- # Encoding
- ## Protocol Buffers
- Tendermint uses [Protocol Buffers](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers), specifically proto3, for all data structures.
- Please see the [Proto3 language guide](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3) for more details.
- ## Byte Arrays
- The encoding of a byte array is simply the raw-bytes prefixed with the length of
- the array as a `UVarint` (what proto calls a `Varint`).
- For details on varints, see the [protobuf
- spec](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#varints).
- For example, the byte-array `[0xA, 0xB]` would be encoded as `0x020A0B`,
- while a byte-array containing 300 entires beginning with `[0xA, 0xB, ...]` would
- be encoded as `0xAC020A0B...` where `0xAC02` is the UVarint encoding of 300.
- ## Hashing
- Tendermint uses `SHA256` as its hash function.
- Objects are always Amino encoded before being hashed.
- So `SHA256(obj)` is short for `SHA256(ProtoEncoding(obj))`.
- ## Public Key Cryptography
- Tendermint uses Protobuf [Oneof](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#oneof)
- to distinguish between different types public keys, and signatures.
- Additionally, for each public key, Tendermint
- defines an Address function that can be used as a more compact identifier in
- place of the public key. Here we list the concrete types, their names,
- and prefix bytes for public keys and signatures, as well as the address schemes
- for each PubKey. Note for brevity we don't
- include details of the private keys beyond their type and name.
- ### Key Types
- Each type specifies it's own pubkey, address, and signature format.
- #### Ed25519
- The address is the first 20-bytes of the SHA256 hash of the raw 32-byte public key:
- ```go
- address = SHA256(pubkey)[:20]
- ```
- The signature is the raw 64-byte ED25519 signature.
- Tendermint adopted [zip215](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0215) for verification of ed25519 signatures.
- > Note: This change will be released in the next major release of Tendermint-Go (0.35).
- #### Secp256k1
- The address is the first 20-bytes of the SHA256 hash of the raw 32-byte public key:
- ```go
- address = SHA256(pubkey)[:20]
- ```
- ## Other Common Types
- ### BitArray
- The BitArray is used in some consensus messages to represent votes received from
- validators, or parts received in a block. It is represented
- with a struct containing the number of bits (`Bits`) and the bit-array itself
- encoded in base64 (`Elems`).
- | Name | Type |
- |-------|----------------------------|
- | bits | int64 |
- | elems | slice of int64 (`[]int64`) |
- Note BitArray receives a special JSON encoding in the form of `x` and `_`
- representing `1` and `0`. Ie. the BitArray `10110` would be JSON encoded as
- `"x_xx_"`
- ### Part
- Part is used to break up blocks into pieces that can be gossiped in parallel
- and securely verified using a Merkle tree of the parts.
- Part contains the index of the part (`Index`), the actual
- underlying data of the part (`Bytes`), and a Merkle proof that the part is contained in
- the set (`Proof`).
- | Name | Type |
- |-------|---------------------------|
- | index | uint32 |
- | bytes | slice of bytes (`[]byte`) |
- | proof | [proof](#merkle-proof) |
- See details of SimpleProof, below.
- ### MakeParts
- Encode an object using Protobuf and slice it into parts.
- Tendermint uses a part size of 65536 bytes, and allows a maximum of 1601 parts
- (see `types.MaxBlockPartsCount`). This corresponds to the hard-coded block size
- limit of 100MB.
- ```go
- func MakeParts(block Block) []Part
- ```
- ## Merkle Trees
- For an overview of Merkle trees, see
- [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_tree)
- We use the RFC 6962 specification of a merkle tree, with sha256 as the hash function.
- Merkle trees are used throughout Tendermint to compute a cryptographic digest of a data structure.
- The differences between RFC 6962 and the simplest form a merkle tree are that:
- 1. leaf nodes and inner nodes have different hashes.
- This is for "second pre-image resistance", to prevent the proof to an inner node being valid as the proof of a leaf.
- The leaf nodes are `SHA256(0x00 || leaf_data)`, and inner nodes are `SHA256(0x01 || left_hash || right_hash)`.
- 2. When the number of items isn't a power of two, the left half of the tree is as big as it could be.
- (The largest power of two less than the number of items) This allows new leaves to be added with less
- recomputation. For example:
- ```md
- Simple Tree with 6 items Simple Tree with 7 items
- * *
- / \ / \
- / \ / \
- / \ / \
- / \ / \
- * * * *
- / \ / \ / \ / \
- / \ / \ / \ / \
- / \ / \ / \ / \
- * * h4 h5 * * * h6
- / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
- h0 h1 h2 h3 h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5
- ```
- ### MerkleRoot
- The function `MerkleRoot` is a simple recursive function defined as follows:
- ```go
- // SHA256([]byte{})
- func emptyHash() []byte {
- return tmhash.Sum([]byte{})
- }
- // SHA256(0x00 || leaf)
- func leafHash(leaf []byte) []byte {
- return tmhash.Sum(append(0x00, leaf...))
- }
- // SHA256(0x01 || left || right)
- func innerHash(left []byte, right []byte) []byte {
- return tmhash.Sum(append(0x01, append(left, right...)...))
- }
- // largest power of 2 less than k
- func getSplitPoint(k int) { ... }
- func MerkleRoot(items [][]byte) []byte{
- switch len(items) {
- case 0:
- return empthHash()
- case 1:
- return leafHash(items[0])
- default:
- k := getSplitPoint(len(items))
- left := MerkleRoot(items[:k])
- right := MerkleRoot(items[k:])
- return innerHash(left, right)
- }
- }
- ```
- Note: `MerkleRoot` operates on items which are arbitrary byte arrays, not
- necessarily hashes. For items which need to be hashed first, we introduce the
- `Hashes` function:
- ```go
- func Hashes(items [][]byte) [][]byte {
- return SHA256 of each item
- }
- ```
- Note: we will abuse notion and invoke `MerkleRoot` with arguments of type `struct` or type `[]struct`.
- For `struct` arguments, we compute a `[][]byte` containing the protobuf encoding of each
- field in the struct, in the same order the fields appear in the struct.
- For `[]struct` arguments, we compute a `[][]byte` by protobuf encoding the individual `struct` elements.
- ### Merkle Proof
- Proof that a leaf is in a Merkle tree is composed as follows:
- | Name | Type |
- |----------|----------------------------|
- | total | int64 |
- | index | int64 |
- | leafHash | slice of bytes (`[]byte`) |
- | aunts | Matrix of bytes ([][]byte) |
- Which is verified as follows:
- ```golang
- func (proof Proof) Verify(rootHash []byte, leaf []byte) bool {
- assert(proof.LeafHash, leafHash(leaf)
- computedHash := computeHashFromAunts(proof.Index, proof.Total, proof.LeafHash, proof.Aunts)
- return computedHash == rootHash
- }
- func computeHashFromAunts(index, total int, leafHash []byte, innerHashes [][]byte) []byte{
- assert(index < total && index >= 0 && total > 0)
- if total == 1{
- assert(len(proof.Aunts) == 0)
- return leafHash
- }
- assert(len(innerHashes) > 0)
- numLeft := getSplitPoint(total) // largest power of 2 less than total
- if index < numLeft {
- leftHash := computeHashFromAunts(index, numLeft, leafHash, innerHashes[:len(innerHashes)-1])
- assert(leftHash != nil)
- return innerHash(leftHash, innerHashes[len(innerHashes)-1])
- }
- rightHash := computeHashFromAunts(index-numLeft, total-numLeft, leafHash, innerHashes[:len(innerHashes)-1])
- assert(rightHash != nil)
- return innerHash(innerHashes[len(innerHashes)-1], rightHash)
- }
- ```
- The number of aunts is limited to 100 (`MaxAunts`) to protect the node against DOS attacks.
- This limits the tree size to 2^100 leaves, which should be sufficient for any
- conceivable purpose.
- ### IAVL+ Tree
- Because Tendermint only uses a Simple Merkle Tree, application developers are expect to use their own Merkle tree in their applications. For example, the IAVL+ Tree - an immutable self-balancing binary tree for persisting application state is used by the [Cosmos SDK](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/ae77f0080a724b159233bd9b289b2e91c0de21b5/docs/interfaces/lite/specification.md)
- ## JSON
- Tendermint has its own JSON encoding in order to keep backwards compatibility with the previous RPC layer.
- Registered types are encoded as:
- ```json
- {
- "type": "<type name>",
- "value": <JSON>
- }
- ```
- For instance, an ED25519 PubKey would look like:
- ```json
- {
- "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
- "value": "uZ4h63OFWuQ36ZZ4Bd6NF+/w9fWUwrOncrQsackrsTk="
- }
- ```
- Where the `"value"` is the base64 encoding of the raw pubkey bytes, and the
- `"type"` is the type name for Ed25519 pubkeys.
- ### Signed Messages
- Signed messages (eg. votes, proposals) in the consensus are encoded using protobuf.
- When signing, the elements of a message are re-ordered so the fixed-length fields
- are first, making it easy to quickly check the type, height, and round.
- The `ChainID` is also appended to the end.
- We call this encoding the SignBytes. For instance, SignBytes for a vote is the protobuf encoding of the following struct:
- ```protobuf
- message CanonicalVote {
- SignedMsgType type = 1;
- sfixed64 height = 2; // canonicalization requires fixed size encoding here
- sfixed64 round = 3; // canonicalization requires fixed size encoding here
- CanonicalBlockID block_id = 4;
- google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5;
- string chain_id = 6;
- }
- ```
- The field ordering and the fixed sized encoding for the first three fields is optimized to ease parsing of SignBytes
- in HSMs. It creates fixed offsets for relevant fields that need to be read in this context.
- > Note: All canonical messages are length prefixed.
- For more details, see the [signing spec](../consensus/signing.md).
- Also, see the motivating discussion in
- [#1622](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/1622).