- package common
- import "time"
- /*
- RepeatTimer repeatedly sends a struct{}{} to .Ch after each "dur" period.
- It's good for keeping connections alive.
- */
- type RepeatTimer struct {
- Ch chan struct{}
- quit chan struct{}
- dur time.Duration
- timer *time.Timer
- }
- func NewRepeatTimer(dur time.Duration) *RepeatTimer {
- var ch = make(chan struct{})
- var quit = make(chan struct{})
- var t = &RepeatTimer{Ch: ch, dur: dur, quit: quit}
- t.timer = time.AfterFunc(dur, t.fireRoutine)
- return t
- }
- func (t *RepeatTimer) fireRoutine() {
- select {
- case t.Ch <- struct{}{}:
- t.timer.Reset(t.dur)
- case <-t.quit:
- }
- }
- // Wait the duration again before firing.
- func (t *RepeatTimer) Reset() {
- t.timer.Reset(t.dur)
- }
- func (t *RepeatTimer) Stop() bool {
- close(t.quit)
- return t.timer.Stop()
- }