- package node
- import (
- "bytes"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net"
- "net/http"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- "time"
- . "github.com/tendermint/go-common"
- cfg "github.com/tendermint/go-config"
- "github.com/tendermint/go-crypto"
- dbm "github.com/tendermint/go-db"
- "github.com/tendermint/go-events"
- "github.com/tendermint/go-p2p"
- "github.com/tendermint/go-rpc"
- "github.com/tendermint/go-rpc/server"
- "github.com/tendermint/go-wire"
- bc "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blockchain"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/consensus"
- mempl "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/mempool"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proxy"
- rpccore "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/core"
- sm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/state"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/version"
- tmspcli "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/client"
- "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/example/dummy"
- "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/example/nil"
- )
- import _ "net/http/pprof"
- type Node struct {
- config cfg.Config
- sw *p2p.Switch
- evsw *events.EventSwitch
- blockStore *bc.BlockStore
- bcReactor *bc.BlockchainReactor
- mempoolReactor *mempl.MempoolReactor
- consensusState *consensus.ConsensusState
- consensusReactor *consensus.ConsensusReactor
- privValidator *types.PrivValidator
- genesisDoc *types.GenesisDoc
- privKey crypto.PrivKeyEd25519
- }
- func NewNode(config cfg.Config, privValidator *types.PrivValidator, getProxyApp func(proxyAddr string, appHash []byte) proxy.AppConn) *Node {
- EnsureDir(config.GetString("db_dir"), 0700) // incase we use memdb, cswal still gets written here
- // Get BlockStore
- blockStoreDB := dbm.NewDB("blockstore", config.GetString("db_backend"), config.GetString("db_dir"))
- blockStore := bc.NewBlockStore(blockStoreDB)
- // Get State db
- stateDB := dbm.NewDB("state", config.GetString("db_backend"), config.GetString("db_dir"))
- // Get State
- state := getState(config, stateDB)
- // Create two proxyAppConn connections,
- // one for the consensus and one for the mempool.
- proxyAddr := config.GetString("proxy_app")
- proxyAppConnMempool := getProxyApp(proxyAddr, state.AppHash)
- proxyAppConnConsensus := getProxyApp(proxyAddr, state.AppHash)
- // add the chainid and number of validators to the global config
- config.Set("chain_id", state.ChainID)
- config.Set("num_vals", state.Validators.Size())
- // Generate node PrivKey
- privKey := crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519()
- // Make event switch
- eventSwitch := events.NewEventSwitch()
- _, err := eventSwitch.Start()
- if err != nil {
- Exit(Fmt("Failed to start switch: %v", err))
- }
- // Decide whether to fast-sync or not
- // We don't fast-sync when the only validator is us.
- fastSync := config.GetBool("fast_sync")
- if state.Validators.Size() == 1 {
- addr, _ := state.Validators.GetByIndex(0)
- if bytes.Equal(privValidator.Address, addr) {
- fastSync = false
- }
- }
- // Make BlockchainReactor
- bcReactor := bc.NewBlockchainReactor(state.Copy(), proxyAppConnConsensus, blockStore, fastSync)
- // Make MempoolReactor
- mempool := mempl.NewMempool(config, proxyAppConnMempool)
- mempoolReactor := mempl.NewMempoolReactor(config, mempool)
- // Make ConsensusReactor
- consensusState := consensus.NewConsensusState(config, state.Copy(), proxyAppConnConsensus, blockStore, mempool)
- consensusReactor := consensus.NewConsensusReactor(consensusState, blockStore, fastSync)
- if privValidator != nil {
- consensusReactor.SetPrivValidator(privValidator)
- }
- // deterministic accountability
- err = consensusState.OpenWAL(config.GetString("cswal"))
- if err != nil {
- log.Error("Failed to open cswal", "error", err.Error())
- }
- // Make p2p network switch
- sw := p2p.NewSwitch(config)
- sw.AddReactor("MEMPOOL", mempoolReactor)
- sw.AddReactor("BLOCKCHAIN", bcReactor)
- sw.AddReactor("CONSENSUS", consensusReactor)
- // add the event switch to all services
- // they should all satisfy events.Eventable
- SetEventSwitch(eventSwitch, bcReactor, mempoolReactor, consensusReactor)
- // run the profile server
- profileHost := config.GetString("prof_laddr")
- if profileHost != "" {
- go func() {
- log.Warn("Profile server", "error", http.ListenAndServe(profileHost, nil))
- }()
- }
- return &Node{
- config: config,
- sw: sw,
- evsw: eventSwitch,
- blockStore: blockStore,
- bcReactor: bcReactor,
- mempoolReactor: mempoolReactor,
- consensusState: consensusState,
- consensusReactor: consensusReactor,
- privValidator: privValidator,
- genesisDoc: state.GenesisDoc,
- privKey: privKey,
- }
- }
- // Call Start() after adding the listeners.
- func (n *Node) Start() error {
- n.sw.SetNodeInfo(makeNodeInfo(n.config, n.sw, n.privKey))
- n.sw.SetNodePrivKey(n.privKey)
- _, err := n.sw.Start()
- return err
- }
- func (n *Node) Stop() {
- log.Notice("Stopping Node")
- // TODO: gracefully disconnect from peers.
- n.sw.Stop()
- }
- // Add the event switch to reactors, mempool, etc.
- func SetEventSwitch(evsw *events.EventSwitch, eventables ...events.Eventable) {
- for _, e := range eventables {
- e.SetEventSwitch(evsw)
- }
- }
- // Add a Listener to accept inbound peer connections.
- // Add listeners before starting the Node.
- // The first listener is the primary listener (in NodeInfo)
- func (n *Node) AddListener(l p2p.Listener) {
- log.Notice(Fmt("Added %v", l))
- n.sw.AddListener(l)
- }
- func (n *Node) StartRPC() ([]net.Listener, error) {
- rpccore.SetBlockStore(n.blockStore)
- rpccore.SetConsensusState(n.consensusState)
- rpccore.SetConsensusReactor(n.consensusReactor)
- rpccore.SetMempoolReactor(n.mempoolReactor)
- rpccore.SetSwitch(n.sw)
- rpccore.SetPrivValidator(n.privValidator)
- rpccore.SetGenesisDoc(n.genesisDoc)
- listenAddrs := strings.Split(n.config.GetString("rpc_laddr"), ",")
- // we may expose the rpc over both a unix and tcp socket
- listeners := make([]net.Listener, len(listenAddrs))
- for i, listenAddr := range listenAddrs {
- mux := http.NewServeMux()
- wm := rpcserver.NewWebsocketManager(rpccore.Routes, n.evsw)
- mux.HandleFunc("/websocket", wm.WebsocketHandler)
- rpcserver.RegisterRPCFuncs(mux, rpccore.Routes)
- listener, err := rpcserver.StartHTTPServer(listenAddr, mux)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- listeners[i] = listener
- }
- return listeners, nil
- }
- func (n *Node) Switch() *p2p.Switch {
- return n.sw
- }
- func (n *Node) BlockStore() *bc.BlockStore {
- return n.blockStore
- }
- func (n *Node) ConsensusState() *consensus.ConsensusState {
- return n.consensusState
- }
- func (n *Node) ConsensusReactor() *consensus.ConsensusReactor {
- return n.consensusReactor
- }
- func (n *Node) MempoolReactor() *mempl.MempoolReactor {
- return n.mempoolReactor
- }
- func (n *Node) EventSwitch() *events.EventSwitch {
- return n.evsw
- }
- // XXX: for convenience
- func (n *Node) PrivValidator() *types.PrivValidator {
- return n.privValidator
- }
- func makeNodeInfo(config cfg.Config, sw *p2p.Switch, privKey crypto.PrivKeyEd25519) *p2p.NodeInfo {
- nodeInfo := &p2p.NodeInfo{
- PubKey: privKey.PubKey().(crypto.PubKeyEd25519),
- Moniker: config.GetString("moniker"),
- Network: config.GetString("chain_id"),
- Version: version.Version,
- Other: []string{
- Fmt("wire_version=%v", wire.Version),
- Fmt("p2p_version=%v", p2p.Version),
- Fmt("consensus_version=%v", consensus.Version),
- Fmt("rpc_version=%v/%v", rpc.Version, rpccore.Version),
- },
- }
- // include git hash in the nodeInfo if available
- if rev, err := ReadFile(config.GetString("revision_file")); err == nil {
- nodeInfo.Other = append(nodeInfo.Other, Fmt("revision=%v", string(rev)))
- }
- if !sw.IsListening() {
- return nodeInfo
- }
- p2pListener := sw.Listeners()[0]
- p2pHost := p2pListener.ExternalAddress().IP.String()
- p2pPort := p2pListener.ExternalAddress().Port
- rpcListenAddr := config.GetString("rpc_laddr")
- // We assume that the rpcListener has the same ExternalAddress.
- // This is probably true because both P2P and RPC listeners use UPnP,
- // except of course if the rpc is only bound to localhost
- nodeInfo.ListenAddr = Fmt("%v:%v", p2pHost, p2pPort)
- nodeInfo.Other = append(nodeInfo.Other, Fmt("rpc_addr=%v", rpcListenAddr))
- return nodeInfo
- }
- // Get a connection to the proxyAppConn addr.
- // Check the current hash, and panic if it doesn't match.
- func GetProxyApp(addr string, hash []byte) (proxyAppConn proxy.AppConn) {
- // use local app (for testing)
- switch addr {
- case "nilapp":
- app := nilapp.NewNilApplication()
- mtx := new(sync.Mutex)
- proxyAppConn = tmspcli.NewLocalClient(mtx, app)
- case "dummy":
- app := dummy.NewDummyApplication()
- mtx := new(sync.Mutex)
- proxyAppConn = tmspcli.NewLocalClient(mtx, app)
- default:
- // Run forever in a loop
- remoteApp, err := proxy.NewRemoteAppConn(addr)
- if err != nil {
- Exit(Fmt("Failed to connect to proxy for mempool: %v", err))
- }
- proxyAppConn = remoteApp
- }
- // Check the hash
- res := proxyAppConn.CommitSync()
- if res.IsErr() {
- PanicCrisis(Fmt("Error in getting proxyAppConn hash: %v", res))
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(hash, res.Data) {
- log.Warn(Fmt("ProxyApp hash does not match. Expected %X, got %X", hash, res.Data))
- }
- return proxyAppConn
- }
- // Load the most recent state from "state" db,
- // or create a new one (and save) from genesis.
- func getState(config cfg.Config, stateDB dbm.DB) *sm.State {
- state := sm.LoadState(stateDB)
- if state == nil {
- state = sm.MakeGenesisStateFromFile(stateDB, config.GetString("genesis_file"))
- state.Save()
- }
- return state
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Users wishing to use an external signer for their validators
- // should fork tendermint/tendermint and implement RunNode to
- // load their custom priv validator and call NewNode(privVal, getProxyFunc)
- func RunNode(config cfg.Config) {
- // Wait until the genesis doc becomes available
- genDocFile := config.GetString("genesis_file")
- if !FileExists(genDocFile) {
- log.Notice(Fmt("Waiting for genesis file %v...", genDocFile))
- for {
- time.Sleep(time.Second)
- if !FileExists(genDocFile) {
- continue
- }
- jsonBlob, err := ioutil.ReadFile(genDocFile)
- if err != nil {
- Exit(Fmt("Couldn't read GenesisDoc file: %v", err))
- }
- genDoc := types.GenesisDocFromJSON(jsonBlob)
- if genDoc.ChainID == "" {
- PanicSanity(Fmt("Genesis doc %v must include non-empty chain_id", genDocFile))
- }
- config.Set("chain_id", genDoc.ChainID)
- }
- }
- // Get PrivValidator
- privValidatorFile := config.GetString("priv_validator_file")
- privValidator := types.LoadOrGenPrivValidator(privValidatorFile)
- // Create & start node
- n := NewNode(config, privValidator, GetProxyApp)
- l := p2p.NewDefaultListener("tcp", config.GetString("node_laddr"), config.GetBool("skip_upnp"))
- n.AddListener(l)
- err := n.Start()
- if err != nil {
- Exit(Fmt("Failed to start node: %v", err))
- }
- log.Notice("Started node", "nodeInfo", n.sw.NodeInfo())
- // If seedNode is provided by config, dial out.
- if config.GetString("seeds") != "" {
- seeds := strings.Split(config.GetString("seeds"), ",")
- n.sw.DialSeeds(seeds)
- }
- // Run the RPC server.
- if config.GetString("rpc_laddr") != "" {
- _, err := n.StartRPC()
- if err != nil {
- PanicCrisis(err)
- }
- }
- // Sleep forever and then...
- TrapSignal(func() {
- n.Stop()
- })
- }
- func (n *Node) NodeInfo() *p2p.NodeInfo {
- return n.sw.NodeInfo()
- }
- func (n *Node) DialSeeds(seeds []string) {
- n.sw.DialSeeds(seeds)
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // replay
- // convenience for replay mode
- func newConsensusState(config cfg.Config) *consensus.ConsensusState {
- // Get BlockStore
- blockStoreDB := dbm.NewDB("blockstore", config.GetString("db_backend"), config.GetString("db_dir"))
- blockStore := bc.NewBlockStore(blockStoreDB)
- // Get State
- stateDB := dbm.NewDB("state", config.GetString("db_backend"), config.GetString("db_dir"))
- state := sm.MakeGenesisStateFromFile(stateDB, config.GetString("genesis_file"))
- // Create two proxyAppConn connections,
- // one for the consensus and one for the mempool.
- proxyAddr := config.GetString("proxy_app")
- proxyAppConnMempool := GetProxyApp(proxyAddr, state.AppHash)
- proxyAppConnConsensus := GetProxyApp(proxyAddr, state.AppHash)
- // add the chainid to the global config
- config.Set("chain_id", state.ChainID)
- // Make event switch
- eventSwitch := events.NewEventSwitch()
- _, err := eventSwitch.Start()
- if err != nil {
- Exit(Fmt("Failed to start event switch: %v", err))
- }
- mempool := mempl.NewMempool(config, proxyAppConnMempool)
- consensusState := consensus.NewConsensusState(config, state.Copy(), proxyAppConnConsensus, blockStore, mempool)
- consensusState.SetEventSwitch(eventSwitch)
- return consensusState
- }
- func RunReplayConsole(config cfg.Config) {
- walFile := config.GetString("cswal")
- if walFile == "" {
- Exit("cswal file name not set in tendermint config")
- }
- consensusState := newConsensusState(config)
- if err := consensusState.ReplayConsole(walFile); err != nil {
- Exit(Fmt("Error during consensus replay: %v", err))
- }
- }
- func RunReplay(config cfg.Config) {
- walFile := config.GetString("cswal")
- if walFile == "" {
- Exit("cswal file name not set in tendermint config")
- }
- consensusState := newConsensusState(config)
- if err := consensusState.ReplayMessages(walFile); err != nil {
- Exit(Fmt("Error during consensus replay: %v", err))
- }
- log.Notice("Replay run successfully")
- }