returns new block pool (peers that has send invalid blocks are removed).
- See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/processor.go#L135 *)
- ExecuteBlocks(bPool) ==
- LET bStore == bPool.blockStore IN
- LET block0 == bStore[bPool.height - 1] IN
- \* blockPool is initialized with height = TrustedHeight + 1,
- \* so bStore[bPool.height - 1] is well defined
- LET block1 == bStore[bPool.height] IN
- LET block2 == bStore[bPool.height + 1] IN
- IF block1 = NilBlock \/ block2 = NilBlock
- THEN bPool \* we don't have two next consecutive blocks
- ELSE IF ~IsMatchingValidators(block1, block0.NextVS)
- \* Check that block1.VS = block0.Next.
- \* Otherwise, CorrectBlocksInv fails.
- \* In the implementation NextVS is part of the application state,
- \* so a mismatch can be found without access to block0.NextVS.
- THEN \* the block does not have the expected validator set
- RemovePeers({bPool.receivedBlocks[bPool.height]}, bPool)
- ELSE IF ~VerifyCommit(block1, block2.lastCommit)
- \* Verify commit of block2 based on block1.
- \* Interestingly, we do not have to call IsMatchingValidators.
- THEN \* remove the peers of block1 and block2, as they are considered faulty
- RemovePeers({bPool.receivedBlocks[bPool.height],
- bPool.receivedBlocks[bPool.height + 1]},
- bPool)
- ELSE \* all good, execute block at position height
- [bPool EXCEPT !.height = bPool.height + 1]
- \* Defines logic for pruning peers.
- \* See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/dac030d6daf4d3e066d84275911128856838af4e/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L613
- TryPrunePeer(bPool, suspectedSet, isTimedOut) ==
- (* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
- (* Corresponds to function prunablePeers in scheduler.go file. Note that this function only checks if block has been *)
- (* received from a peer during peerTimeout period. *)
- (* Note that in case no request has been scheduled to a correct peer, or a request has been scheduled *)
- (* recently, so the peer hasn't responded yet, a peer will be removed as no block is received within peerTimeout. *)
- (* In case of faulty peers, we don't have any guarantee that they will respond. *)
- (* Therefore, we model this with nondeterministic behavior as it could lead to peer removal, for both correct and faulty. *)
- (* See scheduler.go *)
- (* https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/4298bbcc4e25be78e3c4f21979d6aa01aede6e87/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L335 *)
- LET toRemovePeers == bPool.peerIds \intersect suspectedSet IN
- (*
- Corresponds to logic for pruning a peer that is responsible for delivering block for the next height.
- The pruning logic for the next height is based on the time when a BlockRequest is sent. Therefore, if a request is sent
- to a correct peer for the next height (blockPool.height), it should never be removed by this check as we assume that
- correct peers respond timely and reliably. However, if a request is sent to a faulty peer then we
- might get response on time or not, which is modelled with nondeterministic isTimedOut flag.
- See scheduler.go
- https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/4298bbcc4e25be78e3c4f21979d6aa01aede6e87/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go#L617
- *)
- LET nextHeightPeer == bPool.pendingBlocks[bPool.height] IN
- LET prunablePeers ==
- IF /\ nextHeightPeer /= NilPeer
- /\ nextHeightPeer \in FAULTY
- /\ isTimedOut
- THEN toRemovePeers \union {nextHeightPeer}
- ELSE toRemovePeers
- IN
- RemovePeers(prunablePeers, bPool)
- \* Handle SyncTimeout. It models if progress has been made (height has increased) since the last SyncTimeout event.
- HandleSyncTimeout(bPool) ==
- [bPool EXCEPT
- !.syncedBlocks = bPool.height - bPool.syncHeight,
- !.syncHeight = bPool.height
- ]
- HandleResponse(msg, bPool) ==
- IF msg.type = "blockResponse" THEN
- HandleBlockResponse(msg, bPool)
- ELSE IF msg.type = "noBlockResponse" THEN
- HandleNoBlockResponse(msg, bPool)
- ELSE IF msg.type = "statusResponse" THEN
- HandleStatusResponse(msg, bPool)
- ELSE IF msg.type = "addPeer" THEN
- AddPeer(msg.peerId, bPool)
- ELSE IF msg.type = "removePeer" THEN
- RemovePeers({msg.peerId}, bPool)
- ELSE IF msg.type = "syncTimeout" THEN
- HandleSyncTimeout(bPool)
- bPool
- (*
- At every node step we executed the following steps (atomically):
- 1) input message is consumed and the corresponding handler is called,
- 2) pruning logic is called
- 3) block execution is triggered (we try to execute block at next height)
- 4) a request to a peer is made (if possible) and
- 5) we decide if termination condition is satisifed so we stop.
- *)
- NodeStep ==
- \E suspectedSet \in SUBSET AllPeerIds: \* suspectedSet is a nondeterministic set of peers
- \E isTimedOut \in BOOLEAN:
- LET bPool == HandleResponse(inMsg, blockPool) IN
- LET bp == TryPrunePeer(bPool, suspectedSet, isTimedOut) IN
- LET nbPool == ExecuteBlocks(bp) IN
- LET msgAndPool == CreateRequest(nbPool) IN
- LET nstate == ComputeNextState(msgAndPool.pool) IN
- /\ state' = nstate
- /\ blockPool' = msgAndPool.pool
- /\ outMsg' = msgAndPool.msg
- /\ inMsg' = AsInMsg(NoMsg)
- \* If node is running, then in every step we try to create blockRequest.
- \* In addition, input message (if exists) is consumed and processed.
- NextNode ==
- \/ /\ state = "running"
- /\ NodeStep
- \/ /\ state = "finished"
- /\ UNCHANGED <<nvars, inMsg, outMsg>>
- (********************************** Peers ***********************************)
- InitPeers ==
- \E pHeights \in [AllPeerIds -> Heights]:
- peersState = [
- peerHeights |-> pHeights,
- statusRequested |-> FALSE,
- blocksRequested |-> AsOutMsgSet({})
- ]
- HandleStatusRequest(msg, pState) ==
- [pState EXCEPT
- !.statusRequested = TRUE
- ]
- HandleBlockRequest(msg, pState) ==
- [pState EXCEPT
- !.blocksRequested = pState.blocksRequested \union AsOutMsgSet({msg})
- ]
- HandleRequest(msg, pState) ==
- IF msg = AsOutMsg(NoMsg)
- THEN pState
- ELSE IF msg.type = "statusRequest"
- THEN HandleStatusRequest(msg, pState)
- ELSE HandleBlockRequest(msg, pState)
- CreateStatusResponse(peer, pState, anyHeight) ==
- LET m ==
- IF peer \in CORRECT
- THEN AsInMsg([type |-> "statusResponse", peerId |-> peer, height |-> pState.peerHeights[peer]])
- ELSE AsInMsg([type |-> "statusResponse", peerId |-> peer, height |-> anyHeight]) IN
- [msg |-> m, peers |-> pState]
- CreateBlockResponse(msg, pState, arbitraryBlock) ==
- LET m ==
- IF msg.peerId \in CORRECT
- THEN AsInMsg([type |-> "blockResponse", peerId |-> msg.peerId, block |-> CorrectBlock(msg.height)])
- ELSE AsInMsg([type |-> "blockResponse", peerId |-> msg.peerId, block |-> arbitraryBlock]) IN
- LET npState ==
- [pState EXCEPT
- !.blocksRequested = pState.blocksRequested \ {msg}
- ] IN
- [msg |-> m, peers |-> npState]
- GrowPeerHeight(pState) ==
- \E p \in CORRECT:
- /\ pState.peerHeights[p] < MAX_HEIGHT
- /\ peersState' = [pState EXCEPT !.peerHeights[p] = @ + 1]
- /\ inMsg' = AsInMsg(NoMsg)
- SendStatusResponseMessage(pState) ==
- /\ \E arbitraryHeight \in Heights:
- \E peer \in AllPeerIds:
- LET msgAndPeers == CreateStatusResponse(peer, pState, arbitraryHeight) IN
- /\ peersState' = msgAndPeers.peers
- /\ inMsg' = msgAndPeers.msg
- SendAddPeerMessage ==
- \E peer \in AllPeerIds:
- inMsg' = AsInMsg([type |-> "addPeer", peerId |-> peer])
- SendRemovePeerMessage ==
- \E peer \in AllPeerIds:
- inMsg' = AsInMsg([type |-> "removePeer", peerId |-> peer])
- SendSyncTimeoutMessage ==
- inMsg' = AsInMsg([type |-> "syncTimeout"])
- SendControlMessage ==
- \/ SendAddPeerMessage
- \/ SendRemovePeerMessage
- \/ SendSyncTimeoutMessage
- \* An extremely important property of block hashes (blockId):
- \* If the block hash coincides with the hash of the reference block,
- \* then the blocks should be equal.
- UnforgeableBlockId(height, block) ==
- block.hashEqRef => block = chain[height]
- \* A faulty peer cannot forge enough of the validators signatures.
- \* In other words: If a commit contains enough signatures from the validators (in reality 2/3, in the model all),
- \* then the blockID points to the block on the chain, encoded as block.lastCommit.blockIdEqRef being true
- \* A more precise rule should have checked that the commiters have over 2/3 of the VS's voting power.
- NoFork(height, block) ==
- (height > 1 /\ block.lastCommit.committers = chain[height - 1].VS)
- => block.lastCommit.blockIdEqRef
- \* Can be block produced by a faulty peer, assuming it cannot generate forks (basic assumption of the protocol)
- IsBlockByFaulty(height, block) ==
- /\ block.height = height
- /\ UnforgeableBlockId(height, block)
- /\ NoFork(height, block)
- SendBlockResponseMessage(pState) ==
- \* a response to a requested block: either by a correct, or by a faulty peer
- \/ /\ pState.blocksRequested /= AsOutMsgSet({})
- /\ \E msg \in pState.blocksRequested:
- \E block \in Blocks:
- /\ IsBlockByFaulty(msg.height, block)
- /\ LET msgAndPeers == CreateBlockResponse(msg, pState, block) IN
- /\ peersState' = msgAndPeers.peers
- /\ inMsg' = msgAndPeers.msg
- \* a faulty peer can always send an unsolicited block
- \/ \E peerId \in FAULTY:
- \E block \in Blocks:
- /\ IsBlockByFaulty(block.height, block)
- /\ peersState' = pState
- /\ inMsg' = AsInMsg([type |-> "blockResponse",
- peerId |-> peerId, block |-> block])
- SendNoBlockResponseMessage(pState) ==
- /\ peersState' = pState
- /\ inMsg' \in AsInMsgSet([type: {"noBlockResponse"}, peerId: FAULTY, height: Heights])
- SendResponseMessage(pState) ==
- \/ SendBlockResponseMessage(pState)
- \/ SendNoBlockResponseMessage(pState)
- \/ SendStatusResponseMessage(pState)
- NextEnvStep(pState) ==
- \/ SendResponseMessage(pState)
- \/ GrowPeerHeight(pState)
- \/ SendControlMessage /\ peersState' = pState
- \* note that we propagate pState that was missing in the previous version
- \* Peers consume a message and update it's local state. It then makes a single step, i.e., it sends at most single message.
- \* Message sent could be either a response to a request or faulty message (sent by faulty processes).
- NextPeers ==
- LET pState == HandleRequest(outMsg, peersState) IN
- /\ outMsg' = AsOutMsg(NoMsg)
- /\ NextEnvStep(pState)
- \* the composition of the node, the peers, the network and scheduler
- Init ==
- /\ IsCorrectChain(chain) \* initialize the blockchain
- /\ InitNode
- /\ InitPeers
- /\ turn = "Peers"
- /\ inMsg = AsInMsg(NoMsg)
- /\ outMsg = AsOutMsg([type |-> "statusRequest"])
- Next ==
- IF turn = "Peers"
- /\ NextPeers
- /\ turn' = "Node"
- /\ UNCHANGED <<nvars, chain>>
- /\ NextNode
- /\ turn' = "Peers"
- /\ UNCHANGED <<peersState, chain>>
- FlipTurn ==
- turn' =
- IF turn = "Peers" THEN
- "Node"
- "Peers"
- \* Compute max peer height. Used as a helper operator in properties.
- MaxCorrectPeerHeight(bPool) ==
- LET correctPeers == {p \in bPool.peerIds: p \in CORRECT} IN
- IF correctPeers = AsPidSet({})
- THEN 0 \* no peers, just return 0
- ELSE LET Hts == {bPool.peerHeights[p] : p \in correctPeers} IN
- CHOOSE max \in Hts: \A h \in Hts: h <= max
- \* properties to check
- TypeOK ==
- /\ state \in States
- /\ inMsg \in InMsgs
- /\ outMsg \in OutMsgs
- /\ turn \in {"Peers", "Node"}
- /\ peersState \in [
- peerHeights: [AllPeerIds -> Heights \union {NilHeight}],
- statusRequested: BOOLEAN,
- blocksRequested:
- [type: {"blockRequest"}, peerId: AllPeerIds, height: Heights]
- ]
- /\ blockPool \in [
- height: Heights,
- peerIds: SUBSET AllPeerIds,
- peerHeights: [AllPeerIds -> Heights \union {NilHeight}],
- blockStore: [Heights -> Blocks \union {NilBlock}],
- receivedBlocks: [Heights -> AllPeerIds \union {NilPeer}],
- pendingBlocks: [Heights -> AllPeerIds \union {NilPeer}],
- syncedBlocks: Heights \union {NilHeight, -1},
- syncHeight: Heights
- ]
- (* Incorrect synchronization: The last block may be never received *)
- Sync1 ==
- [](state = "finished" =>
- blockPool.height >= MaxCorrectPeerHeight(blockPool))
- Sync1AsInv ==
- state = "finished" => blockPool.height >= MaxCorrectPeerHeight(blockPool)
- (* Incorrect synchronization, as there may be a timeout *)
- Sync2 ==
- \A p \in CORRECT:
- \/ p \notin blockPool.peerIds
- \/ [] (state = "finished" => blockPool.height >= blockPool.peerHeights[p] - 1)
- Sync2AsInv ==
- \A p \in CORRECT:
- \/ p \notin blockPool.peerIds
- \/ (state = "finished" => blockPool.height >= blockPool.peerHeights[p] - 1)
- (* Correct synchronization *)
- Sync3 ==
- \A p \in CORRECT:
- \/ p \notin blockPool.peerIds
- \/ blockPool.syncedBlocks <= 0 \* timeout
- \/ [] (state = "finished" => blockPool.height >= blockPool.peerHeights[p] - 1)
- Sync3AsInv ==
- \A p \in CORRECT:
- \/ p \notin blockPool.peerIds
- \/ blockPool.syncedBlocks <= 0 \* timeout
- \/ (state = "finished" => blockPool.height >= blockPool.peerHeights[p] - 1)
- (* Naive termination *)
- \* This property is violated, as the faulty peers may produce infinitely many responses
- Termination ==
- WF_turn(FlipTurn) => <>(state = "finished")
- (* Termination by timeout: the protocol terminates, if there is a timeout *)
- \* the precondition: fair flip turn and eventual timeout when no new blocks were synchronized
- TerminationByTOPre ==
- /\ WF_turn(FlipTurn)
- /\ <>(inMsg.type = "syncTimeout" /\ blockPool.height <= blockPool.syncHeight)
- TerminationByTO ==
- TerminationByTOPre => <>(state = "finished")
- (* The termination property when we only have correct peers *)
- \* as correct peers may spam the node with addPeer, removePeer, and statusResponse,
- \* we have to enforce eventual response (there are no queues in our spec)
- CorrBlockResponse ==
- \A h \in Heights:
- [](outMsg.type = "blockRequest" /\ outMsg.height = h
- => <>(inMsg.type = "blockResponse" /\ inMsg.block.height = h))
- \* a precondition for termination in presence of only correct processes
- TerminationCorrPre ==
- /\ FAULTY = AsPidSet({})
- /\ WF_turn(FlipTurn)
- /\ CorrBlockResponse
- \* termination when there are only correct processes
- TerminationCorr ==
- TerminationCorrPre => <>(state = "finished")
- \* All synchronized blocks (but the last one) are exactly like in the reference chain
- CorrectBlocksInv ==
- \/ state /= "finished"
- \/ \A h \in 1..(blockPool.height - 1):
- blockPool.blockStore[h] = chain[h]
- \* A false expectation that the protocol only finishes with the blocks
- \* from the processes that had not been suspected in being faulty
- SyncFromCorrectInv ==
- \/ state /= "finished"
- \/ \A h \in 1..blockPool.height:
- blockPool.receivedBlocks[h] \in blockPool.peerIds \union {NilPeer}
- \* A false expectation that a correct process is never removed from the set of peer ids.
- \* A correct process may reply too late and then gets evicted.
- CorrectNeverSuspectedInv ==
- CORRECT \subseteq blockPool.peerIds
- BlockPoolInvariant ==
- \A h \in Heights:
- \* waiting for a block to arrive
- \/ /\ blockPool.receivedBlocks[h] = NilPeer
- /\ blockPool.blockStore[h] = NilBlock
- \* valid block is received and is present in the store
- \/ /\ blockPool.receivedBlocks[h] /= NilPeer
- /\ blockPool.blockStore[h] /= NilBlock
- /\ blockPool.pendingBlocks[h] = NilPeer
- (* a few simple properties that trigger counterexamples *)
- \* Shows execution in which peer set is empty
- PeerSetIsNeverEmpty == blockPool.peerIds /= AsPidSet({})
- \* Shows execution in which state = "finished" and MaxPeerHeight is not equal to 1
- StateNotFinished ==
- state /= "finished" \/ MaxPeerHeight(blockPool) = 1
- =============================================================================
- \*=============================================================================
- \* Modification History
- \* Last modified Fri May 29 20:41:53 CEST 2020 by igor
- \* Last modified Thu Apr 16 16:57:22 CEST 2020 by zarkomilosevic
- \* Created Tue Feb 04 10:36:18 CET 2020 by zarkomilosevic