- # Changelog
- ## Roadmap
- - Upgrade the header to support better proofs on validtors, results, evidence, and possibly more
- - Better support for injecting randomness
- - Pass evidence/voteInfo through ABCI
- - Upgrade consensus for more real-time use of evidence
- - Peer reputation management
- - Use the chain as its own CA for nodes and validators
- - Tooling to run multiple blockchains/apps, possibly in a single process
- - State syncing (without transaction replay)
- - Improved support for querying history and state
- - Add authentication and rate-limitting to the RPC
- - Improve subtleties around mempool caching and logic
- - Consensus optimizations:
- - cache block parts for faster agreement after round changes
- - propagate block parts rarest first
- - Better testing of the consensus state machine (ie. use a DSL)
- - Auto compiled serialization/deserialization code instead of go-wire reflection
- - Graceful handling/recovery for apps that have non-determinism or fail to halt
- - Graceful handling/recovery for violations of safety, or liveness
- ## 0.11.1 (October 10, 2017)
- - p2p: removed IPRangeCount* functions
- - blockchain/reactor: respondWithNoResponseMessage for missing height
- - rpc: fixed client WebSocket timeout
- - rpc: client now resubscribes on reconnection
- - types: fixed out of range error in VoteSet.addVote
- - tmlibs: https://github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#032-october-2-2017
- ## 0.11.0 (September 22, 2017)
- - genesis file: validator `amount` is now `power`
- - abci: Info, BeginBlock, InitChain all take structs
- - rpc: various changes to match JSONRPC spec (http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification), including breaking ones:
- - requests that previously returned HTTP code 4XX now return 200 with an error code in the JSONRPC.
- - `rpctypes.RPCResponse` uses new `RPCError` type instead of `string`.
- - cmd: if there is no genesis, exit immediately instead of waiting around for one to show.
- - types: `Signer.Sign` returns an error.
- - state: every validator set change is persisted to disk, which required some changes to the `State` structure.
- - p2p: new `p2p.Peer` interface used for all reactor methods (instead of `*p2p.Peer` struct).
- - rpc: `/validators?height=X` allows querying of validators at previous heights.
- - rpc: Leaving the `height` param empty for `/block`, `/validators`, and `/commit` will return the value for the latest height.
- - docs: Moved all docs from the website and tools repo in, converted to `.rst`, and cleaned up for presentation on `tendermint.readthedocs.io`
- - fix WAL openning issue on Windows
- ## 0.10.4 (September 5, 2017)
- - docs: Added Slate docs to each rpc function (see rpc/core)
- - docs: Ported all website docs to Read The Docs
- - config: expose some p2p params to tweak performance: RecvRate, SendRate, and MaxMsgPacketPayloadSize
- - rpc: Upgrade the websocket client and server, including improved auto reconnect, and proper ping/pong
- - consensus: fix panic on getVoteBitArray
- - consensus: hang instead of panicking on byzantine consensus failures
- - cmd: dont load config for version command
- ## 0.10.3 (August 10, 2017)
- - control over empty block production:
- - new flag, `--consensus.create_empty_blocks`; when set to false, blocks are only created when there are txs or when the AppHash changes.
- - new config option, `consensus.create_empty_blocks_interval`; an empty block is created after this many seconds.
- - in normal operation, `create_empty_blocks = true` and `create_empty_blocks_interval = 0`, so blocks are being created all the time (as in all previous versions of tendermint). The number of empty blocks can be reduced by increasing `create_empty_blocks_interval` or by setting `create_empty_blocks = false`.
- - new `TxsAvailable()` method added to Mempool that returns a channel which fires when txs are available.
- - new heartbeat message added to consensus reactor to notify peers that a node is waiting for txs before entering propose step.
- - rpc: Add `syncing` field to response returned by `/status`. Is `true` while in fast-sync mode.
- - various improvements to documentation and code comments
- - mempool: pass height into constructor so it doesn't always start at 0
- ## 0.10.2 (July 10, 2017)
- - Enable lower latency block commits by adding consensus reactor sleep durations and p2p flush throttle timeout to the config
- - More detailed logging in the consensus reactor and state machine
- - More in-code documentation for many exposed functions, especially in consensus/reactor.go and p2p/switch.go
- - Improved readability for some function definitions and code blocks with long lines
- ## 0.10.1 (June 28, 2017)
- - Use `--trace` to get stack traces for logged errors
- - types: GenesisDoc.ValidatorHash returns the hash of the genesis validator set
- - types: GenesisDocFromFile parses a GenesiDoc from a JSON file
- - Add a Code of Conduct
- - Variety of improvements as suggested by `megacheck` tool
- - rpc: deduplicate tests between rpc/client and rpc/tests
- - rpc: addresses without a protocol prefix default to `tcp://`. `http://` is also accepted as an alias for `tcp://`
- - cmd: commands are more easily reuseable from other tools
- - DOCKER: automate build/push
- - Fix log statements using keys with spaces (logger does not currently support spaces)
- - rpc: set logger on websocket connection
- - rpc: fix ws connection stability by setting write deadline on pings
- ## 0.10.0 (June 2, 2017)
- Includes major updates to configuration, logging, and json serialization.
- Also includes the Grand Repo-Merge of 2017.
- - Config and Flags:
- - The `config` map is replaced with a [`Config` struct](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/config/config.go#L11),
- containing substructs: `BaseConfig`, `P2PConfig`, `MempoolConfig`, `ConsensusConfig`, `RPCConfig`
- - This affects the following flags:
- - `--seeds` is now `--p2p.seeds`
- - `--node_laddr` is now `--p2p.laddr`
- - `--pex` is now `--p2p.pex`
- - `--skip_upnp` is now `--p2p.skip_upnp`
- - `--rpc_laddr` is now `--rpc.laddr`
- - `--grpc_laddr` is now `--rpc.grpc_laddr`
- - Any configuration option now within a substract must come under that heading in the `config.toml`, for instance:
- ```
- [p2p]
- laddr="tcp://"
- [consensus]
- timeout_propose=1000
- ```
- - Use viper and `DefaultConfig() / TestConfig()` functions to handle defaults, and remove `config/tendermint` and `config/tendermint_test`
- - Change some function and method signatures to
- - Change some [function and method signatures](https://gist.github.com/ebuchman/640d5fc6c2605f73497992fe107ebe0b) accomodate new config
- - Logger
- - Replace static `log15` logger with a simple interface, and provide a new implementation using `go-kit`.
- See our new [logging library](https://github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/log) and [blog post](https://tendermint.com/blog/abstracting-the-logger-interface-in-go) for more details
- - Levels `warn` and `notice` are removed (you may need to change them in your `config.toml`!)
- - Change some [function and method signatures](https://gist.github.com/ebuchman/640d5fc6c2605f73497992fe107ebe0b) to accept a logger
- - JSON serialization:
- - Replace `[TypeByte, Xxx]` with `{"type": "some-type", "data": Xxx}` in RPC and all `.json` files by using `go-wire/data`. For instance, a public key is now:
- ```
- "pub_key": {
- "type": "ed25519",
- "data": "83DDF8775937A4A12A2704269E2729FCFCD491B933C4B0A7FFE37FE41D7760D0"
- }
- ```
- - Remove type information about RPC responses, so `[TypeByte, {"jsonrpc": "2.0", ... }]` is now just `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", ... }`
- - Change `[]byte` to `data.Bytes` in all serialized types (for hex encoding)
- - Lowercase the JSON tags in `ValidatorSet` fields
- - Introduce `EventDataInner` for serializing events
- - Other:
- - Send InitChain message in handshake if `appBlockHeight == 0`
- - Do not include the `Accum` field when computing the validator hash. This makes the ValidatorSetHash unique for a given validator set, rather than changing with every block (as the Accum changes)
- - Unsafe RPC calls are not enabled by default. This includes `/dial_seeds`, and all calls prefixed with `unsafe`. Use the `--rpc.unsafe` flag to enable.
- - Per-module log levels. For instance, the new default is `state:info,*:error`, which means the `state` package logs at `info` level, and everything else logs at `error` level
- - Log if a node is validator or not in every consensus round
- - Use ldflags to set git hash as part of the version
- - Ignore `address` and `pub_key` fields in `priv_validator.json` and overwrite them with the values derrived from the `priv_key`
- - Merge `tendermint/go-p2p -> tendermint/tendermint/p2p` and `tendermint/go-rpc -> tendermint/tendermint/rpc/lib`
- - Update paths for grand repo merge:
- - `go-common -> tmlibs/common`
- - `go-data -> go-wire/data`
- - All other `go-` libs, except `go-crypto` and `go-wire`, are merged under `tmlibs`
- - No global loggers (loggers are passed into constructors, or preferably set with a SetLogger method)
- - Return HTTP status codes with errors for RPC responses
- - Limit `/blockchain_info` call to return a maximum of 20 blocks
- - Use `.Wrap()` and `.Unwrap()` instead of eg. `PubKeyS` for `go-crypto` types
- - RPC JSON responses use pretty printing (via `json.MarshalIndent`)
- - Color code different instances of the consensus for tests
- - Isolate viper to `cmd/tendermint/commands` and do not read config from file for tests
- ## 0.9.2 (April 26, 2017)
- - Fix bug in `ResetPrivValidator` where we were using the global config and log (causing external consumers, eg. basecoin, to fail).
- ## 0.9.1 (April 21, 2017)
- - Transaction indexing - txs are indexed by their hash using a simple key-value store; easily extended to more advanced indexers
- - New `/tx?hash=X` endpoint to query for transactions and their DeliverTx result by hash. Optionally returns a proof of the tx's inclusion in the block
- - `tendermint testnet` command initializes files for a testnet
- - CLI now uses Cobra framework
- - TMROOT is now TMHOME (TMROOT will stop working in 0.10.0)
- - `/broadcast_tx_XXX` also returns the Hash (can be used to query for the tx)
- - `/broadcast_tx_commit` also returns the height the block was committed in
- - ABCIResponses struct persisted to disk before calling Commit; makes handshake replay much cleaner
- - WAL uses #ENDHEIGHT instead of #HEIGHT (#HEIGHT will stop working in 0.10.0)
- - Peers included via `--seeds`, under `seeds` in the config, or in `/dial_seeds` are now persistent, and will be reconnected to if the connection breaks
- - Fix bug in fast-sync where we stop syncing after a peer is removed, even if they're re-added later
- - Fix handshake replay to handle validator set changes and results of DeliverTx when we crash after app.Commit but before state.Save()
- ## 0.9.0 (March 6, 2017)
- - Update ABCI to v0.4.0, where Query is now `Query(RequestQuery) ResponseQuery`, enabling precise proofs at particular heights:
- ```
- message RequestQuery{
- bytes data = 1;
- string path = 2;
- uint64 height = 3;
- bool prove = 4;
- }
- message ResponseQuery{
- CodeType code = 1;
- int64 index = 2;
- bytes key = 3;
- bytes value = 4;
- bytes proof = 5;
- uint64 height = 6;
- string log = 7;
- }
- ```
- - `BlockMeta` data type unifies its Hash and PartSetHash under a `BlockID`:
- ```
- type BlockMeta struct {
- BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"` // the block hash and partsethash
- Header *Header `json:"header"` // The block's Header
- }
- ```
- - `ValidatorSet.Proposer` is exposed as a field and persisted with the `State`. Use `GetProposer()` to initialize or update after validator-set changes.
- - `tendermint gen_validator` command output is now pure JSON
- - New RPC endpoint `/commit?height=X` returns header and commit for block at height `X`
- - Client API for each endpoint, including mocks for testing
- - `Node` is now a `BaseService`
- - Simplified starting Tendermint in-process from another application
- - Better organized Makefile
- - Scripts for auto-building binaries across platforms
- - Docker image improved, slimmed down (using Alpine), and changed from tendermint/tmbase to tendermint/tendermint
- - New repo files: `CONTRIBUTING.md`, Github `ISSUE_TEMPLATE`, `CHANGELOG.md`
- - Improvements on CircleCI for managing build/test artifacts
- - Handshake replay is doen through the consensus package, possibly using a mockApp
- - Graceful shutdown of RPC listeners
- - Tests for the PEX reactor and DialSeeds
- - Check peer.Send for failure before updating PeerState in consensus
- - Fix panic in `/dial_seeds` with invalid addresses
- - Fix proposer selection logic in ValidatorSet by taking the address into account in the `accumComparable`
- - Fix inconcistencies with `ValidatorSet.Proposer` across restarts by persisting it in the `State`
- ## 0.8.0 (January 13, 2017)
- - New data type `BlockID` to represent blocks:
- ```
- type BlockID struct {
- Hash []byte `json:"hash"`
- PartsHeader PartSetHeader `json:"parts"`
- }
- ```
- - `Vote` data type now includes validator address and index:
- ```
- type Vote struct {
- ValidatorAddress []byte `json:"validator_address"`
- ValidatorIndex int `json:"validator_index"`
- Height int `json:"height"`
- Round int `json:"round"`
- Type byte `json:"type"`
- BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"` // zero if vote is nil.
- Signature crypto.Signature `json:"signature"`
- }
- ```
- - Update TMSP to v0.3.0, where it is now called ABCI and AppendTx is DeliverTx
- - Hex strings in the RPC are now "0x" prefixed
- - New message type on the ConsensusReactor, `Maj23Msg`, for peers to alert others they've seen a Maj23,
- in order to track and handle conflicting votes intelligently to prevent Byzantine faults from causing halts:
- ```
- type VoteSetMaj23Message struct {
- Height int
- Round int
- Type byte
- BlockID types.BlockID
- }
- ```
- - Configurable block part set size
- - Validator set changes
- - Optionally skip TimeoutCommit if we have all the votes
- - Handshake between Tendermint and App on startup to sync latest state and ensure consistent recovery from crashes
- - GRPC server for BroadcastTx endpoint
- - Less verbose logging
- - Better test coverage (37% -> 49%)
- - Canonical SignBytes for signable types
- - Write-Ahead Log for Mempool and Consensus via tmlibs/autofile
- - Better in-process testing for the consensus reactor and byzantine faults
- - Better crash/restart testing for individual nodes at preset failure points, and of networks at arbitrary points
- - Better abstraction over timeout mechanics
- - Fix memory leak in mempool peer
- - Fix panic on POLRound=-1
- - Actually set the CommitTime
- - Actually send BeginBlock message
- - Fix a liveness issues caused by Byzantine proposals/votes. Uses the new `Maj23Msg`.
- ## 0.7.4 (December 14, 2016)
- - Enable the Peer Exchange reactor with the `--pex` flag for more resilient gossip network (feature still in development, beware dragons)
- - Remove restrictions on RPC endpoint `/dial_seeds` to enable manual network configuration
- ## 0.7.3 (October 20, 2016)
- - Type safe FireEvent
- - More WAL/replay tests
- - Cleanup some docs
- - Fix deadlock in mempool for synchronous apps
- - Replay handles non-empty blocks
- - Fix race condition in HeightVoteSet
- ## 0.7.2 (September 11, 2016)
- - Set mustConnect=false so tendermint will retry connecting to the app
- ## 0.7.1 (September 10, 2016)
- - New TMSP connection for Query/Info
- - New RPC endpoints:
- - `tmsp_query`
- - `tmsp_info`
- - Allow application to filter peers through Query (off by default)
- - TMSP connection type enforced at compile time
- - All listen/client urls use a "tcp://" or "unix://" prefix
- - Save LastSignature/LastSignBytes to `priv_validator.json` for recovery
- - Fix event unsubscribe
- - Fix fastsync/blockchain reactor
- ## 0.7.0 (August 7, 2016)
- - Strict SemVer starting now!
- - Update to ABCI v0.2.0
- - Validation types now called Commit
- - NewBlock event only returns the block header
- - TMSP and RPC support TCP and UNIX sockets
- - Addition config options including block size and consensus parameters
- - New WAL mode `cswal_light`; logs only the validator's own votes
- - New RPC endpoints:
- - for starting/stopping profilers, and for updating config
- - `/broadcast_tx_commit`, returns when tx is included in a block, else an error
- - `/unsafe_flush_mempool`, empties the mempool
- - Various optimizations
- - Remove bad or invalidated transactions from the mempool cache (allows later duplicates)
- - More elaborate testing using CircleCI including benchmarking throughput on 4 digitalocean droplets
- - Various fixes to WAL and replay logic
- - Various race conditions
- ## PreHistory
- Strict versioning only began with the release of v0.7.0, in late summer 2016.
- The project itself began in early summer 2014 and was workable decentralized cryptocurrency software by the end of that year.
- Through the course of 2015, in collaboration with Eris Industries (now Monax Indsutries),
- many additional features were integrated, including an implementation from scratch of the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
- That implementation now forms the heart of [Burrow](https://github.com/hyperledger/burrow).
- In the later half of 2015, the consensus algorithm was upgraded with a more asynchronous design and a more deterministic and robust implementation.
- By late 2015, frustration with the difficulty of forking a large monolithic stack to create alternative cryptocurrency designs led to the
- invention of the Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI), then called the Tendermint Socket Protocol (TMSP).
- The Ethereum Virtual Machine and various other transaction features were removed, and Tendermint was whittled down to a core consensus engine
- driving an application running in another process.
- The ABCI interface and implementation were iterated on and improved over the course of 2016,
- until versioned history kicked in with v0.7.0.