- package state
- import (
- "bytes"
- "sort"
- ac "github.com/tendermint/tendermint2/account"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint2/binary"
- . "github.com/tendermint/tendermint2/common"
- dbm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint2/db"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint2/merkle"
- )
- func makeStorage(db dbm.DB, root []byte) merkle.Tree {
- storage := merkle.NewIAVLTree(
- binary.BasicCodec,
- binary.BasicCodec,
- 1024,
- db,
- )
- storage.Load(root)
- return storage
- }
- type BlockCache struct {
- db dbm.DB
- backend *State
- accounts map[string]accountInfo
- storages map[Tuple256]storageInfo
- }
- func NewBlockCache(backend *State) *BlockCache {
- return &BlockCache{
- db: backend.DB,
- backend: backend,
- accounts: make(map[string]accountInfo),
- storages: make(map[Tuple256]storageInfo),
- }
- }
- func (cache *BlockCache) State() *State {
- return cache.backend
- }
- //-------------------------------------
- // BlockCache.account
- func (cache *BlockCache) GetAccount(addr []byte) *ac.Account {
- acc, _, removed, _ := cache.accounts[string(addr)].unpack()
- if removed {
- return nil
- } else if acc != nil {
- return acc
- } else {
- acc = cache.backend.GetAccount(addr)
- cache.accounts[string(addr)] = accountInfo{acc, nil, false, false}
- return acc
- }
- }
- func (cache *BlockCache) UpdateAccount(acc *ac.Account) {
- addr := acc.Address
- _, storage, removed, _ := cache.accounts[string(addr)].unpack()
- if removed {
- panic("UpdateAccount on a removed account")
- }
- cache.accounts[string(addr)] = accountInfo{acc, storage, false, true}
- }
- func (cache *BlockCache) RemoveAccount(addr []byte) {
- _, _, removed, _ := cache.accounts[string(addr)].unpack()
- if removed {
- panic("RemoveAccount on a removed account")
- }
- cache.accounts[string(addr)] = accountInfo{nil, nil, true, false}
- }
- // BlockCache.account
- //-------------------------------------
- // BlockCache.storage
- func (cache *BlockCache) GetStorage(addr Word256, key Word256) (value Word256) {
- // Check cache
- info, ok := cache.storages[Tuple256{addr, key}]
- if ok {
- return info.value
- }
- // Get or load storage
- acc, storage, removed, dirty := cache.accounts[string(addr.Prefix(20))].unpack()
- if removed {
- panic("GetStorage() on removed account")
- }
- if acc != nil && storage == nil {
- storage = makeStorage(cache.db, acc.StorageRoot)
- cache.accounts[string(addr.Prefix(20))] = accountInfo{acc, storage, false, dirty}
- } else if acc == nil {
- return Zero256
- }
- // Load and set cache
- _, val_ := storage.Get(key.Bytes())
- value = Zero256
- if val_ != nil {
- value = RightPadWord256(val_.([]byte))
- }
- cache.storages[Tuple256{addr, key}] = storageInfo{value, false}
- return value
- }
- // NOTE: Set value to zero to removed from the trie.
- func (cache *BlockCache) SetStorage(addr Word256, key Word256, value Word256) {
- _, _, removed, _ := cache.accounts[string(addr.Prefix(20))].unpack()
- if removed {
- panic("SetStorage() on a removed account")
- }
- cache.storages[Tuple256{addr, key}] = storageInfo{value, true}
- }
- // BlockCache.storage
- //-------------------------------------
- // CONTRACT the updates are in deterministic order.
- func (cache *BlockCache) Sync() {
- // Determine order for storage updates
- // The address comes first so it'll be grouped.
- storageKeys := make([]Tuple256, 0, len(cache.storages))
- for keyTuple := range cache.storages {
- storageKeys = append(storageKeys, keyTuple)
- }
- Tuple256Slice(storageKeys).Sort()
- // Update storage for all account/key.
- // Later we'll iterate over all the users and save storage + update storage root.
- var (
- curAddr Word256
- curAcc *ac.Account
- curAccRemoved bool
- curStorage merkle.Tree
- )
- for _, storageKey := range storageKeys {
- addr, key := Tuple256Split(storageKey)
- if addr != curAddr || curAcc == nil {
- acc, storage, removed, _ := cache.accounts[string(addr.Prefix(20))].unpack()
- if storage == nil {
- storage = makeStorage(cache.db, acc.StorageRoot)
- }
- curAddr = addr
- curAcc = acc
- curAccRemoved = removed
- curStorage = storage
- }
- if curAccRemoved {
- continue
- }
- value, dirty := cache.storages[storageKey].unpack()
- if !dirty {
- continue
- }
- if value.IsZero() {
- curStorage.Remove(key.Bytes())
- } else {
- curStorage.Set(key.Bytes(), value.Bytes())
- cache.accounts[string(addr.Prefix(20))] = accountInfo{curAcc, curStorage, false, true}
- }
- }
- // Determine order for accounts
- addrStrs := []string{}
- for addrStr := range cache.accounts {
- addrStrs = append(addrStrs, addrStr)
- }
- sort.Strings(addrStrs)
- // Update or delete accounts.
- for _, addrStr := range addrStrs {
- acc, storage, removed, dirty := cache.accounts[addrStr].unpack()
- if removed {
- removed := cache.backend.RemoveAccount(acc.Address)
- if !removed {
- panic(Fmt("Could not remove account to be removed: %X", acc.Address))
- }
- } else {
- if acc == nil {
- panic(Fmt("Account should not be nil for addr: %X", acc.Address))
- }
- if storage != nil {
- newStorageRoot := storage.Save()
- if !bytes.Equal(newStorageRoot, acc.StorageRoot) {
- acc.StorageRoot = newStorageRoot
- dirty = true
- }
- }
- if dirty {
- cache.backend.UpdateAccount(acc)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type accountInfo struct {
- account *ac.Account
- storage merkle.Tree
- removed bool
- dirty bool
- }
- func (accInfo accountInfo) unpack() (*ac.Account, merkle.Tree, bool, bool) {
- return accInfo.account, accInfo.storage, accInfo.removed, accInfo.dirty
- }
- type storageInfo struct {
- value Word256
- dirty bool
- }
- func (stjInfo storageInfo) unpack() (Word256, bool) {
- return stjInfo.value, stjInfo.dirty
- }