- /*
- Package client defines a provider that uses a rpcclient
- to get information, which is used to get new headers
- and validators directly from a node.
- */
- package client
- import (
- "bytes"
- rpcclient "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/client"
- ctypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/core/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/lite"
- liteErr "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/lite/errors"
- )
- // SignStatusClient combines a SignClient and StatusClient.
- type SignStatusClient interface {
- rpcclient.SignClient
- rpcclient.StatusClient
- }
- type provider struct {
- node SignStatusClient
- lastHeight int
- }
- // NewProvider can wrap any rpcclient to expose it as
- // a read-only provider.
- func NewProvider(node SignStatusClient) lite.Provider {
- return &provider{node: node}
- }
- // NewHTTPProvider can connect to a tendermint json-rpc endpoint
- // at the given url, and uses that as a read-only provider.
- func NewHTTPProvider(remote string) lite.Provider {
- return &provider{
- node: rpcclient.NewHTTP(remote, "/websocket"),
- }
- }
- // StatusClient returns the internal node as a StatusClient
- func (p *provider) StatusClient() rpcclient.StatusClient {
- return p.node
- }
- // StoreCommit is a noop, as clients can only read from the chain...
- func (p *provider) StoreCommit(_ lite.FullCommit) error { return nil }
- // GetHash gets the most recent validator and sees if it matches
- //
- // TODO: improve when the rpc interface supports more functionality
- func (p *provider) GetByHash(hash []byte) (lite.FullCommit, error) {
- var fc lite.FullCommit
- vals, err := p.node.Validators(nil)
- // if we get no validators, or a different height, return an error
- if err != nil {
- return fc, err
- }
- p.updateHeight(vals.BlockHeight)
- vhash := types.NewValidatorSet(vals.Validators).Hash()
- if !bytes.Equal(hash, vhash) {
- return fc, liteErr.ErrCommitNotFound()
- }
- return p.seedFromVals(vals)
- }
- // GetByHeight gets the validator set by height
- func (p *provider) GetByHeight(h int) (fc lite.FullCommit, err error) {
- commit, err := p.node.Commit(&h)
- if err != nil {
- return fc, err
- }
- return p.seedFromCommit(commit)
- }
- // LatestCommit returns the newest commit stored.
- func (p *provider) LatestCommit() (fc lite.FullCommit, err error) {
- commit, err := p.GetLatestCommit()
- if err != nil {
- return fc, err
- }
- return p.seedFromCommit(commit)
- }
- // GetLatestCommit should return the most recent commit there is,
- // which handles queries for future heights as per the semantics
- // of GetByHeight.
- func (p *provider) GetLatestCommit() (*ctypes.ResultCommit, error) {
- status, err := p.node.Status()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return p.node.Commit(&status.LatestBlockHeight)
- }
- // CommitFromResult ...
- func CommitFromResult(result *ctypes.ResultCommit) lite.Commit {
- return (lite.Commit)(result.SignedHeader)
- }
- func (p *provider) seedFromVals(vals *ctypes.ResultValidators) (lite.FullCommit, error) {
- // now get the commits and build a full commit
- commit, err := p.node.Commit(&vals.BlockHeight)
- if err != nil {
- return lite.FullCommit{}, err
- }
- fc := lite.NewFullCommit(
- CommitFromResult(commit),
- types.NewValidatorSet(vals.Validators),
- )
- return fc, nil
- }
- func (p *provider) seedFromCommit(commit *ctypes.ResultCommit) (fc lite.FullCommit, err error) {
- fc.Commit = CommitFromResult(commit)
- // now get the proper validators
- vals, err := p.node.Validators(&commit.Header.Height)
- if err != nil {
- return fc, err
- }
- // make sure they match the commit (as we cannot enforce height)
- vset := types.NewValidatorSet(vals.Validators)
- if !bytes.Equal(vset.Hash(), commit.Header.ValidatorsHash) {
- return fc, liteErr.ErrValidatorsChanged()
- }
- p.updateHeight(commit.Header.Height)
- fc.Validators = vset
- return fc, nil
- }
- func (p *provider) updateHeight(h int) {
- if h > p.lastHeight {
- p.lastHeight = h
- }
- }