- # Block Structure
- The tendermint consensus engine records all agreements by a
- supermajority of nodes into a blockchain, which is replicated among all
- nodes. This blockchain is accessible via various rpc endpoints, mainly
- `/block?height=` to get the full block, as well as
- `/blockchain?minHeight=_&maxHeight=_` to get a list of headers. But what
- exactly is stored in these blocks?
- ## Block
- A
- [Block](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#Block)
- contains:
- - a [Header](#header) contains merkle hashes for various chain states
- - the
- [Data](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#Data)
- is all transactions which are to be processed
- - the [LastCommit](#commit) > 2/3 signatures for the last block
- The signatures returned along with block `H` are those validating block
- `H-1`. This can be a little confusing, but we must also consider that
- the `Header` also contains the `LastCommitHash`. It would be impossible
- for a Header to include the commits that sign it, as it would cause an
- infinite loop here. But when we get block `H`, we find
- `Header.LastCommitHash`, which must match the hash of `LastCommit`.
- ## Header
- The
- [Header](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#Header)
- contains lots of information (follow link for up-to-date info). Notably,
- it maintains the `Height`, the `LastBlockID` (to make it a chain), and
- hashes of the data, the app state, and the validator set. This is
- important as the only item that is signed by the validators is the
- `Header`, and all other data must be validated against one of the merkle
- hashes in the `Header`.
- The `DataHash` can provide a nice check on the
- [Data](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#Data)
- returned in this same block. If you are subscribed to new blocks, via
- tendermint RPC, in order to display or process the new transactions you
- should at least validate that the `DataHash` is valid. If it is
- important to verify autheniticity, you must wait for the `LastCommit`
- from the next block to make sure the block header (including `DataHash`)
- was properly signed.
- The `ValidatorHash` contains a hash of the current
- [Validators](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#Validator).
- Tracking all changes in the validator set is complex, but a client can
- quickly compare this hash with the [hash of the currently known
- validators](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#ValidatorSet.Hash)
- to see if there have been changes.
- The `AppHash` serves as the basis for validating any merkle proofs that
- come from the ABCI application. It represents the state of the actual
- application, rather that the state of the blockchain itself. This means
- it's necessary in order to perform any business logic, such as verifying
- an account balance.
- **Note** After the transactions are committed to a block, they still
- need to be processed in a separate step, which happens between the
- blocks. If you find a given transaction in the block at height `H`, the
- effects of running that transaction will be first visible in the
- `AppHash` from the block header at height `H+1`.
- Like the `LastCommit` issue, this is a requirement of the immutability
- of the block chain, as the application only applies transactions *after*
- they are commited to the chain.
- ## Commit
- The
- [Commit](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#Commit)
- contains a set of
- [Votes](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#Vote)
- that were made by the validator set to reach consensus on this block.
- This is the key to the security in any PoS system, and actually no data
- that cannot be traced back to a block header with a valid set of Votes
- can be trusted. Thus, getting the Commit data and verifying the votes is
- extremely important.
- As mentioned above, in order to find the `precommit votes` for block
- header `H`, we need to query block `H+1`. Then we need to check the
- votes, make sure they really are for that block, and properly formatted.
- Much of this code is implemented in Go in the
- [light-client](https://github.com/tendermint/light-client) package. If
- you look at the code, you will notice that we need to provide the
- `chainID` of the blockchain in order to properly calculate the votes.
- This is to protect anyone from swapping votes between chains to fake (or
- frame) a validator. Also note that this `chainID` is in the
- `genesis.json` from *Tendermint*, not the `genesis.json` from the
- basecoin app ([that is a different
- chainID...](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/32)).
- Once we have those votes, and we calculated the proper [sign
- bytes](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#Vote.WriteSignBytes)
- using the chainID and a [nice helper
- function](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#SignBytes),
- we can verify them. The light client is responsible for maintaining a
- set of validators that we trust. Each vote only stores the validators
- `Address`, as well as the `Signature`. Assuming we have a local copy of
- the trusted validator set, we can look up the `Public Key` of the
- validator given its `Address`, then verify that the `Signature` matches
- the `SignBytes` and `Public Key`. Then we sum up the total voting power
- of all validators, whose votes fulfilled all these stringent
- requirements. If the total number of voting power for a single block is
- greater than 2/3 of all voting power, then we can finally trust the
- block header, the AppHash, and the proof we got from the ABCI
- application.
- ### Vote Sign Bytes
- The `sign-bytes` of a vote is produced by taking a
- [stable-json](https://github.com/substack/json-stable-stringify)-like
- deterministic JSON [wire](./wire-protocol.html) encoding of the vote
- (excluding the `Signature` field), and wrapping it with
- `{"chain_id":"my_chain","vote":...}`.
- For example, a precommit vote might have the following `sign-bytes`:
- ```
- {"chain_id":"my_chain","vote":{"block_hash":"611801F57B4CE378DF1A3FFF1216656E89209A99","block_parts_header":{"hash":"B46697379DBE0774CC2C3B656083F07CA7E0F9CE","total":123},"height":1234,"round":1,"type":2}}
- ```
- ## Block Hash
- The [block
- hash](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#Block.Hash)
- is the [Simple Tree hash](./merkle.html#simple-tree-with-dictionaries)
- of the fields of the block `Header` encoded as a list of `KVPair`s.
- ## Transaction
- A transaction is any sequence of bytes. It is up to your ABCI
- application to accept or reject transactions.
- ## BlockID
- Many of these data structures refer to the
- [BlockID](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#BlockID),
- which is the `BlockHash` (hash of the block header, also referred to by
- the next block) along with the `PartSetHeader`. The `PartSetHeader` is
- explained below and is used internally to orchestrate the p2p
- propogation. For clients, it is basically opaque bytes, but they must
- match for all votes.
- ## PartSetHeader
- The
- [PartSetHeader](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#PartSetHeader)
- contains the total number of pieces in a
- [PartSet](https://godoc.org/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types#PartSet),
- and the Merkle root hash of those pieces.
- ## PartSet
- PartSet is used to split a byteslice of data into parts (pieces) for
- transmission. By splitting data into smaller parts and computing a
- Merkle root hash on the list, you can verify that a part is legitimately
- part of the complete data, and the part can be forwarded to other peers
- before all the parts are known. In short, it's a fast way to securely
- propagate a large chunk of data (like a block) over a gossip network.
- PartSet was inspired by the LibSwift project.
- Usage:
- ```
- data := RandBytes(2 << 20) // Something large
- partSet := NewPartSetFromData(data)
- partSet.Total() // Total number of 4KB parts
- partSet.Count() // Equal to the Total, since we already have all the parts
- partSet.Hash() // The Merkle root hash
- partSet.BitArray() // A BitArray of partSet.Total() 1's
- header := partSet.Header() // Send this to the peer
- header.Total // Total number of parts
- header.Hash // The merkle root hash
- // Now we'll reconstruct the data from the parts
- partSet2 := NewPartSetFromHeader(header)
- partSet2.Total() // Same total as partSet.Total()
- partSet2.Count() // Zero, since this PartSet doesn't have any parts yet.
- partSet2.Hash() // Same hash as in partSet.Hash()
- partSet2.BitArray() // A BitArray of partSet.Total() 0's
- // In a gossip network the parts would arrive in arbitrary order, perhaps
- // in response to explicit requests for parts, or optimistically in response
- // to the receiving peer's partSet.BitArray().
- for !partSet2.IsComplete() {
- part := receivePartFromGossipNetwork()
- added, err := partSet2.AddPart(part)
- if err != nil {
- // A wrong part,
- // the merkle trail does not hash to partSet2.Hash()
- } else if !added {
- // A duplicate part already received
- }
- }
- data2, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(partSet2.GetReader())
- bytes.Equal(data, data2) // true
- ```