- # Using Tendermint
- This is a guide to using the `tendermint` program from the command line.
- It assumes only that you [have tendermint installed](/download) and have some rudimentary idea
- of what Tendermint and ABCI are.
- You can see the help menu with `tendermint --help`, and the version number with `tendermint version`.
- ## Directory Root
- The default directory for blockchain data is `~/.tendermint`. Override this by setting the `TMROOT` environment variable.
- ## Initialize
- Initialize the root directory by running:
- ```
- tendermint init
- ```
- This will create a new private key (`priv_validator.json`), and a genesis file (`genesis.json`) containing the associated public key.
- This is all that's necessary to run a local testnet with one validator.
- For more elaborate initialization, see our [testnet deployment tool](https://github.com/tendermint/tools/tree/master/mintnet-kubernetes).
- ## Run
- To run a tendermint node, use
- ```
- tendermint node
- ```
- By default, Tendermint will try to connect to a abci appliction on [](
- If you have the `dummy` ABCI app installed, run it in another window.
- If you don't, kill tendermint and run an in-process version with
- ```
- tendermint node --proxy_app=dummy
- ```
- After a few seconds you should see blocks start streaming in.
- Note that blocks are produced regularly, even if there are no transactions.
- This changes [with this pull request](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/pull/584).
- Tendermint supports in-process versions of the dummy, counter, and nil apps that ship as examples in the [ABCI repository](https://github.com/tendermint/abci).
- It's easy to compile your own app in-process with tendermint if it's written in Go.
- If your app is not written in Go, simply run it in another process,
- and use the `--proxy_app` flag to specify the address of the socket it is listening on, for instance
- ```
- tendermint node --proxy_app=/var/run/abci.sock
- ```
- ## Transactions
- To send a transaction, use `curl` to make requests to the Tendermint RPC server:
- ```
- curl http://localhost:46657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx=\"abcd\"
- ```
- For handling responses, we recommend you [install the jsonpp tool](http://jmhodges.github.io/jsonpp/) to pretty print the JSON.
- We can see the chain's status at the `/status` end-point:
- ```
- curl http://localhost:46657/status | jsonpp
- ```
- and the `latest_app_hash` in particular:
- ```
- curl http://localhost:46657/status | jsonpp | grep app_hash
- ```
- Visit [http://localhost:46657](http://localhost:46657) in your browser to see the list of other endpoints.
- Some take no arguments (like `/status`), while others specify the argument name and use `_` as a placeholder.
- ## Reset
- **WARNING: UNSAFE** Only do this in development and only if you can afford to lose all blockchain data!
- To reset a blockchain, stop the node, remove the `~/.tendermint/data` directory and run
- ```
- tendermint unsafe_reset_priv_validator
- ```
- This final step is necessary to reset the `priv_validator.json`,
- which otherwise prevents you from making conflicting votes in the consensus
- (something that could get you in trouble if you do it on a real blockchain).
- If you don't reset the `priv_validator.json`, your fresh new blockchain will not make any blocks.
- ## Configuration
- Tendermint uses a `config.toml` for configutation. For details, see [the documentation](/docs/specs/configuration).
- Notable options include the socket address of the application (`proxy_app`),
- the listenting address of the tendermint peer (`p2p.laddr`),
- and the listening address of the rpc server (`rpc.laddr`).
- Some fields from the config file can be overwritten with flags.
- ## Broadcast API
- Earlier, we used the `broadcast_tx_commit` endpoint to send a transaction.
- When a transaction is sent to a tendermint node,
- it will run via `CheckTx` against the application.
- If it passes `CheckTx`, it will be included in the mempool,
- broadcast to other peers, and eventually included in a block.
- Since there are multiple phases to processing a transaction, we offer multiple endpoints to broadcast a transaction:
- ```
- /broadcast_tx_async
- /broadcast_tx_sync
- /broadcast_tx_commit
- ```
- These correspond to no-processing, processing through the mempool, and processing through a block, respectively.
- That is, `broadcast_tx_async`, will return right away without waiting to hear if the transaction is even valid,
- while `broadcast_tx_sync` will return with the result of running the transaction through `CheckTx`.
- Using `broadcast_tx_commit` will wait until the transaction is committed in a block or until some timeout is reached,
- but will return right away if the transaction does not pass `CheckTx`.
- The return value for `broadcast_tx_commit` includes two fields, `check_tx` and `deliver_tx`, pertaining to the result of running
- the transaction through those ABCI messages.
- The benefit of using `broadcast_tx_commit` is that the request returns after the transaction is committed (ie. included in a block), but that can take on the order of a second. For a quick result, use `broadcast_tx_sync`,
- but the transaction will not be committed until later, and by that point its effect on the state may change.
- ## Tendermint Networks
- When `tendermint init` is run, both a `genesis.json` and `priv_validator.json` are created in `~/.tendermint`.
- The `genesis.json` might look like:
- ```
- {
- "app_hash": "",
- "chain_id": "test-chain-HZw6TB",
- "genesis_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "validators": [
- {
- "amount": 10,
- "name": "",
- "pub_key": [
- 1,
- "5770B4DD55B3E08B7F5711C48B516347D8C33F47C30C226315D21AA64E0DFF2E"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ```
- And the `priv_validator.json`:
- ```
- {
- "address": "4F4D895F882A18E1D1FC608D102601DA8D3570E5",
- "last_height": 0,
- "last_round": 0,
- "last_signature": null,
- "last_signbytes": "",
- "last_step": 0,
- "priv_key": [
- 1,
- "F9FA3CD435BDAE54D0BCA8F1BC289D718C23D855C6DB21E8543F5E4F457E62805770B4DD55B3E08B7F5711C48B516347D8C33F47C30C226315D21AA64E0DFF2E"
- ],
- "pub_key": [
- 1,
- "5770B4DD55B3E08B7F5711C48B516347D8C33F47C30C226315D21AA64E0DFF2E"
- ]
- }
- ```
- The `priv_validator.json` actually contains a private key, and should thus be kept absolutely secret;
- for now we work with the plain text.
- Note the `last_` fields, which are used to prevent us from signing conflicting messages.
- Note also that the `pub_key` (the public key) in the `priv_validator.json` is also present in the `genesis.json`.
- The genesis file contains the list of public keys which may participate in the consensus,
- and their corresponding voting power.
- Greater than 2/3 of the voting power must be active (ie. the corresponding private keys must be producing signatures)
- for the consensus to make progress.
- In our case, the genesis file contains the public key of our `priv_validator.json`,
- so a tendermint node started with the default root directory will be able to make new blocks,
- as we've already seen.
- If we want to add more nodes to the network, we have two choices:
- we can add a new validator node, who will also participate in the consensus
- by proposing blocks and voting on them,
- or we can add a new non-validator node, who will not participate directly,
- but will verify and keep up with the consensus protocol.
- ### Peers
- To connect to peers on start-up, specify them in the `config.toml` or on the command line.
- For instance,
- ```
- tendermint node --p2p.seeds ","
- ```
- Alternatively, you can use the `/dial_seeds` endpoint of the RPC to specify peers for a running node to connect to:
- ```
- curl --data-urlencode "seeds=[\"\",\"\"]" localhost:46657/dial_seeds
- ```
- Additionally, the peer-exchange protocol can be enabled using the `--pex` flag,
- though this feature is [still under development](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/598)
- If `--pex` is enabled, peers will gossip about known peers and form a more resilient network.
- ### Adding a Non-Validator
- Adding a non-validator is simple. Just copy the original `genesis.json` to `~/.tendermint` on the new machine
- and start the node, specifying seeds as necessary.
- If no seeds are specified, the node won't make any blocks, because it's not a validator,
- and it won't hear about any blocks, because it's not connected to the other peer.
- ### Adding a Validator
- The easiest way to add new validators is to do it in the `genesis.json`, before starting the network.
- For instance, we could make a new `priv_validator.json`, and copy it's `pub_key` into the above genesis.
- We can generate a new `priv_validator.json` with the command:
- ```
- tendermint gen_validator
- ```
- Now we can update our genesis file. For instance, if the new `priv_validator.json` looks like:
- ```
- {
- "address": "AC379688105901436A34A65F185C115B8BB277A1",
- "last_height": 0,
- "last_round": 0,
- "last_signature": null,
- "last_signbytes": "",
- "last_step": 0,
- "priv_key": [
- 1,
- "0D2ED337D748ADF79BE28559B9E59EBE1ABBA0BAFE6D65FCB9797985329B950C8F2B5AACAACC9FCE41881349743B0CFDE190DF0177744568D4E82A18F0B7DF94"
- ],
- "pub_key": [
- 1,
- "8F2B5AACAACC9FCE41881349743B0CFDE190DF0177744568D4E82A18F0B7DF94"
- ]
- }
- ```
- then the new `genesis.json` will be:
- ```
- {
- "app_hash": "",
- "chain_id": "test-chain-HZw6TB",
- "genesis_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "validators": [
- {
- "amount": 10,
- "name": "",
- "pub_key": [
- 1,
- "5770B4DD55B3E08B7F5711C48B516347D8C33F47C30C226315D21AA64E0DFF2E"
- ]
- },
- {
- "amount": 10,
- "name": "",
- "pub_key": [
- 1,
- "8F2B5AACAACC9FCE41881349743B0CFDE190DF0177744568D4E82A18F0B7DF94"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ```
- Update the `genesis.json` in `~/.tendermint`. Copy the genesis file and the new `priv_validator.json`
- to the `~/.tendermint` on a new machine.
- Now run `tendermint node` on both machines, and use either `--p2p.seeds` or the `/dial_seeds` to get them to peer up.
- They should start making blocks, and will only continue to do so as long as both of them are online.
- To make a Tendermint network that can tolerate one of the validators failing, you need at least four validator nodes (> 2/3).
- Updating validators in a live network is supported but must be explicitly programmed by the application developer.
- See the [application developers guide](/docs/guides/app-development#Handshake) for more details.
- ### Local Network
- To run a network locally, say on a single machine, you must change the `_laddr` fields in the `config.toml` (or using the flags)
- so that the listening addresses of the various sockets don't conflict.
- Additionally, you must set `addrbook_strict=false` in the `config.toml`,
- otherwise Tendermint's p2p library will deny making connections to peers with the same IP address.
- ## More
- Got a couple nodes talking to each other using the dummy app?
- Try a more sophisticated app like [Ethermint](https://github.com/tendermint/ethermint),
- or learn more about building your own in the [Application Developer's Guide](/docs/guides/app-development).